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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 99

by Mj Fields

  ���Tessa Ann Ross, you���re in the woods, it’s hunting season, you���re not going to go running. Get back inside and cook me breakfast,��� John demanded.

  She stomped in and did what she was asked. She sat in the garage and ate breakfast and listened to them talk about Ben and his new girl. He would be graduating in a few months and was starting a business to help people in need. Tessa smiled, of course, he was, she thought.

  Friday came, and their books were delivered Tessa looked at them, and they were beautiful.

  Her phone chimed, and it was him

  - I miss you baby, Miguel and Jessie would like to come stay with us for a night, maybe two. Are you up for company?... LL

  - Sure we can have a few people over for dinner, sound alright��� LT

  - Sounds great, I love you��� LL

  Tessa sent out a text to her friends

  - Dinner at our place, please let me know if you can make it���Tessa

  Lucas pulled in, and Miguel followed. Chewy bounded out the door after him. He patted his head and squatted down and let him lick his face. Tessa walked out and smiled.

  He stood up, walked over, and kissed her gently, ���Hello, baby.���

  She wrapped her arms around him and reached up and kissed him again.

  ���I���ve missed you very much,��� she whispered in his ear softly.

  He kissed her again, and she moaned, he smiled, ���You did miss me.���

  She closed her eyes and put her head on his chest.

  ���We have company,��� he stroked her hair.

  She took a deep breath and stepped back.

  ���This is cute,��� Jessie hugged Tessa.

  ���Thanks, it���s actually perfect,��� she smiled at Lucas.

  He smiled back.

  Miguel said hello, and Tessa and Lucas walked them into the house.

  ���Wow��� this is much different from what I expected,��� Jessie looked at their home.

  ���Lucas designed it,��� she wrapped her arm around him.

  ���For you,��� he kissed her.

  ���You two need a few minutes?��� Miguel asked.

  They all laughed, and Tessa winked at him.

  ���Let me show you to your room.���

  They followed with their bags.

  ���You two upstairs again?��� Alex yelled as he and Phoebe walked in

  Tessa laughed and ran down the stairs.

  ���Mom���s mad at you,��� Alex smirked.

  ���What? Why?���

  ���Because you���re supposed to be resting Tessa.���

  Lucas looked at her concerned and then at Alex, ���I���m sorry, I wasn���t thinking.���

  ���Don���t worry about it, Phoebe helped me clean and cook everything is fine ALEX,��� she glared at him.

  Ryan and Jade walked in with the kids, and Lukie jumped on Lucas. Tessa immediately took Riley.

  ���Hello beautiful,��� she said and held her closely.

  Lucas watched her and smiled.

  ���When are you two going to start making babies?��� Jessie asked Lucas.

  ���Not anytime soon,��� Lucas laughed.

  ���I like other people���s kids, but have absolutely no desire to do this for a long time,��� Jessie pointed at the kids and laughed.

  ���Me either,��� he swung Lukie around, ���But he���s cool.���

  Tessa felt her heart sink; Jade looked at her and rolled her eyes.

  ���Hey Phoebe, Jade will you come upstairs with me?���

  They walked in her room, and Tessa gave them their photo books.

  ���I don���t like her,��� Jade said.

  Tessa smiled, ���She���s okay, let it be.���

  They looked through the books and Phoebe blushed. ���Wow, check me out.���

  * * *

  ���Hey Ryan, Jade needs you upstairs,��� Tessa smiled as she walked down the stairs.

  Ryan came down smiling with his book in his hand.

  ���What do you have?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Another one on the way,��� Ryan smiled.

  ���Congratulations?��� he asked, and Jessie laughed.

  ���Of course, congratulations,��� Tessa shot both of them a nasty look.

  Jessie and Lucas both giggled. Tessa walked away, and Luke walked with her. She sat and read to Luke and Riley, and both of them drifted off. She smiled and kissed them and fell asleep too. She woke when Jade and Ryan lifted them off her lap.

  ���Sorry, I fell asleep,��� Tessa stood up

  ���I still don���t like her,��� Jade kissed her cheek.

  Tessa looked over at Lucas. He was sitting at the table laughing with Jessie and Miguel; Jessie seemed very comfortable with him.

  She looked at Phoebe and hugged her, ���I���m going to bed.���

  She went upstairs and tossed and turned. She fell asleep and woke up an hour later. She got up and looked down to the living room. Miguel was asleep; Jessie and Lucas were talking and drinking. She walked downstairs and past them she grabbed her medicine and took a pill, she needed to sleep, and she was pissed.

  ���Goodnight, Tessa,��� Jessie said, ���Thanks for dinner.���

  ���Goodnight,��� she walked upstairs.

  Tessa heard them laugh, and she lay in bed and cried herself to sleep.

  Tessa got up and went for a walk, she didn���t care who would be pissed. Lucas hadn���t come to bed for another hour, she felt him get in. He had not touched her since he got there, and he seemed to not be able to get enough of Jessie���s attention. She walked for and hour and finally went home.

  She walked in, and Lucas was pacing.

  ���Where have you been?��� he snapped.

  She took out her ear buds and raised her eyebrow, ���I went for a walk.���

  ���You���re supposed to be resting, it���s only been a week,��� he ran his hair though his hair clearly frustrated and tried to hug her.

  She looked at him, ���Don���t.���

  Tessa walked upstairs.

  Lucas cooked breakfast and she heard the three of them downstairs talking. She texted Phoebe

  - come make up an excuse to get me out of here, before I blow up��� Tessa

  Twenty minutes later Phoebe walked in.

  ���Hey Lucas, where is Tessa?��� Phoebe asked.

  ���I think she���s taking a shower,��� he said.

  ���Wow, how long has she been up there? I mean I would hate to think something could have happened to her since she is supposed to be resting and all. You remember Lucas, she almost died a week ago but don���t worry we have handled it so far, we can keep doing it,��� she snapped as she ran up the stairs.

  She walked in, and Tessa locked the door behind her. She cried, and Phoebe hugged her. Someone knocked on the door, and Phoebe got up and opened it.

  ���Is she alright?��� Jessie asked.

  ���She is now, she is going to sleep for awhile, apparently she didn���t get much sleep last night,��� Phoebe said.

  ���Is she angry at me?��� Jessie asked.

  ���Tessa is not a catty, game playing girl, if she is mad at you, you���d know it, and it would be for good reason. She needs to rest,��� Phoebe shut the door and lay down with her.

  Phoebe came down an hour later and grabbed her coat and walked out not saying a word.

  Lucas walked out after her, ���Is she okay?���

don���t you ask her Lucas?��� she yelled. ���Last night, you didn���t say two words to her, I did however catch that you didn���t want kids and you and your little friend snickering at her. What is wrong with you? You���re an ass! She���s asleep, and I���ll be back in two hours to help her, I don���t know fix fucking dinner for you and your friends.���

  Phoebe got in Alex truck and left.

  ���You���re in trouble,��� Jessie giggled.

  ���No, she���s right, I have been an ass,��� he said and then laughed. ���I am so screwed.���

  Miguel walked upstairs and poked his head in the door, he saw Tessa was sleeping. He grabbed their bags and walked downstairs.

  ���We���re going to get going man. We���ll see you tomorrow right?��� he asked.

  Lucas went upstairs and lay next to Tessa. He fell asleep. When he woke up, she was downstairs with Phoebe. He walked down and looked at her.

  ���You’re pissed at me?���

  She looked away

  ���I���ll see you later,��� Phoebe hugged her ���If you need anything, call me.���

  ���I just don���t understand?��� she said and cried, ���Why does this not feel right?���

  ���Sorry, I brought people back to my house Tessa, they are my friends,��� Lucas slammed the refrigerator door.

  ���Okay, so you now have female friends, and now you don���t want kids?��� she asked.

  ���Tessa I���ve lost three, do you understand that?��� he asked.

  ���Yeah, I kind of get it,��� she snapped.

  ���So maybe I���m not supposed to have them,��� he said. ���Miguel is my friend and Jessie is his girlfriend.���

  ���He was asleep, and you stayed down here for hours talking to her and laughing when you have spent days at their house. You hadn���t even said a word to me since you pulled in the driveway and it makes me feel like you don���t care,��� she started to cry again.

  ���No need to cry Tessa,��� he said standing up, ���I am heading out tonight, I don���t need this! You���re being foolish!���

  He walked up the stairs.

  She heard him slamming doors and drawers and then it was quiet. She went up and cleaned the guest bath and stripped the bed. She brought the dirty sheets to the garage to wash. She walked into the living room, and he was sitting and looking at the book.

  ���Did you do this for me?��� he smiled.

  ���No, it was a gift for my father you…��� she said and saw his bags. ���Have a great week.���

  She walked upstairs, lay down, and fell asleep.

  * * *

  Tessa woke up screaming, and he ran up the stairs. ���Are you alright?���

  ���I thought you were leaving,��� she lay back down and turned her back to him.

  ���What are you dreaming about Tessa?���

  ���None of your business.���

  ���It is, and you know it,��� he rubbed her back.

  ���It���s me in the water in a wedding dress,��� she said. ���Okay? Now leave!���

  He kissed her, ���Maybe that���s why you���re on edge.���

  ���No Lucas ��� yesterday is why I���m on edge. I think I���ve been very cool about things lately. And see where that gets me? In bed alone last night, while you hang out with a girl you have spent the last three nights with talking about not wanting kids,��� she snapped.

  ���Alright the baby thing, I sometimes feel I don���t deserve them. I don���t want another lose Tessa, do you?���

  ���I���m not willing to give up on that.���

  ���And Jessie has been helping me with my list for our wedding.���

  ���Oh, I see, you can���t do that with me?���

  ���You asked me to do it, I have no idea about wedding etiquette,��� he kissed her. ���Don���t fight with me, these are huge steps Tessa. Steps I never thought I would take,��� he tried to kiss her again.

  ���You���ve told me you wanted to marry me since you met me. I���m the one who has pushed it back. So now you doubt it?��� she asked. ���Cold feet Lucas? If so, say the words.���

  ���I love you, I want to marry you,��� he said, ���Those are the only words I have for you right now, Tessa I love you, don���t do this to us.���

  She felt foolish he always seemed to be able to smooth things over maybe it was her.

  ���Do you want me to leave?���

  ���No,��� she said quietly.

  ���Good,��� he said and pulled her against him.

  She felt pressure against her back, and he reached around and caressed her and everything was better. That���s all it took to erase her unease. Stupid girl, she thought.

  * * *

  Alex and Phoebe got married on a Friday night, and the wedding was small and beautiful.

  Tessa pulled Alex aside, ���Did you like the book?���

  ���What do you think?��� he asked laughing.

  ���Make our family proud tonight,��� she hugged him as he laughed.

  She hugged Phoebe, ���Enjoy tonight.���

  Phoebe smiled, ���I think I will.���

  * * *

  The next day Lucas had his first game since he had gotten hurt and he did amazing. Tessa stayed in New Jersey with him.

  Tessa was attending all his games. At the end of the season, they were in the playoffs in a wild card spot. Lucas was excited and was working out harder than ever before. He had completely healed and was physically in the best shape of his life. They didn���t make it past the playoffs but had a great season. He dove into school the next semester with hopes to finish that spring.

  On Spring break, he went to training camp, and she went with him. They checked into the hotel and went right to the room.

  ���Checkout this room,��� she smiled.

  ���Nice huh?��� he threw her on the bed.

  She laughed, and he tore off her clothes. He seemed happier than he had been in months. She pulled his shirt off over his head, and he smiled.

  ���Don���t stop there,��� and pointed down.

  She did as she was asked as he guided her head and finally finished. He lay down.

  ���You���re amazing,��� he said as she walked to the bathroom.

  When she came out, he had fallen asleep. She watched him sleep for awhile and his phone chimed waking him.

  - Party at the pool in twenty minutes���Miguel

  At the party, Lucas mingled with the others, and Tessa danced and had fun. She had a few too many to drink, and she walked up to him.

  ���Take me to bed Lucas,��� she whispered.

  ���There will be plenty of time for that,��� he kissed her. ���Let���s hang out here for a while.���

  She scowled at him and walked back to the dance floor. She watched him talking and flirting with the wives and girlfriends. Something she had grown used to over the past couple months. One of the new hopefuls asked her to dance, and she accepted. As they danced Jessie pointed it out to Lucas, who by this time was intoxicated, he walked over and grabbed her arm.

  ���Let���s go!���

  She smiled at him and laughed, ���Baby, there will be plenty of time for that. Beside���s you already got a blow job you should be all set for tonight.���

  Tessa winked at him and continued dancing.

  He pulled her through the crowd and t
hey went upstairs, he was pissed.

  ���That is not how my future wife is going to act,��� he said as he began peeled her very tight dress off.

  ���Well my dear, future husband, if it���s okay for you, it should be for me,��� she slapped his hand away.

  ���What the fuck Tessa, it���s not the same,��� he grabbed her hand.

  ���You’re hurting me,��� she said, he let go, ���I���m going back down to the party.���

  ���The fuck you are!���

  The room was spinning and Tessa walked into the bathroom and threw up.

  ���Nice, my drunk little bitch,��� he snapped and she threw a bottle of body wash at him.

  Lucas looked at her, and she threw up again.

  ���You need to move, I have to take a piss.���

  She threw up and tried to grab a hair tie from the counter and went back to the toilet and bent over and threw up again, she felt something wet on her leg and looked over. He was pissing on her leg.

  ���I told you to move,��� he laughed.

  She stood up and slapped him, and he continued to laugh.

  ���Just marking my territory.���

  She jumped in the shower and when she got out he was gone.

  His phone chimed it was her

  - I hate you��� Tessa

  - Not as much as you���re going to��� Lucas

  - where are you?... Tessa

  - I���m going to dance baby, and not with you… Lucas

  She was throwing her things in her bag when he stumbled back in the room.

  ���Put that down and get your ass in bed,��� he laughed.

  ���Fuck you!���

  ���That���s the plan, either you or one of those girls down there,��� he glared at her.

  She started to cry.

  ���Don���t do that,��� he stumbled towards her.

  ���I���m done with this Lucas.���

  ���No, you���re not,��� he grabbed her and kissed her.

  ���Stop it,��� she pulled away from him.

  ���You asked for it earlier, and then you went and danced with the new guy, did you not expect this to end up this way? What the hell Tessa, you really enjoy pushing my buttons��� his eyes were red showing anger. ���Yeah, this can be done, I won���t be treated like this!���


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