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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 123

by Mj Fields

  They sat quietly for what seemed like forever. Their bodies pressed together and his arms wrapped around her watching the fire as the sun set. He rubbed her leg lightly with his fingers as she stroked his arm. He lightly kissed her neck. She felt safe and happy; she could stay like this forever.

  She started to shiver a bit and he spoke breaking the silence.

  ���You���re shivering Tessa, let���s go inside.���

  ���I want to stay like this forever,��� she said and he knew he wanted to as well.

  He reached down and grabbed the blanket off the back of the chair next to him and covered them up. She fell asleep.

  Collin woke when he felt the rain begin to fall, within seconds it was pouring down on them, she jumped up startled and they ran inside. They looked at each other and started laughing.

  His eyebrow arched and he pulled her back outside, she couldn���t believe it, he had lost his mind. He pulled her close to him and kissed her. She received his kiss as the rain came pouring down on them. He stepped away and looked at her as she raised her hands in the air and laughed out loud.

  ���Tessa��� he yelled as she danced in circles, ���Tessa ��� I love you!���

  Tessa stopped spinning and looked at him with a hurt look on her face and she began to cry. He walked to her and lifted her face so that she was looking up at him.

  ���Tessa, don���t cry, I���m sorry I didn���t mean to������ and she kissed him hard.

  She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him with her hands full of his hair, He walked with her wrapped around him into the house and kicked the door closed with his foot. He gently laid her on the hardwood floor and she looked at him her chest was rising and falling rapidly. He was straddling her and she sat up and lifted his wet shirt off and tossed it aside, she began kissing his chest and neck and then back to his mouth.

  ���Tessa,��� he growled ���As much as I want you, please stop, I don���t know how much more I can take.���

  ���I don���t want to stop Collin, please,��� she said as he pulled away from her.

  He looked at her and moved towards her, ready to take her.

  They heard a scratch at the door and then the dog whining loudly. He sat back up and laughed. He stood bent over with his hands on his knees and laughed a painful laugh. She stood breathless her eyes heavy with desire and walked to the door and let the soaking wet dog in. Leia began to shake and Collin grabbed the sweatshirt and covered her and began to dry her off. Tessa went and grabbed a towel and helped him.

  When they finished, they looked at each other and started to laugh.

  ���I guess we are just not meant to do this��� she grinned at him.

  He looked distant and a bit embarrassed, not a look she was used to at all from this strong, confident man who sat on the floor beside her.

  ���Collin what���s going on, are you regretting what you said to me?���

  ���No Tessa, I���m just sorry if it made you uncomfortable.���

  ���Uncomfortable?��� she asked, ���No Collin not uncomfortable, happy, ecstatic, elated, far from uncomfortable.���

  ���Okay,��� he looked up even more confused than before.

  ���I���m sorry,��� she said. ���I���ve upset you. If it were just at the moment, I get it if you want me to forget you said it I can try, I guess,��� Tessa felt butterflies in her stomach and her face turned red.

  ���Tessa, you don���t have to act like your glad I said that I love you. I understand if you don���t feel that way about me, but I promise that you will, in time.���

  Tessa looked at him and started to laugh, ���Oh Collin no, that���s not it.���

  His eyes were wide like a deer in the headlights and she moved to him. She straddled his lap and lifted his face to her and kissed him gently.

  ���I love your lips even when they are not touching mine,��� she began. ���I love your eyes that seem to be able to pierce right through my heart,��� she continued. ���I love your perfect nose��� and she kissed it. ���I love your shoulders, that I���m quite sure were made for me to fall into and take comfort in,��� she moved down and kissed his chest. ���I love your heart that for now is mine,��� she said as she looked up at his eyes that were watching her every move. ���I love you Collin Abraham, and I think I have since the night we sat out there with my family, and that scares me to death.���

  She took a deep breath and stared into his eyes.

  He kissed her gently and pulled her into him ���Tessa, I won���t ever hurt you, do you understand me? I couldn���t do that to you.���

  They sat like that for a long time and she finally looked at the clock. ���Collin, it���s three in the morning and it���s been a long but perfect day can we go upstairs and go to sleep?���

  ���Of course, anything you want.���


  He took her hand. ���Let���s sleep Tessa. I���m drained.���

  She went into the closet and grabbed some night clothes. He watched her as she dropped her clothes on the floor. Her back is beautiful, and she is beautiful he thought as she slipped a night shirt over her body. She stood in her panties; she turned and pushed the door a bit blocking his view. He could see her hip as she bent to remove them. She pulled on a pair of pajama pants and walked out the door.

  ���Tessa, my flight leaves at eight I���m going to run over and grab my bags. I���ll be back in a few minutes alright?���

  ���Uh hu, hurry back she yawned, I love you,��� she said with a smile.

  He smiled at her and stood up and turned to walk away.

  ���Collin, would you please say it back?��� she asked softly.

  ���Tessa, I love you,��� he walked back and kissed her.

  * * *

  Collin walked out the back door towards his house. He looked at Tessa���s car that was sitting lower than normal; he walked towards it and saw that all four tires had been slashed. He almost panicked as he started back towards her house; he ran up the stairs and into her room, she was asleep and safe. He grabbed Tessa���s phone off the nightstand and ignored the missed messages she had. He walked downstairs, locked the doors, and called the police.

  ���This is Collin Abraham, I need someone down to my place now.���

  He hung up the phone and they were there within minutes. They took pictures and walked around the property. He was she would be safe so he ran next door to grab some clothes, his toothbrush his iPad and his phone. He had several missed calls as well. He would deal with them later, he thought as he went back next door.

  He sat with the police on the back patio as they told him their findings.

  ���We dusted for prints on the car, not much was gathered but we will run what we have. Something of concern is the footprints around both of your houses, which were distorted from the rain that���s all we have Mr. Abraham. We���ll let you know what we get back on the prints.���

  They heard a noise inside and he looked panicked, they stood and the officers reached for their guns as she walked out onto the patio, she froze as she saw them.

  ���What���s going on Collin?��� she gasped, ���are you okay?���

  ���Yes Tessa I���m fine. Thank you, officers please let me know when you find something out.���

  Collin walked towards her as they left through the side yard.

  ���Someone slashed your tires Tessa. I called the police they checked everything out and will be getting back to me when they find something out.���

  She looked lik
e she was in shock.

  ���I want to see��� she turned away and walked into the house.

  He followed her through the house and out the door, she stood and stared at her Jeep, ���Who would do this?���

  ���I don���t know, but I intend to find out,��� he took her hand and walked into the house.

  She started to make breakfast and he made some phone calls.

  ���Tomas yes, I need you here as soon as you can, yes we have a problem,��� He checked his messages and she put his food in front of him.

  ���Shit��� he slammed his phone down.

  ���Collin what is it?���

  ���My mother, she checked herself out yesterday, well sort of, she left and they don���t know where she is.���

  ���You should go Collin and find her.���

  ���No, I have a feeling she���s here��� he sounded weary and looked cautiously up at her.

  ���Collin, do you think your mother did that to my Jeep?���

  ���I do Tessa,��� he dialed the phone.

  ���Yes this is Collin Abraham, could I speak to Detective Spokes, please.��� He waited ���Hello I want you to run Catherine Abraham���s prints against the ones you found today, she left the rehab center yesterday, thank you. I���ll be waiting for your call,��� Collin hung up and looked at Tessa.

  He dialed the phone again ���This is Collin Abraham, could you please send a tow truck to my house. There is a Jeep in the parking lot that needs four new tires, yes thank you.���

  She pushed her food around on her plate, she was shocked, she felt bad for him, she could feel him looking at her and she turned to him.

  ���Are you alright, Collin?���

  ���No, not really, what was I thinking bringing someone into this shit,��� he looked down at his plate, ���Don���t eat that. FUCK!��� he stood and dumped their plates in the garbage, ���I should have never gotten emotionally attached to anyone.���

  She stood up and walked out on the patio, he followed her out and grabbed her arm. ���Tessa, you will stay with me until we have some answers, it won���t take long, but you���re going to have to deal with it.���

  He turned her towards him and she was fighting back tears, ���Tessa it���s going to be fine.���

  ���Collin you told me you loved me last night and today you say you wished you had never gotten attached,��� her tears flowed slowly and she wiped them from her face. ���I wake up to cops in the back yard and you think it���s your mother. Leia killing the mood last night, it���s all too much, maybe we aren���t supposed to be together. I seem to cause you pain and confusion and that���s not what it is supposed to be like.���

  ���Tessa I love you,��� he said as he grabbed her and hugged her, ���I have left the baggage behind a long time ago. She has resurfaced and brought a whole shit storm with her. I���ll fix it, and trust me, I love you. I don���t think it���s a sign, a sign from where the depths of hell?���

  She relaxed and wrapped her arms around him. ���I love you Collin, and whatever is going on I need you to know you need to be honest with me, and I���ll help you through it, we���re in this together.���

  ���Sir��� Tomas spoke from behind them. ���I���m here.���

  ���Tessa I need you to come to my place while Tomas and I do some work. Come on Leia��� he said they all walked over together.

  Tessa sat on the couch and pet the dog and listened to Collin give instructions to Tomas.

  ���Detective Spokes is in charge of the case, so he is our local contact. You should call our guy in New Jersey and anybody else you have down there, get them on this. I need about five people around here, and any PI���s you trust need to be brought in, I want this over by tomorrow night.��� Collin turned towards Tessa; ���I have a date tomorrow night.���

  Collin���s phone rang and he answered, and listened he shook his head and looked down. ���Thank you, please keep me posted, I am getting a few people on this here. You need to call Newark, New Jersey���s main station Detective Thort and have him fax you her latest stunt. Will do, goodbye,��� he hung up. ���Did you get that Tomas? Alright let���s get this ball rolling.���

  Tomas handed Collin a Glock 22 caliber semi- automatic handgun and Collin checked it over and stuffed it in the back of his pants. Tomas then handed him a compact handgun a Beretta and Collin put that one in his pocket.

  He looked up at Tessa, who looked like she was in shock.

  ���This is a lot to deal with I know, but I promise you���ll be okay,��� he turned to Tomas, ���everyone you can find, I want that the bitch caught. You need to know a few things,��� Collin took her hand and led her to his office.

  He pulled up two chairs in front of a large wooden desk and motioned for her to sit. He turned on the monitor and Googled the name Catherine Abraham. Several links popped up.






  ���Collin, this is your Mother the one who slashed my tires?��� Tessa���s voice was shaky. He shook his head yes. ���Really?��� she gasped.

  ���Tessa, do you remember what I told you about her?��� she shook her head yes ���this is the rest of it.���

  ���Collin you don���t have to do this,��� she said.

  ���Tessa full disclosure, open and honest. I love you, and you say you love me, but if this gets to be too much I will understand and you are free to go,��� he paused, ��� But not until I know she is behind bars and you���re safe.���

  He kissed her head swiftly ���If you need to take a break let me know.���

  He clicked on link after link and she read and read. The woman who gave birth to this man, who she was head over heels in love with was awful. What would drive someone to do this?

  Catherine Abrahams was heavily involved in drugs and alcohol. She sold them to feed her habit, when she was being watched she had to lay low. The men she brought in and out of her life were drug dealers. Some of those drug dealers fathered her children. She tried to lure men in by offering up her children, Collin the youngest of the three, who were three years apart, offered himself to protect his siblings. When the older two came of age to leave and finally escaped her clutches, they ended up dead. His brother of an accidental heroin overdose, a drug Collin was sure his brother hadn���t injected himself. And his sister was shot soon after she alerted DSS to what her brother was going through, in her last attempt to get him out of there. Catherine had spent 11 years in Bedford Hills, women���s prison in downstate NY. She was released due to good behavior and because she had been deemed fit for society.

  It had been two hours and she had read the entire time, he finally spoke and she looked at him he looked like a frightened child.

  ���Tessa can we take a break from this?��� he asked in anguish.

  ���Of course, we can, whatever you need,��� she kissed him.

  They went out and she opened the fridge to make something for him for lunch. She would not be eating, her stomach sick and head pounding and spinning trying to think of what she could possibly say or do. She saw several trays of snacks and meals prepared sitting on the shelves before her.

  She heated the oven and put chicken parmesan in for Tomas and Collin, who were talking in the living room.<
br />
  ���I���m going to run next door and grab a few things. I���ll be right back,��� she yelled over her shoulder.

  ���Tessa, no, if you need something Tomas will go grab it,��� he insisted.

  ���Ok, I���ll make a list, I guess.���

  She handed the list to Tomas and mentioned the clothes she needed for tonight being in the downstairs bathroom.

  ���Tessa you can���t go tonight,��� Collin snapped.

  ���What do you mean? Do you think she���d show up at a church?��� she saw that he was not budging and stomped to the couch and sat, ���Unreal, add my laptop to that list, please.���

  Tomas brought her things and handed them to her; she checked her phone and had several missed calls and text messages. She opened her laptop and checked out Facebook.

  Lucas had sent several messages and posted a song on his wall and tagged her in it.

  Shinedown���s Second Chance, Time to Move on���need a few minutes, pick up your phone!

  Ben had commented���Seriously leave her alone asshat!

  Tessa laughed out loud and her phone rang, it was Lucas.

  ���Hello,��� she said quietly.

  ���Tessa,��� Lucas said letting out a breath.

  ���Is everything alright?���

  ���No!��� Lucas snapped.

  Tessa didn���t say anything for a few minutes.

  ���Lucas, please just say whatever it is you need to,��� Tessa sat back and pulled her knees to her chest.

  ���We need to fix this���I love you Tessa,��� she heard his voice break.

  ���Please don���t do this,��� Tessa whispered.

  ���Do what? You need to come home I���ll do whatever it takes,��� Lucas whispered.


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