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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 128

by Mj Fields

  She hung up the phone and looked at her friends who were all staring at her.

  ���Right now I need to get changed. I promise to fill you all in soon,��� she smiled and went into change.

  * * *

  ���Phoebe just four more hours and she���ll be here,��� Jade said trying to calm her.

  ���Or how about now?��� Tessa asked as she walked into the room.

  The people in the waiting room could hear all the laughter coming from the room just two doors down, they all smiled, knowing Phoebe was going to be much happier.

  She was seven centimeters dilated and 100% effaced, she was in an extreme pain and had finally after four hours asked for something to help with the pain. Tessa told her she was making the right choice that she needed to be able to relax. She was still refusing the epidural, but the pain Meds they gave her let her sleep for about an hour.

  Tessa walked into the waiting room, and she told them Phoebe was doing alright and had been a trooper she is resting now. She knew they wouldn���t leave until she had the baby, but told them it would be a good time to go grab something to eat. Lucas and Jessie were the first to leave.

  Tessa went back into the room and told Alex to go stretch his legs and get something to eat, Jade was asleep in the chair beside Phoebe.

  It was eight o���clock Friday morning, and Phoebe had just had a second dose of pain meds. She was nine centimeters but now resting, Tessa walked out into the hall and closed her eyes and stretched her back, she rubbed her eyes squatted down and leaned against the wall to rest.

  Lucas and Jessie were standing in the entry when Tessa���s Jeep pulled in the parking garage. Collin got out and walked up to the doors. Focused, he didn���t look at the people standing outside. He went to the information desk and got directions to the labor and delivery floor. He rode the elevator to the third floor and stepped off following the signs. He looked at his watch it was 8:05. He went to the nurse���s station and was given a lot of attention. He asked for Tessa, and they pointed to her. He walked over and squatted down in front of her and took her sleeping face in his hands.

  ���Good morning, beautiful.���

  She looked up and smiled ���Collin you came?���

  ���You said you needed me.���

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and they stood up, and held each other for a long time. She finally opened her eyes and looked towards the nurses��� station; they all stood looking at her smiling. She smiled at them.

  He kissed her forehead, ���Everything���s going to be alright.��� They held hands and started walking towards the waiting room.

  ���God help me,��� she heard Phoebe cry out.

  She looked at Collin and saw Lucas and Jessie getting off the elevator, she closed her eyes tightly and let out a frustrated sound. Collin followed the direction of her eyes and saw Jessie and what he knew must be Lucas.

  ���I hate to leave you right now.���

  He grabbed her face and kissed her, ���I���m a big boy, I’ll be fine. Go help Phoebe and your brother.���

  Tessa walked into the room and looked at Phoebe, who was now fully dilated and ready to push.

  ���You ready to meet that baby?���

  Jade looked terrified, Tessa smiled at her, ���If you want to leave, you can. Collin���s here, he might enjoy seeing a familiar face,��� she nodded to the door.

  Jade walked out, and he stood leaned against the wall next to the waiting room, ���Hey there neighbor how are you doing?���

  ���Hello Jade, how is everything going in there?���

  They walked in the waiting room together.

  ���Becca you remember Collin, Tessa���s neighbor at the Cape?��� she asked with a smile and then rolled her eyes, ���Oh and Jessie, you met him too.���

  ���Hello Collin,��� Becca said, ���Nice to see you again, this is my husband, Joshua.���

  ���Nice to see you as well, pleasure to meet you Joshua,��� Collin extended his hand to shake his.

  ���Collin,��� Jade laughed, ���This is my husband, Ryan.���

  ���Hello Ryan,��� Collin smiled.

  Ryan smiled and glanced towards Lucas nervously

  ���And this is Lucas,��� Jade smiled.

  ���Hey,��� Lucas looked him up and down.

  Collin sat in the chair closest to the door, and Jade went over and sat on Ryan���s lap. He hugged her and kissed her cheek tenderly.

  ���How are you doing Jade? You tired?���

  ���I���m scarred for life,��� she said and they all laughed, ���Glad Tessa is here, and I don���t have to be in there now. Phoebe is a trooper, no epidural for her. She���s ready to have that baby now. It shouldn���t be long.���

  Collin looked around the room, Lucas was glaring at him. He held eye contact with him until Lucas looked away.

  ���Would anyone like some coffee or tea?��� Collin asked many of them said they would.

  When Collin left Lucas looked at Jade, and she smirked at him. Everyone sat silently. Joshua broke the silence.

  ���He seems like a nice guy. Coming all this way to see Tessa, must be a great neighbor.���

  Becca and Jade smiled knowingly at one another, and in unison said ���Yes, that was nice of him.���

  ���So is she banging him now?��� Lucas asked pissed off.

  Collin walked in and put the tray on the table in the waiting room ���No, I don���t bang.���

  He winked at Jade and turned grabbing a tea for Tessa and walked towards the nurses��� station.

  He smiled, ���Would one of you see that Miss Ross gets this?���

  Collin stood in the hallway, not wanting to return to the waiting room, he wanted to punch that asshole in the face, it made him angry hearing him talk about Tessa like that. Infuriated him to think he had ever put his hands on her, he wondered how many others had touched her, and he leaned against the wall and squatted down. He could hear Tessa talking.

  * * *

  Phoebe was crowning, she was exhausted, and in an extreme amount of pain, she would no longer hold her knees up.

  Alex was terrified.

  ���You���re doing great,��� Tessa told him.

  ���I feel useless, there isn���t a damn thing I can do!��� Alex wanted desperately to make this easier for her.

  ���She did exactly what you needed her to Alex, now she���s tired, and it���s time for you to step in. She needs to bare down and is too exhausted to hold herself up. So, right now you are going to help her sit up, she isn���t going to like it. Then you���re going to climb into bed behind her and put her between your legs and act like a chair holding her up��� Tessa instructed. ���Then you���re going to kiss her head and rub her back, and when she calls you an asshole Alex, you���re going to calmly say I know.���

  Alex removed his shoes and climbed into bed behind Phoebe, ���What the hell are you doing Alex? Isn���t this what got us here in the first place!���

  ���Phoebe, doggy style?��� Tessa asked.

  Phoebe closed her eyes tightly and laughed as she shook her head, ���Yes.���

  ���We���re going to have a boy today,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���How do you know?��� she yelled through the contraction.

  Tessa took the opportunity to quietly instruct Alex, ���Grab behind her knees and gently pull them towards her.���

  ���Damn it Alex, that hurts,��� Phoebe yelled, and he kissed her head.

  Tessa checked to see if the doctor was stretching he
r so she wouldn���t tear, Dr. Brown looked at her.

  ���I know what I���m doing Tessa, concentrate on keeping her head together, I can handle this,��� she laughed.

  ���Phoebe, do you want to know why I think it���s a boy?���

  Phoebe shook her head yes as she leaned back into Alex.

  ���The sperm that causes the baby to be male are like sprinters, they run fast for a short amount of time. The female sperm take their time, they check things out, and you know kind of hanging out with their friends and enjoying themselves, they can go much further, they have endurance. So if you were doggy style when this little one was conceived the chances are great for a boy. Deeper penetration you know, especially if it was a Friday night when Alex here had been in the fields all week after classes holding them guys back for a few days.���

  Phoebe laughed through her pain. She was contracting.

  ���Could you do me a favor and push really hard now, like you���re going number two, I need to see if I���m right. Alex, when she starts pushing you pull her legs up got it.���

  Tessa kissed Phoebe cheek, ���Let���s get this done.���

  Phoebe pushed, and the baby���s head was almost all the way out.

  ���Ouch, damn it ��� I can���t do this,��� she cried.

  Tessa grabbed a mirror and faced it so Phoebe could see.

  ���Look Pheeb���s you can see the baby���s head, one more push like that and your baby will be out and in your arms.���

  Phoebe pushed and screamed as Alex held her legs.

  Dr. Brown smiled, ���Alex you want to climb down here and do the honors?���

  ���Phoebe, it���s a boy, it���s a boy, I have a nephew!��� she kissed her and tears fell down her face.

  Alex cut the cord and the nurses cleaned him off and swaddled him and handed him to Phoebe. She cried, Tessa hugged them both. He was six weeks early, but his APGAR scores were perfect. He was 7 pounds and 19 inches long. He had a lot of hair, and it was blonde, he cried when they gave him his first immunizations and so did Phoebe. His O2 levels were great, and they were not concerned about his lung functions, he was a healthy beautiful baby boy.

  ���You did great, and he is healthy and perfect. Alex you better go let the crew know, but hurry back, your family needs you,��� Tessa sat and watched as Phoebe looked at her precious baby boy.

  ���Now Tessa, this is true love,��� she whispered as she kissed her newborn baby���s head.

  * * *

  ���They all can���t wait to meet little Remington��� Alex smiled as he returned and kissed Phoebe.

  ���Really Alex, you want to name him after a gun?���

  ���I think it���s a good name Phoebe please?���

  ���Alright ��� Remington it is.���

  ���It���s beautiful Phoebe,��� Tessa said with a smile.

  Tessa walked into the hallway and saw Collin standing against the wall. God he was beautiful. Perfectly put together all the damn time. His hair was her favorite, soft and long enough on top to hold onto. He was always well and put together. He was all long, lean muscle, very strong, extraordinarily broad and toned. She smiled at him and then remembered she was in light green scrubs. Suddenly feeling self- conscious she looked down and tugged at her shirt.

  ���Hey beautiful, how���s the little guy?��� he asked.

  She smiled and hugged him, ���Walk down here with me I���m sure they are all anxious to hear about him as well.���

  They walked into the waiting room hand in hand; he smiled as he looked down at her while she smiled and looked around the room. ���Well, you all would be happy to know that she has agreed to Remington.��� They all hooted howled, ���He is 7 pounds and 22 inches long. He has a lot of hair and it very blonde, even though he is early his lung functions and APGAR scores are great. He won���t be moved to Upstate.���

  ���You going to introduce your friend, Tess,��� Lucas snapped.

  ���Well, I figured that had already been done, sorry how rude of me. Collin Abraham, this is Ryan, and Josh, they have been friends of mine since kindergarten. And you have met Jade and Becca, and this is Lucas and oh that���s right you met Jessie as well,��� she smirked.

  ���Nice to meet you all, again,��� he smiled, and without thinking bent down and kissed Tessa on the head.

  ���Why don���t you two get a fucking room?��� Lucas stood and puffed up his chest.

  ���Why don���t you sit down there killer,��� Collin said raising his eyebrow.

  ���He���s right,��� Becca said, ���This is neither the time nor place for you to act like a jackass.���

  Her husband���s mouth dropped, and they all stared at her.

  ���It���s a donkey, not a curse word,��� Becca said rationalizing her outburst.

  Tessa laughed, ���Becca, Becca. We���re all human, I���m sure it���ll be forgiven.���

  They all laughed. Tessa went to see if Phoebe was ready for company, she was.

  Tess walked back into the waiting room, seeing Lucas glaring at Collin as Collin leaned against the wall looking back at him appearing slightly amused. ���Alright two at a time go ahead and meet that little precious gift.���

  Jade and Ryan went first.

  ���Did he already see him?��� Lucas asked Tessa nodding to Collin.

  ���No, Lucas he hasn���t, but he will soon. Remington is my nephew,��� Tessa answered calmly, ���Hey Lucas, this is for Alex and Phoebe okay?���

  ���I���m going in FIRST! First,��� Lucas repeated and looked at Collin.

  Collin���s eyes flashed red, his nostrils flared as he looked towards Tessa. She looked exhausted and torn.

  ���Can you and I take a walk until they have all met Remington? Because today is about him, not the order people go in,��� Collin stood and took her hand and kissed it as they walked out.

  She walked towards the nurse���s station and brought him back to the break room.

  ���I���m sorry about that, he has ��� issues,��� Tessa said with a weak smile.

  She sat on an old orange tweed chair; he leaned down and picked her up, and was sitting down with her cradled in his arms when one of the nurses walked in.

  She blushed, ���Oh please, excuse me.���

  ���Rosie come in, we���re just going to wait in here until everyone else has gone in. When you go out would you please let Jade know I am in here?��� Tessa asked.

  Rosie grabbed the supplies she needed and walked out of the room with a smile on her face. Tessa stood up and grabbed the hospital issued toothbrush and toothpaste out of the cupboard and brushed her teeth in the sink, Collin asked if he could use it and she handed it to him. He brushed his teeth and then grabbed her and pulled her down hard on his lap. He kissed her softly and pulled her into him. He kissed her again, but this time harder, her head spun, she was exhausted but excited to see him, touch him, and to be held by him.

  ���What���s going on in here��� Jade called as she and Ryan walked through the door. ���You hiding on big bad Lucas?���

  ���Not hiding just putting a hold on teaching him when it���s appropriate and when it���s not to try pushing buttons. He is not ever to speak to her like that again,��� Collin said through his now clenched jaw.

  ���He���s just figuring out what he lost, you know,��� Ryan said to Collin, ���Don���t let him get to you man.���

  Jade smiled as he spoke. Collin could see how much she adored him. Regardless of how crude
she could be they were in love, and he could tell.

  Collin shook his head in agreement.

  When they had all met the baby Tessa and Collin went in, ���Hey guys I wanted Collin to meet Remington. Collin this is Remington.���

  ���Hello Phoebe,��� Collin said, ���Tessa said that you where one brave woman, congratulations. Hello, Alex nice to see you again��� They shook his hand. ���And you must be Remington, welcome to the world little man, you have a very strong name.���

  Tessa smiled knowing how happy that would make Alex. They chatted for a bit and decided they would be back on Sunday to visit either here or at their house.

  Phoebe wanted a picture of Tessa, Collin, and Remington, ���Absolutely, can you take one with my phone too?���

  * * *

  They walked out to the Jeep, and there was a note on the windshield addressed to Tessa on the hospital���s letterhead, she grabbed it and read it aloud.


  You really are pissing me off! Which I���m sure, is exactly why you brought that dick here. You need to grow up and get over it. I���ve moved on maybe you should do the same, when you���re ready. I know you���re not over me yet because you���re trying to rub my nose in shit, meaning that douche bag. You may want to keep him away, I���m not fucking joking.

  He left it unsigned.

  She looked at Collin and immediately wished she hadn���t read it out loud. His eyes were narrowed and jaw set.

  She hugged him. ���Sorry, I shouldn���t have read that.���

  ���I would have insisted,��� he growled.

  She let go of him and stood back and crossed her arms and laughed.

  ���It���s not funny Tessa,��� he said through his teeth.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up wrapping her legs around him.

  ���You���re kind of hot when you���re mad,��� she teased, and she kissed him.

  A car drove by and honked, Lucas hung out the window and yelled, ���Don���t start being a whore now, Tessa!���


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