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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 138

by Mj Fields

  ���What���s wrong?��� he asked clenching his jaw.

  ���I���m not on any type of birth control,��� she said as her eyes danced.

  ���You want children right?��� he asked curiously.

  ���Yes but we can wait until you���re ready.���

  ���I���m ready, are you? Say the words, beautiful.���

  ���Yes as long as you are I am,��� she smiled from ear to ear and covered her face he laughed and lightly pushed her down.

  ���Let���s do it,��� he kissed her.

  He was wild, and after she had reached orgasm twice, he whispered in her ear, ���Boy or girl? Tell me what you want.���

  ���Surprise me,��� she giggled.

  He pulled her up facing him and smiled. She couldn���t move so he moved her and he finally released into her as he held her tightly against him.

  ���So what is it going to be?��� she asked breathlessly.

  He laid her down and put a pillow under her butt elevating her hips.

  ���A surprise,��� he kissed her, ���Don���t move for about ten minutes.���

  Collin stood up and kissed her again and walked towards the door.

  She laughed ���Where are you going?���

  ���I can���t stay in here and watch you like that for ten minutes,��� he growled and his jaw clenched. ���Damn Tessa I just came inside of you, do you have any idea how good that felt?���

  ���I love you��� she yelled after him laughing.

  He ran downstairs and went into the bathroom and washed up and shaved. She walked down the stairs still laughing and walked into the bathroom.

  ���What are you doing Mrs. Abraham?���

  ���Going to the bathroom.���

  ���With me in here,��� he asked amused.

  She laughed, ���Will that bother you?���

  ���I don���t know really?��� he smiled, ���Go ahead let���s see.���

  He leaned against the counter and looked at her making her uncomfortable.

  ���Get out, now I can���t,��� she laughed.

  He winked, ���You���ll have to eventually.���

  ���No, I won���t,��� she stood up.

  He was still laughing when he walked out into the kitchen.

  ���Good God, are you two about done?��� Alex said.

  ���Oh, I���m so sorry, I didn���t know anyone was home,��� Collin cringed at the thought of what Alex might have heard.

  Tessa walked out and saw his face and scowled at Alex.

  ���I am, we���re so sorry,��� he said nervously.

  ���Tessa what the hell is he doing to you up there?��� Alex asked. ���All the times I walked into your old place you never sounded like that ��� are you okay?���

  Tessa laughed and looked at Collin, who looked nervous and beat red, she laughed until her belly hurt.

  ���Do you want to tell him Collin?��� she asked still laughing.

  ���No, not really,��� he said quickly looking at her like she had lost her mind.

  She laughed harder, and Alex shook his head.

  ���You mean to tell me Phoebe doesn���t sound like that?��� she said wiping her tears away.

  ���She���s still alive isn���t she?��� Alex gasped dramatically.

  ���You need to unleash on your wife, Alex,��� she was still smiling and trying to catch her breath. ���Tell him Collin what you were doing to me.���

  ���Tessa this is uncomfortable for me and your brother,��� Collin scolded.

  ���Sorry,��� she smiled. ���Alex ��� he and I were having sex.���

  ���The best sex I’ve ever had,��� she whispered and walked into the bathroom and showered.

  She got dressed and came downstairs, ���Can we go visit Phoebe and then Jade before we leave?���

  ���Yes,��� he said smiling.


  ���You, you make me very happy,��� he kissed her.

  ���You make me happy, too,��� she kissed him back.

  * * *

  Tessa and Collin went to Phoebe���s, and he held Remington while Tessa helped Phoebe put food in freezer bags, they had an overwhelming amount of it since the baby was born.

  ���Can we stay so I can make her take a nap; she has got to be tired with Alex still in school.���

  ���Of course,��� he said and held him.

  Tessa smiled as she watched Collin hold him, he���s going to be a good father.

  They went to Jade���s and the kids were acting like animals. She laughed and watched how he reacted to them. He wasn���t as relaxed with them but not put off either, which made her happy.

  ���Where is Uncle Lucas?��� Lukie asked.

  ���I���m not sure, but I want you to meet someone who is very special to me Lukie, okay?��� they walked out, and Tessa introduced them.

  ���You���re not marrying Uncle Lucas?���

  ���No, that didn���t work out buddy, but he loves you, and so do I,��� she said, ���and you���re going to love Collin someday, too.���

  ���Okay, so there���s more people to love, that���s not a bad thing��� baby��� he laughed.

  Tessa laughed out loud.

  Jade came out ���What is so funny?���

  ���He is,��� she said. ���He���s very funny he just called me baby, like on purpose Jade.���

  They both laughed.

  ���Why is that funny?��� Collin asked.

  Tessa told him that Lucas always called her that. And little Luke must have picked it up from him.

  ���Collin how was she? You never called,��� Jade asked and Ryan walked in.

  ���Very quiet, she doesn���t like to talk during sex, and she lays there and makes me do all the work,��� he smiled at Tessa.

  ���That sucks Collin, I���m sorry,��� Jade laughed.���You two want to stay for dinner?���

  ���We would love to, but we���re actually going to take off for awhile,��� Tessa smiled politely.

  ���Where and how long?��� Jade said knowing exactly why Tessa looked confused.

  Collin shook his head looking at the two of them. ���We can stay. We leave in the morning, and it���s a surprise.���

  ���Well Collin, I would ask you to call me when you got there, but you���ve disappointed me already,��� Jade smiled.

  ���I���ll make sure you���re not disappointed before you fall asleep tonight Jade,��� Ryan whispered in her ear as he walked in the house.

  They ate dinner, and Ryan and Collin talked about Ryan���s work. And Collin learned he worked for Landon. When the girls went in to clean up, he told him about Lucas and what he���d done for them.

  ���He isn���t a bad guy he just sucked with Tessa. I���m glad she has you, and you have to be good to her Collin��� she deserves nothing less,��� Ryan demanded.

  ���I don���t like him because he could have killed her that day. I don���t doubt that he became a good person how could he not be after spending four or five years with her. I���ll never hurt her intentionally,��� he assured Ryan, ���You all need to let him grow up, or he���ll be lost forever. She cares for him, and I don���t want to see her beating herself up because he can���t function without her. You��
���re a good man Ryan, and you have a beautiful home and family, not because of him but because of what you���ve done.���

  They said their goodbyes and hugged the kids.

  ���Goodbye Collin, be nice to my baby��� Lukie laughed.

  ���I will. You be good for your mommy and daddy,��� he held his hand up and Lukie high- fived him.



  They walked into the airport early the next morning, and Collin handed Tessa her ticket, they were going to Hawaii for ten days. She was excited, and he took a picture of Tessa smiling, holding the ticket and sent it to Jade, Phoebe, and her parents: they all texted back.

  ���Have you ever had sex on an airplane?��� he whispered in her ear.

  ���Have you?���

  ���Not while in flight.���

  When they landed, she was exhausted. There is no way possible that the flight attendant didn���t catch on to what was going a mile high in the sky. But Tessa was sore from bending over the airplane���s bathroom sink as he slammed into her every hour or so. She was sure her knees were also bruised from slamming against the walls as she rode him on the closed toilet seat. He had told her not to try to keep up, but there was no way in hell she wasn���t going to give it her all. Apparently letting this kind of thing happen was a perk of first class.

  ���Are you tired, beautiful?���

  ���Exhausted,��� she smiled.

  ���I can���t wait to show you the place I picked, it���s a bungalow.���

  ���Why not a hotel?���

  ���You���re loud,��� he laughed.

  ���Your fault,��� she grabbed his butt.

  ���When do you menstruate?��� he asked and she laughed. ���What?���

  ���I don���t know, we usually say get your period or when does your situation arise,��� she giggled.

  ���Well when?���

  ���Two or three weeks,��� she smiled.

  ���Perfect,��� he said, ���We are going to have fun, Tessa Abraham.���

  ���I don���t doubt that at all,��� she kissed him.

  They stayed on Mauna Lani Bay in a private bungalow with a private pool and a round- the- clock butler service. It was beautiful. It faced the ocean, and they swam with turtles as big as Leia and dolphins. They went snorkeling, hiking, and cliff diving. They talked about their families and their dreams for their future. He didn���t touch his phone the entire time they were there but knew that every night she snuck into the bathroom and called home. They made love every day, several times a day.

  Collin dismissed the butler, he was asked to come only when they were out, after the ordeal with Alex, Tessa thought that Collin would be scarred for life from that one incident.

  The day before they left he wanted a couple hours to talk. He scheduled it with her. Collin was funny and charming and loved her; she didn���t care about his past because it molded the perfect man who was now her husband. When she thought about Lucas, she no longer felt like it was her duty to make things right for him but desperately prayed he would be. Even though, she used the words care for him, without love she wouldn���t care, and she knew she would love him forever. Her love for Collin was the strongest she had ever felt in her life; there was no doubt or jealousy. Although she had not had to be away from him for very long, she just knew when she was, it would be alright.

  ���When we get back, I have to be in Ecuador for two weeks. I have asked your father if it���s alright for you to come with me, and he said that it was as long as it was with you,��� he said and watched for her reaction.

  ���I would love to, but I have to start working sometime,��� she laughed.

  ���My wife doesn���t have to work.��� He didn���t get the reaction he was hoping for. ���Okay, that���s important to you.���

  ���Yes actually it is, but I want to be with you.���

  He watched her deep in thought struggling to figure it out.

  ���Let me make this easy for you. When we go to these little villages in the middle of nowhere, we help them set up housing and structures. But it���s much more than that: Tomas and the group you saw on the deck, help them learn about security and train them to be able to sustain and maintain the village that they helped build. So that they are vested and have learned to do it alone with little help when we leave. What funds the majority of this is our health program. I have a group of doctors and nurses, the majority are interns that give immunizations and teach women how to take care of themselves and their children. While the men focus on security and learning how to provide the necessities for their village. We could work beside each other everyday Tessa doing great things for people who truly have no idea that life could be anything, but what it is, perfectly content with nothing. We don���t give it to them they work for it,��� he said. ���Do you have any questions?���

  ���A couple.���

  ���Okay shoot.���

  She smiled at him, ���You truly are amazing.���

  ���That wasn���t a question, but I am glad you think so,��� he took her hands and kissed them.

  ���How long do these trips take?���

  ���Well, my part has always been a month or more. But I���ve found a reason to put a little faith in my people,��� he smiled. ���This particular trip will last about two weeks, but we always stayed involved for years making sure everything was alright.���

  ���Is there private housing?��� she tried not to smile.

  He laughed, ���No, but there will be.���

  ���When can I start?��� she asked and smiled at him.

  He hugged her, ���Thank you, alright now where do we set up home base?���

  ���Where do you want to?���

  ���Where will you be happiest?��� and he looked at her. ���Alright I have an idea, the place we ate lunch after you tried to kill me, you know the hay barn fiasco. There used to be a structure there that burnt down right?���

  ���Yes. Doe Camp,��� she laughed and he looked confused.

  She explained about the camp and the fire, and that Lucas���s house bordered it but from a great distance.

  ���Do you think your father would sell us the land, and if so would you like to build there?��� he asked.

  She couldn���t contain herself; she jumped on his lap and kissed him.

  ���YES! But are you okay with that?��� she asked trying to calm herself.

  ���I wouldn���t have asked if I weren���t.���

  * * *

  John agreed to the sale of the land as long as the same agreement was reached that Lucas and Tessa had come up with. Collin told him that wasn���t necessary it would all be in his wife���s name. John liked this man.

  Tomas pulled in shortly after they had arrived. ���It���s not ready yet Collin.���


  Tessa watched her husband pace around the driveway trying to figure out something. ���Tomas ��� what did you do to my husband? He���s been perfectly happy until you arrived��� she laughed and wrapped her arms around him, ���What���s wrong Collin?���

  ���Thank you for coming to my rescue beautiful, but I do need a few minutes with Tomas. I���ll be in in just a few minutes,��� he kissed her.

  ���Come in happy,��� she walked away.

  ���It will be in two weeks. There is nothing more I can do to speed up the process. We knew this might be a problem. I can go back if yo
u���d like,��� Tomas offered.

  ���No, I���m going to need you here,��� he said. ���I���ll call you in a few hours.���

  He walked in and grabbed Tessa���s hand, ���We need to talk.���

  ���Okay,��� she said, ���Is everything alright?���

  ���No, it���s going to be another two weeks before we���re ready for civilians,��� he frowned and then looked angry.

  ���Alright,��� she said and felt a lump in her throat.

  ���Tessa, this is not what I want, but I have to be there.���

  ���Okay, I can go back to the Cape and wait for you.���

  ���Why would you do that, your family is here,��� he asked, ���Oh��� you���re worried about Lucas.���

  ���No, I���m worried that you���ll be worried about him. I love you, Collin,��� tears started to form.

  ���Tessa I know that and I���m not worried about you and him. I���m concerned that you don���t believe me when I tell you that. I trust in what we have,��� he hugged her. ���What I���m concerned with is that you���re going to be angry about this.���

  ���No, it was already in the plans before we got married, I just can���t wait until I can go with you,��� she said softly with her head against his chest.

  ���You���re going to be busy. You have a house to design. I want to be in it by Christmas,��� Collin smiled and caressed her face.

  * * *

  They spent the next week planning for the following two weeks. They flew back to the Cape, and he reminded her of all the places he said he wanted her. He did not disappoint. He had asked that she put all important dates on his calendar, he wanted to know birthdays and anniversaries and anything that was important to her. He gave her a list of must have���s for the house and told her whatever she wanted she should add to it. He didn���t care what the design was, or the colors she chose. He wanted her to find a contractor who was good and could start immediately.

  They flew back to Tessa���s family the day before he left and spent the afternoon with Jake, John, and Maggie. They ate dinner and relaxed in the living room with family and Leia, who had missed them terribly.


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