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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 140

by Mj Fields

  Tessa shook her head yes and stepped back, ���What else is going on you still seem off to me, is your mom alright?���

  ���Yes, I came here today because I have to lay Ryan off for a few months and I don���t want to. The only other option is for him to go on the road for the winter and I don���t want that for him or his family. Sorry, it���s not your problem,��� he said and messed up her hair.

  ���No, but I think I have a solution.���

  ���What���s up Ross? Or whatever your last name is?���

  ���It���s Abraham, and we���re going to build a house here and he wants it done by Christmas.���

  ���He can do it, I’ll help,��� he said and shook his head, ���No, I won���t. But he built our place and he did it very quickly while working full time for Dad.���

  ���Will it bother you?���

  ���No, of course not. Where are you building?���

  ���We���re kind of going to be neighbors,��� she laughed.

  ���Does your husband know that?��� he laughed.


  ���You’re building at the pond aren���t you?���

  She smiled, ���Yes we are.���

  ���Does your husband know you and I have been in that pond?��� Lucas smirked.

  ���You���re an idiot,��� Tessa laughed.

  Ryan and Lukie walked through the gate, and Lukie ran up to Tessa.

  ���Hey Baby,��� she laughed and so did Lucas.

  ���That���s my line, little man,��� Lucas scooped him up and hugged him.

  ���Everything okay Tessa?��� Ryan asked.

  ���Yes��� I���m going to head home, but Ryan could you call me later?���

  Lucas smiled, ���Goodbye Mrs. Abraham.���

  Tessa went home pet Leia and sat on the couch. She called Collin and told him everything that had happened.

  ���Are you okay with all that?���

  ���I told you I was jealous Tessa, so no I���m not okay with you being friendly with him. I���m perfectly fine with Ryan building our home as long as you think he is capable of doing it. I would like to discuss some things with him so I would like you to have him call me. I will see you in a week do you think you can behave?���

  ���Yes, I didn���t fuck him or have any desire too Collin, Goodbye,��� she hung up and went upstairs and fell asleep.

  Jade called Tessa, and she gave her Collins number.

  He didn���t call her back, and she was mad. The next day when he texted her she ignored him. She lay in bed feeling awful. That afternoon Tomas showed up with papers for her to sign, she was scared when she opened the envelope that they might be separation papers. Tomas watched her and saw immediate relief when she read them.

  ���Are you alright Ma���am?���

  ���I thought he was divorcing me.���

  ���No ma���am he loves you, try to take it easy on him,��� he said. ���Do you need anything?���

  ���I should probably call him.���

  ���Yes I think you should.���

  * * *

  ���Hello Tessa,��� he answered.

  ���Hi,��� she said quietly

  ���I’m sorry,��� they said at the same time and laughed.

  ���I love you I���ll see you Monday right?��� She asked.

  ���Absolutely, you better get some rest, and I���m going to book a room, I don���t want to disturb anyone,��� he laughed.

  ���We could meet at the Cape.���

  ���No, I have a meeting with Ryan to finalize the plans. But that does sound good. Maybe we���ll head up there after we get the ball rolling on the house. I love you Beautiful.���

  * * *

  Saturday Tessa helped prepare for Lukies fifth birthday, she was tired. They had a bouncy house and a clown. Landon, Audrianna, and the girls came. She hugged the girls and they hugged her. Lucas and Ryan barbecued. And Tessa bounced with the kids. Jessie was also there.

  They were about ready to eat, and Tessa was getting the kids out when she saw him walk in, she started crying and ran and jumped into his arms.

  ���Surprise,��� he kissed her.

  ���God, I missed you,��� she kissed him.

  ���Time to eat love birds��� Jade yelled and winked at Collin, ���See I can keep a secret!���

  ���Did you book a room?��� He laughed and shook his head yes. ���It better not be far from here, I want you now.���

  They walked in the backyard with their arms wrapped around each other���s waists and sat at a table away from everyone else.

  ���Steak or Chicken?��� Lucas asked Collin

  ���Steak please,��� Collin was clearly annoyed. ���Thank you.���

  Lucas dropped chicken on Tessa���s plate and walked away.

  She looked at Collin and kissed him.

  ���You two don���t mind if we sit here? It really is the only place left,��� Lucas said as he and Jessie sat down.

  ���That���s fine,��� Collin glared at him.

  ���What���s wrong with the chicken Mrs. Abraham?��� Lucas asked.

  ���It���s fine I���m just not hungry.���

  Lucas laughed and Jessie rolled her eyes and stood up, ���Would anyone like a drink?���

  ���Sure do you two want anything ��� a beer or wine?��� Lucas laughed as he looked at Tessa.

  ���Yes, please we���ll have water,��� Collin said, ���Is that okay Tessa?���

  ���Yes thank you Jessie.���

  Collin cut up her chicken and fed her a bite. She looked disgusted.

  Lucas laughed and stood up quickly, ���Congratulations Collin,��� Lucas reached across the table and messed up Tessa���s hair and walked away.

  ���What is his problem? I warned him, not a hair on your head,��� Collin sneered

  ���He���s trying, please be nice.���

  Tessa stood up and walked to the house, and he followed. Lucas stood smiling smugly against the counter as she scowled and went in the bathroom.

  He laughed, and Collin looked at him.

  ���You���re pushing it,��� Collin snapped.

  ���You better go tend to your wife, she���s going to be a lot of fun,��� he said, and they heard her throw up. ���Go get her man, unless you want me to go help her out.���

  She threw up again as Collin was walking towards Lucas.

  They walked out of the bathroom and Lucas smiled at her she looked worried, ���It will be different this time.���

  Collin walked towards him.

  ���I don���t want your wife man, but fuck up once, just once,��� Lucas walked away. He slammed the door and heard Lucas yell, ���FUCK!���

  ���Collin can we leave, please?���

  ���Yes, but we���ll come back for the Audi,��� he glared at the direction Lucas had exited.

  ���I need to stop at the store. And then home to grab some things.���

  ���Alright I���ll go in, what do you need?���

  ���No I will, alone.���

  ���Fine,��� he pulled in.

  ���You better be nice to me, grumpy,��� kissed him, ���I���ll be back in a couple minutes.���

  He wondered if she was thinking of the cocky bastard, or if she was
just angry at him and if she was why? He saw her come out and jumped out and opened the door for her.

  ���Thank you.���

  She was confusing to him.

  They walked in the house, and he stopped and leaned down to kiss her.

  ���Could you give me a minute?���

  He flopped down on the couch and threw himself back and pet Leia. Tessa walked in the bathroom.

  She opened up the bag and pulled out a pregnancy test, she even bought a different brand from the one Ben had bought for her. She didn���t want Collin and her pregnancy to be anything like her last one. She was scared and oddly took some comfort in what Lucas had said to her. When she finished, she set it on the counter and walked out and sat on the chair across from him and smiled.

  ���Tessa, please get over here.���

  ���Give me two more minutes,��� she tried not to laugh, he was clearly concerned and confused, but soon enough he would feel that multiplied by a million.

  He stood up, grabbed her, and kissed her. She laughed and hugged him tightly.

  ���Are you alright you’re acting crazy,��� he said. ���Oh, are you men…um have your period?���

  ���Do you want to come in the bathroom and find out for yourself,��� she whispered in his ear.

  He looked at her oddly, ���That won���t bother you?���

  She took off her shirt and turned and threw it at him and then her bra, he laughed.

  ���Alright then,��� he followed her in.

  She looked at the counter and started to cry.

  ���What���s wrong?��� he asked frustrated.

  ���Not a thing.���

  Tessa looked over at the counter, and his eyes followed hers. It took him a good minute before he really understood what was going on and then he lit up.

  ���Tessa, we���re going to have a baby!��� he kissed her.

  Tessa laughed, shook her head yes and pulled his shirt off.

  ���I���ve missed you very much,��� she smiled as he wiped away her tears.

  He was very calm compared to normal, but every bit as amazing. When they finished, she didn���t move. He smiled at her. ���Are you ready for all this?���

  ���Yes, as long as we figure out how to never go two weeks without each other again I���ll be fine. Right now, I���m tired. Do you mind if we lay down before we head to the hotel?���

  ���I���m a little tired myself,��� he grabbed a towel and wrapped her up. ���That little bastard!���

  ���Excuse me?���

  ���Links, he knew, and after looking at the ladies I know how, they���ve grown,��� he said shaking his head and bending down to kiss them.

  She laughed, ���No it was the chicken. I got sick when I tried to eat chicken last time.���

  She could see his mind going crazy, ���And that���s why he said it���ll be different?���

  ���Yes, I guess so. I just hope he doesn���t tell anyone I want to wait until we are at least fourteen weeks.���

  ���I���ll call him and tell him to keep his mouth shut.���

  ���No,��� she laughed ���Unless you can do it nicely.���


  Tessa handed him the phone and saw his picture ID on it. It was of the two of them kissing.

  He looked at her, ���This needs to go.���

  ���Oh wow, yeah��� I guess it does. You set up my phone,��� she laughed.

  Jessie answered, ���Hello this is Collin Abraham may I please speak to Lucas.���

  ���Links this picture needs to go,��� Jessie said handing him the phone.

  ���Okay no problem. Tessa, am I right?���

  ���This is Collin, yes, and we would like it to be kept quiet. I need to ask you how you knew?���

  Lucas laughed, ���You really want to know?���


  ���Alright but don���t act like an asshole about it, the girls were the first sign, then the chicken,��� Lucas said trying not to laugh. ���Just so you know Collin, she is going to be nasty at times, and you better be able to handle it, she doesn���t mean anything by it.���

  ���Just so you know Links,��� he looked at Tessa, and she scowled.

  ���Go ahead man I���m all ears,��� Lucas said antagonistically.

  ���We appreciate you keeping it quiet,��� he rolled his eyes at her.

  ���It���s not for you it���s for her, she already lost one, and it nearly broke her, go easy on her,��� he warned. ���Hey, I hear we are going to be neighbors, do you hunt?��� Lucas laughed.

  ���No, but if you want to go with me I can make an exception,��� Collin offered.

  Lucas laughed, ���No thanks, but all the guys, her family, and friends get together the weekend before deer season. And since the camp burnt down, by the way, ask your wife about her incredibly stupid move that night, it���s at my house. You���re welcome to come, just trying to be neighborly. Tell Tessa she better cook still. Nice chat, Mr. Ross.���

  Lucas hung up laughing to himself.

  Tessa looked at him and laughed.

  ���He���s very annoying,��� Collin said.

  ���Hard to hate him, huh?��� she smiled.

  ���No, not really,��� he scowled.

  ���I love you,��� she kissed him.

  ���What happened with the camp?���

  She told him, and he looked angry, ���Don���t you ever put yourself at risk like that again Tessa, got it?���

  ���Okay,��� she hugged him.

  When she woke up, he was gone, she went down and took a shower. She walked out of the bathroom and he walked in and smiled.

  ���Where did you go?���

  ���For a run,��� he kissed her and grabbed her towel and walked into the bathroom. ���Get in here.���

  ���You���re very bossy,��� he kissed her. ���Collin stop please,��� she said and grabbed a towel and wrapped herself up and threw up over the toilet. ���Sorry, it���s going to be a long few weeks. We should have waited,��� she said and threw up again. When she finished, she brushed her teeth and looked at him, ���You���re mad at me?���

  ���No, but if you wanted to wait you should have told me,��� he said.

  She laughed, ���I didn���t expect to feel this way again.���

  Tessa looked concerned, confused and scared, ���What if it���s the same?���

  ���Tessa, it���s not,��� Collin hugged her ���But you need to believe that, no stress, please.���

  * * *

  Tessa and Collin walked into the garage at Lucas���s carrying in food. They made two trips.

  ���Are you sure you made enough?��� Alex asked.

  ���I hope so,��� Tessa hugged him and took the baby out of his arms ���Remington ��� your first season. Hello, beautiful boy,��� Tessa held him and kissed him.

  Collin watched her and she looked like she was in heaven. She walked around and talked to him and smiled and kissed him. She looked at Collin and smiled. ���Your turn?���

  Collin took Remington and smiled he walked around and talked to him but more seriously than Tessa did. He sat and held him against his chest and rubbed his back.

  Tessa sat next to them, ���How does that feel?���

  ���Very comfortable,��� he looked relieved.

; She laughed and took Remington back.

  ���It���s nice. How are you feeling today?���

  ���Good actually,��� she smiled at Remington.

  She heard him take a deep breath and looked up at him.

  ���I���ve been neglecting you haven���t I?���

  ���Shh,��� he closed his eyes and sat back.

  ���Hey, Phoebe we left some things at Mom and Dad���s. I think Remington���s getting hungry,��� she said. ���Come on Collin.���

  * * *

  She jumped out of the SUV when he parked in front of the farm, and she ran in. She threw her shirt at him when he walked in, and he smiled. She grabbed his face and kissed him, and he pulled his shirt off.

  ���Yummy,��� she turned to run up the stairs and ran right into Ben.

  ���Hey, Girl…or girls,��� he hugged her.

  ���Ben,��� she laughed and grabbed a blanket.

  ���You sure are happy to see me,��� he laughed.

  Collin walked in and pulled Tessa���s shirt over her head.

  ���You���re not, though,��� he laughed. ���Hey, Collin I���m assuming, I���m Tessa���s friend Ben and would like to personally thank you for getting her away from that asshole.���

  ���You just won points Ben. I���ve missed your face,��� she hugged him again.

  He saw Collin look down, and he laughed, ���You didn���t. So you two want to take me up? I���m sure the three of us walking in would make his day.���

  ���I���m trying to be nice,��� Collin looked at Tessa.

  ���Great then you���ll have fun watching me piss him off,��� Ben laughed.

  ���It���s not my place anymore I can���t save your ass,��� Tessa laughed, ���Shit!��� she sprinted to the bathroom���


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