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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 214

by Mj Fields

  Brody walked down the hall and entered the room and sat on the bed. He set his alarm to ensure he was awake before Emma and the girls. For once he felt safe enough to fall asleep. He laid down and moments after his head hit the pillow he drifted off.


  Brody woke and looked around confused. He sat up, looked at his phone and then noticed Emma sleeping in the chair at the end of the bed.

  He watched her slow steady breaths and stood up and quietly walked to her. When he got close she jumped startled and just looked at him.

  ���Are you okay?��� She asked nervously.

  ���Em,��� reaching for her pulling her close holding her tightly.

  Emma looked at him, ���I love you Brody please don���t ������

  Brody kissed her and held her face gently, ���I love you more, Em.���

  She kissed him, ���I need you Brody,��� Emma said and began to cry.

  ���Then have me,��� Brody lifted her up kissing her as he gently laid her on the bed.

  His hands cupped her face as his kisses deepened. His tongue lightly caressed her lips as he pulled her hair away from her damp face and he kissed away her tears.

  Emma pulled his shirt off and kissed his neck as he pulled her nightgown over her head. His hands lightly skimmed her breast causing her to whimper. His mouth moved down her neck and his hand down her belly.

  She gripped him lightly and he pushed into her hand and groaned.

  Emma wrapped her legs around him. Taking her breast in his mouth as he pushed into her.

  He slowly moved in and out of her as he kissed her mouth and kneaded her breasts.

  ���I love you so damn much, it hurts.��� Brody kissed her deeper.

  Emma looked at him and his face was full of desire and pain, not a combination that she was used to. He pulled her up so that they both were sitting and their bodies moved as she held his face to hers, ���I love you more.���

  His thrusts began to accelerate she continued to hold onto him tightly. Emma felt the burn in her belly moving slowly down she began to whimper. She arched her back pushing harder against him as she climaxed he moved his hips in circles making her orgasm last even longer causing him to follow.

  ���Not possible Love,��� he held her against him.

  * * *

  Emma and Brody were making breakfast when Collin walked into the house.

  Emma looked down, ���I���m so sorry.���

  ���Emma don���t be. I���m here to offer some help. I would first like to talk to your husband if that���s ok,��� Collin smiled.

  Emma fed the kids and Brody followed Collin into the bedroom.

  ���I know you���re going through some challenges, I want to offer some help and would like a little more information if you���re willing.��� Collin sat and opened a file, ���We looked into Troy���s death. I don���t believe it was an accident. The way the car hit the tree indicates they were forced������

  ���London said they were followed and hit from the back. I believe it was Elizabeth, I just don���t know how she could have done this alone,��� Brody said softly.

  ���And the fact that you were held captive, for at least part of the time correct?��� Brody nodded. ���And drugged. Did anyone take blood work when you surfaced to see what type of drug was in your system?���

  ���I have Clive working on that in England, I���ve been having some episodes.���

  ���Yes Tomas mentioned that, he also gave you information on a newer drug that���s surfaced, today���s version of LSD. I���d like to take a few samples of your blood to run a tox screen,��� Collin looked up at him and Brody nodded in agreement.

  There was a knock on the door and Tomas entered and whispered something in Collins ear.

  ���Damn it, thank you Tomas,��� Collin took deep breath and sat back.

  Brody watched him gather his thoughts.

  ���Brody, Tessa and I would like to take Emma and the girls away for a while. They���ll be safe with us������ Collin began.

  ���No, you won���t be safe, this is my mess������ Brody said.

  ���We will be and so will they. We wanted you to come as well however some things have just come to light and I think it���s best if we get you out of here for a while,��� Collin looked at Brody who was confused. ���Rupert and his wife Ann were found dead about five miles from your home. The police are looking for you.���

  ���They���re what?��� Brody gasped.

  ���Do you remember what happened yesterday?��� Collin asked grabbing a recording device.

  ���We had a break in, I told Rupert to go to Emma. He and Ann left, I packed a bag,��� Brody continued searching his thoughts, ���I ended up here, I tracked her phone.���

  ���Do you remember them leaving?���

  ���No. DAMN IT!��� Brody pounded his fist on the desk.

  ���Okay, you���re going to go with Tomas, he���s going to take you to Clive. I promise your family will be safe,��� Collin looked at Brody.

  ���I can���t leave her again,��� Brody whispered, ���She won���t understand, and London������

  ���Brody, someone killed Troy and we believe your father as well, what���s the status on his accident?��� Collin asked leaning forward looking him in the eyes.

  ���There are video tapes,��� Brody began.

  Brody told him everything he knew. Including the possibility of a fifteen year old child being his with Elizabeth. He gave him an SD card containing all the information.

  ���We have some things, letters������ Brody was interrupted by a knock and Tomas entered.

  ���Speak freely Tomas,��� Collin said looking at the computer.

  ���Mrs. Hines has several calls from a Zackary Taylor, she hasn���t answered them,��� Tomas said.

  ���Why is he calling my wife?!���

  ���Bring her in and then get to work. A boat from the Keys and then a plane from the Islands, like yesterday Tomas. Brody, you need to let her know what���s going on,��� Collin sat back and looked at his phone.

  Emma came in and sat nervously next to Brody who was shaking his head.

  Collin gave Emma all the information and left the room.

  ���They think you killed them Brody?��� Emma looked at him.

  ���It appears that way. Christ, Em,��� Brody sat forward and hugged her, her body tensed up, ���Emma you think I did it?���

  ���No���but you don���t remember���No Brody,��� Emma threw her arms around him.

  Brody pulled back and held her head as he stared in her eyes, ���Emma?���

  ���This is���you���re leaving again������ Emma cried.

  ���I have no choice Emma,��� Brody cleared his throat and sat back, ���Do you trust him?���

  ���Yes, yes of course. But I want to go with you������ Emma whispered.

  Brody looked at her, she could tell he was toying with the idea and then the invisible shield lowered over his eyes, ���Our children need you. They need you Emma. Not me, and this shit I���ve brought to their lives, to your life������

  ���I need you Brody, I need you don���t…don���t you see?��� she held his face in her hands, ���We ALL need you!���

  Brody closed his eyes and kissed her hands lightly and pulled away, ���Not like this you don���t. If, when I come back Emma, I���m going to come back to you one
hundred percent the man you fell in love with. I won���t come back any other way.���

  ���NO! No you don���t get to decide that, we can go to the police Brody, they���ll see������ Collin walked in the room.

  ���Emma, your husband���s being set up. If he stays, he goes to prison, if we don���t get answers you���ll live in fear for the rest of your life������ Collin began.

  ���Without him, oh my God Brody, I can���t lose you again. Please let���s all just go, please,��� she cried.

  ���I won���t allow us to live that way Emma, not in fear or hiding. You are my sun���they are my stars������ Emma hugged him tightly and sobbed quietly into his shoulder.

  ���Emma, I just had a chat with London, she���s very excited to go spend some time with her cousins. Brody needs to be strong so that this can be figured out. You need to be stronger, understand?��� Collin asked. Emma nodded her head yes, ���She knows Brody���s going away for work and seems a little concerned, you have to be strong for her. Brody we have a very small window of time to get you out of here undetected. Tomas made arrangements with Clive. You leave in an hour.���

  * * *

  London stood hugging Brody as he held Lexington, ���When will you be back?���

  ���Well I���m not positive but hopefully not too long,��� Brody kissed her nose.

  ���But you are coming back right?��� London asked as tears welled in her eyes.

  Brody hugged her tightly, ���Yes.���

  He looked up at Emma who was holding her hands to her chest trying her best to keep it together.

  ���Hey London, let���s go in and return the hundreds of calls from your cousins who are very excited to see you,��� Collin patted her head.

  ���Okay,��� London wiped her eyes, ���I love you Brody.���

  ���I love you…��� he began.

  ���More,��� London laughed, ���I said it first!���

  ���But I mean it with all my heart London,��� Brody hugged her again.

  ���We both do,��� she smiled up at him, ���Okay let���s roll, Collin.���

  Emma closed her eyes and let out a slow cleansing breath and Brody kissed Lexi before handing her to Collin.

  ���I love you Em,��� he grabbed her and held her tightly.

  ���Always?��� she asked softly.

  ���And forever,��� he kissed her sweetly.

  Brody walked to the car and Tomas drove down the driveway and out of sight.

  Emma walked down the driveway and cried until she saw a car coming, she saw two men walk out from the woods and nod to her. She walked back towards the house as the car pulled in the driveway. When she got to the door Collin and another man walked out with the kids and their bags.

  ���Hey Mom, change of plans,��� London hugged her.

  They all got into the car with another following them.

  They drove about two hours and pulled into a small airport and boarded a plane.

  ���Sweet ride huh?��� London laughed.

  ���Very nice,��� Emma smiled as she tightened London���s seat belt.

  An hour into the flight and London and Lexi were fast asleep.

  ���You should try to sleep Emma,��� Collin patted her knee.

  ���I can���t,��� Emma began to cry.

  ���We���re going somewhere safe, Brody has Clive and a couple others he has yet to meet,��� Collin winked, ���He���s going to be safe as well.���

  Emma thanked him and sat back and fell asleep.

  ���Mrs. Hines, we���re here,��� Tomas whispered.

  ���Thank you Tomas.���

  ���Please be sure the location device your phone isn���t on, just to be safe,��� Tomas carried the bags from the plane to a car.

  * * *

  After talking to Tessa and Collin she was trying to clear her head enough to try to sleep. She hadn���t heard from Brody and was very worried. Her phone rang and she answered it quickly.

  ���Emma, this is Zack,��� she heard on the other end.

  ���Hello,��� she was confused as to why he had been calling.

  ���I���ve tried to call you all day, what the hell is going on with Brody?��� Zack asked.

  ���I don���t know what you mean������ she answered as he interrupted.

  ���Are you okay? Is he with you? Do you know what he���s done?��� Zack snapped.

  ���I���m sorry but I don���t want to������ He cut her off again.

  ���Are you alright?���


  ���Is he there with you?��� Zack asked again.

  ���No,��� she said firmly.

  ���Are you in danger?���

  ���Zack, I���m confused as to what you need from me.���

  ���I thought we were friends. I need to know that you���re alright and safe,��� he said firmly.

  ���I���m safe, I don���t know where Brody is and I can assure you he has done nothing ������ Emma started to respond.

  ���Have you watched the news Emma?���

  ���No,��� Emma whispered.

  ���Do so please, and then call me back after you���ve processed it all,��� Zack instructed.

  * * *

  Emma sat in the brick home on a remote British Island of Foula. Tessa had explained to her that it was a place they wanted to visit, a place that had very few residents, a place that one could look around and feel at peace in a time of war if they allowed themselves to take in its breathtaking views.

  Emma opened up the computer she was told had a secure connection and searched Brody���s name. She read the article published in the Post and cried. It didn���t look good. Their home had been searched revealing evidence of a struggle. Blood was found in the kitchen that matched Ann���s and Brody was nowhere to be found. The police were asking for help in locating Brody and Emma Hines so that they could question them.

  Lila had been asked for a comment, ���As we all know Brody Hines was missing for several months, there���s still an ongoing investigation with the London authorities as well as the ISA into what happened to him over the eight month period he was missing. He was treated inhumanely while he was away. Little by little and day by day, parts of the pieces are being put back together. I can promise you that he���s not capable of committing such a heinous crime. The victims were a dearly loved part of their family. I���ve not spoken to him or his wife yet but I assure you when I do, I will give you whatever information I can without hindering the ongoing investigations.���

  Emma looked up as Tessa entered the room, ���You okay, Emma?���

  ���No this is awful, and now I fear Lila will be in danger,��� Emma said quietly.

  ���Collin has someone watching her and your parents, they���ll all be fine,��� Tessa smiled softly.

  ���How can I ever repay������ Emma began to cry.

  ���We���re family Emma, this is what we do,��� Tessa hugged her. ���From what Collin���s said, Brody didn���t ask for any of this. He tried to bring your sister home, he loves you and he���s amazing with London. If she can���t have Troy I���m happy she has him. We���ll figure this all out.���

  ���This isn���t fair to you or your family, it���s putting you in danger,��� Emma said apologetically.

  Tessa smiled, ��
�I have a story to tell you.���

  Tessa and Emma sat for an hour and discussed Collin���s past and how he overcame abuse, neglect, and when he was twelve killed a man trying to save his sister from being sexually abused

  ���Your Brody reminds me a bit of Collin,��� Tessa smiled, ���when all of this gets worked out I know you two are be so wrapped up in each other, nothing will tear you apart.���

  ���As long as I can unwrap the armor he���s been building around him Tessa, sometimes I just don���t know���I���m scared that next time I see him it���ll be unbreakable,��� Emma sighed and sat back and took a sip of her tea.


  It���s been a week since Brody left his family. He was staying in a small hostel in London���s south end. During the day he and Clive went through police reports and surveillance footage. They agreed that Elizabeth would surface soon, she was still running and from what they had been able to piece together with the help of some of Collin���s people, she would run in this direction.

  ���This is the house?��� Brody asked as they passed a small quaint home in a more rural area outside of south London.

  ���Yes, from what we figure they���ll return home in about ten minutes,��� Clive pulled over just a few feet away from the home.

  Brody tapped his foot nervously on the floor of the car, anxiously awaiting the first site of the young man who could possibly be his.

  They watched through binoculars as the three people entered the house.

  ���He���s tall, same hair. Christ Clive,��� Brody sat back and grabbed his hair.

  ���You can���t go to him Brody, not until we have answers,��� Clive said trying to calm him down.

  ���And we���re sure he���s Elizabeth���s child?��� Brody asked for the tenth time.


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