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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 224

by Mj Fields

  Maddox hugged Emma, ���I���m so sorry,��� Emma said.

  ���None of us asked for this, but we are stronger when we stand united Maddox. We���ll get through this,��� Brody wrapped his arms around both of them.

  * * *

  Brody walked into the kitchen and kissed Emma on the cheek, ���It seems my dear uncle���s in the States. He saw the news and would like to meet Maddox. Do you have any objections, Em?���

  ���No,��� Emma said distractedly. ���But we need to get ready for the interview. Is Maddox still asleep? The news crew will be here soon, Brody,��� Emma anxiously cleaned up the counter from preparing breakfast.

  ���Em, come here,��� Brody pulled her into his arms and held her. Emma let out a breath and returned his hug.

  ���This is too much for him,��� she whispered.

  ���It���s too much for all of us. We���re still in this together, right?��� Brody lifted her chin and looked into her eyes, seeking confirmation.

  Emma nodded her head, ���When will you stop doubting me Brody? If I���m still here after all of that has happened, I���m not going anywhere.���

  He closed his eyes tightly and held her even tighter.

  * * *

  Brody sat in the family room across from The Today Show���s anchor, Matt.

  ���Good morning, we are live from Brody Hines��� family home to talk about the video that was released last night, seen by millions of viewers all over the world. Thank you Brody, for inviting us here today so that your side of the story could be told.���

  ���Thank you for coming,��� Brody looked up at him.

  ���So let���s jump right in, shall we? What the heck was all that?��� Matt asked.

  ���Footage of when I was missing,��� Brody sat back and nervously wrung his hands, looking at Matt.

  ���Now, you and I didn���t have time to plan this interview. I know how you feel about privacy, so that must have sent you over the edge,��� Matt smiled at him.

  ���It would have, normally,��� Brody answered.

  ���What do you mean? You���re not alright with this invasion of privacy, are you?��� Matt asked.

  ���Of course I���m not alright with this. It���s sick. My son was the one who saw it first and������ Brody started to say angrily.

  ���Hold up. Your son, Maddox, is fifteen, right?��� Matt asked.

  ���Yes,��� Brody raised his eyebrow in warning.

  ���That means you were fifteen or so when he was born,��� Matt looked up from his notes.

  ���Or so,��� Brody looked angry.

  ���And you knew nothing of him?��� Matt asked.

  ���No,��� Brody shook his head.

  ���And due to an ongoing investigation you���re not able to discuss in detail how it all came about?��� Matt asked.

  ���Correct,��� Brody said, letting out a breath.

  ���Well, let me piece together for our viewers what is public record,��� Matt read from his notes, ���Your sister in law is his biological mother and you���re his father. DNA was provided to verify those facts.���

  ���Yes,��� Brody���s answer was clipped.

  ���She was quite a few years older than you and missing, presumed dead, for about thirty years?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yes,��� Brody answered.

  ���So your child with Elizabeth was a product of������ Matt began.

  ���Matt, watch it. My son will have quite enough to contend with already,��� Brody warned.

  ���Okay. You didn���t know about him?��� Matt asked.

  ���Of course not!��� Brody snapped.

  ���Do you despise his mother for what she did to you at fifteen years old, Brody?��� Matt asked.

  ���She was a young child shipped in a box and sold into a life of hell. I���m pretty sure she didn���t choose to become who she was,��� Brody growled.

  ���No, but she chose to have sex with a minor, Brody, that���s statutory������ Matt argued.

  ���Enough! Do you hear yourself? She would have fared better had she been raised by a pack of fucking wolves. She was abused, controlled, and drugged. I was at a bar at fourteen or fifteen playing music. I chose to be there when I met her. I chose that!��� Brody yelled at Matt.

  ���You were a child yourself, Brody,��� Matt said with genuine concern in his eyes.

  ���I���m well aware of that. As shitty as life was back then, the circumstances were beyond my control. I chose to do drugs and drink and have sex, and then I had a moment of clarity and got the hell away from that life. I then made choices to become better, do better for myself. Elizabeth didn���t have the same option, or didn���t know that she did,��� Brody explained.

  Matt looked at him, ���How���s your son, Brody?���

  ���He���ll be fine. I���m making sure of it,��� Brody scowled.

  ���His mother allegedly caused the accidents that killed your father and Emma���s ex- husbands deaths. How do you feel about that?��� Matt asked softly.

  ���There���s not a damn thing I can do to change it,��� Brody looked down sadly.

  ���And the videos, Brody…Were your actions by choice?��� Matt asked compassionately.

  ���No, Matt, I wasn���t willing…I was drugged and������ Brody looked up as Maddox walked in the room.

  ���Show them your back Dad. Please, show them, so they know who you are,��� Maddox pleaded.

  ���Maddox come on,��� Emma took his hand.

  ���I want this all to go away, so we can have normal, whatever the hell that is,��� Maddox clenched his jaw.

  ���Maddox, go with Em okay?��� Brody stood up, ���Excuse me for a moment.���

  They walked into the kitchen and Brody hugged Maddox, ���We���ll all be fine, okay?���

  ���I want them to see Dad, see what happened to you. Then maybe you won’t get taken away again,��� Maddox cried.

  ���Em?��� Brody looked to her for guidance.

  ���Whatever you decide, we���ll support you,��� Emma hugged him and Maddox.

  ���Maddox, we need to keep you safe to, okay? Please stay with Em,��� Brody hugged him and walked away.

  * * *

  ���We are back with Brody Hines and, well because we are on live TV; you all just got a peek at Maddox Hines. Who, by the way Brody looks exactly like you,��� Matt smiled.

  Brody smiled, ���Apparently, he acts an awful lot like me, as well.���

  ���Is that a bad thing?��� Matt smiled.

  ���No, I suppose not,��� Brody stood up, ���He wants you all to see I���m not some sicko. I was drugged beaten and yes, raped. These acts are on video as well. However the video released served its purpose, it made me look pretty bad. This happened over almost a year ago. It���s not pretty.���

  Brody lifted his shirt over his head, revealing his back to the camera.

  ���The large one is from a stab wound and the others are from being whipped. I won���t share that video with the public. It���s very graphic and I���m not at all willing,��� Brody said pulling his shirt back over his head and sitting back down.

  ���You were drugged?��� Matt asked sadly.

  ���Yes, Emma noticed the difference in my pupils,��� Brody answered softly.

  ���She has seen the videos
?��� Matt asked,

  ���All of them and she���s still here. I must tell you, I don���t need anyone else to believe or accept any of this, aside from her and my children,��� Brody sat back.

  ���Well you actually do Brody. A jury needs to believe you, your fans need to believe you,��� Matt scowled.

  ���That would be wonderful. However, I don���t give a fuck what anyone aside from my family believes,��� Brody smiled.

  ���We���re going to take a short break and return after this commercial break,��� Matt smiled at the camera.

  ���Walk with me Brody,��� Matt stood up and looked at him, ���Somewhere private.���

  Brody led Matt out the back door and they sat on the patio.

  ���Stop being an ass Hines, I���m trying to fucking help you,��� Matt snapped, ���You do need the public to be on your side, you ass!���

  Brody just looked at him. Matt continued, ���I lied to my bosses today. They received information, exposing shit that could put your entire family at risk. Hines, I had already talked to Lila and knew we were doing this today. I told them that you would be willing if this went to you. And that we would have exclusive future interviews, only if this information wasn���t released. They agreed. So cut the shit, Hines!���

  ���What information?��� Brody asked looking down.

  ���Well, the accident reports for your father and Emma���s ex, and a copy of a forged passport that is believed to be Elizabeth���s. The name of someone you���ve been looking for. Information on the people who had Maddox. There���s a lot of shit in there Hines. Most of which could clear you of all the speculation created by the reports about you from last night,��� Matt looked at him.

  ���The police are aware of most of that already,��� Brody looked up at him.

  ���They���re not pushing all that hard to clear your name Brody. I spoke to Detective Banks this morning, and he may as well have said he would do whatever it took to nail your ass to the wall,��� Matt shook his head. ���I fear for my own family just knowing this shit. As a reporter, I know that you have the potential to blow thirty years��� worth of scum out of the damn water. You need to be really careful here Hines.���

  Brody looked at him and sat back, ���Thank you.���

  ���I like you. I believe you. Trust in me a little here, Brody. And you may not like this, but I want to portray a happy family here, so this interview needs to involve them a bit,��� Matt smiled.

  * * *

  ���Welcome back we are here with Brody, Emma, Maddox, Lexington, and London,��� Matt smiled at the camera.

  ���You all look great,��� Matt looked at them.

  ���You do too,��� London smiled and Matt laughed.

  ���You���ve all been through horrible events in the past year������ Matt began but was interrupted.

  ���We have, but we are happy. We love each other, and I have a big brother and little sister and a Brody, or Dad as I call him now and������ London gushed.

  ���Okay, London,��� Emma smiled at her and Brody laughed.

  ���And we have a spokesperson- slash- London who sees beauty through all the ugliness in life,��� Maddox chuckled.

  ���Look at us. There���s no ugly here. We love each other more,��� London smiled at Maddox.

  ���More than what?��� Matt smiled at London.

  ���Anything…duh,��� she laughed loudly.

  Matt looked at Brody.

  ���You asked for this,��� Brody said.

  ���And I���m glad I did,��� Matt sat back, ���London do you want to take over here?���

  ���Sure,��� she stood up, ���This is my family and we are good people. So good, in fact, that God added to it. We have Lexi and Maddox now and it���s perfect. Maddox say hello.���

  Maddox smiled, ���Hello.���

  ���Now say ���Cheerio���,��� London laughed.

  Maddox grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap, ���Cheerio. Now shall we allow this man to do his job, London?���

  London laughed, ���Sure but I was doing alright, wasn���t I, Lexi? Oh this is Lexi. Lexi, who is this?���

  ���Dadadada,��� Lexi babbled.

  ���Yes it is good job,��� London clapped and so did Lexi, ���She walks now.���

  ���That���s great,��� Matt laughed, ���London, how did you become so shy?���

  ���Oh, you know,��� she rolled her eyes and laughed.

  ���I believe it was because she comes from a good family who���s encouraged her to be herself, loved her and made her feel precious,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Not a crazy, abusive, messed- up bunch,��� Matt smiled at him.

  ���No, quite the opposite. I���ve never felt such an overwhelming feeling of���love, ever. If I could choose a fairytale family, this would certainly be it,��� Maddox blushed, and London hugged him.

  ���And it���s not just by chance, but by choice,��� Brody said as tears filled his eyes.

  ���Thank you Dad, for finding me,��� Maddox looked down.

  London kissed his cheek, ���Don���t be sad, Maddox.���

  ���I���m not,��� Maddox hugged her.

  ���Holy shit, I���m going to cry on public television, shut those damn cameras off!��� Matt snapped.

  Emma smiled at Matt, ���Are they using the five second delay?���

  ���One could only hope,��� Matt said and laughed.

  ���Are we done here?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yes, I think so,��� Matt stood and shook Brody���s hand and then pulled him into a hug, whispering, ���I���m leaving you the information. Get it to someone who can blow this shit apart, and keep yourself and your family safe.���

  ���Thank you Matt, for everything,��� Brody hugged him.

  * * *

  ���They���re asleep?��� Brody asked Emma as she closed London���s door gently.

  ���Yes, is Maddox?��� Emma asked.

  ���He���s insisted he felt better about everything, and that he was fine in his room,��� Brody smiled and hugged Emma.

  ���Wow, what a day,��� Emma said as she stroked his face, ���Are you alright?���

  ���I am, but maybe we could chat about the third drawer,��� he smiled.

  ���The third drawer?��� Emma nodded her head. She looked up and kissed him quickly, ���Sounds so dirty.���

  ���It was a lot dirtier before our trip at Christmas,��� Brody smiled and pulled her against him tightly.

  He lowered his hands down to her rear, cupped her inner thighs from behind, and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him and smiled.

  ���What changed?��� she asked as she looked at him.

  ���You,��� he kissed her.

  ���Oh really?��� She pulled back.

  ���Absolutely, very relaxed and hot as hell,��� he wrapped his lips around hers drawing them out lightly.

  ���I wasn���t before?��� She asked pulling away.

  ���Hot yes, relaxed no. It took a lot of work to get you to relax. Not that, I didn���t completely enjoy it Em, but that first night on the floor, that was relaxed and so fucking hot,��� Brody kissed her harder and sat on the bed.

  Emma pushed against him and whimpered. He pulled her shirt over her head and kissed her breast and t
hen tugged lightly on her nipple.

  ���Hasn���t happened since I have been back, Squirt,��� he started to run his hand down her stomach and she pulled away from him and stood up.

  ���Em get back here,��� Brody chuckled.

  ���I said not to call me that again,��� Emma pulled her shirt over her head.

  ���Em get over here,��� Brody stood up smiling.

  ���No, let’s talk about������ Brody grabbed her around the waist.

  ���Not now Em,��� Brody kissed her neck.

  ���I said NO!��� She snapped quietly.

  He lifted his hands in the air and stepped back trying to hide his amusement.

  ���It���s not funny,��� she scowled.

  ���I never said it was, I said it was hot,��� Brody raised his eyebrow and continued to stare in her eyes.

  Emma turned around and walked into the closet, ���Can we please just do this?���

  Brody walked in the closet and grabbed the key, brushing up against her, ���Sure.��� Emma felt his breath against her neck.

  He opened the door, ���Ladies first.��� Emma looked down and he stood in the narrow doorway almost filling it completely.

  ���What are you waiting for Em?��� he whispered against her neck.

  As she slid between him and the door, she felt him against her belly.

  ���Em?��� He asked cocking his head.

  ���You need to move Brody, or I might hurt you,��� she said looking up at him.

  He licked his lips slowly as he looked down at her. He stood up causing his erection to push against her harder.

  ���You worried about this Em?��� He lowered his head until his lips almost met hers, and he felt her breath hitch.

  He smiled, and put his hands on her shoulders. Her mouth opened slightly as she felt her need for him sharpen. He kissed her head swiftly and brushed past her.

  Emma slouched against the door and moaned softly.

  ���Okay, so we know what ��� Em you alright?��� Brody smiled sheepishly.


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