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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 240

by Mj Fields

  ���Okay like a PG date? We���ll sit and eat popcorn and hold hands?��� Brody stuck out his bottom lip pouting purposely, Emma shook her hand no. ���Come on Em, we can pretend we���re in high school, you were a good girl. You can just pretend I���m your prom date. I���m sure you told him no.���

  ���Brody, if you were my prom date I wouldn���t have said no,��� Emma laughed.

  Brody smiled. ���Good to hear. Okay Jr. High date, I won���t pressure you at all. Just sit and hold my hand Emma. It felt nice earlier.���

  Emma looked at him. ���That was sweet.���

  ���I can be Emma, let me show you.��� Brody patted the spot next to him.

  ���What movie shall we watch Love?��� Emma asked and Brody smiled.

  Emma grabbed a blanket and covered herself up and sat next to him.

  ���You pick,��� Emma yawned.

  ���Genre?��� Brody asked.

  ���Comedy please,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Alright I���m going to go grab some drugs������ Brody started to stand.

  ���Hey I���m not going to the movies with some drugged up rock star wanna be thug.��� Emma gave him a dirty look and stood.

  ���Okay then,��� Brody laughed. ���Are we role playing Em?���

  ���No,��� Emma smiled and blushed.

  ���So what are we doing?��� Brody looked confused.

  ���I���m going to get popcorn, drinks, and then I���m going to drug my date,��� Emma smiled. ���You sit.���

  Brody laughed as he watched her walk out of the room.

  ���Brody, this was just dropped off by a currier, I signed for it.��� Clive handed him a package.

  Brody opened it; there was a hand written note from Ariel.

  ���I really don���t want to deal with this shit right now,��� Brody growled.

  ���Alright then.��� Clive took the package.

  ���What���s that?��� Emma asked walking in with popcorn and drinks in her hand.

  ���A package from Ariel,��� Brody sneered. ���We can deal with it later.���

  ���No, let���s just get this done.��� Emma sat next to him and smiled gently.

  ���I would prefer to wait until morning Em.��� Brody looked at her, and she could tell he was exhausted.

  ���Okay,��� she kissed his cheek.

  ���Clive you could look it over if you would like. Emma, feed me drugs and popcorn please,��� Brody smiled sweetly.

  ���As you wish.��� Emma gave him his medication.

  They sat and fed each other popcorn and laughed full out belly laughs as they watched a group of women trying on dresses for an upcoming wedding when they all are stricken with food poisoning.

  Emma stood up, ���Pause it please,��� and ran out the door.

  She came back, and Brody asked if everything was alright. ���Yes, I had to pee.���

  ���Okay get back here.��� Brody lifted the blanket and she snuggled up to him, and they both fell asleep.

  * * *

  Emma woke to giggles; she opened her eyes and looked up at Brody. ���I think we have company.���

  ���Yes, I think we do,��� he smiled down at her.

  Maddox and London laughed, ���Good morning parents, I think you may have stayed up too long.���

  ���Good morning children,��� Brody laughed. ���Where is number three?���

  ���With grandma, should I get her?��� London asked.

  ���I can do it.��� Emma smiled and jumped up and kissed them both. ���Brody you alright, do you need your meds?���

  ���No, only when I go on dates,��� he smiled.

  ���You���re going on a date?��� London smiled.

  ���We did last night, right here, second best date ever,��� Brody smiled.

  ���What was the first?��� London asked.

  Brody smiled and stood up. ���Hines bistro and dancing in here, not too long ago.���

  ���Daddy,��� Lexington laughed and smiled.

  Brody smiled and grabbed her.

  ���Brody…no lifting,��� Emma said as she walked back in and grabbed Lexington.

  ���Look at the little lip Mommy, she���s not happy.��� Brody smiled and kissed her head.

  ���Sit, you can hold her. Sorry Lexi Daddy has a boo- boo,��� Emma smiled. ���Maddox, we need to check your boo- boo. You need to eat and get ready you have a placement interview for school. Grandma already gave you some medication, and if you need more let me know, you only received half the dose so that it wouldn���t interfere with your ability to wow them. London, brush that hair girl ��� and teeth, breakfast in ten, troops. I���m going to take a shower, and I���ll be back to give Lexi a bath and Brody, you and Maddox should look online to see what school clothes he would like. London, you and I can shop online, or dress up really silly and go out������

  ���Em, your feet just hit the floor love, slow down,��� Brody grabbed her hand.

  ���There���s lots to do.��� Emma kissed his head. ���Maybe after breakfast, baths, testing, the doctor, we can do something fun. Maddox, you���re going to have to just relax, but anything I can do������

  ���I think you should teach me what relaxing means,��� Maddox smiled.

  Emma rolled her eyes at him. ���Well, I think you���ll learn. You seemed to have picked up on sarcasm fairly quickly.���

  Brody and London laughed.

  ���I���ll be right back.��� Emma ran up the stairs.

  ���Well then what shall we do?��� Brody looked around.

  Maddox smiled, and London laughed, ���Nothing, I think she���s got it covered.���

  * * *

  ���Emma you���re hovering.��� Brody kissed her head.

  ���I just hope this isn���t too much for him,��� Emma whispered and moved away from the door.

  Brody smiled, ���I think it���s too much for you.���

  ���Well maybe we could home- school him. I have had a year with Lexi from home and London had seven years, maybe he just needs some time,��� Emma yawned.

  ���Tired?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Exhausted,��� Emma smiled back.

  ���Okay well, please slow down,��� Brody kissed her.

  ���Will do. Now go sit down and relax, I���m going to make lunch.��� Emma walked into the kitchen with Lexington.

  Caroline smiled, ���Emma you look tired.���

  ���Gee thanks,��� Emma laughed. ���I want to make lunch.���

  ���I can do it,��� Caroline smiled.

  ���I want to Mom. Lexi, and I are going to wash veggies and make a big salad and add chicken and eggies,��� Emma laughed and tickled Lexi.

  ���Can I help?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Sure, you can sit here,��� Emma pulled a stool up to the counter, ���and make sure Lexi doesn���t fall out of her little cook���s tower.���

  Emma boiled eggs and baked chicken. When Brody wasn���t looking she would peek in on Maddox. Maddox saw her almost every time.

  Maddox smiled, and Emma gave him two thumbs up.

  ���Emma, get back in the kitchen,��� Brody chuckled.

  ���He���s been in there a long time, he is probably getting tired,��� Emma scowled and walke
d back in the kitchen and finished the salad.

  * * *

  ���It was very nice of you to come here for the testing,��� Maddox extended his hand to Mrs. Tanner.

  ���My pleasure, Maddox. May I speak to you both for a minute?��� Mrs. Tanner smiled as she stood in the kitchen doorway.

  Emma and Brody sat across the table from her and held hands.

  ���Let me just start by saying he aced the first test I gave him. I���ve never had a student do that. Ever,��� she looked shocked.

  ���I knew he was smart,��� Emma smiled.

  ���I then gave him a practice SAT exam, just to see what I was working with. And just so you know, normally it���s in the spring semester of the junior year that particular test is given. Maddox scored a 2210, putting him in the ninety- ninth percentile. Because of what he has been through socially, he should be placed in tenth grade. He has a September birthday; he would be the same age as most of his class. I do worry though, that he would be bored. Academically he���s ready to be a senior. So what I suggest is that we meet in the middle and he starts in the eleventh grade. It isn���t my call, and I���m still worried he may get bored. So what do you want to do?���

  Brody looked at Emma. ���What do you think?���

  ���I would love for him to start in eleventh grade; he���ll be seventeen when he graduates, but���.��� Emma looked at Brody.

  ���But what?��� He looked concerned.

  ���Brody he���s so smart, maybe we should ask him,��� Emma said softly.

  ���I absolutely agree Emma.��� Brody kissed her head and yelled for Maddox to come in.

  Mrs. Tanner explained everything to him and asked him what he thought.

  ���I���ll be a senior?��� He asked.

  ���Yes, but it will be a tough year. You need a certain amount of credits and because of your situation we can test you out of most of it, but you���ll have a very full schedule, and it won���t be easy,��� Mrs. Tanner warned.

  ���The worst case is I repeat my senior year?��� Maddox asked.

  ���Yes,��� she smiled.

  ���I would like to be a senior, please,��� Maddox answered.

  ���I would like that to be our plan, but we need to discuss what we would do for college in a year.��� Emma looked scared.

  ���Okay,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���We���ll meet you in the kitchen in a minute,��� Emma smiled.

  Maddox pulled his phone out of his pocket and then put it back in. Deciding against sending a text to Harper.

  Brody looked at Emma.

  ���Harper is a senior this year, too.��� Emma smiled and Brody chuckled.

  * * *

  ���Emma, Lexington is asleep, I think I can handle carrying her up.��� Brody stood.

  ���But������ Emma began.

  ���She���s less than twenty pounds Em,��� he pouted. ���I want to, please love?���

  Emma smiled. ���Fine but if you hurt yourself I���m going to be pissed.���

  ���Are you worried about me or you?��� He laughed.

  ���Me,��� she stuck her nose in the air.

  ���I told you I can take care of you, I���m healing very well.��� Brody winked.

  ���Nope,��� Emma smiled. ���I���ll take her.���

  Brody cocked his head to the side and winked. ���Nope.���

  * * *

  Emma was reading when Brody came down the stairs.

  ���What are you reading?��� his breath hit her neck.

  ���It���s for work.��� Emma looked up.

  ���You smell good.��� Brody kissed her neck.

  Emma cleared her throat and bookmarked her reading. ���Did you sing to Lexington?���

  Brody smiled and kissed her neck again. ���Uh huh.���

  ���Brody, please���please don���t do that.��� Emma squirmed down her chair and landed on the floor.

  ���You alright, Em?��� Brody laughed.

  Emma stood up and fixed her shirt. ���Yes, do you need your pain medication?���

  Emma walked quickly away from him.

  ���You can run Em, but you can���t hide,��� Brody said tauntingly behind her.

  Emma stopped and turned around. She put her hands on her hips and scowled, ���Stop.���

  Brody smiled and looked her up and down and licked his lower lip with obvious intention.

  ���No, means no,��� Emma swallowed hard, and her voice quivered.

  Brody laughed a deep throaty laugh, ���No what, Em?���

  ���No Brody.��� Emma walked quickly and turned the corner.

  She felt her face burning and opened the refrigerator and grabbed a cold pack and held it to her head as she tried to calm herself down. Emma shut the door, and Brody was leaning against the counter.

  ���The fuck me eyes are not going to work Brody,��� she snapped and threw the cold pack in the freezer.

  ���How did boo-boo bear work Em?��� He smiled.

  ���Not funny.��� Emma grabbed a glass and filled it with water and drank it down.

  She turned around and glanced at him. ���Does that hurt?���

  He shook his head no, slowly.

  Emma grabbed his medicine and a glass of water. ���Here.���

  ���Thank you Em,��� his voice was a purr.

  He took his pill and slammed his water.

  ���I need to use the bathroom.��� Emma walked past him and walked quickly to the bathroom and locked the door.

  Ten minutes went by, and she heard a knock.

  ���Are you okay in there?��� Brody asked softly.

  ���Yes, would you go sit down?��� Emma snapped.

  ���Em are you hiding from me?��� Brody laughed.

  ���It���s for your own good,��� Emma whispered.

  ���Okay fine, I give up, will you come out now?��� Brody whispered.

  Emma unlocked the door and he stood filling the door. ���Excuse me.���

  ���Don���t you hide from me Em������ Brody eyes raked over her.

  ���You don���t play fair, at all Brody.���

  ���I didn���t realize it was a game,��� Brody watched her.

  ���Brody, I love you, and I want you all the time okay? I just don���t want to���I want you to heal.��� Emma looked up sadly at him.

  ���I love you; shall we go upstairs and spoon Em?��� Brody smiled slyly.

  ���No,��� she pouted.

  ���No upstairs or no spooning?��� Brody asked.

  ���No spooning.��� Emma took his hand, and they went upstairs.

  They peeked in on all the kids and Emma smiled, ���Three sleepy babies.���

  ���Three sleeping angels Em, our angels.��� Brody kissed her sweetly.

  They lay in bed with pillows between them, forehead to forehead holding hands.

  ���This is nice, right?��� Emma asked.

  ���Well it is interesting,��� Brody laughed. ���I took a girl to a movie and didn���t get laid, and now I���m in bed with the same girl, and no action. I think I���m losing my touch.���

  ���I doubt that,��� Emma rolled.

  ���For argument sake I���m fine here, the only concern is popping a stitch, no worry of permanent damage.��� Brody fanned his eyebrows and smiled

  ���How about we talk to the doctor tomorrow about that?��� Emma fanned hers back.

  ���If she says yes, I���m going to make you wait,��� Brody scowled.

  ���Yeah okay,��� Emma laughed.

  ���I also want to see if we can take off for a few days, I want London���s tradition to carry on. She���s been through enough changes.��� Emma started to object, and Brody put his finger lightly against her lips. ���It���s also a special anniversary for us, Emma.���

  Emma smiled and closed her eyes, ���Sweetest man ever.���

  ���And to further impress you,��� He paused, ���I think your parents should move in with us.���

  ���Really?��� Emma asked.

  ���They have also been through hell and with the kids going back to school they won���t see them as much. It is totally up to you Emma, but we have plenty of room.��� Brody kissed her head.

  ���If that���s what you want ��� I don���t want to make that decision.��� Emma looked up at him.

  ���Okay, if you don���t want them to that���s fine Emma.��� Brody squeezed her hand.

  ���You���re being serious about this?��� Emma asked.

  ���Very. Maddox missed fifteen years with family, London���s lost her father, Lexington is absolutely perfect,��� Brody beamed. ���And selfishly, your mother likes me and seems to be very available and eager to take the kids when I want to tie my wife up.

  Emma laughed, ���You should talk to my Dad.���

  ���Okay and can we go away?��� Brody pouted, ���Please, Mommy?���

  ���We have to make sure you and Maddox are alright. Speaking of, he may need pain meds. I���m going to check, I���ll be back.��� Emma looked back at Brody, ���I love you.���

  ���Always?��� he smiled sleepily.

  ���And forever,��� Emma smiled.

  ���I love you more,��� Brody yawned.

  * * *

  Emma opened Maddox���s door, and he jumped up and gasped.


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