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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 243

by Mj Fields

  She walked in and sat down next to him and rubbed his back, he rolled his eyes and scrunched up his face.

  ���Idiots,��� he whispered with his hand covering the receiver and kissed her quickly. ���We may have to hang out here so one of those idiot detectives can interview us. I���ve been holding them off for days.���

  Emma���s face fell, and she swallowed hard, ���Ok.���

  Brody put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him. ���Be here at seven, no later, you���ll have an hour….I don���t give a shit! Our lives have been on hold long enough!���

  Brody hung up the phone and put his hand under her chin and kissed her. ���It���ll all be fine Em.���

  Emma nodded her head quickly in agreement, and he held her quietly for a few minutes.

  ���Okay damn it, I need to get a grip,��� Emma stood abruptly. ���Brody, Maddox…he���s going to have to talk to them and relive������

  ���He���ll be just fine Emma, we all will. Look at me,��� he grabbed her and lifted her chin. ���Fall apart here Emma, with me, I���ve got you I promise.���

  ���And when do you get to fall apart Brody?��� Emma breathed out.

  ���As long as I have you, none of the other stuff matters. Together we make things right for them, there���s no other way.��� Brody hugged her.

  She closed her eyes and looked up at him rubbing her hand up his back, finally relaxing in his embrace, his warmth, his love.

  ���You are my soft place to land.��� He smiled and closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

  Emma felt his body temperature rise as his body tensed and hers in response did the same.

  He opened his eyes and looked down into her eyes. They mirrored his and he inhaled deeply and let out a low groan, ���Wrapped completely, Em.���

  She smiled slightly at him and felt her face flush.

  ���If we just laid in bed, just holding each other, kissing, rubbing, moving just slowly in and out Em, we could stay that way for hours,��� Brody eyes were hooded and darkened.

  Emma walked up the stairs. He followed her into the bathroom and they brushed their teeth side by side, looking at each other in the mirror.

  Emma brushed her tongue and glimpsed at him, his eyes rolled slightly back.

  ���Really Brody,��� Emma giggled.

  ���Yes, Em really.��� Brody continued brushing.

  Emma rinsed her mouth and looked at him curiously.

  ���It troubles you?��� Brody rinsed his.

  ���No, not really but is that truly all men want?��� Emma asked slipping her bra off under her shirt.

  ���You���re going to ask me that when you’re removing clothing Em?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Well I want to know why. I mean if we didn���t have sex, would you still like me?��� Emma asked.

  He looked at her face and smiled. ���You want to talk right now?���

  ���Yes actually, I do,��� Emma said brushing past him.

  Brody walked out after her and stopped and watched as she put on a sweatshirt and yoga pants, she raised her eyebrows, and he laughed.

  ���We���re going to talk then.��� Brody smiled and sat on the bed totally naked.

  Emma threw the covers over him and sat at the end of the bed scowling which made him laugh harder.

  ���I���m serious Brody ��� if this is all ������ Emma began.

  Brody sat up and grabbed her, pulling her so that her back was against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly and kissed her neck.

  ���If this is all we shared, would it not be enough?��� Brody asked.

  ���That���s not what I���m saying Brody,��� Emma whispered.

  ���Sex to me was������ Brody began.

  ���Was?��� Emma turned her head and looked up at him.

  ���Before you Love, but you need to be quiet because I���m going to tell you a story, so shhh, no interrupting,��� he put his finger over her lips making her giggle.

  ���I love your stories,��� Emma whispered.

  ���Well thank you but if you intend for me to tell you one you must be quiet.��� Brody���s eyes widened warning her teasingly.

  Emma nodded in agreement.

  ���This story is the truth about some boys and sex, please be advised that it may not pertain to some, but to many it does. This first group of boys we will call the room boys,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Room boys?��� Emma giggled.

  ���Yes, but do try to postpone comments or questions until after the story has finished, otherwise the storyteller may not be able to control his response to your intellectual stimulation.��� Brody kissed the back of her neck.

  ���The room boys are the ones who sit behind closed doors and quietly strum their guitar.��� Brody had a smile in his voice.

  ���So we���re not talking about sex?��� Emma asked.

  ���Hush please, the story is building,��� Brody smiled ���The room boys have just figured out what to do with the instrument and more importantly what it does for them. They practice hard, really hard,��� Brody chuckled. ���Until they realize they are missing something. Room boy is ready to take the stage. The evolution has now begun, room boy is ready to take a chance and move to playing his instrument for a willing, or should I say any willing audience of one. Room boy is now a one man show. He hones his skills so that he may be able to play an entire cord. He realizes that he���s getting pretty good with his instrument, and that���s when he begins to talk about it with his mates. So let���s recap, room boy realizes he enjoys playing his instrument, he then shares his instrument with an audience of one, evolving into a one man show. One man show feels confident in his skills and decides it’s time for him to emerge from the audience of one so that his friends know he���s still alive. He shares his love of music and encourages them to join him in kicking it up a notch. Thus his evolution continues to garage band boy. Here, his friends and he realize that there is way more than an audience of one and as the audience grows so do the options. So garage band boy uses his instrument, his honed skills, and has the encouragement of his band mates and the audience to continue using the instrument. The garage band soon has a following and seeks a grander audience. They move from garage band to becoming headliners. The headliners instrument defines him. He���s really good at playing it and word spreads. It���s his way in and out and in and out and some decide through life���s events that it may not be enough, they may want more. At this point some choose to evolve into rock stars. Rock stars can sometimes have their instruments used against them, it becomes who they are, and at times they feel like they have become just an instrument. Their audiences have grown and want nothing from them but to be able to say that the rock star has played his instrument for them, even though the rock star may want his audience to see him as more than an instrument. Some of the audience does, but at this point the rock star has decided this is enough for them, it feels good, and they do it well.���

  ���Is the story over?��� Emma asked.

  ���Oh for many it is. But I want to tell you the happy ending Em, would you like to hear it?��� Brody kissed her, and she shook her head yes.

  ���Room boy taught himself to get off, the one man show taught himself how to get someone else off, and the garage band enabled him to experience all it could bring, a great feeling. The headliner had a sense of pride in his ability, he was assured he was good at it. The rock star got sick of it and decided that he was getting older and needed to be done, or his instrument may tu
rn green and fall off.��� Brody laughed and so did Emma. ���One day rock star had his fill and was sure sex was really the only true pleasure in any sort of relationship and decided that was enough, and then through different events in his life he realized it was enough. He was ready to give up on everything except his music. One run through the park, one woman knocked on her ass, he saw in her what he felt inside, the tears he had never let fall. But something was different, the glimmer in her eyes, the need to show kindness, a hope that he thought he had lost, not a desire for a rock star. And right then, he was ready to take her back to his room, knowing she would say yes, no one had ever said no. She didn���t even know who he was. He was pleasantly surprised that this woman who looked at him differently than any other, didn���t know who he was, for otherwise he would have taken her, then the walk of shame from his room to the curb, and that would have been it. So instead, he mustered up courage and compassion that was fighting desire and left her unharmed. Blessing fell down upon him, and he met her that very same night, the first time he���d been in public in months. She told him no to a dance, even after being introduced as a rock star, further growing his fascination with her. Then photos, and so much drama and an unexpected yearning to comfort her, again a feeling he never felt, but being the one causing the discomfort he settled for an apology and extended the invitation to see him in action. Possibly this would cause her to look at him the way she had before, a look he no longer wanted but needed from her. To see the way she cared for her child, not a way he had lived or witnessed, to see her muster up strength when facing hell, but not in a hardened way, she was soft and vulnerable, and love poured from her soul. Then the music talked, and the way you, I mean she described my, I mean his passion and even knew what he was avoiding, he was done. He had to have her and not for only an evening. When the discussion finally came up, that first kiss, the heat and need he felt was not what he was used to. Then she told him no again, that was awful���for him. When she finally gave in, that moment was amazing. She didn���t give it up easily, and he was very glad, very frustrated but so pleased. She was trembling and nervous, again nothing he had experienced, and at that moment he knew he needed her and only her, always and forever.���

  Brody kissed her, and she melted further into him.

  Emma yawned, ���That was a beautiful story.���

  ���Well, of course it is, its ours, But please let me finish,��� Brody kissed her neck.

  ���That was the first time he had actually felt like he was making love.��� Brody smiled, and Emma laughed and rolled her eyes. ���I make love to you all the time, our love making Emma started at the park, the first time, and I���m not talking about when I went back to my room and jerked off to the picture of you in my head,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Brody!��� Emma gasped.

  ���Emma!��� Brody gasped back and smiled. ���And then saw you hours later, scandalous isn���t it?���

  Emma laughed and kissed him.

  ���I���m not done, be patient love. Okay let’s recap our story, the park, the very steamy shower scene,��� Brody cocked his head to the side and winked and then continued. ���Oh yes, I make love to you often. When we exchange smiles, or simple hugs Emma, I feel I���m making love to you. When I was giving you injections so that we could create Lexington, I was making love to you. When I watch you with our children, I���m making love to you. Every second I feel your love, I feel like you are making love to me and I never want it to be any different. When we kiss I���m not shoving my tongue down your throat, I���m tasting you, the woman I���ve made love to in my heart for almost two years. When your breasts are in my mouth Emma, I���m adoring your body, when I touch you like this,��� his hand moved under her bulky sweatshirt, ���it���s not an orgasm I���m thinking about, its my skin touching yours.��� His hand traveled down her belly. ���Now I���m feeling you against me and then here,��� Emma moaned, ���I delight in the fact that you are as in need of me as I am of you, always Em.��� His thumb circled her sweet spot, and he nipped at her neck and lightly kissed it. ���You show me that you need me as badly as I need you. That you are mine, and I am yours. When I taste you it���s an acceptance of everything you are and when you taste me it���s transcendent. The first time you opened your mouth as I came you showed me you accepted all of me and then wanted more. The physical act of intercourse, I will never see it the way I have in the past, it���s not fucking, it���s not me trying to perform, it���s not dirty, or something to hide. When I���m inside of you Emma I���m wrapped in you, you���re accepting of all that I am, and I���m giving you all of me. If you knew how much pleasure it not only gave my heart and my soul, you may think differently. And now that I���ve told you I hope you do. I hope that you know that there���s no place I would rather be than wrapped in you forever.���

  ���Your voice���your words…seduce my very essence, Music Man,��� Emma whimpered.

  ���Well it���s only fair because your heart and soul do the same to me,��� Brody kissed her tasting her slowly, adoringly.

  Emma looked up at him and slowly shook her head in wonder as he continued to slowly, gently, lovingly touch her body and she touched his.

  * * *

  Emma woke to light kisses on her neck. She smiled slightly and moved her head exposing more places that needed to be kissed.

  ���How is it���that you���smell���so good���after the night ���we had?��� Brody spoke between the kisses that continued down her still naked body.

  ���Hey Music Man, it���s six,��� Emma moaned as he reached her belly button.

  She grabbed his head with both hands and pulled him up as he grumbled kissing up her body, ���Good morning.���

  ���Good Morning, shower with me?��� Emma smiled.

  ���Are you trying to kill me?��� Brody laid on her and grinded his hips.

  ���That���s very nice Brody,��� Emma smiled. ���Speaking of me killing someone, we need to get ready for the police.���

  Brody���s mouth opened immediately releasing her breast from his mouth and looked at her in shock.

  Emma laughed and whispered, ���You didn���t know?���

  Brody smiled gently and cupped her face. ���We got this, right Em?���

  ���Of course.��� Emma kissed him back quickly. ���Now get off me Music Man, I have lots to do.���

  Brody didn���t move, he looked into her eyes and kissed her cheek and rubbed his nose across hers.

  She let out a breath and closed her eyes, ���I���m fine.���

  He kissed her head and smiled, ���Yes you are, this is no big deal. We���re going to get through this and then make three little people very happy.���

  ���Thank you,��� Emma hugged him.

  ���Now���get off me Music Man?��� Brody scowled.

  Emma smiled, ���I was just���I didn���t mean it.���

  ���I know,��� he smiled. ���Let���s shower.���

  * * *

  Eli, Emma, and Brody sat at the table waiting for the detectives to set up the tape recorder.

  Emma looked and Brody���s chest and wished she could just hide her face against it, it was now her safe place, she had no idea why it brought her so much comfort, but it did. So she focused staring directly up at it, the place she wanted to be.

  Head to chest, eyes closed, we got this Em, his smooth reassuring words, head to chest, eyes closed, we got this Em, she continued chanting in her head.

  He rubbed her hand gently, breaking her concentration Emma looked
up and smiled nervously at him.

  ���Are you alright Mrs. Hines?��� Detective Storks asked.

  ���Yes, sorry could you repeat that question?��� Emma looked at him and gave a weak smile.

  ���For the record what���s your name,��� he smiled.

  ���Emma Hines,��� she answered.

  ���Could you tell us what happened on the night of August 25th?��� Storks looked up at her.

  ���Clive had told me that Brody had been stabbed. I went to the hospital. My parents and Rebecca were here. I ended up coming home and I heard them outside. I walked out, Rebecca turned and had a gun pointed at me. Maddox stabbed her, she turned and he started to run, and she shot him,��� Emma closed her eyes and swallowed, ���she shot him, and he fell.���

  Brody watched her, and his foot began to tap. Emma looked up, he leaned forward and looked at her, and he took her chin and kissed her, his jaw twitched. ���Like a band aid Em, just do it Love ��� quick.���

  ���I ran to him and held him and she had a gun, and I shot her, I shot her until I couldn���t stop. I had to keep him safe, I couldn���t stop,��� Emma got angry. ���I wanted her������

  ���Alright Em, that���s good Love come here,��� Brody pulled her into his arms. ���Have you got what you fucking needed?���

  ���We would like to speak to your������ Detective Storks began.

  ���He is a minor!��� Brody snapped. ���He has already spoken to one of your officers at the hospital.���

  ���We would like to ������ Detective Storks began again.

  ���Do your fucking job? Had you taken this serious earlier, less lives would be lost,��� Brody sneered.

  ���Dad it���s okay.��� Maddox walked in the room.

  ���Maddox you���ve already answered their questions.��� Eli stood. ���They have had enough.���


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