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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 250

by Mj Fields

  ���How?��� Maddox asked, and tears started to fall down his face.

  ���He always does,��� Emma smiled.

  Maddox looked up and smiled, ���He���s behind us isn���t he Maddox?���

  ���Yes, literally right behind us,��� Maddox smiled at Emma.

  ���Embarrassing,��� Emma laughed and wiped his tears and then hers.

  Brody sat next to them and smiled softly. ���We���ll be fine and so will many others because of this trip. I feel it. The same thing I felt the moment I saw you in a photo Maddox, I knew you were my son.���

  * * *

  Brody stood with his hands in his pockets looking out at the water trying in vain to lose the feeling deep inside that this time was different. If he didn���t shake the feeling Emma would know, just as he would know if she wasn���t being truthful in order to spare his feelings.

  He always acknowledged the fact that he had been blessed beyond what he felt he deserved, but he was not a praying man. But today and for the next few days he needed protection, strength, and a clear mind. Brody closed his eyes and lifted his head and asked for those things. He knew that it was already known that he promised to forever cherish those people he loved and vowed to do everything he could to help all the victims of the atrocious act of human trafficking.

  ���Hey,��� Emma said wrapping her arm around his waist standing to his side.

  ���Hey back,��� Brody pulled her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

  ���Are you okay?��� Emma asked leaning back into him.

  ���Much better now,��� he said sweetly.

  ���I know you���re worried,��� Emma said and reached her hand up and rubbed his soft stubble with her nails.

  ���That feels good. If I were a dog, I can guarantee my leg would be shaking like crazy right now,��� he pushed his face into her hands.

  ���I want Collin to check and make sure your incision is closed���before you go,��� Emma said and rubbed his head faster.

  ���Is there a pet store nearby Emma?��� Brody chuckled.

  ���I���m sure, but why���oh, Maddox.��� Emma turned around quickly, ���We promised.���

  Brody smiled, ���We did, how do you think Tessa and Collin would feel about it?���

  ���They would be fine Brody, let���s go now. Let���s go get the kids,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Alright love, wow you���re excited,��� Brody laughed.

  ���It will keep him busy. It will be his friend, we need to go now.��� Emma grabbed his hand and ran to the deck.

  * * *

  They pulled into town and drove past two pet stores that Emma had googled, both were closed. Emma texted Collin, and he sent her directions to two more stores and an animal shelter outside of town. Emma looked at Brody and he scrunched his nose up and then stuck out his bottom lip, and Emma laughed.

  Collin texted that the owner of the shelter would be open and that he said they have several that were in need of homes.

  ���Emma are you sure this is the place, it looks like a house right out of the movie Deliverance,��� Brody laughed.

  Emma giggled and pointed, ���I am, the sign is right there.���

  ���Bloody hell Emma do you see that?��� He gasped at the man in denim overall���s walking towards them with a shovel. ���We���re fucked.���

  Emma tried not to laugh and failed.

  ���I have seen some fucknuggets in my day, but this one takes the cake, possibly even the entire bakery,��� Brody laughed hard.

  ���Okay everyone, let���s get out here,��� Emma giggled still looking at Brody.

  He leaned forward and kissed her, ���I love you.���

  She smiled and kissed him back, ���I love you more.���

  ���You here about the dog?��� The man asked.

  ���Yes we would like to see what you have available,��� Emma smiled.

  Brody looked at her and raised his eyebrows in pseudo horror. ���I���ll grab Lexi,��� he leaned in and whispered, ���Cover us Em. I���ll be behind you every step of the way.���

  They walked into a large barn with cages stacked up and through a room that smelled awful. ���What are these?��� London asked pointing to the large cement wall with drawers.

  ���Incinerators,��� the man said without looking back or giving explanation.

  Brody chuckled, and Emma looked back and rolled her eyes at him.

  ���What do you incinerate?��� London asked.

  ���Hey London,��� Maddox grabbed her hand trying to divert her attention.

  They walked through a door, and a hairless cat jumped down off a shelf in front of Brody and he jumped, ���Bloody hell, what is that thing!���

  ���Brody,��� Emma tried to hush him.

  ���Think it’s one of them Elf cats, slated two days from now, long overdue no one wants that damn thing,��� the man kept walking. ���Pups are this way.���

  ���Birdie,��� Lexington pointed at the elf cat.

  ���Ugly birdie,��� Brody corrected and stepped around it with a disgusted look on his face and Emma giggled.

  They walked in and saw several older dogs, many sickly looking.

  ���Are there any young ones?��� Emma looked around.

  ���Yep, but you ain���t gonna want them,��� he laughed. ���No one will take the two, and when they are separated, well, let���s just say they are being put down tomorrow.���

  ���What do you mean put down?��� London asked smiling at him.

  ���Can we see them?��� Brody said quickly and winked at Emma.

  They walked in and saw two dogs and Maddox smiled from ear to ear.

  ���They are not puppies,��� Brody said stunned.

  Emma laughed as she looked at the expressions on the children���s faces and back at Brody���s.

  ���I cannot believe we are doing this,��� Brody whispered still in some early state of shock.

  ���Birdie,��� Lexington pointed and smiled.

  ���Ugly, uuugly, ugly,��� Brody said trying to get her to say it too.

  They walked into the office to sign paper work as London and Maddox picked out leashes and collars. The owner was willing to give them anything just to get them to take the dastardly duo.

  ���Birdie,��� Lexington ran towards the hairless cat when Brody was paying the adoption fee.

  ���Emma, please fetch Lexi, I can���t stomach to go near that thing,��� Brody whispered.

  ���Putting it down tomorrow, it is ugly, no one is ever gonna want that thing,��� the man continued to talk, and Brody glanced at London who looked sick to her stomach.

  ���Come here Lexi,��� Emma picked her up and she started to throw a fit.

  ���Emma, please take her to the car I can���t listen���please,��� Brody pleaded.

  They got in the car, and Lexington was still screaming Birdie when Brody started towards the car. He stopped and turned around and held up a finger, gesturing to wait a minute.

  * * *

  They pulled into the Cape house, and Emma was still laughing when they all piled out of the car.

  ���We need a bigger vehicle,��� Brody moaned.

  ���Well when things get back to normal.��� Emma looked up at Brody, and they both laughed.

  ���I married the perfect match for me, I���m a particularly lucky man.��� Brody
smiled and kissed her.

  ���Two pieces to a very odd puzzle,��� Emma smiled.

  ���We needed this today Em,��� Brody looked at her and closed his eyes. ���We���ll have this every day for the rest of our lives.���

  Emma smiled, ���I���m going to go put Lexi down, and she is exhausted.���

  ���I will,��� Brody looked in the car and wrinkled his nose, ���You get that.���

  Emma laughed as Brody walked away.

  Emma walked onto the patio, and everyone was petting and playing with the pups.

  ���Wow I can���t believe���what���s in the cage?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Birdie,��� Emma laughed and pulled it out.

  ���What the hell is it?��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Lexington���s troll cat,��� Emma laughed so hard tears rolled down her face.

  Brody walked out and cringed. ���That thing will never get cute, ever Emma, can���t it live in the cage, possibly in the garage, the neighbor���s garage?���

  ���You went back to get it,��� Emma laughed.

  ���She was quite upset, I couldn���t������ Brody started.

  ���She���s a baby, she would have forgotten.��� Tessa looked at the cat in disgust.

  ���No, she loved that thing you should have heard her crying Birdie, Birdie,��� Brody laughed.

  ���Well Birdie is ours now, and cats live forever.��� Emma smiled and handed him the cat.

  ���I can���t Em,��� Brody stepped back.

  Emma sat down and smiled at him.

  ���Okay so two Saint Bernard���s?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Siblings, we couldn���t separate them, and the lad from Deliverance was going to put them down. He told us this several times, I think we were played love what do you think?��� Brody smiled at Emma.

  ���I���m sure we were,��� Emma looked at Birdie.

  ���You are going to have to get a bus,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Speaking of, do you think you could buy a vehicle when we are away? Keep the Audi but buy an American large SUV Emma, what do you think?��� Brody was going to kiss her when Birdie stood on her lap and meowed at him. ���Birdie you are hideous. My God Emma what were you thinking?���

  Emma laughed at him and stood up and sat on his lap.

  ���You do know this is the only way that thing will be near me right?��� Brody pulled her hair to the side and kissed her neck.

  ���Oh no, you���re stuck, you will learn to love Birdie,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Highly unlikely,��� Brody made a nasty face. ���We have no names for the boys yet?���

  ���No, they are going to take their time in naming them,��� Emma laughed.

  * * *

  They spent the day relaxing and enjoying each other���s company and at bedtime Brody and Emma sat and talked to the kids. London held back tears and watched for Maddox���s reaction and he did the same.

  Brody laid next to London in their bed with Lexington asleep on his chest.

  ���Are you scared Brody?��� London asked softly.

  ���No, are you?��� Brody asked pushing her hair out of her eyes.

  ���I just���well, when you leave sometimes you are gone a long time,��� London sat up and looked at him.

  ���Just once London,��� he smiled at her.

  ���No, the first time when Mom got sick, that was a long time,��� London looked at him sadly.

  ���I have to admit, it did feel like an awfully long time to me as well,��� Brody held her little hand.

  ���She loved you way back then too,��� London yawned.

  ���Well I remember very well that I was over the moon in love with her and with you immediately. I wanted to be here with you. London I have to tell you something, a secret,��� Brody whispered.

  ���Okay,��� London smiled and laid back down snuggling into him.

  ���Well maybe a story?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Yes, please,��� London giggled. She sat back up and grabbed her iPod and pushed a button and laid back down and snuggled into him, ���Okay go on.���

  ���Did you set an alarm?��� Brody looked at her in amusement.

  ���No, go on I want a story,��� she grinned.

  ���Once upon a time there was a beautiful little Princess whose heart was ginormous,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Ginormous is not a word,��� London giggled.

  ���My story little Princess, I mean London, do be quiet please,��� Brody smiled, and London giggled. ���Alright now, the Little Princess had a ginormous heart in a kingdom that was full of pain and angst and whose people suffered from itsy bitsy heart syndrome. The Princess was beautiful and once the kingdom���s people were allowed to meet her they appeared to literally feel their hearts grow if given just one smile from the little Princess. If lucky enough to speak to her their hearts grew even more. If given a hug their hearts grew even larger. The Little Princess had no idea how many people���s hearts were healing from her kindness and love, she had no idea the magical powers she was blessed with. People of the Kingdom whose hearts had grown seemed to carry a similar power, and her kingdom began to let go of the pain and angst and live lives filled with happiness. They lived for the todays and tomorrows and not the hurt of yesterdays. The little Princess never really knew that she had such an effect on all whose hearts she had healed. One day an angry baron watched as the little Princess talked with the Kingdom���s people. He didn���t understand what was happening around him and quite frankly it pissed him off to see all the people who now seemed happier, while his hurts from his yesterday���s still consumed his soul. He had the worst case ever seen by the town���s doctor of itsy bitsy heart syndrome. One day he was in the town square and overheard her talking to a group of people. He heard her speak of normal everyday things that would normally go unnoticed as things of beauty. He saw her care so deeply for others who struggled and even those who mocked her that it made him wonder if she was sane. That night his heart began to heal. The next day he went back hoping to catch a glimpse or hear a story or conversation that the little Princess may have in hopes that it would heal him a bit more. It began to rain, but he didn���t care, he needed to see and hear the little Princess. The town square was empty, but he stood under a tree and waited and hoped, things which he had never done before, he hoped she would show up as she did every day. He saw the Little Princess walk into the square and look around. She saw him hiding behind a tree soaking wet and ran with her umbrella to him. She smiled an offered to share it with him, she offered a stranger kindness. His itsy bitsy heart healed immediately, and he was forever indebted to her. He became her knight, one that would protect her from all those who may intend to bring harm to her or her kingdom.���

  ���That was about me?��� London asked confused.

  ���You are my Little Princess,��� Brody kissed her cheek.

  ���But what about Lexington?��� London asked whispering and pointing to her.

  ���She is as well, but this story was about you and the magic you have, the spell you cast on everyone around you, the love that you share could heal the entire world London,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Were you the troll?��� London yawned.

  ���The what?��� Brody laughed.

  ���The troll, oh no it was a knight,��� London giggled.

  ���I���ve learned so much from you and your mother���s love London. I will forever be your knight, your protector,
I���ll do whatever I can to keep you safe and loved.��� Brody looked at her, his face hiding the pain.

  ���I know,��� she yawned. ���I love you Dad, knight���troll.���

  Brody laughed out loud, and Lexington moved slightly.

  ���Shh you���ll wake the tiny Princess,��� London smiled. ���You have taught me a lot to you know.���

  ���I bet I have,��� Brody chuckled.

  ���You taught me what a Princess should look for in a Prince. What a Princess feels like to have a Dad who loves her enough to want to be around her and what role modeling that behavior can do,��� London yawned.

  ���Role modeling behavior huh?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Yep, my Daddy changed because of you, more so when you were gone. I heard Mom tell Lila that. I know it���s true, so you Brody, Dad, Knight, Troll��� are just as much a blessing to us. You, Lexington, and now Maddox. We���re a perfect family,��� London yawned again.

  ���My sweet, sweet girl, you are tired sleep, Princess.��� Brody pulled her into his arms and kissed her head, ���I love you.���

  ���I love you more,��� she said softly.

  ���We love each other more,��� he whispered.

  Brody snuggled with her until he felt her shake slightly. He carefully tried to move her while Lexington lay asleep on his chest.

  ���Need some help?��� Emma smiled as she walked towards the bed.

  He smiled and nodded his head yes.

  * * *

  Brody closed the door quietly behind him, ���Thank you Love.���

  ���You should go spend time with Maddox before he goes to bed, he���s outside with the dogs and Birdie follows them everywhere,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Birdie,��� Brody cringed and Emma laughed.

  ���He looks tired, you should go.��� Emma pushed herself up on her tiptoes and kissed him quickly.


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