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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 255

by Mj Fields

  ���Oh you do, damn we are ������ Brody looked at Emma and stopped talking.

  Emma wiped her mouth, ���Is there something on my lip?���

  Brody shook his head no and closed his eyes trying not to laugh.

  ���Seriously you���re staring at my mouth if there is something on my lips it would be rude of you not to tell me,��� Emma sat back.

  ���Just admiring Em,��� Brody chuckled.

  ���You are sure?��� Emma wiped her lips.

  Brody looked at her, ���There could be.���

  Emma looked confused and then looked in his dark eyes, ���Oh���oh.���

  Emma stood up and took his hand, ���Where are you taking me Em?���

  ���To the office, the door locks,��� Emma smiled.

  Emma pointed to the chair and locked the door behind her.

  ���So what is it you wanted?��� Emma smiled with pride.

  ���I want very badly to be inside you right now Em,��� Brody looked at her and raised his eyebrow, ���Very bad Em.���

  ���I thought you were talking about my mouth Brody,��� Emma knelt in front of him and released him from his loose sweats, ���Looks like you���re all set.���

  ���Why don���t you sit up on my lap Love,��� Brody clenched his jaw.

  Emma looked up at him and slowly rubbed her tongue across his tip looking up into his eyes. Brody���s mouth was opened slightly, and she repeated the movement. ���Em, please just climb your hot little ass up here.���

  Emma scooted between his legs and kissed his inner thigh lightly and ran her tongue up the length of him.

  ���Fuck come on Em, get up here,��� he growled.

  Emma took him in her mouth almost completely and moved fast. Each time he touched the back of her throat he let out a strangled moan, ���Awe fuck Em, please������

  Emma continued until he growled her name and she tasted him, pumping him until he was empty in her mouth. She sat back on her heels and looked up at him.

  ���I must be getting better at this,��� Emma smiled proudly at him.

  Brody opened his eyes and looked down at her, ���Why would you say that?���

  ���It didn���t take as long,��� Emma stood and kissed him and smiled at him.

  ���Em that���s the wrong thing to say to a man,��� Brody closed his eyes.

  ���Oh, sorry���why?��� Emma asked and pulled a chair next to him and took him in her hand again.

  Brody looked at her and smiled, ���I work pretty damn hard not to explode on impact love, every time.���

  ���I hurt your feelings?��� Emma asked.

  ���No Emma������

  ���You do know ninety nine percent of the time I���ve come at least three or four times before you and I can barely walk right? So I���m going to enjoy that I just got you off,��� Emma stroked him gently. ���And I���m going to enjoy doing it again, and it looks like it will happen pretty soon.���

  Brody smiled at her, ���When I get my strength back, you are so fucked Em.���

  ���Is that supposed to be a threat? Because I���m not afraid of you at all Music Man, kind of turns me on,��� Emma laughed and knelt down again. ���Hey Brody,��� Emma looked up at him, cocked her head and winked, ���Sit back and enjoy, I���m going to suck your brain straight.���

  Brody laughed and pulled her hair to the side so he could watch as she moved from his thighs to his scrotum and teased him as his erection twitched each time she lightly rubbed her tongue across it. ���Sounds like beautiful torture Em.���

  * * *

  Emma and Brody sat on the couch snuggled up with Lexi between them when the phone rang. ���Hello this is Emma���yes of course���we will be right there.��� Emma hung up the phone and looked at Brody, ���Problem at school.���

  They walked into the main office at Maddox���s school, and he was sitting with his arms crossed over his chest scowling down with Caroline sitting next to him.

  Caroline looked up, ���Let me take Lexington, the principal���s waiting, they called me down here from London���s school, I called you as soon as I could.��� Caroline looked at Maddox and bent down and kissed his head, ���I love you.���

  They sat in the office, and the principal walked in and sat down. ���Good afternoon, thank you for stopping in, I could have handled this, but Caroline jumped the ������

  ���You all were told if there was a problem to call us immediately,��� Brody sneered. ���Maddox why didn���t you call?���

  ���They took my phone,��� Maddox looked back down.

  ���He���s enrolled with us, and we take care of these types������ the principal started.

  ���Excuse me, but his situation is a bit different wouldn���t you say?��� Emma asked.

  ���Regardless, rules are rules, kids are resilient, we���ll make sure he understands,��� the Principal looked at Maddox.

  Emma looked at Brody, and he was several different shades of red and about ready to blow. Emma held his hand gently and rubbed it, ���What happened Maddox?���

  ���Some kid wouldn���t leave this girl alone, I told him to. He shoved me and continued, he then put his hand on her. I told him to leave her the fuck alone, he pushed me, and I punched him in the eye,��� Maddox was unemotional in his description.

  ���Alright where is the other student?��� Emma asked Maddox.

  ���I assume in class,��� Maddox looked at Emma.

  ���This is Maddox���s word against the other student, who���s been here for four years Mrs. Hines,��� the Principal responded smugly.

  ���Do you have videos, did you ask the girl, or are you simply going to blame Maddox, does that make your job easier?��� Emma���s voice was shaking.

  ���I am well aware of my job Mrs. Hines,��� he snapped.

  ���Listen pal, watch your tone with my wife. Who is your boss? Get him here and the other students. You may want to take some notes as well or have someone take them for you because you sure don���t retain information. Maddox don���t answer a damn thing they ask you without Em or I present, ever okay?��� Brody was livid and looked back at the principal, ���Do you need help pushing the buttons on your phone Dudley?���

  Maddox smirked, and Emma kicked him causing him to laugh.

  ���You may want to watch your tone Mr. Hines,��� Dudley warned him.

  ���You may want to dial your phone Dudley,��� Brody mimicked him.

  Dudley left the room, and Emma scolded Maddox and Brody. She dialed her phone and called the pediatrician���s office and spoke to his doctor quietly while Maddox and Brody talked to one another.

  ���Thank you Karen, it is very much appreciated,��� Emma hung up, and Brody looked curiously at her.

  ���I don���t like Dudley douchebag Em,��� Brody smiled and Maddox laughed.

  ���Okay I don���t like him either but as far as area schools go, my Mom is here and I feel that the kids are safer with her here okay?��� Emma looked down.

  ���Okay, sorry Em,��� Brody said softly noticing her trying to keep herself together.

  They waited for twenty minutes until Dudley returned with the two other students and their parents.

  ���Interesting that their parents are phoned only after we cause a commotion Dudley and where is your boss?��� Brody tried to keep calm.

  ���I am his boss,
the superintendent of the school, and this is my son Richard,��� the man in the suit sat in Dudley���s chair.

  ���Oh I see now,��� Brody laughed.

  ���No Mr. Hines I don���t think you do. My son has a black eye because or your child���s inability to control his temper,��� he looked at Brody and sat back.

  ���I want to see whatever video footage you have,��� Brody took his sunglasses off and the two students gasped.

  Maddox looked at Emma and smiled and Emma patted his knee.

  ���Well I apologize but the surveillance cameras in that wing of the school don���t seem to be working, we are waiting to have someone come in to fix them soon,��� Richard Sr. responded almost smugly.

  ���Of course, now Dudley would you like to question the children or shall I?��� Brody asked.

  Dudley looked nervously at Richard.

  ���Oh what a waste of time. Miss I don���t know your name, but if you tell a boy no, it means no if they continue you scream. Young Dick, just because your daddy is a dick doesn���t mean you have to follow in his footsteps������

  ���That���s enough!��� Richard senior snapped.

  ���Have a seat Dick. Here���s the deal, I won���t be punishing my son for defending a girl or himself over a little Dick���s behavior. Little Dick only learned his grotesque behavior from someone I assume is a dick. Moral to the story children, don���t be a dick.��� Brody sat forward, ���Maddox, son you���re to call us if people around here start treating you like the two dumb dicks here.���

  ���Students are not allowed cell phones Mr. Hines,��� Dudley said nervously.

  ���Little Dick what���s in your pocket?��� Brody asked.

  ���That is none of your business,��� Richard snapped.

  ���Okay DICK let’s assume it���s a cell phone������ Brody started to stand.

  ���Brody, it���s alright. Dr. Green is faxing a note saying he is allowed, I don���t think���Richard, or Dudley will have a problem with that will you?��� Emma asked.

  Neither answered the question.

  ���Okay, we���ve wasted enough time here, are you alright?��� Emma asked the girl.

  ���Yes,��� she whispered.

  ���Don���t let anyone touch you like that if it happens again������ Emma started.

  ���We don���t have evidence it in fact did happen Mrs. Hines,��� Richard snapped.

  ���Again, watch the tone big Dick,��� Brody growled.

  ���Is that a threat?��� Richard snapped.

  ���Oh no, my Dad doesn���t threaten,��� Maddox chuckled.

  ���Okay Maddox,��� Emma said calmly, ���Richard when is the next board meeting?���

  Richard didn���t respond, ���My wife asked you a question������

  ���Okay Brody,��� Emma held his hand.

  The final bell rang, and Emma looked at Richard, ���We have a great lawyer Richard and a bit of free time on our hands. Our son better not have any more problems and this girl better not be touched again, do you understand?���

  Richard���s face was red, ���Yes.���

  ���Good, Maddox you should go grab your things, your Dad and I will wait here. It���s time to celebrate a great first day of school,��� Emma smiled sarcastically.

  ���I���m really not sure yet which way to go,��� Maddox said softly.

  ���I can take you Maddox, my name is Chloe,��� the dark haired girl smiled at him, and they walked out.

  Richard Jr. glared at them when they walked out.

  ���Little Dick, if my son has one more issue with you, I will kick your father���s ass,��� Brody smiled.

  ���That���s it call the police, he threatened me,��� Richard Sr. yelled.

  ���Oh Dick there was no threat in what I just said to little dickey over here,��� Brody sneered at him.

  ���Okay let���s go wait for Maddox,��� Emma turned to Chloe���s parents, ���Sorry about this.���

  ���Don���t be, thank you,��� the man smiled.

  Caroline handed Lexington to Emma, ���How did that go?���

  ���It went,��� Brody was still agitated.

  ���What are your dinner plans?��� Caroline asked.

  ���We are going out for pizza,��� Brody smiled at Lexington.

  ���We are?��� Emma gasped.

  ���Yes we are,��� Brody kissed Lexington.

  ���Brody I don���t think������ Emma looked at him nervously.

  ���Then don���t think Em,��� Brody kissed her quickly. ���Caroline, we���ll bring dinner home for you and Henry.���

  Caroline smiled at Emma who was still looking at Brody with her jaw dropped.

  Brody looked at her and smiled. He gently pushed her lower jaw up, and she closed her mouth.

  ���Does things to me Em,��� he winked. ���Alright Maddox, let���s go fetch London we���re going out.���


  Emma climbed into bed and smiled at Brody who was busy on his iPad.

  ���What are you doing?��� Emma asked kissing his cheek.

  ���I just messaged Eli to update him on the school situation. I���m now looking at the press releases in London, lots of arrests have been made,��� Brody smiled and kissed her head.

  ���Are you feeling alright?��� Emma asked, ���I forgot to grab your medicine.���

  ���Emma I���m fine,��� Brody smiled and looked back at the screen.

  Emma lay on her back and stretched, ���Good.���

  ���You alright Em?��� Brody patted her head and continued reading.

  ���Yep, just stretching,��� Emma rolled to her stomach and arched her back, stuck her chest out.

  ���You sure you are alright Em,��� Brody tried not to smile.

  ���Yep,��� Emma tucked her knees under her and stretched, so her finger tips reached the edge of the bed.

  Brody watched her out of the corner of his eye as she arched her back, so her bottom was slightly elevated.

  He looked away when she looked towards him, he heard her let out a muffled frustrated noise, and she sat. ���Would it bother you if I watched TV?���

  ���You want to watch TV?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Yep,��� Emma laid on her belly and spread her knees and hooked her ankles. ���Can I have the remote?���

  Brody caught a glimpse of her lavender silk panties and smiled to himself.

  ���Yes Em, anything you want,��� he handed her the remote.

  Emma dropped it off the edge of the bed. ���Oops,��� she said loudly.

  She bent over the edge of the bed, reached out for the remote purposely exposing her backside to him. ���Oh shit,��� Emma fell off the end of the bed and popped up quickly with the remote.

  Brody laughed and grabbed a pillow holding it to his stomach, ���You okay Em?���

  ���Yes I���m fine,��� Emma let out a frustrated breath and sat on the bed.

  Brody set his iPad on the nightstand and sat behind her and scooted wrapping his arms and legs around her, ���That was quite a show Em.���

  ���I fell,��� Emma said trying to sound like it wasn���t a big deal.

  Brody laughed, ���Sure Em.���

  ���I fell Brody, you saw me,��� Emm
a said quietly.

  ���I certainly saw you Em.��� Brody kissed her neck, ���I saw you stretching seductively trying to gain my attention.���

  ���Well it didn���t work until I fell off the bed,��� Emma pouted and Brody giggled into her neck.

  ���Not true Em, when you stretched on your back you exposed the little scare that hypnotized me from the very first time I saw it. Then you rolled to your stomach and arched your back pushing your chest out, I met them first Em, in the city on Lila���s bathroom counter,��� Brody���s fingers lightly caressed them over her nightshirt. ���Then you arched that hot little ass in the air and I began to harden. And then you lay on your belly that I once took such care of with kisses after giving you shots in order for us to create Lexington together,��� Brody rubbed his palm down low on her stomach. ���You then spread your knees revealing lavender silk, one of my favorite colors on you, covering the breathtaking place I would spend every waking moment kissing, caressing, rubbing and being wrapped in Em.���

  Emma moaned as he rubbed between her legs, ���Then I fell.���

  ���You fell, are you sure you are alright Emma?��� Brody rubbed her delicately around her clit.

  ���Uh huh,��� Emma���s head fell back into his shoulder, and she whimpered.

  ���Do you remember earlier I wanted you to climb up on me Em?��� Brody licked and nipped her neck as he pushed a finger inside her.

  ���Oh yes���yes,��� Emma moaned.

  ���Do you think you could possibly consider filling that need now love?��� Brody rubbed his thumb around her clit and slid another finger inside her slowing and lightly caressing her sweet spot.

  ���Yes please���,��� she moaned breathlessly.

  ���Do you need me Em?��� Brody continued pleasuring her.

  ���Yes,��� Emma moaned as she began to feel the burning.

  ���Anytime,��� Brody pulled his hand away, ���Turn around Em.���

  Emma turned, and he pulled his pants down quickly, ���Lay down Love.��� Emma did as he asked. ���You make me so fucking hard all the time Em.���


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