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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 282

by Mj Fields

  ���Thanks,��� she smiled.

  ���I love you.���

  Harper looked up at him and smiled, and they ate silently. ���Can we go back now please?���

  ���Sure, are you alright?���

  ���Yes, I���ll never keep you a secret. But I really would like to take you back to our room and stay there for like���ever.���

  Harper laughed, ���That���s not going to happen, but I like the way you think.���

  Maddox stood and pulled her up. He tossed the empty wrappers into the garbage and held her hand as he looked at Surge and nodded. They walked quietly for a while, and Harper stopped and he looked down at her. ���Everything okay?���

  ���Sure, just tired,��� he smiled and looked away.



  ���Are we okay?���

  He smiled, ���Let���s get back.���

  She had to walk fast to keep up with his long strides. He seemed tense and distant, and she had no idea why. Maybe it was all the people, maybe he was just tired, maybe she was just over analyzing everything because she too, was tired. They rode the elevator up to the suite. The door opened to a room full of people.

  ���What the hell were you thinking?��� Brody demanded.

  ���I was thinking we needed breakfast,��� Maddox walked past everyone and towards the bedroom.

  ���Maddox, we need to talk!��� Zach���s voice boomed and silenced the room. Maddox turned around and glared at him.

  ���She���s in the hospital! She took a bunch of fucking pills this morning, and she almost died!��� Maddox looked confused.

  ���Jazz, Jane, do you want to know who she really is MADDOX?���

  ���Zach, calm down,��� Brody grabbed him as he started towards Maddox.

  ���This is so fucked up!���

  ���I know, Zach,��� Brody put his hand on his shoulder.

  Maddox cocked his head to the side and looked at Zach for a few moments. His face dropped and he began breathing heavy. He closed his eyes tightly as he clenched his fists.

  ���She is my little sister, Maddox,��� Zach pounded his chest, ���My sister! Claire, not Jane or Jazz, or some God Damn girl that you can toy with! She is my sister!���

  ���Zach, he didn���t know,��� Emma rubbed his back softly.

  ���FUCK!��� Zach screamed and wiped his face quickly, ���She is my God Damn sister Maddox, and she is lying in a hospital bed because she took a bottle of sleeping pills after she watched you on the news this morning! Not because she has been raped, or beaten, or starved, or sold, or had to sell herself to survive, but because she fucking thought you loved her!��� Maddox shook his head side to side no several times.

  ���Zach this is not his fault. He didn���t know, you didn���t even know,��� Brody whispered.

  ���I need to get the fuck out of here! She loves you! You made her feel like she mattered!��� he looked at Harper: ���The same way he feels for you! It���s not real; it���s the first person that made them feel human! Maddox, I thought you of all people������

  Maddox opened his eyes and looked at Zach, ���This is not Harper���s fault. Leave her the fuck out of this, Zach,��� he turned and looked at Harper, ���I am so sorry.��� Maddox kissed her head and walked into the bathroom where he locked the door and sat on the floor and rocked himself back and forth, ���Shh, Shh, Shh.���

  The room fell silent, and no one said a word. They all stood looking at the ground. Harper���s phone rang, and she looked around and saw it sitting on the coffee table. She walked to it and picked it up. She had seventeen missed calls from her mother and father. She had several text messages. She closed her eyes and began to shake. Tomas walked to her side and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, ���You are going to be fine,��� he whispered in her ear. She looked up at him and blinked rapidly and swallowed hard.

  Emma looked at Zach, ���I know you���re hurting. I can assure you Maddox is falling apart. You and I both know how hard he has worked at helping find all of those kids for years Zach��� years. This will all work out.���

  ���Will it Emma? They won���t let me see her! The fucking doctor said she was refusing all visitors and that in her state of mind, she could know nothing! She doesn���t even know!���

  ���You don���t know that, Zach.���

  ���Then why,��� Zach screamed and looked at Harper, ���Your hold on him is the same as his is on her, don���t you see? You can fix this, make up your mind to be selfish or������

  ���That���s enough, Zach!��� Brody snapped

  Maddox walked out of the bathroom his eyes were blazing red, ���She is not the problem here, Zach! She doesn���t have to make any decisions. It rests on my shoulders, not hers.���

  ���Then see that you do the right fucking thing!���

  ���Surge, get him the fuck out of here,��� Brody growled.

  ���You can all leave; give me fifteen minutes with Harper please.���

  Harper felt her face burning, and she swallowed hard. Maddox closed the door behind Brody and turned to her. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before walking over and sitting on the couch. ���Come sit with me, please,��� Maddox looked up at her quickly and then back down to the ground. She sat next to him and folded her hands nervously on her lap. His eyes closed, and he took several slow deep breaths in and then out. ���Apparently we have poor timing.��� Maddox looked at her. She looked up at him and forced a smile. ���I did not expect this, Harper,��� his voice was low and steady, and he took another breath, ���It is possible that Zach is right in why I feel drawn to you.���

  Harper swallowed hard and looked up into his face, ���What?��� She whispered, and the pain in her voice shredded him.

  He closed his eyes tightly and let out a deep breath, ���I���ll never regret that you were the first person������ Harper stood up and he stopped talking. She walked to the bedroom and put her things in her bag. ���Do you need help?��� Maddox���s tone was a little less steady.

  ���Nope, thanks though.��� Harper walked past him into the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush.


  ���Maddox, I know what you think you have to do. I���m not angry at you at all. I get it.��� Harper felt her body begin to shake. And she took a deep breath, ���I really hope she is okay. And I pray you will be as well.���

  ���I did not expect this, Harper,��� Harper turned around and he put his hands against the wall blocking her from leaving.

  ���I know,��� Harper looked up at the ceiling trying to stop the tears from falling, ���Maddox, please let me go.���

  ���I don���t know how, Harper,��� Maddox jaw tightened and his eyes burned.

  ���It���s easy, just put your hands to your sides, step back, and let me walk away,��� Harper forced a big smile.

  He looked at her and blew out a slow breath, ���Damn it Harper, I������ Harper pinched her fingers around his lips closing his mouth, just like he had done to her several times and then slowly ran her thumb across his lips. He pushed his face into her hand and rubbed it back and forth against her gentle skin. His stubble tickled her hand and wrist.

  ���Take care,��� she pulled her hand away and started to walk quickly towards the door. Tomas held the elevator.

  ���Deep breaths, Miss Harper. Just a few mor
e minutes until we get into the car; deep breaths.���

  Harper pulled the baseball cap out of her bag and pulled it down over her eyes, the elevator door opened, and they walked out on the street full of reporters. ���Congratulations��� just one picture���What is your name���. Congratulations,��� was all she heard until she was in the limo.

  She sat silently wondering why they were not moving when the door opened, ���Thanks for waiting.��� Harper looked up, and Emma sat next to her and pulled her into her arms.

  Harper cried softly, and Emma did too.

  Maddox walked out of the bedroom, and Brody stood waiting for him, ���She is not your responsibility.���

  ���Yes she is,��� Maddox looked away.


  ���Dad, I can’t walk away from her,��� Maddox snapped.

  ���But you can walk away from Harper?���

  Maddox looked at him emotionless, ���She���ll be fine. And Dad, not another mention of her name, ever.���

  ���Can you live with that, Maddox?���




  Harper spent the week after Emma and the girls had left to join Brody and Maddox on tour, in her bed. Her phone was in her hands at all times, and her mother was by her side. Her father had said very little to her since she had come back to the Cape. Every night Collin did come in to hug her, kiss her cheek, and hold her until she told him goodnight.

  Two days before they were to leave for South America she walked outside and sat on the deck next to Tessa. She smiled and pulled her black sunglasses over her eyes and smiled.

  ���It���s a beautiful day.���

  Tessa smiled, ���What should we do today?���



  ���I want to drive.���

  ���Sounds good, the Jeep?���

  ���Yes, I have only driven it a couple times. Where is Dad?���

  ���He and your brothers are on the boat.���

  ���Does he hate me, Mom?���

  ���No Harper, of course not.���


  The Abraham family spent the next three and a half weeks in Africa and returned for a week to their home upstate. Harper had worked hard: she was focused and un-emotional. She was able to avoid everything that she assumed was being reported on in the media.

  They pulled down the long driveway leading to the house, and Harper saw Liam���s truck and smiled. Tessa looked at Harper and smiled feeling a twinge of relief.

  Harper jumped out of the SUV and ran and hugged Liam, ���I missed you!���

  ���I just saw you four weeks ago, girl.���

  ���Yeah, I know. Let���s do something,��� Harper smiled and stepped back.

  ���Alright like what?���

  ���I don���t care, anything!���


  ���No,��� Harper smiled.

  ���You said anything,��� Liam laughed.

  ���I want to eat. Bad food, greasy, fattening, food.���

  ���Okay, let���s go get something to eat. Aunt Tessa, Harper and I are going to grab some lunch.���

  Tessa smiled and nodded her head.

  They walked into her favorite diner just outside of town and sat in their favorite corner booth.

  Helen walked up and smiled, ���Hello kids what can I get for you?���

  ���Harper just got home from one of those trips Helen, and she is hungry,��� Liam smiled.

  ���Oh, let me try to remember it���s been awhile. Cheeseburger deluxe loaded, fries, the greasier the better, chocolate milk shake, and a big old brownie sundae to finish it up?���

  ���Aw Helen��� you remember,��� Harper smiled at her favorite waitress ever.

  ���Of course I do, Harper. Same for you Liam?��� He smiled and nodded his head yes. Helen winked and walked away.

  ���So let’s hear all about it,��� Liam whispered.

  ���You���re back!��� Harper heard someone yell, and she turned to see Ava running towards her. Harper smiled when Ava jumped in the booth and hugged her tightly. ���You haven���t called me. We have a lot to talk about.���

  ���We truly just pulled in about twenty minutes ago. My phone is dead I haven���t charged it in like������

  ���Twenty one days?��� Ava smiled.

  ���Ava,��� Liam scolded her.

  Harper looked at Liam and then back at Ava neither said a word. She sat back in the red vinyl booth and crossed her arms. ���Okay spill it.���

  ���It���s a song, Billboard number one hit in the US and the UK this week. Guess who the band is?���

  Harper felt her face turn red, ���I don���t know who?���

  ���Burning Souls,��� Ava beamed, and they sat quietly, ���Look I don���t know exactly what happened, but that boy loves you and you love him.���

  ���Ava, enough,��� Liam whispered sternly.

  ���Whatevs,��� Ava rolled her eyes.

  ���Don���t you think she has been through enough?���

  ���I think that Harper lost her virginity and������

  Harper laughed out loud and covered her mouth.

  ���See she���s going to be fine. It���s not like a dirty little secret, Liam.���

  ���No, not a secret at all,��� Harper laughed, ���My first time was televised.���

  Ava smiled, ���Well at least we won���t have to make a scrapbook.���

  ���Nope we won’t, it���s well documented.���

  ���Your ass looked fabulous by the way,��� Ava giggled.

  ���Damn it Ava, shut up!���

  Harper smiled looked at him and then back at Ava, ���Thank God.���

  ���And the next morning he told everyone you were his wife,��� Ava smiled sweetly.

  ���Sure did,��� Harper shook her head.

  ���So tell me, was he any good?���

  ���Oh my God Ava, shut up!���

  ���Liam, I am fine. I have had a lot of time to figure out how to deal with this. I���ll be fine.���

  ���Seriously every woman in the world envy���s you. He sang to you, our prom theme for crying out loud. Then you danced, and he took you on a helicopter tour; and then to only the most beautiful hotel in the city������

  ���Ava I swear to God I���m going to gag you.���

  Harper laughed, and Helen brought their food to the table, ���Can I get the same thing please?���

  ���Sure Ava,��� Helen looked at Harper, ���She causing trouble?���

  ���Yes of course,��� Harper laughed and Ava rolled her eyes, ���But it���s a particularly welcome kind of trouble.���

  ���See, Liam!���

  ���Yeah, I see Ava,��� Liam scowled at her.

  ���So then what happened?���

  ���Well, I believe that was also caught on camera.���

  ���Oh yeah, balcony scene.��� Ava smiled, ���I do have to warn you though, if you keep eating like this your ass is going to be as big as mine.���

  ���Your ass is not big, Ava,��� Harper laughed.

  ���I have my mom���s ass, Harper, and you have your mom���s. I
���m not blind.���

  ���Some guys like round asses, huh Liam?���

  ���Well I suppose they���re better than those nineteen eighties music video girls sporting mono-kinis.���

  Ava and Harper laughed, ���My dad is apparently an ass man.���

  Harper smiled, ���How are they doing?���

  ���Disgustingly good,��� Ava made a gagging sound, ���So did you have the big O?���

  ���Alright Ava, I swear to God������

  ���Yeah, I did, a few actually,��� Harper smiled and looked at Liam who covered his ears and groaned, ���And the next morning he took me out to show the world I was not a secret. We ate burritos, and walked back to the hotel, and less than thirty minutes I was doing the walk of shame.���

  Ava smiled sadly, ���What happened, Harper?���

  ���You know what happened Ava; it���s been all over the news.���

  Harper looked at Ava, ���Jazz?���


  ���Ava, she just got back leave it alone.���

  ���No, she deserves to know Liam!���

  ���I want to know,��� Harper looked at Ava.

  ���Helen, can we get some take out containers?���

  ���Sure thing Liam.���

  They drove silently to the pond, and Liam put the Chevy into park, ���I don���t think this is a good idea. You should just forget about it. Move on Harper.���

  ���I want to know!���

  Ava opened the door and jumped out Harper followed her. Liam got out with the food containers in hand.

  They sat on the dock in a circle, and Ava looked up, ���He walked out of the hotel a few minutes later and looked just like you did, hat pulled down over his eyes, with his very beautiful daddy,��� Ava giggled.

  ���Emma was with me,��� Harper whispered.

  ���Always have to throw her in don���t you?��� Ava smiled and took her hand, ���Next were photos of the hospital and then the news of the keyboardist���s attempt at suicide. Then the video of them leaving the hospital being bombarded by reporters. One reporter asked where his wife was, and she went crazy,��� Ava used her best British Accent, ���Not with him, for Christ sake— he finally broke his duck, he rose this morning as a man, not just a lollipop! That���s all it was, tell them Maddox, tell them��� and then she was basically shoved by a really big guy into the car and Maddox looked around and his face turned bright red, and he got in the car.���


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