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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 296

by Mj Fields

  The door opened and Emma and Dad walked in, Lucas and Logan Links followed behind them.

  ���Hey Loggy.��� Ava jumped up and gave her brother a hug.

  ���You got yourself into trouble huh Ava?���

  ���What are you talking about dork?��� Ava laughed and pushed him. She hugged her father. ���Did you miss me Daddy?���

  Lucas let out a grumble and hugged her tightly. ���Sure did.���

  ���Lexington and London, let���s get you into bed.��� Emma smiled.

  ���Mom! It���s like seven o���clock.��� London grumbled.

  ���Okay well, we���ve had a long day,��� Emma gave her a look.

  ���Come on Lexington, apparently being almost fourteen means absolutely nothing around here.���

  Logan chuckled and London glared at him. ���What���re you laughing at?!���

  ���London that���s enough,��� Emma corrected her.

  ���What, Mom, he���s like������

  ���I���m eighteen,��� Logan cocked an eyebrow at London.

  ���That���s really old,��� Lexington looked up at London and gasped.

  ���Yeah ancient. Come on, Lexington, maybe Mom can read us some bedtime stories.���

  ���Do you need your blanket London?��� Emma held up London���s favorite blanket.

  London gasped, turned red, and looked over at Logan who was snickering.

  ���Laugh it up dork,��� she mumbled as she walked quickly past him out the door dragging Lexington behind her.

  I laughed when she was out and Harper looked at me and smirked, ���What?���

  ���Nothing,��� she whispered.

  ���No spill it.���

  ���She likes him.���

  ���She does not,��� I laughed.

  I looked at Harper and she was trying to hide her amusement.

  ���Harper that���s not funny, at all.���

  ���Sorry but it kind of is.���

  ���No, not at all.��� I was starting to get annoyed. ���She���s thirteen years old Harper.���

  ���You were fifteen.���

  I looked at her for a long time and she finally looked away smirking.

  ���She���s not like me.���

  ���Who���s she like then?��� Harper asked goading me on.

  ���Well more like you and������

  She laughed, ���Then you better ready yourself. I wouldn���t have ������

  ���We were different.���

  She grabbed my hand and rested her head on my shoulder. ���Sorry, Maddox, I didn���t mean to get you all worked up.���

  ���Oh I think that���s exactly what you���re trying to do. Just so you know, I���m gonna take it out on you later,��� I looked down on her and pointed to the bedroom, ���In there.���

  She leaned up and puckered her lips and of course I kissed her.

  ���Promise?��� she whispered against my lips.

  I pulled back and looked down at her tits, ���Promise.���

  Emma had left with the girls and Lucas looked at Ava, ���So you made the news.���

  She laughed, ���I did?���

  ���Yeah you did. What were you thinking Ava? Acting like a wild������

  ���She was sticking up for Harper,��� I interrupted. ���Personally I am fucking grateful for that.���

  Lucas looked at me and then Harper, ���You have a black eye.���

  ���Yeah, it wasn���t a good morning.��� Harper smiled slightly.

  ���I received a call from my attorney������

  ���Your attorney?!��� Tessa gasped.

  ���Yes apparently the girl that my daughter went after is Samuel Hammond������

  ���The Sam Hammond?��� Ava laughed.

  ���Ava, it���s not funny in this instance.���

  ���Why are lawyers involved?��� Tessa stood up and walked toward Lucas.

  ���He wants to press charges against Ava,��� Lucas looked at Ava.

  ���Me?��� she gasped as she pointed to herself. ���That skank bitch was saying horrible things about Harper.���

  ���You can���t hit people Ava, you know this.��� Lucas��� tone reminded me of a warning, one he seemed to have given before.

  ���She elbowed Harper in the damn eye Daddy.���

  ���Okay,��� Lucas nodded. ���We���ll figure it out but you can���t have a record either if you still intend on becoming a lawyer.���

  ���Maybe you should become a boxer Ava,��� Logan laughed.

  Tessa giggled and Lucas smirked and shook his head and looked up at her.

  ���How did they find out who we were?��� Ava asked.

  ���I assume that weasel Sam looked into it and as soon as he found out it was my kid he probably just about burst.���

  ���Why is that Lucas?���

  ���He won a contract for a big job on Seventy Eighth Street. We were contracted to do another part of the project. I noticed that he was using cheaper materials, ones that wouldn���t hold up, to pocket more money. My crews would have been going in when his phase was completed. I talked to the general contractor and said no way would my crews��� safety be put in jeopardy because Sam was a fuck up. They looked into it, he lost his contract, we gained and the bastard has hated me since.���

  I noticed Tessa smile. ���Okay so what do we do?���

  ���I���ll handle it. You guys just enjoy your getaway. I am going to go to Sam in the morning to chat.��� Lucas scowled.

  ���I���ll go as well,��� Dad piped up.

  ���I can take care of it,��� Lucas smiled.

  ���No, I���ll go too,��� Dad was adamant.

  ���I think I���ll be fine Hines,��� Lucas looked at him.

  ���If this could cause issues for my future daughter-in-law I���d like to be there,��� Dad stared him in the eyes.

  Lucas���s eyebrow cocked up, ���I to am concerned about Harper. I���ll see to it that she is fine as well.���

  They said nothing more and their glacial stare was broken when there was a knock on the door.

  Tessa looked between Lucas and Dad and then went to answer the door. ���Oh thank you, hold on just a moment.���

  She went to grab her wallet. ���No Tessa, I have it.��� I stood and walked toward the door and Lucas was already paying

  ���How much do I owe you?���

  ���Nothing, we���re the ones who crashed the party; the least we could do is buy dinner.��� Lucas sat the pizzas on the table and looked over at Ava who smirked. I saw him scowl at her and she giggled.

  I looked at Harper and she smiled. ���We���ll be fine.���

  ���Yes, you will be.���

  ���What topping do you want?���

  ���You,��� I bent down kissed her nose and wrapped my arms around her. ���But first I should go get the girls and Emma.���

  ���I can send a text,��� she offered.

  ���No, London was a slight bit sideways; I get to go play the hero.���

  I kissed her again as she laughed and then walked away.

  London was happy that I sprung her and even more excited that Lexington was tired a
nd would rather stay snuggled up on the couch in Emma���s arms.

  We walked into the suite and I looked at Logan who was looking at London out of the corner of his eye. I quickly looked at her to see if she had noticed and she was scowling at him.

  Logan smirked and held up her soft yellow blanket lined in tattered ribbon. ���Did you forget this kiddo?���

  ���Ha ha very funny dork,��� she blushed.

  I looked at Harper who was sitting on her knees next to Ava on the floor by the coffee table. They both looked at one another and laughed.

  ���Come on London, let���s get some pizza.��� I gave Harper a scowl and she sucked in her lips trying not to smile.

  ���So what brings you to the city Logan?��� Dad asked.

  ���NFC playoff game tomorrow. Dad thought we should stay overnight near the Meadowlands, apparently a nor���easter is coming in. We don���t want to miss it.���

  ���Freezing in the cold sounds like a lot of fun, just to watch men beat on each other,��� London snapped.

  ���Dad used to play professional ball. We enjoy going to watch games.���

  ���Logan here plays too. You ever see a game London?���

  ���No Mr. Links,��� London smiled politely.

  ���It���s Lucas, London,��� Lucas smiled. ���If you���d like to go we have a box, it���s not cold in there. If Dad and my sisters can���t make it in with their families we���ll have the entire box to ourselves. You could all come, that���s thirteen extra seats.���

  ���That���s thoughtful of you.��� Dad sat back in his seat.

  ���Logan, who are they playing?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Dallas,��� Logan smiled. ���My favorite team.���

  ���They were mine once too,��� Tessa smiled.

  I noticed Lucas laugh. ���It was a long time ago, Tessa, but I was sure it was the Giants you loved.���

  ���I hardly think so,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Oh that���s right, you hated the Giants.���

  ���Yes and still do. Even though I don���t watch that much football anymore.���

  ���That settles it then, if they don���t make it you should all come. You remember Jose?���

  ���Of course I do. He and Kendall dated right?���

  Lucas smiled at her, ���Yeah I remember. Well he���s an assistant coach for the Giants. It���s his first season.���

  ���No way!��� I looked at Tessa and she was smiling.

  ���Yeah, I bet he���d love to see you.���

  ���Do you keep in touch?���

  ���We exchange Christmas cards,��� Lucas smiled and looked down. ���Twenty one years now.���

  ���Will Ashly be coming?��� Tessa took a bite of her pizza.

  ���Maybe,��� Lucas looked over at Logan and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. ���Too bad you didn���t have an extra Cowboys jersey. You and Tessa could both be the cause of whatever fight I have to break up tomorrow.���

  ���Don���t you worry Logan; if I go I���ll be sure they don���t mess with you.��� Tessa winked at Logan and he laughed.

  I looked over at Harper; she was watching the interaction between the two of them intensely. CJ and Matthew were doing the same.

  Matthew looked up at me, ���You still leaving the band?���

  ���You���re what?��� Ava gasped.

  ���Yeah,��� I nodded and then looked at Harper.

  ���He shouldn���t, he loves music.��� She got up and walked over and sat at my feet.

  She looked up at me and smiled. ���He���s an amazing artist too.���

  I looked down into her big blue eyes and smiled. ���We���ll figure it out.���

  ���Why would you do that?��� Logan asked.

  ���Because he loves Harper.��� London answered for me.

  I looked at London. ���Harper and I will decide what works best for us.���

  ���Of course you will,��� London beamed.

  There was a knock on the door and CJ got up to answer it but Tomas and Surge barged through the door.

  ���NYPD is coming up in the elevator now,��� Tomas growled. ���They want to question Ava and Harper.���

  ���Bullshit,��� Dad jumped up and Lucas followed.

  ���Just questions, they don���t have enough to hold them if an arrest������

  ���An arrest!���

  Harper grabbed my hand. ���Maddox don���t, it���ll make things worse. Surge, go get Emma and stay with Lexi.���

  Tessa walked up to Dad and Lucas. ���Don���t act like a couple of asses. Let them talk. Ava and Harper, just be honest, you���ll be fine.���

  I looked at Harper and my blood started to boil. ���You are staying right beside me.���

  ���Of course I am.���

  Emma walked into the suite followed by the police and looked between Dad and me giving us both pleading eyes.

  ���Good evening, we���d like to speak to Ava Links and Harper Abraham.���

  ���That���s us,��� Ava smiled and waved them in. ���Would you like some pizza officers?���

  ���No thank you ma���am.���

  ���Now do I look like a ma���am, isn���t it more like Miss?���

  ���Ava,��� Lucas growled.

  ���Ladies, please step out in the hall with us,��� one of the four officers nodded to the door.

  ���No, they stay,��� Lucas said calmly.

  ���You Lucas Links?���

  ���Yes I am.���

  ���We were warned about your temper and about these two,��� he pointed to me and Dad. ���Ladies step outside in the hall please.���

  Dad stepped forward and I stood in front of Harper. ���Maddox I���ll be fine.���

  My ears began to ring and I could feel the veins in my neck starting to pulse. ���Emma please make him stay. Maddox,��� she grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek. ���We did nothing wrong, it���ll be fine.���

  They walked out into the hall and I stood in the doorway watching them. ���Step back into the room Hines.��� One of the fuckers snapped at me.


  ���Fine, ladies you���ll be coming downtown with us.���

  ���What? You have got to be kidding me! I have a black eye and I���m getting arrested.���

  I started to walk out in the hall and Dad grabbed my shoulder. ���Stay back Maddox.���

  ���They aren���t taking her!���

  ���We aren���t arresting you. We���re taking you back to the precinct to interview you. This appears to be a hostile environment.���

  ���You���re fucking kidding me right! You four are armed for fuck sake,��� Lucas laughed haughtily.

  ���Tell me your three G men aren���t,��� the oldest officer laughed.

  ���Are you gonna cuff me?��� Ava smiled and held her arms out.

  ���Do we need to?��� the youngest officer smiled.

  ���Watch how you talk to my daughter, fuck stick!���

  ���Lucas, shut up.��� Tessa stood in front of him. ���Officers this is unnecessary, can���t you all just go down in the lobby and chat?���

  ���Sorry m
a���am,��� he tipped his hat.

  ���Hey Tessa, Ava, we���ll be right behind you,��� Tessa���s voice quivered.

  ���With an ass load of lawyers and a fucking lawsuit or at least media coverage talking about what pussies NYPD is!���

  ���Hey Maddox, it���s alright,��� Harper smiled trying to calm me.

  I could feel my body shake. ���You���ve been through enough!���

  ���She has me. Oh and by the way boys, unless your cuffs are pink and fuzzy I would prefer they not be put on me.��� Ava smiled and took Harper���s hand. ���Come on, we���re just going on an adventure.���

  ���If anything happens to them I will ������

  Tessa stood in front of me. ���Not another word or you���ll be joining them and not for questioning.���

  The elevator doors opened and I heard Ava. ���Did you guys know I���m a law student?���

  ���No ma���am.���

  ���Well technically, I���m a third year student, concentrating on criminal law. So I know we are cooperating nicely with you and am sure you���ll treat us as such. Harper is ������

  The door shut on the elevator and we all scrambled to get dressed and head down to the police station.

  I looked at Lucas. ���I want that fucker Sam���s address!���

  ���Maddox, don���t worry. I think Ava������

  ���Fuck! She better control herself.��� Lucas crouched down.

  ���Give her some credit Lucas,��� Tessa patted his head. ���Come on let���s get a move on.���

  I looked at Tessa and she hugged me. ���She���ll be fine.���

  Lucas looked at her and then at me. ���They both will be. Hey Logan, you hang here.���

  ���No Dad������

  ���Logan it wasn���t a question and for God���s sake don���t call your mother!��� Lucas clenched his eyes and then looked at me. ���We got this.���

  ���I want his number.���

  ���I have a better idea. Besides he���s probably padding the pockets of half the city officials. Trust me on this one; he���ll back down or I���ll fucking ruin him. Let���s get going.���


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