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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 306

by Mj Fields

They hit him in the face and he looked at me and then away.

  I laughed, ���Maddox are you alright?���

  ���Yes���yes. I am just umm.��� He stopped turned his back. ���I���ll be back in a few minutes.���

  ���There is food here. We can go after our appointment.���

  ���Is that what you want?��� He yelled from the kitchen.

  ���Yeah. We need a few things. I want to get some food that I can take for lunches to school next week.���

  He wouldn���t look at me. Not even for a second.

  ���Alright then you should shower.���

  ���You could join me.���

  He stopped and then bent back down looking into the refrigerator.

  ���No go ahead.���

  We pulled into the doctor���s office after the thirty minutes of awkward silence interrupted by awkward conversation.

  I started to get out.

  ���Wait. Just sit still.���

  Maddox jumped out and walked around the Jeep and opened my door and held out his hand for me.

  ���Thank you.���

  I took his hand and stepped out. He put his arm around me and placed his hand on my back as we walked into the entry of the doctor���s office. After checking in we sat and waited to be called. He held my hand and tapped his foot nervously the entire time.

  Once called in I was sent to the bathroom to pee in a cup. When I finished and came out Maddox was thanking a very friendly nurse who gave him pad of paper and a pen. I watched him smile and then look towards me and his face tensed again.

  I rolled my eyes as I walked past him and followed the nurse into the exam room.

  Maddox sat and wrote on that note pad until the doctor walked in. He stood and shook his hand.

  ���Nice to see you both again.��� Dr. James sat and rolled his chair up next to Maddox and I. ���So you think you may be pregnant again?���

  ���We do. I would like to ask a few questions if you don���t mind.���

  ���Go ahead Maddox ask away.���

  Maddox seemed to be concerned with the fact that I had in fact been on the pill for a month previously and that even though I had only missed a weeks��� worth of pills I was pregnant. Apparently he found thing online that said it was possible but that he still didn���t understand.

  ���Your body thinks it���s pregnant while you���re on the pill. That���s why it is such a highly effective form of birth control. When you stop and then menstruation accrues your body knows it in fact������

  I sat back and crossed my arms as they went back and forth. I wasn���t listening anymore. It was something I learned in seventh grade health class. Maddox however, never had.

  ���Harper?��� I looked over at them after he repeated my name. ���See this is what���s been happening. She seems so���off.���

  The doctor laughed and patted him knee. ���That happens during pregnancy.���

  I was off? I was off! Oh man he was in for it.

  The knock at the door interrupted their conversation. The nurse smiled as she handed Dr. James the chart.

  Dr. James opened it and smiled. ���Congratulations.���

  Maddox let out a deep breath. He continued asking questions and writing things down. They didn���t stop chatting even when the nurse came in to draw blood. Maddox did stand next to me and held my hand while the blood was drawn. But as soon as the nurse left, he continued asking those questions and writing everything down. Very cute, very intense, very��� Maddox.

  The doctor scheduled an appointment for an internal exam in two weeks. I did not ask one single question at the appointment. Not one.

  I gave Maddox directions to the supermarket and he nodded. He didn���t say anything and I could tell he was lost in his head.

  He again darted out the door and was standing there when I went to get out. He held his hand out for me. He pulled a cap out of his pocket, let go of my hand and pulled it down so the brim covered his face.

  ���They���ll still know it���s you.���

  ���Should I grab my sun glasses?���

  ���No Maddox. They���re going to know that the six foot two hottie trying to hide is Maddox Hines. The lead singer of Burning Souls. Talented man and regardless of how much he tries to hide,��� I pulled his hat off. ���He is still sexy as all hell.���

  ���They���ll always think of me like that. Like,��� He let out a shamed breath and shook his head from side to side.

  ���Like what Maddox?���

  He didn���t answer and continued walking into the store. When we walked in I wrapped my arm around his waist and rested my thumb inside his waist band. He stiffened and took my hand in his.

  We didn���t talk all that much. He grabbed fruits and vegetables and all organic. He read labels and placed items into the cart as I followed him. We walked by the bakery and I stopped and grabbed a box to fill with all the goodies I was now just about drooling over. When I was satisfied I looked up at his wide obviously disturbed eyes.

  ���There are healthier alternatives to all of that.���

  I rolled my eyes and set the box into the cart.

  We walked quietly around the store until the cart was completely full. It was a bit much. Quite a bit much.

  After the checkout girl flirted with him and he didn���t reciprocate with even a smile we drove home again in silence.

  When all the groceries were all put away I was tired.

  ���Take a nap. You look exhausted Harper.���

  ���I���ll be tired for eight more weeks. I still have to function.���

  ���Not for three more days you don���t. Rest, I will make lunch when you wake up and then we���ll eat.���

  I grabbed an ��clair out of the box on the counter and he huffed.

  I looked at him and took a big bit and then some of the filling dripped onto my chin, I laughed.

  I licked to see if I could catch it and Maddox looked away and quickly scampered into the bathroom.

  I knew immediately where my Maddox had been going to when he was lost inside himself for the past twelve plus hours.

  It was so cute. Maybe a bit annoying but oh well. Regardless I loved that boy and would not let him beat himself up anymore. We had decided to move forward and I would be damned if we didn���t.

  I was tired. And Maddox was right I should rest.

  He walked out of the bathroom as I was peeling a banana. I saw him look at me as I was taking the first bite. His eyes did a little dance and then he stopped and looked away.

  I stood up and walked right in front of him. I took a very large bite, almost gagging me and chewed slowly. His mouth dropped a little and then he clenched his jaw and looked away.

  ���You wanna bite Maddox?���

  ���No���no thank you. You ready to nap?���

  He scooted away and I followed him into the bedroom.

  ���Will you join me?��� I pulled my sweater over my head and he scowled.

  ���No. I���m going to make you a healthy lunch for you.���

  ���Banana is healthy. I just ate a banana Maddox.���

  ���I���m very well aware of that thank you Harper. Now get in bed and sleep please.��� When I didn���t move he pleaded, ���Please.���

  I laid down and as he tucked me in I pulled his arm so he was nose to nose with me. I leaned up and kissed him and he let out a very very faint groan.

  ���Rest with me.���

  ���Harper I am going to make lunch������

��When you���re done you could come in and������

  ���When I am done I will rest with you.���

  He patted my head and walked away. Patted my head like a puppy. I may have been annoyed by this before and being pregnant I may be annoyed by this when I wake up but I think I know what he���s fighting inside and right now I need to let him figure it out.

  When I woke I walked out into the kitchen area. Mom was sitting next to the fire.

  ���Come sit.��� She patted the spot next to her.

  I sat down and hugged her. She held me tight, a little tighter than usual.

  ���You alright Mom?���

  ���I am wonderful. Maddox told me that you are definitely pregnant.���

  ���Yep, suspicions confirmed. Where is he by the way?���

  ���He meaning the very nervous father to be?���

  ���Yes Mom it was like a flip switched last night.���

  ���What brought it on?���

  I didn���t answer. I couldn���t. I couldn���t even look at her.

  Mom laughed and so did I.

  ���Men change when they know something���s growing in your belly. They become— softer.���


  ���No not Dad. He asked a lot of questions about sex during pregnancy. When I was pregnant for you I was on bed rest. Your father made sure I stayed in bed and that the hour I was allowed to be active was his hour.���

  She was smiling, I loved her smile.

  ���Then������ I stopped because I knew exactly who she was referring to.


  She looked down and nodded. ���Your father was older, a doctor. He became more gentle as well but once he had thoroughly researched it all it was, well the same again.���

  The door opened and Maddox walked in.

  Mom stood up and hugged me. ���I will leave you two alone.���

  ���Stay for lunch.��� Maddox barked.

  I had to bite back a laugh. Maddox clearly was going through some things.

  He looked between Mom and I. ���At least stay while I shower so she doesn���t have to be alone please.���

  Maddox stormed through the room and into the bathroom.

  Mom and I giggled.

  ���He���s afraid you���ll attack him in the shower?���

  ���He is.���




  When I came out of the bathroom Tessa and Harper were setting the small corner table. Having forgotten my clothes I walked past them quickly in a towel. I was in the bedroom dressing when I heard them giggle. I threw on my navy Hollister sweatpants and a long sleeved tee shirt. I really needed some new clothes; a more mature look.

  I walked out and they were sitting at the table waiting.

  ���Chicken looks good right?��� I sat next to my future mother in law and noticed watching Harper. ���Let me grab the salad.���

  I came back and Harper was cutting up the chicken and looking a bit flush.

  ���You alright?���

  I sat the salad next to her and smiled.

  ���You alright Harper?��� Tessa leaned over and rubbed her hand.

  She shook her head yes and took a small fork full of the chicken and put it in her mouth.

  I took a bite. It was absolutely delicious. I looked to see if Tessa appeared to like it and she looked pleased. Harper did not look pleased, she looked a very unattractive shade of green.

  She stood and walked into the bathroom and I heard her throw up.


  I walked in and grabbed her hair and held it back as she sat resting her arm over the seat with her head resting on it.

  I sat behind her with a towel. The same way I had sat behind her for two mornings and now even in the afternoon.

  ���Here you go Harper.���

  ���Thanks.��� She wiped her face and sat back against me.

  She reached behind her and grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her waist and I tensed.

  ���Please stop with that.���

  ���With what?���

  ���Acting like that. Acting cold.���

  ���I���m not cold I���m simply��� adjusting.���


  ���Yes. Adjusting.���

  She sat silently for a moment and then stood and turned as I stood up.

  She walked to the sink and brushed her teeth. I waited till she finished and then walked out when I knew she was behind me.

  Tessa was cleaning up her plate and Harpers.

  ���Salad sound alright?���

  Harper shook her head no and walked over and grabbed another one of those damn donuts and took a big obnoxious bite.

  I was about ready to say something when Tessa smiled at her, ���Whatever stays down for now. Did you get the prenatal vitamins?���

  Harper looked at me and I looked at her. Both of us clearly shocked that neither of us remembered.

  ���Damn it.��� I started walking towards the door and Tessa stopped me.

  ���Drug store in town?���

  ���Yes Mom, but I would actually like to go and grab them myself.��� Harper started walking towards the door and I stepped in front of her.

  ���I���ll drive you.���

  ���No Maddox you stay here and���adjust. I would love fifteen minutes to myself.���

  I went to follow her and Tessa held up her hand to stop me. ���Maddox remember she������

  ���Yes I remember but who will go with her? She certainly can���t go alone.���

  ���I will.���

  ���Fine, but Tomas������

  ���Maddox I���ll go.���

  I watched them pullout the driveway and felt that tightening in my chest. I hated it. I hated that she was still the better person; that I couldn���t tell her what I was feeling and thinking right now because I didn���t want to upset her. I hated that there was still a part of me that I didn���t understand and that part of me was dark.

  They weren���t gone long only twenty minutes but it seemed like forever. When Harper came in she started to unload the bag. I went over to help her.

  She smiled but the concern in her eyes was crippling. I took her hand and held it to my chest. I wanted her to know that she was now and always would be the reason my heart beat.

  ���Talk to me.��� She whispered.

  ���When I can figure out how, I will.���

  ���Are you scared Maddox? About the baby?���

  ���Nothing makes me happier and terrifies me at the same time.���

  ���What can I do?���

  ���Keep being you.��� I held her face and then rested my head against hers. ���Let me figure it out.���

  ���I���ll give you whatever you need Maddox but you have to remember it���s you and I together in this. I���m not angry, just concerned that you won���t let me help with whatever is going on.���

  ���Just give me time.���

  ���I will but you have to do the same for me.���

  I stepped back and looked at her. ���What does that mean?���

  She took some more things out of the bag.

  ���Harper what does that mean?���

  I knew I was pushing but I needed to know.

  ���It means that when I am terrified or worried or confused you do the same for me. Let me h
old it all inside until I have figured it out myself.���

  ���I don���t want that. I want you to be������

  She sealed my lips with her hand and smiled. ���I don���t either but I won���t fight with you about it. I will only say that what���s good for you is good for me.���


  ���I got the prenatal vitamins, calcium chews, extra iron, and lots and lots of crackers.���

  She was changing the subject. She was done with the conversation and I should have been grateful, but I wasn���t. My blood was boiling and my heart racing faster than ever.

  ���You wanna watch a movie?���

  ���A movie?���

  I knew it came out mocking and I hadn���t intended it to but I didn���t want to watch a movie, fuck that. So she could be all snuggled up against me when I was trying to be a better man for her.

  Her shoulders slumped in and she looked away.

  ���I���m gonna go down to the house and see what they���re up to.���


  ���Because Maddox.���

  ���I���ll come too.���

  ���No I���m fine.���

  ���Maybe I want to come.��� Pissy again, I was going to fuck this up.

  She walked past me and into the bedroom and laid down. I watched her roll to her side and hug the blanket up close to her face.

  I walked over and sat in front of the fire trying to figure out how I could explain what I was feeling heard her sniff and knew I had made her cry.

  I walked into the bedroom and knelt on the floor next to her.

  She jumped when I touched her.

  ���Can I lay with you?���

  She rolled over her back to me and scooted over giving me room. I laid behind her and smelled her hair. I loved the smell of her. I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her hand.

  ���I���m sorry.���

  She shook her head no.

  ���I am Harper. I���m sorry that I can���t talk about this yet. I���m sorry that������

  ���Is it us? Is it me, the baby, are you������

  ���It���s me. Not you. Not our child. Not us. It���s me.���


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