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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 333

by Mj Fields

  ���I love you,��� Harper hugged him and stepped back, ���Now go��� and please hurry.���

  ���I���ll be as quick as I possibly can,��� Maddox grabbed her hand, ���Walk me out?���

  ���No, just go alright?��� Harper whispered.

  ���Okay if that���s what you want,��� Maddox looked down into her eyes.

  She shook her head yes. Maddox gave her another swift kiss on the cheek and walked out the door behind his father and Collin.

  Harper held her hand to her heart once the door closed. She stood looking down and took several deep breaths and she started to cover her face, not wanting to sob. Her emotions were all over the place and she knew it was partially pregnancy related. She felt her baby, her son kick, and she put her hands on her belly.

  ���Hey baby boy,��� she smiled and rubbed her belly, ���You have the greatest family. I cannot wait for you to meet your daddy. He loves you so much, he is going to love you even more once you���re here and ������

  Harper looked up and Maddox was standing in the doorway watching her. She looked shocked and he smiled as he walked towards her, ���I forgot to ask you one thing.���

  Maddox took her hand and removed the ring, knelt down on one knee and kissed her belly, ���Marry me?���

  ���Of course,��� she smiled, ���Anytime, anyplace.���

  Maddox laughed as he stood up, ���Glad to hear it. Be back soon.���

  He kissed her head, rubbed her, belly and was out the door quickly.


  Saying Goodbye

  Instead of driving for five hours Collin had his jet ready. A thirty minute flight was plenty of time for the three men to discuss what needed to be discussed.

  ���I���m just going to tell them, I���m getting married, having a baby, and I���m done with the band. Whatever reaction she has she has,��� Maddox looked out the window.

  ���You are sure about the band?���

  ���Yeah Dad.��� Maddox smiled over at him, ���Harper said the same thing.���

  ���She loves you; she just wants you to be happy.��� Collin sat forward and looked at him, studying his face.

  ���I���m happiest when I���m with her. The music is fun; I can still play with Dad���s band. I don���t want her to worry, ever, that she is not more than enough. I want to see her smile and shine.��� Maddox threw himself back against the seat, ���God, she is beautiful.���

  ���Is she enough, Maddox? What happens if you wake up some morning and the physical attraction to her is gone? What happens when���?���

  Maddox scowled at Collin, ���Well then I would be dead, and in hell if she was not there, and I would be fucking stupid. Not going to happen. You really want to know Collin, what it is that makes me know she is it?���

  ���If you care to share, of course I would,��� Collin sat back.

  ���Your daughter has been a huge pain in my ass since day one. Nosey, bossy, pushy, she threw tantrums, cried purposely to get her way, a real pain in the ass. That is never going to change and should probably push me right away from her. But I knew she loved me. She wasn���t trying to hurt me��� she was trying to figure out her feelings and the emotions she was dealing with. I tried to leave it alone, to let her find all she deserved. I never thought I���d be good enough for her, I wanted better for her. I left her alone for a very long time. In New York, I was going to propose. I made a comment to the press that she was my wife. On our way back from our walk I told her I wanted to be like this forever and she laughed and said ���That���s not going to happen���. I thought she didn���t want what I did. Then within minutes everything happened with Jazz. Believing Harper was not as in love as I was, and then believing she deserved more, I let her go. I was sure that���s what was best for her. Then New Jersey, what a fucking mess.��� Maddox sat back and ran his hands through his hair and sat quietly for a moment and then laughed. ���A beautiful mess as it turns out. From that point I knew she wanted me as badly as I did her, but again, she easily walked away. It took me a lot to figure it out. Thinking with a clear head, realizing what I was doing to dull my emotions, the accident, and my family. One phone call and I realized I had never fought for her. She needed me to, and I know that for the rest of my life I will fight for her, for her smile, her kiss, her love, her heart, and her soul. She is mine and I am hers always.���

  Collin smiled at him, ���If you hurt her, I���ll kill you.���

  Maddox chuckled. ���You smile as you say that, but I know you���re being very serious. I know this because I���d do the same. I���ll love her, and protect her as fiercely as you have, Collin. I promise this with everything I am.���

  ���You mentioned getting married very soon, when?��� Collin asked.

  ���New Year���s Eve, before midnight,��� Maddox looked at his father.

  Brody smiled, ���Does she know this?���

  ���No, but I���m sure she���ll be fine with it. And then this summer I thought we could have a reception of sorts at the Cape. I���m considering buying a house there as well,��� Maddox sat back and looked at Collin.

  ���If you are two hundred percent positive I will happily walk her down the aisle Maddox, I have known from the first time I saw you that you would be a good man,��� Collin smiled. ���Tessa knew from day one you and Harper had some connection. I trust what my wife feels. Brody, you good with this?���

  ���Whatever makes him happy, he survived hell with hardly a scratch. I trust him and what he feels. If he screws up London will kill him,��� Brody laughed and so did Maddox and Collin.

  As they pulled in through the gates of Maddox���s home he grabbed his phone from his pocket.

  - Sweetness���I feel like I have been away from you for weeks. Fucked up how badly I need you all the time. I hope you know what you are in for���forever. Not to mention that I wish I hadn���t showered before leaving so I could smell you on my hands. Stop the eye rolling and no it���s not dirty Harper, insane but not dirty. We���re here— text you before we fly out. I love you Harper Ann���MH

  Maddox sat back as the car drove up the driveway and his phone chimed.

  - No eye rolling going on here. Nipples aching for your touch, panties wet with desire, need you just as badly. BTW I will take you dirty anytime, anyplace. I love you Maddox���HA

  Maddox clenched his teeth and closed his eyes.

  - Please don���t reply like that again. Me getting hard sitting with our fathers right here is rather embarrassing. I���m not going to show you dirty tonight, Sweetness. I am going to show you filthy!..MH

  - Hmmm, Can. Not… Wait���.<3 HA

  Maddox walked through the double front doors and Jazz ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Maddox patted her back and stepped back and looked down at her.

  ���I missed you!��� Jazz beamed.

  Maddox smiled, ���Is your brother here?���

  ���Yes,��� Jazz turned as Zach was walking out into the foyer smiling.

  ���Welcome back, man,��� Zach smiled and hugged Maddox.

  Zach shook Brody and Collin���s hand.

  They made their way to the dining room, ���So, we are glad you came over. We kind of have some news,��� Zach smiled at Jazz, ���Claire and I would like to buy the house.���

  ���Really?��� Maddox was surprised.

  ���Yep, our therapist says the stability is good,��� Zach smiled at Claire.

  ���He means my therapist,��� her face
turned red, ���Zach, you don���t have to try making me look sane.���

  ���That���s not what������ Zach started to panic.

  Maddox laughed, ���Wow, things have changed for you two.���

  ���What do you mean?��� Claire asked.

  ���Well you look happy,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Could be the medication,��� Claire looked at Maddox emotionless and then started laughing, ���Therapy has been good for me, you were right.���

  ���You���re sure about the house?��� Maddox said smiling at Claire but directing his question to Zach.

  ���Yes, its home,��� Zach looked lovingly at his sister.

  ���Alright then,��� Maddox looked back at Claire, ���You look so happy.���

  ���I finally think I am,��� she sat back and looked at Brody and Collin and then at the ground.

  ���You know they���re good people right?��� Maddox leaned forward and looked at her.

  ���It���s still kind of hard and saying it is equally as hard, but that is what I���m supposed to do, say how I feel,��� Claire smiled up at him and then at Zach.

  Maddox had never seen Zach as relaxed and happy before, nor had he seen Claire that way.

  ���So you���re alright with Claire now?��� Maddox asked softly.

  ���Yes, I actually am. That���s who I was before.���

  ���Well we can���t stay long and ������

  ���Where is Harper?��� Claire asked.

  Maddox looked up, ���Back at the house, preparing for Christmas.���

  ���Right, that���s tomorrow,��� Claire smiled softly, ���So are you happy, and is she happy, Maddox?���

  ���Yes, we are actually getting married soon,��� Maddox studied her face for a reaction.

  Claire smiled, ���That makes you happy.��� It was a statement not a question. ���That makes you very happy.���

  ���Yes, it does. I want you to also know something else before you hear it from somewhere else,��� Maddox looked cautiously up at her, ���Harper and I are going to have a baby, very soon.���

  Claire forced a smile but he saw hurt in her eyes.

  ���This is what I want Ja���Claire. This is what makes me happy,��� Maddox continued to look at her.

  ���Because of Harper? Or because you want a baby?���

  ���Because of Harper. Because I love Harper and I always have,��� Maddox smiled softly.

  ���Well that���s good then. Will she let you stay in the band���with me?��� Claire asked softly.

  ���I wanted to talk to you about that as well, both of you. I want to talk to T about it too, but both of you first,��� Maddox cleared his throat and sat up, ���It was never my dream to be in a band. I am going to go back to school, to further my������

  ���Because of Harper?��� Claire was a little less in control of her emotions, her voice shook slightly.

  ���No, not because of Harper. I applied to schools before we even got back together, Claire. I told her last night and she was also concerned that I was doing this for her. She wants me to do what makes me happy,��� Maddox���s tone was soft but authoritative and carried warning.

  ���Oh,��� Claire looked away.

  ���Zach, this band will be as popular without me,��� Maddox started.

  ���Maddox, we got this alright?��� Zach smiled gently.

  Claire stood up, ���It was lovely seeing you again. I���m going to run out for some last minute gifts,��� she held her hand out stopping Zach, ���Alone, Zach.���

  ���I have to grab a few things too,��� Zach seemed nervous.

  ���Zach, I���m doing fine. I���m just going out for a little while,��� Claire raised her eyebrow. ���My therapist told you I needed to be able to do some things for myself, so please.���

  Maddox stood up and hugged her, ���I hope we can stay friends. I hope you���ll always know that I love you like family.���

  ���Will she be okay with that?��� there was a bite in Claire���s tone.

  ���Yes Harper would want that,��� Maddox pulled back and smiled, ���Claire we are still us, but with a better understanding of who we actually are. Our decisions shape us not our past.���

  ���You sound like my therapist,��� Claire smiled and rolled her eyes.

  ���Well then��� I like her,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Him,��� Claire corrected.

  ���You trust him?��� Maddox whispered.

  ���I do,��� she whispered back.

  ���Is that where you���re going?��� Maddox asked.

  ���No, I���m going shopping,��� Claire smirked, ���Isn���t that what I said, in there, just two minutes ago?���

  Maddox smiled, ���How often are you going to therapy?���


  ���You���ve changed, really changed. You even look healthier. Not as much makeup, your clothes������

  ���Cover me?��� she smiled.

  ���Yes,��� Maddox laughed.

  ���I want what you have, Maddox. Each day I realize I might just be able to have it.���

  ���Alright then. Merry Christmas, Claire,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Merry Christmas, Maddox,��� Claire looked at him and then away, ���See you sometime.���

  She started walking away and looked back. Her face showed a little more sadness than it had but still Maddox was sure she was going to be alright.

  Zach and Brody were talking when Maddox came back in the room. Collin was on the phone and smiling, Maddox assumed it was Tessa.

  He sat next to Brody and Zach smiled, ���You are getting married and going to be a dad.���

  ���I am,��� Maddox beamed. ���I feel so blessed. My family, the girl I love, a child on the way. Jazz������

  ���Claire,��� Zach corrected, and Maddox laughed.

  ���She seems like she���s doing so good.���

  ���She is, it���s crazy but the day you stormed out of here, it was like a switch flipped. Like she understood. I���d love to take all the credit, but I can honestly say that if you had not left, nothing would have changed. I tried to get her to leave here and get a place with me. She refused, which scared the hell out of me. She insisted it was because this was home, the only real home she had ever had. I didn���t believe her and that���s when she surprised me and suggested therapy. We went together every day for a week. That was the only time we talked about the past, when we were here it was quiet and calm. We talked about music. One day she asked me about my work outside of music. I told her that I had looked for Claire all of my adult life. Talking about my sister, who I loved, like it wasn���t the girl that was sitting next to me. I fucking cried and she hugged me, she held me so God damn tight and trembled as she broke down. After a while she looked up at me, her eyes were no different than the memories of her that have haunted me for years. ���You found her Zach, she is here, right here, and she is so sorry she has hurt you when all you have done is loved her. She is here Zach, I���m Claire and I want to say thank you for loving me enough to look for me as long as you have���. Well that was it, from then she was Claire, my baby sister. She stopped dying her hair and wearing all that black makeup. She came back that day.��� Zach looked down with tears in his eyes, ���I was an ass to you, Maddox
. I never realized how strong you actually were until the day you walked out of here. You saved her that day. You gave me back my baby sister, you gave me back Claire.���

  Maddox���s eyes were red when he looked up at Zach and he shook his head, ���She saved me a very long time ago. I owed her.���

  ���You have more than paid back that debt, Maddox. I���ll forever be grateful to you and so will all the parents of the kids you helped identify. You���re a fucking hero, and a rock star man,��� Zach wiped a tear away. ���You���re also a forever friend, please know that anything you ever need, anything I can do for you, I will do.���

  ���You and T are like brothers to me Zach, I���ve got your back always, too,��� Maddox stood and looked around.

  ���Let me pack this all up for you,��� Zach watched Maddox look at everything in the room.

  ���You know what; I don���t want any of it. I want a fresh start with the future Mrs. Hines, whatever you guys don���t want, donate it to London���s Child.���

  ���Oh shit, that reminds me, we talked about a benefit concert for them. Claire has taken a huge interest in that specific charity. What do you say?��� Zach smiled.

  ���I���m in, when is it?��� Brody smiled.

  ���I���ll text you the details,��� Zach smiled.

  ���Well, I hope you and Claire have an amazing Christmas, Zach,��� Brody hugged him.

  ���To you and yours as well,��� Zach smiled.

  ���Hey Zach, I���m going to surprise Harper on New Year���s Eve with a little impromptu wedding,��� Maddox laughed, ���Just family, but in the Spring or Summer, or whenever she decides we will have a proper wedding. I would like you to be there.���

  Zach smiled and shook his head in agreement.

  Maddox watched Brody and Collin get in the car.

  ���One favor, find out all you can about Blake, I don���t trust him,��� Maddox looked at Zach.

  ���No explanation needed. I���ll get on it now.���

  Maddox smiled as he got in the back of the black town car with Brody and Collin.


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