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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 350

by Mj Fields

  ���Maddox please I���m already������

  He sat back and lowered her on the ground, ���Did I hurt you?���

  ���No, no, not at all,��� she panted.

  ���Do you want me to stop, Harper, is this too much?���

  ���Maddox that���s not what������

  ���I want you to come all over my face, Sweetness; I want to bury my tongue inside of you and������

  Harper bit her lip and shook her head quickly up and down.

  ���Good girl. Lie back.���

  Harper lay on the floor and he bent her knees and spread her legs. He ran one finger outside of her sensitive skin and then again this time he parted her. His finger pushed into her curling up hitting her g spot lightly and she whimpered. He used his thumb to circle her clit as he took turns watching her face and his own hand movements. He slipped another finger inside and pushed in and out of her quicker, ���So wet,��� he growled as he continued to finger fuck her. He sucked on her lips and licked her clit then circled it with his tongue, ���Mmm so good, so fucking good,��� he growled and quickly pulled his fingers out and lay on his stomach. He threw her legs over his back and ravaged her hot, wet pussy. Her hips met his face each time his tongue hit her g spot, he growled and nipped her sensitive skin when she tried to pull away.

  She screamed out his name wrapped in moans of passion and whimpers of praise as he continued until she was completely spent.

  He kissed and sucked his way up her body and he looked into her heavy eyes, ���You ready for this?���

  ���Please,��� she moaned and he pushed into her slowly.

  Her hips plunged forward as he filled her, ���God, Maddox.���

  ���Slow Sweetness this is going to end real fucking quick if you don���t slow down,��� he hissed into her throat, ���I almost came just tasting you. You are so fucking hot. I swear to God Harper, I could live on you forever.���

  Harper responded by pushing against him hard, causing him to hit her g spot again and she cried out loudly. He pumped hard and fast into her then withdrew himself as he came hard all over her stomach, cursing incomprehensibly.

  He lay down and nibbled and licked her ear as he tried to catch his breath as she did the same.

  After a few minutes Harper giggled and Maddox sat up and smiled a sexy victorious smile, ���Something amusing, Sweetness?���

  Harper pointed to a flag she had placed earlier, ���You came on Switzerland.���

  He laughed, ���Some distance I got huh?���

  Harper looked down at her stomach and chest and laughed, ���Apparently so.���

  She sat up and it began to slide down her body Maddox���s eyes widened and his nostrils flared.

  Harper laughed as she stood up, ���Where are you going?���

  ���Um to wash up,��� Harper laughed.

  ���I kind of like my stuff all over you.���

  She laughed and walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower and jumped in, Maddox followed.

  ���It���s cramped in here,��� he kissed the back of her neck as he washed his face and then rubbed her ass.

  ���It is,��� Harper turned her head and pursed her lips asking for a kiss.

  Maddox bit down on her lips lightly and dragged his tongue across them.

  Harper pushed her butt back against him, ���Thumper you need to take a break there buddy.���

  Maddox laughed into her neck. Cold water burst through the shower head and Harper gasped and jumped out of the shower, laughing Maddox followed.

  Harper grabbed a towel and dried off and threw him a wash cloth, ���What���s this supposed to do?��� Maddox laughed as he toweled his hair.

  Harper looked down at him, ���Not much.���

  He smiled, ���No?���

  ���Nope,��� Harper giggled as he walked towards her and snatched the towel away.

  ���Fair is fair,��� he laughed walking out completely naked into the open kitchen and living room area.

  Harper watched as the muscles in his ass flexed with each step he took and nibbled on her lip when he turned around and caught her staring.

  He smiled and looked down at his erection. He grabbed a hold of himself and looked down, ���Nice huh, buddy?���

  Harper laughed, ���Hey leave him alone, that���s mine.���

  Maddox looked up at her and winked and cocked his head to the side smiling, ���He and I chat once in a while too you know.���

  Harper grabbed his shirt and threw it over her head laughing, ���Oh yeah, what about?��� Harper grabbed her panties and then his boxers and tossed them into the fireplace.

  ���What was that for?��� he laughed.

  ���You burned my footies,��� Harper smiled.

  ���Thumper hated those things,��� Maddox grabbed her and kissed her.

  ���What else do you talk about?���

  ���Well he gets yelled at a lot,��� Maddox smiled. ���Damn it Thumper, the dinner table is a completely inappropriate time to get all worked up even if watching her suck spaghetti is so incredibly hot it should be rated triple X.���


  ���Harper you suck that shit so slowly it makes me chub up instantly. And then sometimes you use your tongue to swirl it around. Oh and in the morning when you drink the milk out of your bowl and some spills on your lip and you lick it ���So. Fucking. Hot.���

  ���God I love you,��� she jumped up and wrapped her legs around him.

  ���Sweetness these fucking things got to go,��� he ripped her panties off her and tossed them into the fire as he pushed into her slowly, ���Damn Harper, so wet.���

  ���Damn Maddox, your fault,��� Harper kissed him, ���Condoms, bedroom.���

  ���Condoms, bedroom,��� he held onto her and walked into their new bedroom.


  Moving Forward

  Maddox and Harper walked into the house smiling at each other and holding hands.

  Tessa looked up and took a sip of her tea, ���How was Switzerland?���

  Harper smiled, ���Perfect.���

  Maddox smiled at her and looked up at Tessa, ���Thank you for helping her out with the surprise. It was very nice.���

  London and Lexington ran into the room, ���You wanna take us to school, Maddox?���

  Maddox looked at Harper, ���Can we pull ourselves away from here for them?���

  ���I think we can. Do I have time to shower?��� Harper looked up and Emma shook her head yes. Maddox started to follow her. Harper turned to him and whispered, ���Just a little break?���

  He stuck out his bottom lip and she laughed and ran up the stairs.

  Maddox turned and Tessa and Emma were smiling at him and looked away.

  ���Good Morning, son,��� Brody patted him on the back smiling, ���How was Switzerland?���

  Maddox looked at him and laughed, ���Great Dad.���

  ���I need a quick minute to talk business, okay with you?��� Maddox shook his head yes, ���Lila called and the Today show would like an interview. MASS is playing in two days on the Plaza. Your tour starts in two weeks; they are willing to squeeze Burning Souls in for one song to kick it off. T is on his way in and should be arriving soon. I can push them to do it all the same day. Our label is ready to kick your ass because Tell Me You Hate Me is an internet sensation and you have not recorded it. I���m sure MASS would be willing and������

����I���m not going to do all that shit right now,��� Maddox scowled and looked down.

  ���Maddox, you wrote that song. It went viral and has over ten million clicks on it. That one song would pay for four years at Cornell. Unless you���re willing for me to pay which I������

  ���No I���m paying for my schooling, I���ll be married by then,��� Maddox rubbed his head and growled.

  ���Hey Maddox, got a minute?��� Harper didn���t wait for an answer she pulled him down the hall and to the bathroom.

  She shut the door and looked at him, ���Why not?��� He got agitated, ���No listen to me. Two days pays for a Cornell education Maddox? Do you know how amazing that is, how many people������

  ���Will you come with me?��� He searched her face for a reaction.

  He is so damn adorable, she thought, ���Um, let me think about it.���

  She looked down, ���No forget it. I���m telling him no. I sold my house in London, that���ll pay for Cornell. Fuck it and fuck the music industry and������

  Harper clamped his lips shut, ���You���re not backing out of the tour.���

  ���Fine— at least I have time to prepare for that fucking������

  Harper clamped his lips shut again, ���Can you get the same room at the Garden?���

  Maddox smiled, ���If I have to drag its occupants out kicking and screaming.���

  Maddox picked her up and hugged her tightly, ���I love you.���

  ���I love you.���

  His hand moved up her shirt and she giggled, ���Are you laughing at me?���

  ���Did you forget we have to take the girls to school?���

  ���Oh shit,��� Maddox dropped his head on her shoulder and groaned, ���When we get back we go to Switzerland, alright?���

  ���We will see,��� Harper laughed and he pulled his hand back out from under her shirt.

  Harper and Maddox were packing when her phone rang, ���Mom, do you know you���re calling my cell and I���m in Switzerland, should have used the Viber app���.oh���oh God���no we are on our way.���

  Harper hung up the phone, ���We have to get down there,��� she started throwing things in their bag.


  ���Yes,��� Harper grabbed the carry on and Maddox followed with the bag.

  They jumped in the Jeep and drove down to the house.

  Harper ran into the house and Maddox followed. They ran into his room as Tessa was holding his hand, ���Stay with us Harrison, we aren���t ready for you to go yet.���

  Harper sat on the bed next to him, ���Don���t you go anywhere— damn it!���

  Harrison���s eye���s fluttered and then opened, ���Harper.���

  ���Yes damn it, don���t you go anywhere!���

  ���Collin,��� his voice was gurgled and Tessa gasped.

  The paramedics arrived and he was loaded into the ambulance. Harper and Tessa jumped in, ���Tomas, the Jeep���

  Maddox and Tomas got in the Jeep and followed the ambulance.

  ���Do you know what she���ll do?��� Tomas asked pointing to their bags.

  ���I���ll stay with her,��� Maddox answered after he had figured out what he was talking about.

  ���She loves you, Maddox,��� Tomas laughed, ���Don���t suffocate her.���

  ���I plan on supporting her, thank you,��� Maddox scowled at him.

  ���Isn���t that what she is doing by going with you to New York?���

  ���Tomas, we love one another,��� Maddox began.

  ���I know this. I���ve known that little one since before the day she was born. You captured a free spirit, Maddox.���

  ���Just what is it you���re trying to say, Tomas?���

  Tomas laughed, which Maddox knew was not something that happened often, ���I never had children and those three are probably closer to me than any child I would have had of my own had Collin and I not crossed paths. I���d have more than likely ended up in the Navy until retirement or death, keeping me away from any family I would���ve created. As a child Harper and her brothers used to capture fireflies. Both boys insisted on keeping them in mason jars beside their beds. She would stay awake until they fell asleep and replace the jar with an empty one and sneak out of their room. She would sneak into hers and open the window and release them. If they didn���t fly out she would get so angry at them. One night I watched as she started to cry, ���I want you to stay too, but I love you, go now be free��� I was so touched by what she said that it nearly brought me to tears. Then she stomped her little foot and got angry, ���What are you stupid do you want to die? Get the hell out, and I won���t save you next time���. As a teenager she would do whatever she could to pull one over on her parents. You should remember this, sneaking out and swimming… ring a bell?��� Maddox smiled and nodded his head. ���Harper loves her parents and always does the right thing but she needs space from time to time. She will want desperately to stay with Harrison and you admittedly know that���s what she should do. But Harper will choose to go with you if you insist on staying, Maddox. She made a commitment to you and she will keep it.���

  ���I don���t understand what you���re asking me to do.���

  ���You���re smarter than that, Maddox,��� Tomas smiled and looked out the window.

  ���I want her with me. I want to be here for her������

  ���Which is it first? Before you answer that understand she���ll know the answer to that.���

  ���What the fuck does that mean?���

  ���No need to get pissed off. Together you are perfect for each other, where one of you������

  ���You think I���m weak!���

  ���No not at all. Physically you are a bear, Maddox.���

  ���But emotionally, you think I���m weak?���

  ���Not when it comes to what you do for her. You have to be that for yourself too. If not������

  ���Last time I left her������

  ���I���ll be here and so will ������

  ���If anyone hurts her������

  ���Maddox, I can guarantee she has felt the same about you since she met you.���

  ���I can take care������

  Tomas laughed, ���You two are going to kill each other.���

  ���Listen; tell me what the fuck you are talking about.���

  ���She will tell you exactly what she needs, you just have to listen.���

  ���If I had done that in Switzerland,��� Tomas looked away from him quickly. ���Oh my God--- you think this is my fault.���

  Maddox pulled into the emergency parking lot and looked at Tomas, ���Are you going to answer my question?���

  ���It���s no one���s fault, Maddox,��� Tomas quickly exited the vehicle.

  After they had stabilized Harrison, Harper walked out into the hallway and crouched down and cried into her knees. Maddox sat on the ground and pulled her onto his lap. She clung tightly to his neck as he rubbed her back.

  ���We missed our flight,��� Harper looked up at him and he wiped her tears.

  ���Not a big deal,��� he pulled her head back against his chest.

  He continued to comfort her and she continued to allow it.

  Harper g
roaned and sat up, ���We should check on flights.���

  Harper watched Tessa walk out of the hospital room and covered her mouth and let out a sob. She walked quickly to the bathroom.

  Harper stood up and Maddox grabbed her hand gently, ���She may need a minute.���

  Harper closed her eyes and shook her head yes.

  ���Tell me not to go and I won���t,��� Maddox said as he lifted her chin.

  ���We have to,��� she scowled and looked down, ���We have to.���

  ���As much as I want you with me all the time, she needs you now. You need her just as much,��� Maddox smiled sadly.

  ���I told you I would go, I talked you into going,��� Harper rested her forehead against his chest and looked up, ���Go.���

  He closed his eyes, ���This being a grown up things sucks huh, Sweetness?���

  ���Yep,��� she faked a smile.

  He did the same back and then kissed her, ���Go see your mom while I make this stupid fucking call.���

  Harper walked Maddox to the front door where Tomas was waiting in the Jeep.

  ���I love you, Sweetness. Tomas assures me you���re going to be safe,��� he smiled.

  ���I love you and Tomas assured me��� there he is,��� Harper smiled when Surge climbed out of the cab.

  ���He meddles,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Well we both have our guys, huh?���

  ���See you in two days,��� Maddox kissed her and pulled her into a hug.

  ���Kick ass Rockstar.��� Harper looked up and bit his lower lip.

  ���Keep that shit up and I won���t leave,��� he licked her lip with his tongue.

  Harper giggled and grabbed his hair and pulled him down to her neck, ���Keep that shit up and I won���t let you.���

  Maddox groaned and nipped her neck, ���Say the word and I stay.���

  Harper looked into his eyes, ���I know you would and you know I want you to. But think of what this means for you, for us.���

  He looked into her eyes, ���I���m not thinking long term right now, I���m thinking two days and now I���m thinking in five months you���ll be mine forever.���


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