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Alien Sex Attack

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by Catherine DeVore

  Alien Sex Attack

  Catherine DeVore

  Copyright 2012 Catherine DeVore

  All Romance eBooks Edition, License Notes

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  I ran down the hallway, my boots clanking against the steel grate floor. I

  winced at the sound, but I had to get out of there, and fast. The aliens

  had spread through the ship far, far quicker than I’d thought possible. I

  was the last one left untainted.

  I tore the cover off an air duct, leaping inside. As I replaced the heavy

  grate behind myself, I saw one of the aliens slink out from a side

  corridor and move down the hallway, its eyeless head scanning left and

  right, hunting for me. It paused near my location, oily black head

  swinging from side to side. I held my breath, too afraid to move, as its

  nostrils flared. After what felt like an eternity, it continued down the

  hall, nails clicking against the hard floor. Relief suffused my body as it

  disappeared around another corridor. Flipping on my wrist readout

  screen, I pulled up a map of the ship’s ductwork, quickly charting a

  course to the main bridge.

  This whole disaster had started when my team had been dispatched to a

  remote planet to salvage a wrecked military light cruiser. As a mineral

  extraction specialist, my job was to pick through the fine pieces of

  scrap, like circuitry and other internal parts, and determine what was

  worth keeping for processing and recycling. Not quite the humanitarian

  research career I’d envisioned when I was in university, but I’d

  discovered that I craved the freedom and lawlessness of outer space. I

  had been so excited to venture further into unclaimed territory beyond

  Federation-sanctioned civilian routes that I hadn’t even noticed how

  unusually heavily-armed our military escort was. I found myself deeply

  regretting my obliviousness now.

  When we’d landed, the away team had come back with what appeared

  to be an egg. The planet we were on was supposed to be completely

  incompatible with life, yet the egg seemed to be viable. Before we’d

  even had a chance to get it to the research bay, it had hatched.

  That’s when things went south.

  The creature had immediately skittered into the heating mains of the

  ship, its body growing even as we watched. The marines had launched a

  hunt immediately, but by the time they’d found where the alien had

  gone, it was too late. The creatures spat some kind of goo that . . .

  changed people. It seemed to be some kind of pheromone attack. For

  lack of a better way to describe it, it made people really, really horny.

  Once they were subdued, the creature dragged them off and committed

  unspeakable acts on their bodies, the formerly-resistant victims eagerly

  shouting encouragement as they were violated.

  We resisted, of course, but it was difficult. We learned quickly that the

  alien could replicate on its own just as fast as it had hatched and grown

  to adulthood. The ship was littered with eggshells—no matter how

  many we smashed, more hatched. Even worse, the amniotic fluid within

  the eggshells contained the same pheromone load as the aliens’ spit. I’d

  seen a careless marine go from shooting eggs to writhing on the ground

  moaning and fucking herself with her billy club within the span of five

  minutes. Really, it was a miracle that I was left in control of my faculties

  at all.

  I shuddered, starting off through the duct system. I knew I couldn’t kill

  all the aliens by myself. Even before the marines had been decimated,

  they hadn’t managed to actually eliminate a single one, aside from the

  eggs. No, my plan was much more grim than that. I was going to blow

  up the whole ship, myself included.

  As I crawled towards the only command panel in the whole ship that

  would let me activate the self-destruct sequence, I passed a vent. As I

  glanced down into the chamber below, my heart dropped out of my


  Below me, sprawled out across a grav couch like a calendar pinup, lay

  my closest friend and object of my unrequited desire, Marine Corporal

  Marshall Sanders. I hadn’t cared much for him when he’d joined the

  ship—there was always a sort of rivalry between the science teams and

  security. When he’d asked what I was working on as I tinkered with a

  particularly complicated mineral extraction, I’d snapped at him at first,

  thinking he was making fun of me. I was immediately remorseful when I

  saw the hurt look on that handsome face. I’d apologized and showed

  him the process, surprised at how interested he really was in the work

  we were doing. He’d told me that even though he’d ended up in a job

  for a meathead jock, xenobiology and xenolinguistics were his real

  passion. He was as excited to venture into unexplored space as I was.

  He and I had been fast friends since then. I hadn’t worked up the

  courage to tell him that I’d really and truly fallen for him.

  And it seemed I’d never get the chance now. Tears pricked my eyes as I

  saw him writhing while tentacles snaked up his naked body, but I

  couldn’t look away, either. I flushed with shame as my pussy grew wet; I

  watched the expression on his face as the alien began to stroke his

  thick, hard cock. I knew it was wrong to get off watching Marshall being

  taken from me, but— This might be my only chance, I rationalized, unable to

  tear my eyes away as Marshall moaned, his hips straining into the alien’s

  embrace. I unzipped my jumpsuit and slid my hand inside, parting my

  wet folds to stroke myself, drawing out moisture as my pussy tensed

  with anticipation.

  As I watched, the alien began to probe between Marshall’s ass cheeks

  with a questing tentacle. Marshall spread his legs, clearly eager to accept

  the thick length. I whimpered softly as I watched it stroke around his

  tight hole, lubricating the sensitive skin. My pussy ached to be filled,

  too, but all I had were my fingers. It seemed almost criminal when

  Marshall’s long, fat cock was nearly in my reach.

  As the tentacle pushed into Marshall, I pushed my fingers into myself,

  wishing—imagining—that they were Marshall’s thick shaft. The sight of

  that meaty length being squeezed and stroked, even by a loathsome

  black tentacle, drove me wild. The tentacle probing his ass had inserted

  itself fully, and I could see that Marshall’s tight hole was stretched wide

  around its thick base. From the sounds he was making, the prehensile

  limb was hitting him in just the right spot deep inside. My fingers sped

  up around my clit, my shame at watching Marshall being completely

  debased unable to triumph over the need building in my groin.

  As Marshall thrust back against the slithering limbs pushing into him, an

  errant tentacle quested near his face. “Please,” he groaned, parting his

  lips to receive it. I gasped aloud as the alien penetrated him from both

  ends, forgetting momentarily to play with myself as I watched Marshall’s

  face. My pussy throbbed with desire, my need for Marshall so powerful

  it hurt. I’d have given anything—well, nearly anything—to be riding his

  cock at that very moment.

  I bit my free hand as my fingers resumed their work on my clit, the

  sensation sharp and delicious. Below, Marshall’s cock jetted white fluid

  across his stomach and chest as thick black tentacles used his holes, but

  he was so aroused that his girthy shaft didn’t soften a bit. The alien’s

  mouth gaped open and a long tongue snaked out, lapping up the sticky

  fluid from his stomach and bathing the flared purple head of his cock.

  My cunt clenched spasmodically as I realized that I could smell Marshall

  now, sweat and cum. I groaned breathily, my fingers smearing slick fluid

  across my thighs as I worked my most sensitive nub of flesh hard,

  wanting to feel used like Marshall was being used.

  As my breath came fast and my whole body began to tingle in

  anticipation, Marshall also writhed and bucked below me, his cock

  thrusting hard in and out of the coil of tentacles. I saw silvery fluid burst

  from the tentacle in his mouth and trickle down his face—I could only

  assume the alien had cum in his mouth. Marshall lapped at the fluid

  frantically, his tongue caressing the slick surface of the tentacle. As

  silvery fluid dribbled out of his ass, covering Marshall’s strong thighs in

  alien cum, Marshall’s cock jerked again, spraying an even thicker load.

  As the alien’s tentacle scooped it up and slid it into Marshall’s mouth, I

  cried out involuntarily. My pussy spasmed around my fingers as I came.

  It felt oh-so-good, but I still couldn’t help but feel cheated that it was

  my slender pianist’s fingers that my cunt milked and not that fat,

  dribbling cock that was only now starting to soften.

  My face red with shame, I zipped up my jumpsuit, taking one last look

  at my dear friend as the alien began to push into him again. A tear rolled

  down my face. I regretted not telling him that I was in love with him so

  badly, and now it was too late. “I’ll save you, Marshall,” I whispered,

  strengthening my resolve. “I’ll get you away from them.” I crawled on,

  my crotch still damp and sensitive. I felt acutely guilty for getting off on

  Marshall’s debasement, but at least nobody else would ever know.

  Each chamber that I passed over was the same: orgiastic scenes of

  debauchery. Black tentacles intertwined with soft flesh as the aliens

  subjugated the entire crew. I tried not to look, but images of my friends

  and crewmates were seared into my retinas. It was strangely arousing—

  again and again, I found myself wanting to stop and watch, but I had a

  mission to complete.

  After nearly 3 hours of crawling through the ship’s massive ductwork, I

  found myself looking down at the bridge from a vent. There was no easy

  way to get down from here—I’d have to try and climb. Using the laser

  tool mounted on my wrist readout, I carefully cut through the grate,

  setting it aside in the duct. Several feet away from me, there was a thick

  bundle of wires running from the ceiling to the wall. If I could get ahold

  of it, I might be able to climb down without breaking my neck.

  Steeling myself, I crouched, then leapt for the wire, my arms

  pinwheeling frantically. My fingers slipped over the plastic cable casing,

  and, for one heartbreaking moment, I thought I was going to fall to my

  death. Then my hands found purchase, and I hung suspended in the air

  by a thin wire of hope. I began slowly shimmying down towards the

  wall, moving slowly. I wasn’t very strong, and my arms already ached

  from the strain.

  Suddenly, the cable lurched downward as the moorings tore loose. I

  cried out as I jolted down to the floor, my sweating palms struggling to

  maintain my grip. The world seemed to slow to a halt as I the cable

  slipped from my grasp. I tumbled towards the floor, my mouth open but

  no sound escaping as my heart hammered with terror.

  Then the world sped up again as a massive black tentacle coiled up

  around me, intercepting my body mid-fall. “Oh, FUCK!” I screamed,

  the irony of which was not lost on me before the slick fluid coated my

  skin. My vision blurred as alien chemicals saturated my bloodstream. A

  small voice in the very back of my head still screamed and struggled,

  but my body’s urges were too strong. I collapsed into the alien’s

  embrace as smaller tentacles quested over my body, tearing at my

  jumpsuit. There was something different about this one—it was far, far

  larger than the others I’d seen throughout the ship, and its body seemed

  differently-shaped. I wondered vaguely if it was the first one that had

  hatched from the mysterious egg.

  My jumpsuit, built to withstand the extreme wear-and-tear of working

  as a deep space researcher, shredded like tissue beneath the alien’s

  tentacles. Normally, its strength would have frightened me, but I

  yearned for its touch. I moaned as cool air hit my skin, my nipples

  already painfully hard. Tentacles snaked up to caress my full breasts,

  stroking up the underside and coiling about my taut nipples, tugging

  gently on the hard nubs of flesh. I tried to grind my crotch against the

  alien’s carapace but I was held tight in its grasp.

  As I squirmed in its oily grasp, I felt two new tentacles snaking around

  my ankles. I cried out as the alien forced my thighs apart, exposing my

  pussy. I writhed in its grasp, ready for the alien to take me now, but the

  damnable creature seemed more interested in prolonging my torment.

  Thin, wispy tentacles snaked up the soft skin of my inner thighs and

  caressed me with feather-light touches, ignoring my wild begging. My

  eyes nearly rolled back in my head as a tentacle quested around my clit.

  The oily skin barely grazed against the engorged nub of flesh, but to me

  it felt like an electric shock. I could feel my slick juices dripping out of

  my cunt and over my thighs.

  It was both a relief and a heightened torment when the first tentacle slid

  between my ass cheeks, exploring my tight hole. What I really wanted

  was for the alien to fill up my throbbing pussy, but I needed something

  —anything. As the slick tentacle slid into my asshole inch by inch,

  slowly stretching me out, I nearly sobbed with relief. Once the tentacle

  had pushed into me as far as its thick base would allow, it began to slide

  in and out. The tiny tendrils stroking my clit and nipples sped up, egged

  on by my whimpers. It was barely a minute before I came so hard that

  my eardrums bulged, stars sparkling across my vision. I gasped and

>   panted as my body trembled with the force of it.

  Somehow, I had the impression that the alien was pleased. Its eyeless

  black face had no discernible expression, but something about it—its

  posture, or maybe even its smell—seemed to convey pleasure to me.

  Still aching with need, I bucked my hips helplessly, still unable to reach

  any part to grind against. The alien’s main body mass stirred below me,

  its chitinous legs spreading. As I watched eagerly, a new protuberance

  emerged from a glistening slit in the creature’s abdomen. It was black

  and oily, like the rest of the alien, but there was no mistaking that shape

  —it was a thick, hard cock.

  Almost tenderly, the alien lowered me to the throbbing organ. I moaned

  like a cat in heat as the engorged head slid against the inflamed lips of

  my pussy. The feeling of the alien’s cock sliding into me, grinding

  against the tentacle in my ass, was a blessed relief. My cunt clenched

  around the thick shaft, eager to receive the full length. As my lips parted

  with pleasure, a tentacle snaked between them, stroking its length

  across my tongue. The surface of the tentacle was slick with the same

  oil coating that covered the alien’s entire body, but it felt like warm skin

  against my lips.

  I whimpered around the thick length as the alien began to slowly thrust

  into my cunt, its massive member stretching me wide. I was already

  close—so close—to coming again, but my body was almost over-

  stimulated by the countless tentacles stroking me, fucking me, sliding all

  over my body. I closed my eyes as bliss washed over me, my whole body

  shuddering with pleasure.

  I groaned deep in my throat as I felt hot liquid splash into my ass. The

  tentacle didn’t retreat, though; rather, I could feel it swelling up again

  immediately. The alien’s cock twitched within my pussy, hitting that

  delicious spot right at the top of my channel. As a tentacle no thicker

  than my pinky finger looped around my clit and squeezed gently, I

  screamed a muffled scream of sheer hedonistic delight. I had thought

  my first orgasm was earth-shattering. I hadn’t even known the meaning

  of the word. I felt the alien’s massive member shoot spurt after spurt of

  thick, silver liquid deep into my cunt as my muscles contracted around

  the thick length, milking it dry.


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