Page 18
Go2 the place that makes ur favorite coffee at 11 & wear ur red scarf.
Well, that’s a relief. I thought he regretted what we did together last night, considering he wasn’t here when I woke up. I’m starting to feel a lot more positive about today already.
I made the call I’d been dreading to make to my father just after I’d read the messages from Brandon. I could sense the disappointment in his voice when I told him I wasn’t chosen for the annual performance. He wasn’t disappointed with me, he was upset for me. He said exactly the same as Brandon had, that my mom would be proud of me no matter what. Hearing those words from him brought me some comfort at least, and I guess yesterday didn’t turn out too badly when I think about how it had ended.
I ended the call with my father at ten o’clock and then hurried into the bathroom for a quick shower, since I only had an hour before I needed to be over at Starbucks. His clues are way too easy, although I have no idea why he has asked me to wear my red scarf.
Alyssa noticed my gloomy mood shifting to a much dreamier one as I ran around the dorm, getting myself ready to go and meet with him. When I showed her the messages, she told me that she wanted a Brandon too. I would actually be willing to fight her or anyone else for him.
Heading down the sidewalk, I see Starbucks is only a couple of buildings ahead and I’m wondering if he’s going to meet me inside because as I look around, there’s no sign of him anywhere.
As I reach the door I feel something on my arm, and when I look to my right, I see a young boy, probably around the age of twelve, looking directly up at me.
“Miss Alexis Harper?” He asks in a really sweet tone, but I don’t remember having seen him before. I watch him for a second with curiosity before levelling my eyes with his.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” I ask and it’s then when I see him bringing a single red rose from behind his back, before handing it over to me. “Is this for me?” I take it from him and let out a happy sigh. I love roses.
He nods his head enthusiastically, “The guy paid me twenty bucks to give it to the beautiful lady wearing the red scarf, and asked me to tell you to take the far corner seat on the left, just in there.” His cheeks blush a light shade of red as he points to the entrance of a café just beside Starbucks.
“Well, thanks,” I answer and watch him as he walks away, holding the money in his right hand tightly. My cheeks are feeling a little heated now too.
Give it to the beautiful lady in the red scarf? I think my heart just skipped a beat. A huge smile is spreading over my lips and I shake my head in disbelief before heading into the café. I check all around but still can’t see him, so I make my way over to where the sweet young man told me to sit. Maybe he’s running a little late or something. Or … maybe he’s not.
Sitting on the table top, there are two numbered envelopes with my name written on the front. Taking another quick glimpse around, no one appears to be paying any interest in what I’m doing, so I take a seat and open up the envelope labelled #1.
I really wanted to join you for breakfast but I have a couple of things I need to take care of. Order whatever you want. I’ve already taken care of the bill. When you’re done, and not before, look in the second envelope for your next clue.
X Brandon X
Wow, he’s really going out of his way here. Will he know if I take a look before I place my order? Lifting the second one, I’m distracted by the waitress who’s walking past my table, “No peeking,” she waves her index finger at me, and I feel like I’ve just been caught with my hand in the cookie jar or something. “Your boyfriend gave us strict orders.” She winks and throws me a smile before walking back over to the counter.
I rest against the back of the seat and inhale a deep breath when I rerun what she just said through my mind. Your boyfriend. I like the sound of that. My boyfriend. A warm sensation runs through my veins at those very words.
Snapping myself out of the dream I was just living in my mind, I go over to the counter and decide that for a change and because the weather is cold, I’ll indulge in a hot chocolate with marshmallows and sprinkles to help warm me up.
Once I am settled back into my seat and I’ve indulged in the pastry I’d also ordered, I can’t wait any longer.
Okay, next clue. I gently open the second envelope, still grinning like an idiot. He’s going to make we work to see him, I can just tell.
Are you smiling?
I sense you’re smiling.
Go to 3045 on 10th Street,
I need you to pick something up for me.
DON’T look inside.
Clutching on to the new note, I give my thanks to the waitress, who for some reason is smiling brightly at me, before heading out onto the sidewalk. Does she know something that I don’t?
Checking the address again as I round the corner onto Tenth Street, I see the same kid who gave me the rose earlier, holding a shopping bag in his right hand.
I smile as I near him and when he sees me heading his way, he stands up from the bench he was seated on and walks over to join me.
“He’s keeping you busy today, huh?” I ask with a laugh, and the boy returns my greeting with a grin.
“He paid me another twenty bucks,” he shrugs his shoulders and passes me the bag, before walking away again. I quickly scan the area to see if Brandon is watching this whole thing, but there are so many people around that even if he is here somewhere, he would be pretty hard to spot.
Don’t peek in the bag. Ugh, I really want to peek in the bag. He’s thought about this well because the packaging inside is hiding whatever it is that’s underneath extremely well. Even the store name on the exterior has been masked.
Sitting myself down on the nearest bench, I wonder what I’m supposed to do now. I can’t look inside, he’s made that clear, but I haven’t any more clues. Am I supposed to head back to campus now?
I’ll message him.
Did you run out of paper? I have the bag. What do I need to do next? X
I wait for five minutes but there’s no reply, so I decide to make my way back to campus. I’m glad he didn’t send me all the way across the city, because since I thought I’d be meeting him for breakfast, I tried to dress cute and the heels I chose to wear are starting to kill me already.
As I approach my building’s steps, I hear my cell phone jump to life. Pausing so I can pull it out, I see that he’s finally decided to get back to me.
Check your bed, maybe?
My cheeks automatically blush, and the wide smile I’ve been wearing for most of the morning has just doubled its size, although I really have no idea how that’s even possible.
Does this means he’s in my bed? A heat climbs up through my body at the thought and I find myself hurrying up the steps and towards the elevator with a newfound urgency. Since when did I become so much like Alyssa?
Walking straight through the living area, I head directly towards my room without even looking to see if any of the guys are here. I pause when I reach for the handle and take a deep breath, so I can try to settle the butterflies in my stomach. I think they’ve taken up permanent residency in there now.
Peeking my head around the door, there’s no sign of him at all. I place the bag down by my desk, and go and sit on my bed so I can take these freaking heels off.
My cell phone is vibrating again and I reach for it right away.
Okay, I’m done. Come & meet me. X
Brandon, it would really help if you told me where I was supposed to find you!
Replacing my heels with a pair of flat boots, I open my door and see him standing right on the other side, with the sexiest smile over his lips. Is it wrong that I just want to grab him by his shirt and pull him into my room, so that I can experience the same feelings I did with him the night before? No, I didn’t think so either.
He’s watching me with intensity and my heart begins to flutter. “Hey, beautiful.�
�� He leans forward and places a soft and lingering kiss on my right cheek, while taking hold of my left hand.
“What’s in the bag?” I’m filled with curiosity as I allow him to lead me towards the front door. He turns back and winks at me from over his shoulder.
He doesn’t answer my question or say another word until we make it out of the building. Still holding onto my hand, he turns himself around to face me and pulls me into him. “Are you ready for your next surprise?” Wrapping his hands around my waist, he gazes directly into my eyes and throws me the most heartbreakingly sensual smile I’ve seen yet.
I nod and he moves his hands higher up, until his fingers are brushing lightly into my hair. “Do you trust me?” He searches my eyes and I notice a look of relief wash over his face when I nod another yes.
He moves around until he’s standing behind me and then I feel my scarf being loosened from around my neck. “Brandon, what are you doing?” I go to turn, but he stops me by placing his hands on either side of my waist.
“Making sure it’s a surprise,” he answers casually, like he’s doing one of the most normal things in the world or something. “I don’t want you to see where I’m taking you.”
“You’re blindfolding me?” Is he freaking serious? “Brandon I don’t …” I try to protest but when he’s pressing hard up against me and breathing into my ear the way he is, there’s really no room for discussion so I simply obey.
“Good girl,” he laughs while nibbling on my ear and all I can think about is what he did with that mouth last night. “Alright, can you see anything? Anything at all?” I shake my head because I really can’t. This is actually pretty exciting.
He places his hands on my shoulders and starts spinning me around and around. “Brandon! Cut it out! I’ll fall!” I practically shriek at him. His hands are gripping at my waist now and my hands are on top of his, as I try to get him to let go of me. Is he crazy?
“I’m making sure you don’t know which way we’re heading that’s all,” he chuckles as he spins me around a couple more times. “Oops.”
Yes, oops! I can’t see where the hell I’m going and now I’m stumbling all over the freaking place. “You’re a jackass!”
“But, I’m your jackass,” he answers while placing his arm tightly around my waist, and steering me to God only knows where. My jackass. I think that works for me just fine.
“How much further is it?” My voice sounds whiney and that’s perhaps because I’m actually whining. I’m sure we haven’t been walking for as long as I think we have, but I’ve almost fallen five times, and each time, he’s had to catch me before I landed on my ass. He did seem to find the whole thing very amusing though.
“We’re here,” Brandon replies, and I notice a tinge of nervousness in his voice. Turning me to my left, he unties the scarf from around my eyes. I squint when I open them, and once they have adjusted to the daylight again, my mouth drops wide open at the site before me.
I’m speechless and can’t even manage to mumble a thank you. “Here, come and sit down.” He ushers me over to the picnic blanket that’s laid out in front of the small building by the lake. The lake.
Crossing my legs as I sit down, I glance around at all the wonderful food that he’s set up around the blanket. There are strawberries, bakery goods, and champagne. He’s really gone to a lot of effort today. “Brandon, this is …”
He’s watching me with his stunning blue eyes and the smile over his face is most definitely reaching them. “That’s why I had to get you away from campus. If you’d have seen me going back and forth with it all then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.” He shrugs his shoulders while grabbing two glass flutes from the basket beside him. “Last night was—”
“Nice?” Okay, I shouldn’t have said that because the look on his face is reminiscent of the one I felt crossing mine when he said that nasty little word to me a couple of weeks ago.
“You’re never gonna let me forget that, are you?” He grimaces as he pours some champagne into each of our glasses. “Alexis, it was—” He’s interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing. He looks frustrated and clenches his jaw while grabbing it out from his shirt pocket.
He checks the caller ID and sighs, before throwing me an apologetic look. He stands and walks over to the wall before taking the call. Okay, my heart is speeding because if I think he was going to say what his eyes were telling me, then last night meant as much to him as it did to me.
He must have gone to so much effort with all of this and I’m wondering if he spent the entire morning setting this up. If that’s the case, then I think we might be heading in the right direction. At the back of my mind, I thought he may have gone to visit Holly’s gravestone.
I watch as he paces the ground in front of me and feel a little uneasy by the body language he’s displaying. He looks tense, one of his fists is clenched at his side, and he’s gazing up at the sky and looking completely distraught. He’s speaking quietly, so I’m not actually able to hear what he’s saying, but whatever it is, it’s making him the complete opposite of what he was just a few moments ago. Gone is the laidback, carefree, and sweet guy that did so many romantic things for me this morning.
While I pick at the strawberries, he finally makes his way back over with bleakness written all over his face. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I jump to my feet and head straight over to him, while searching his eyes and trying to figure out why he looks the way he does. “Brandon?” I shake his arms when he doesn’t respond to my question.
Letting out a sigh, he rakes his hands through his hair before bringing his focus back on me. “I’m so sorry, I have to go. Listen, I’ll be back in a few hours. Dammit! I’m so sorry, beautiful.” He cups my face with his right hand, and looks really upset.
“Wait, why?” He’s leaving? But we only just got here.
“A buddy of mine just got a call from someone back in Olympia, he thinks …” He swipes his hands over his face and seems really stressed out. “They said they have some information that might be able to help me.”
“Then go,” I tell him. “Why are you still even standing here?”
He lets out another deep breath and closes his eyes, although I do notice his shoulders relaxing a little bit. “Because I don’t want you to think that …”
“I know but listen, I’ll be here when you get back. Just go! You could get everything you need to help clear your name, just freaking get outta here! I’ll clean all this up,” I insist, and notice his eyes beginning to brighten again.
“Seven o’clock, be ready!” He kisses me on the cheek and heads towards the clearing. “Wear what’s in the bag!” He calls to me over his shoulder, before turning around and running back up into the campus grounds.
It took me three round trips between the dorm and the lake before I’d collected everything up. The dorm was empty when I got back at around two-thirty, and the first thing I did was look inside the bag. I decided that packing the food up and into the refrigerator could wait until after I’d seen what he’d bought for me.
All I can say is wow. When I opened it up, a gorgeous, shimmering red, knee length dress was sitting in my hands. I checked the tag and gulped when I saw where he’d purchased it. It was from one of the same small, but expensive, boutiques where Alyssa likes to spend her money.
I haven’t heard anything back from Brandon yet, but he told me he’d be here at seven, so I’ve gotten myself ready for when he arrives. The dress fits me perfectly and is much more conservative than the dress I wore for Corey’s party. I can’t wait to find out where we’re going. The mystery is almost killing me, that, and the fact that I’m starting to miss him already.
It would be amazing if he receives everything he needs to help clear his name today, then it might help him move on and start enjoying his life again. I don’t mean for him to completely forget about Holly, there’s no way I would ever expect him to do that. For a twenty year old guy, he’s
had so much to deal with, and I can see how much it bothers him every single day. He should be happy. He deserves to be happy.
“You look stunning, Alex,” I hear Neil say as he walks out from his room. He looks exhausted and also a little stressed out. “Are you going anywhere nice?” He sits himself down on the couch while facing me.
“Brandon’s picking me up in roughly ten minutes and taking me out somewhere, although I have no idea where,” I state, while I pick up my earrings from the breakfast bar and start putting them in.
He raises his eyebrows at me. “Alyssa told me he had something special planned for you today. She said a treasure hunt or something?” He cocks his lips up and I’m glad that he also seems to be coming around to the idea that Brandon and I are spending time in each other’s company.
I nod and smile before going to check my hair in the mirror that’s hanging up by the main door. It’s just turning seven o’clock, which means he’ll be arriving any minute. I would say I’m excited about it, but that would be too weak of a word to describe what I’m feeling.
While waiting for Brandon to arrive, I sat with Neil and explained to him about Brandon receiving a call regarding things in Olympia. He seemed surprised that Brandon hadn’t gotten in touch with him or Ryan about it. He asked how things were going between the two of us and I think I made it known how serious my feelings for Brandon are becoming.
We sat and suffered through some garbage on television together, and every so often, I checked my watch. He did say seven, I’m sure he did. Maybe things just ran a little over. I really hope he brings some good news back with him.
I wait.
And wait.
Neil excuses himself to go and meet up with Alyssa and Ryan over at Corey’s place, so I find myself sitting alone and still waiting for Brandon to show. It’s almost ten o’clock and my imagination is starting to run wild. I have a really bad feeling.