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Ignition (Escaping Demons Saga Book 2)

Page 7

by Stacy McWilliams

  All of a sudden, the front door of the barn banged open and crashed off the wall, making us jump, breaking our moment. Both our hearts raced, but the spell of lust was broken.

  “I should get back.” He stood up slowly and moved away from me.

  “Nathan…” I said, unsure of how to continue.

  “Jasmine?” he asked as he turned his whole body towards me, half-smiling at me. I just looked at him, feeling dumbstruck. His face was flushed and his eyes were on fire. His lips were red and the way he looked at me gave me butterflies.

  The barn door flew open and we both looked around in shock to see Lisa standing there. She glared at me.

  “Lisa, what the hell are you doing here?” he asked venomously.

  “I knew it. I fucking knew it. You two are together. I told Jenny and she said there was no chance, but I knew it!”

  Abruptly, she turned and flew towards me, screaming obscenities. Nathan caught her before she hit me, spitting out, “What are you talking about? Of course, we aren’t together. She’s nothing but a fucking mortal. Are you insane?”

  “What are you doing in here then?” she asked, sounding petulant.

  “I’m helping her with her homework! She struggles with math and I was helping her. Her failing reflects badly on my father, but enough about the mortal. What are you doing here?” he commanded in a voice that caused the barn to rattle.

  Avoiding looking at them, I turned around and pretended to be concentrating on my textbook, which had suddenly appeared at my feet.

  “I wanted to talk to you. You dumped me by text. Who does that?”

  I smiled a small smile as I flipped open the pages of my maths text book. I had turned my back to them and I felt Nathan stir.

  “Come on, we are not talking about this here. I never texted you. I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  My breath caught, but I didn’t look around.

  “Go over to the house. I’ll be there in a second. I need to grab my phone and some of the stuff I brought over earlier.”

  I heard her walk away, muttering to herself. Nathan stood there for a few seconds, “Do you understand now? Does it make sense?”

  “Perfectly,” I said in a low voice, with tears in my eyes.

  “Fine. See you Monday.” He walked away without turning back. I was exhausted and I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of crying. I changed again out of my wet clothes, curled up in my sleeping bags, and fell asleep within a few moments.

  I awoke a few hours later to the sound of paper crinkling.

  I’m so sorry, baby. I couldn’t think of what else to do. If she had reported us, we both would have been dead. I love you and I will make this up to you, but for the moment, I have to pretend to be with her. P.S. Here’s a cupcake for your birthday. It’s at the back of the tent.

  I read the note, but didn’t bother looking for the cupcake. I was too mad at him and too hurt. I turned around in the tent, turned on the lantern, and almost knocked the tent over as I jumped. Nathan sat at the bottom of the tent watching me.

  “What are you doing here?” I hissed at him.

  “I needed to see you.”

  “Why? I’m just a fucking mortal after all.”

  “Shut up, you know why I said that.”

  He crawled up the tent, freezing as a voice sounded outside the tent. “Jasmine, are you in there?” Mrs Stevenson’s voice called. He looked at me with pure terror in his expression and I got up and flew out of the tent.

  “Yes, sorry. What’s wrong?”

  “Have you seen Nathan? He was supposed to be home by now, but we haven’t seen him yet.”

  “No, sorry. I don’t know where he is.”

  “Okay, if you see him, tell him to come straight home please.”

  Nodding at her, my heart raced at having to lie, but there was no way I could tell her Nathan was currently in my tent. I climbed back into my tent and Nathan was as white as a ghost. Opening my mouth, I was about to ask him what was wrong but he put his finger over my lips and shook his head.

  I listened and could hear breathing outside the tent, followed by quiet footsteps and the barn door closing softly. I went out of the tent again on the pretext of getting another jumper from my bag and noticed Mrs Stevenson standing in the shadows of the door. As soon as she saw me looking curiously at her, she turned and walked out the door.

  Nathan came out when the door was closed, but stayed crouched down so he was hidden from all other stalls. I looked around and saw Jenny and Lisa sitting in a stall across from us, staring right at me.

  “What’s going on, girls?” I asked, sounding braver than I felt.

  “Nathan is missing and we figured he might be in here with you?” Lisa’s voice suggested waspishly, stinging through the air. I could almost feel the hatred rolling off her in waves.

  “Why would Nathan be here? He hates me. Remember?”

  They just shrugged and sat there staring at me. I shook my head in mock exasperation and climbed back into the tent, followed by Nathan. Picking up a pencil and some paper, I motioned to Nathan to read my note.

  I have to get you out of here.

  Yeah, but how?

  A portal?

  Sure, go for it.

  Closing my eyes, I focused all my energy on finding the cliff face, the cave where we felt safe. I found a portal after a few seconds, but it was struggle to open it in the right location. I opened it up and Nathan kissed me quickly on the cheek, before jumping through. He had been going for my lips, but I turned away from him and he caught my cheek. Seeing him in the cave, I quickly closed over the portal, picked up my notepad, and put that piece of paper down my top.

  Seconds later, my tent opened and Jenny dragged me out by the hair, snarling at me. “Where is my brother?”

  I shook my head, “I don’t know.” I gasped out in pain as she dragged me across the barn to the opposite side. Lisa opened up the tent and looked around, but came out looking disappointed, “She’s telling the truth. Nathan’s not here.”

  “Lucky that you are,” Jenny hissed in my ear, throwing me down to the ground and kicking me in the ribs viciously. Feeling all the air escape from my lungs and the burning in my sore ribs, I rolled over onto my stomach, as the barn door closed and the two of them walked away, leaving me gasping for breath.

  The next few hours passed slowly, but eventually Nathan appeared in the barn, holding Lisa’s hand. Sitting in the doorway of the tent wrapped in my sleeping bag, I saw them coming as I read a book by the light of the lantern. Lisa smiled vindictively and Nathan looked very uncomfortable. When Lisa looked at him though, he possessed a nasty glint in his eye.

  “Here is your food.” His voice was loud and sounded as though he was smiling, but I stared away from them. He spoke again, this time directly into my, his voice disgusted as he muttered, “Don’t eat it. It’s made of mud and other disgusting things.”

  They turned and walked away, but not before she spun towards him, face turned up, looking for a kiss. I grimaced and Nathan glanced quickly back at me before complying and kissing her deeply, though not with as much passion as he kissed me.

  My eyes burned and a lump rose in my throat, I turned my eyes back to my book and fixed my face into a mask of feigned indifference. I didn’t look up as he apologised in my head, or as the barn door slammed shut.

  Getting up, I needed to move, needed to get out of the barn as that image burned into my vision. “Don’t. It’s a test. They are watching you to see how you react.”

  Pacing up and down for a while, I realised I wanted to go for a run but I knew that they were watching me. I changed into my PJs, emptied the food out at the back of my barn, in a hole covered by a large boulder and I went to bed, trying my hardest not to think about him kissing her. Failing, I could see a small spark there and it hurt like hell.

  Eventually I fell asleep reading my book and I awoke the next morning feeling determined that I would break away from Nathan. I felt like that for a whil
e until I opened my book and found a note tucked up inside it.

  They are testing you. I am so sorry, but it feels like it’s all I can say at the moment. Just know it’s you I love and I won’t give up on us. Please don’t give up on us. We have an amazing future together and we will be amazing when we get away from them. All my love, N xxxx

  The next few days passed without incident but at night, Nathan visited me, trying to get me to speak to him. I ignored him until Tuesday night. I hadn’t acknowledged him at all, ignored him on our walk to and from school, and at night. One of the boys in school bumped into me on the stairs that day and knocked me down three stairs, right into Nathan. Electricity flowed down my arms as I steadied myself on his arm.

  Looking up at him, about to apologise, I was dragged away from him and shoved towards the stairs. Lisa was there and I was so consumed by Nathan that I didn’t notice. Stumbling again, Lisa chose that moment to say, “Oh, for fuck’s sake, will you move?” She shoved me and I just lost it. I hated everything and everyone in that moment and I went for her. I slammed her face into the wall and felt numerous hands trying to grab me, but I wriggled out of them and clawed at her face.

  “Jasmine, stop right now. What do you think you are doing to my girlfriend?” Nathan asked, sounding disgusted. He grabbed me and threw me against the wall. “Leave now, everyone. Leave now…” he broke off, looking angrier than I had ever seen him. Lisa went for me again and he stepped in front of me. “LEAVE…” he bellowed.

  He turned back to me and I shrank away from his furious glare. After a couple of moments, the staircase emptied but his gaze didn’t soften. “What the fuck are you doing? I’m trying to protect you and this is how you behave. Are you completely insane? Do you want them to kill you?”

  All the rage left me and I started shaking.

  “Don’t start with the water works. I’m not interested. How could you do that, Jasmine?” I looked anywhere but at him, fighting against the lump in my throat. I couldn’t speak. I knew opening my mouth would mean I would break. Nathan reached out to touch me but the door at the stairwell opened, “LEAVE NOW…” he bellowed and whoever it was moved backwards and closed the door.

  He pushed me against the wall, growling at me, “I can’t protect you from your own stupidity, so I’m done trying. Whatever this was, it’s over now. You’re on your own. I’m done.”

  He turned and stormed up the stairs, leaving me feeling broken. He actually broke me apart. I couldn’t believe I trusted him. Turning, I ran downstairs to the lockers and got my bag. I knew what I was doing was dangerous, but I couldn’t stay anymore. I left the school, sneaking out the door near the trash bins.

  The tears flowed freely and I ran into the woods and beyond. Once I was in town, I went to the bank and withdrew some of my savings. I knew where I was going — Glasgow. I had a friend from my days in the home there. I walked over to the bus stop to wait for the bus.

  My head swam and I could feel Nathan trying to get in so he could figure out where I was. “GET OUT!” I shouted at him and felt him wince at the power. He didn’t try to get back in again and I sat there for thirty minutes waiting on the bus. As it arrived, ten minutes late, so did the cavalry. Nathan appeared at the bus stop. He didn’t say a word, but grabbed my arm as I walked towards the bus. He held on so tight he hurt me. I tried to fight him off and as the bus drove away, leaving me behind, I was more than furious. He held on tighter as I turned on him. “You are an absolute fucking bastard! What did you do that for? You said you were done. I NEED TO LEAVE HERE…” I all but screamed at him.

  He pulled me towards the trees, deeper and deeper into the woods, not saying anything at all. Once we were in the woods, he continued pulling me along, not stopping as I tripped over branches and slipped on the wet leaves. Eventually, we reached the path to the cave and he was forced to let me go, but he pushed me ahead of him down the path, still not saying anything.

  Going into the cave, I was stunned. There were roses and chocolates, candles and a note to Lisa. I turned on him, trying to leave, but he blocked the cave mouth.

  “Let me go…” I hissed at him.

  “No, listen to me.”

  “Why did you bring me here? Do you like hurting me, Nathan? Does it… does it give you some sick twisted pleasure to say that I have your heart… then to bring me here when you have done all this for her…” I broke off, the lump in my throat closing off my words.

  “Yes, that’s why I did this. Jasmine, look at me,” he sounded desperate, but I couldn’t. I hurt more than ever.

  “Why… why couldn’t you just let me leave? I hate you for this. I will never forgive you for this.”

  He stepped aside, his face showing indifference, but his eyes glossed over as he spoke, “Then go. Just leave. We’re over anyway.” He closed his eyes and turned away from me as his voice came out in barely more than a whisper, “If you really believe I did this for her, then go.”

  Walking away from him in that cave was one of the most difficult things I had ever done, but I knew he wanted me to leave. I walked back through the woods and straight into the barn. I went straight to bed, but within twenty minutes, Mr Stevenson dragged me out of the tent by my hair and he punched me a few times in the stomach. After a few minutes, he left and I just lay there, curled into a ball, wondering how I would escape from this nightmare.

  Nodding off, I awoke shivering and in pain. Nathan watched in tears. He walked towards me and I flinched, pulling back from him. “Just leave please. I can’t take anymore today.”

  He paused then walked over to me, lifted me up and carried me into the tent. Placing me in my sleeping bag, he leaned down and kissed me on my forehead, whispering, “I’m so sorry. I’ll fix this. Please let me fix this?” His tears dripped onto my forehead as he held his lips there and I drew in a fortifying breath before speaking to him.

  “I can’t, Nathan. It’s over. We’re done.”

  “I will fucking fix this, Jas. Just fucking watch me. Please don’t give up on us. You have to know I’m trying to save you.”

  I shook my head and he leaned down and kissed me again on the lips this time, then he vanished. I fell into a sleep where I dreamed that we were through all of this and we had three beautiful children running around playing. When I awoke, I was sore, tired, and hurting more so because of the dream. We had been so happy, and now I was back in the present where I couldn’t trust him not to fuck with me. My head and heart pounded as I decided that no matter what, I couldn’t let him hurt me again.

  The next few days were hell, even by my standards. No one at school spoke to me until Thursday. Nathan blanked me out during the day, but visited at night, trying to convince me that he loved me. I didn’t believe him. I couldn’t.

  Danni spoke to me at school that day, asking if I was going to the Halloween disco the next night.

  “Sure, if you girls are going, I will come along.” Anything for a distraction would do. I was wallowing and needed to cheer up.

  “Yeah, we are all going. Do you want to come to my house and get ready? All the other girls are.”

  “That sounds great. I can’t wait.” I tried to muster some enthusiasm, but I couldn’t seem to find the energy to care.

  Nathan approached me later that day in the dining hall. “I need to tell you that we’re all going to the Halloween disco tomorrow. You’re going too.” He spat the words at me, not looking at me, and walked away before I could say anything. I watched him walk out the door, past Lisa who glared at him, and then turned. I looked away and started talking to Katie.

  “Lisa is drawing daggers at you.” Katie supplied.

  “That’s not really a surprise, is it though?” I asked her. “She hates me. I mean she has tried to kill me this year.”

  “Yeah, and she is convinced something is going on with you and Nathan, especially since he dumped her again at break.” It sounded like Katie was fishing, but I didn’t rise.

  “They’ll be back together tomorrow, anyway. W
hat are you dressing up as? I saw a cool costume from Alice in Wonderland. I’m going to try to get that after school.”

  “Dressing up? No, we don’t do that here. That is so uncool. Girls, Jas just asked if we were dressing up.”

  All the girls laughed and I breathed a sigh of relief at the subject change. The topic of dressing up carried us through lunchtime and into our next classes. I dreaded this class — English. Nathan was not only in this class, but he sat beside me.

  He studiously ignored me as I arrived, but as I sat, he took my hand under the table, giving it a little squeeze. It made my heart gallop. I snatched my hand away and put it on the table, focusing on the teacher. Today’s subject was hyperbole and it was really interesting. I soon became engrossed and Nathan nudged me after a few moments when I ignored him. I shifted in my seat, placing my hand on my lap. He placed a piece of paper in my open palm.

  Did you hear I dumped Lisa?

  I nodded my head, but didn’t reply. He took the paper back and wrote more.

  Tomorrow will be fun. I’m going to get you alone so we can talk.

  Shaking my head, I wondered why he wasn’t speaking to me. Why was he resorting to notes? When the teacher asked me a question, I was stumped, but Nathan passed me a piece of paper, with the answer written on it.

  Hyperbole is a type of exaggerated statement and shouldn’t be taken literally. An example of hyperbole is in Dulcet et Decorum est. when Yeats describes the solders as drunk with fatigue, deaf even to the hoots, of gas shells dropping softly behind which shows that they are exhausted and almost blinded by how tired they felt to dangers of the shells dropping nearby,

  I answered and the teacher glared at us, but continued to question the rest of the class and I concentrated on the poem in front of me, examining it for more metaphors, alliteration and examples of hyperbole. I studiously ignored Nathan and although he would occasionally squeeze my thigh, he ignored me too, focusing on his work.

  He didn’t pass any further notes, bar one, which he slipped into my textbook before he left. I didn’t find it until that night when I was about to start my homework.


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