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No Letting Go: Man-Maid, Book 2

Page 7

by Anne Rainey

  He shifted them so they lay spoon fashion, then pulled her in close. As she cozied her bottom against his groin, Jason smiled. She was becoming comfortable with him. Jason wrapped his arm over her stomach, binding her to him. For the first time he could remember, he wanted something deeper with a woman. He wanted love. He wanted Emma. And he meant to have her. He might have to chase her, but in the end, she’d be his.

  Chapter Seven

  The next morning when Jason walked through the door of Man-Maid Cleaning Service, his mind was on his night with Emma. It still bothered him that he’d hurt her in high school when he’d turned her down. Damned if he could figure out a way to make her see that he wasn’t that same dumb kid anymore. Their nights together had gone so well, and he wanted something permanent from her. A commitment. He wanted to call her his.

  A curse from across the room tore Jason out of his musings. “Damn it,” Jensen muttered as he pounded on the keys of his laptop.

  Jason chuckled. “Don’t take it out on the computer.”

  Jensen’s head shot up. “It’s about time you got here. It’s been a hell of a day so far.”

  Jason snorted. “What happened?” When he reached the side of Jensen’s desk, he shoved at his shoulder and ordered, “Quit banging on it before you damage something.”

  Jensen stood and raked a hand through his hair. “I screwed up at the Harrison house. I was supposed to use floor cleaner on their bathroom tile, but I ended up pouring toilet bowl cleaner all over the place instead. Now the computer keeps locking up on me. Whatever I touch today turns to shit.”

  As Jason went to the coffeemaker and poured himself a cup, he said, “You and Marquetta have a fight?”

  “Well, yeah. How’d you know?”

  Jason replaced the pot and crossed the room to his own desk. “You’re always off your game when she’s pissed at you. What’d you do?” he asked as he waited for his own laptop to boot up.

  Jensen threw up his hands. “She was all excited about a design she did on a motorcycle the other day, and when I saw it and the customer, I got…jealous.”

  Jason scowled. “Marquetta is crazy about you, bro. You owe her an apology.”

  “Christ, I know. But when I tried, Marquetta totally shut me down.” Jensen slumped into the chair across from the desk. “I might be sleeping on the couch tonight.”

  Jason chuckled, strangely pleased he wasn’t the only one having woman trouble. “Buy her some flowers and make her dinner tonight. Maybe she’ll forgive you.”

  Jensen went back to his desk. “Good idea. Thanks,” Jensen said as he turned toward him. “So, how are things with you and Emma?”

  Jason sighed. “I’m into her. Big-time.”

  Jensen waved a hand in the air. “And?”

  “She’s was great. We’re great together. But I’m pretty sure she thinks this is a temporary thing, which isn’t so great.”

  Jensen sat back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. “Did you tell her how you feel?”

  Jason gritted his teeth and stared at his computer screen. “No. Not exactly.”

  Jensen shook his head. “Emma doesn’t seem like the casual-sex type of woman to me. So quit being a stubborn ass and tell her you care about her.”

  “The thing is, she’s smart and sexy and funny and a little sarcastic.” Jason let out a breath. “She’s the whole package.”

  Jensen quirked a brow. “Damn, this really is serious.”

  Jason pushed a hand through his hair. “I’m pretty sure I’m falling for her, but I’m being a chicken shit because I’m sort of worried she doesn’t feel the same way.”

  “Well, for now, get your head out of your ass and get to work. We have houses to clean and clients to please.” He paused before adding, “Later, you can go to her and spill your guts. Then hope and pray she doesn’t kick you in the teeth.”

  “Gee, thanks for the pep talk, bro.” Jason heard the door chime, signaling a client. He stood and went to greet their visitor. His brother was right. He needed to tell Emma the truth. That she had his heart. If she didn’t feel the same way, then he’d just give up on women altogether and become a damn monk.

  Jason watched as Emma approached the front door to her shop. The CLOSED sign didn’t escape his notice. Good, she was alone. Parts of his body hardened at the thought. She frowned when she caught sight of him. Emma quickly turned the knob, and between one breath and the next, he had her in a crushing hug against his chest, his arms wrapped around her waist so tight she was afraid he’d break a rib if he didn’t let up. “Damn, I missed you,” he groaned as he nuzzled her.

  “Jason.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. “This is a nice surprise. I thought you were going to call me later.”

  “Yeah, that was the plan,” he murmured as he loosened his hold and leaned back to look at her from head to toe. “Christ, you look good enough to eat, baby.” He slammed the door with his foot and took her mouth in a hard, claiming kiss. When he lifted a fraction, he groaned, “I needed to see you. Do you mind?”

  “Of course not.” She blushed and looked away. “I-I missed you too.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that, baby.” Because now he was here, Jason was loath to let her go anytime soon. She seemed to have it in her mind to make her time with him great for as long as it lasted, with no strings and no recriminations. He could see her willful thoughts in her beautiful face. Jason suddenly imagined Emma walking out of his life forever and his stomach soured.

  He ruthlessly forced those thoughts down. For now, he would coax forth the passion that lay dormant and capture it for his own.

  He locked the door behind him, then took her to the upstairs apartment. Using one hand, Jason began unbuttoning the thousands of tiny pearls that clung to the front of her blouse. He looked into her anxious eyes. “If I were an impatient man, I would simply rip this bit of useless silk down the front and bare your pretty form to me in one smooth stroke.” He came down to within a breath of her lips. “But I enjoy a challenge, and going slow with you is always a challenge.” Then Jason let his tongue sweep across Emma’s soft, ruby lips. She parted them on a sigh, and he knew it was an invitation to taste her deeper.

  Even while he slipped his tongue inside, he knew it wasn’t the part of her body he wanted against his tongue. He wanted her breasts. To taste and tease her nipples into stiff little peaks of need. Then he would move lower. Take her pussy into his mouth, feast on her sweet juice. He wanted her so crazy that she would beg him to fuck her.

  Jason had half her blouse open, and he could now see her bra was the same deep shade of red beneath. He dipped his head and licked a fiery path down the valley between her breasts. Jason knew a sense of pride when her body bowed for him. She was so beautiful. So eager. Her hands came up and clutched at his hair, pulling almost painfully, bringing his lips more fully against her flesh in the process. Her skin was as soft as silk and Jason drank her in, swallowing her essence. Soon, her shirt was completely undone and with a mere flick of his fingers, her bra snapped open, causing her breasts to spill free. He felt as if he’d been given the greatest of gifts when he saw her upper body in the soft light for the first time.

  “My beautiful lover,” Jason gritted out as his fervent body responded to the sight of her.


  “My beautiful lover,” he murmured again as he lowered his head and sucked one perfect raspberry nipple into his mouth with ravenous haste.

  “Oh,” Emma replied in a husky little murmur. The sound sent fire licking through his veins.

  Jason moved over her, crushing her to the mattress beneath, and used his knee to spread her legs wide, then wider still. He pushed his aching erection against her soft little mound, letting her feel what she did to him, then, using both his hands, he cuddled and shaped her perfect tits, squeezing one while tasting the other. Emma writhed shamelessl
y beneath him. He groaned his approval and released her nipple with an audible pop. Skating down her body, using his tongue to feel his way, Jason pushed her blouse out of his way so he could see her voluptuous curves. His eyes glazed over when he caught sight of her cute belly button.

  “God, even this is sexy,” he uttered in a gruff voice as he let his tongue dip into the sweet indentation, flicking playfully.

  “Oh, Jason, that feels… Oh God.” Her voice quivered. “I need you. Please, quit teasing me this way.”

  Jason raised his head at her pleading. “I want to make your pleasure last, so I refuse to rush this, woman.”

  She groaned in frustration, extracting an indulgent smile from Jason at her very feminine pout.

  He slowly slipped his hand down her body, committing her curves to memory. When he reached the warm skin of her thigh, it was his turn to groan. He skimmed beneath the stretchy, black material and felt his way over a pair of lace panties. She was already so hot and wet, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to feel her with nothing in his way. He wanted her soaked and eager to take him into her body.

  Jason lifted up so he was kneeling between her widespread thighs, and took no time in getting rid of her skirt and panties. He stared down at the perfection of her luscious body and wanted to praise the great Creator for such a work of art.

  To his complete delight, he could now see for himself she was indeed a true brunette. The neatly trimmed tuft of dark curls covering her hidden treasures was the sweetest sight indeed. He wanted to kiss her there, right where he knew she needed his touch most. Emma was hungry for it. She craved something tonight. Something that had brought her into the club that night, and within his reach. He would indulge her, and in return take a bit of the sweet dessert she offered.

  At once, Jason left the bed, his body going hot with arousal when she whimpered unhappily. He was tempted to lie back down between her long, lean legs and sip her honeyed heat, but Jason had a way of doing things, and he would not be denied.

  “Stand up for me, baby.”

  She hesitated for the briefest of seconds, and then she rose from the bed, her body as fluid and graceful as a dancer’s.

  Jason stepped forward so he was within touching distance, and then murmured, “It would please me if you undressed me…the way I did you.”

  Emma’s expressive whiskey eyes stared up at him, almost adoringly, and then her face changed from anxious innocent to a smiling wanton. She had the look of a kitten. A sly, sexy kitten that had just found her bowl of warm cream.

  She reached out and stroked slowly over his pectorals, back and forth, her eyes drawn by some imaginary force to the path her hand made over his body. He felt his muscles jump beneath his white T-shirt, and he wished she’d get on with it.

  He wanted her.


  Emma appeared to have no such intentions, though. She seemed intent on massaging his chest and shoulders. Finally, her fingers drifted lower over his abdomen, and Jason flung his head back on a groan. Desire and pain mingled and pushed him precariously close to the edge of control. He was strung as tight as a rubber band, and all she had done was touch him. Over his clothes!

  “Mm, you have the body of a god, Jason. My first impression when I first saw you again after all these years was that you looked like a Greek god.”

  Jason relaxed, enjoying the way Emma’s eyes went from warm whiskey to deep chocolate. He wasn’t a vain man, but right now, he was heartily grateful he wasn’t an ogre. Jason hated that he’d somehow made Emma feel ugly. She’d always been soft and curvy and lovable. Emma’s beauty went deeper than that though. She was sweet and sensitive, and both qualities were beautiful to him.

  Emma pleased him even more when her fingers delicately tugged at his shirt. She pulled it free of the waistband of his jeans and bunched it up as high as she could reach. He took over then, yanking at the offending material and tossing it to the floor. Now, if he could just move her along a little faster, maybe he would be able to prevent exploding in his pants.

  “You’re magnificent, Jason. No way did I just stumble upon you. This has got to be a dream.” She fairly whimpered. “A really lovely dream.”

  Her fingers finally encountered his skin. Her touch scorched him and left him counting to ten to keep from flinging her to the floor and shoving his heavy cock inside her waiting sheath. She leaned forward and placed a tiny kiss to his left nipple, then nipped it with her teeth. Suddenly, it was too much. A haze of dark lust engulfed him.

  Jason shoved her away, startling her out of her sexual musings. “You’re taking much too long.”

  Swiftly, he stripped out of the rest of his clothes. Her gaze traveled his length, then stopped on his swollen erection. He watched in predatory delight as her eyes went round and her tempting mouth formed a perfect O. Like any hot-blooded male would, Jason imagined his heavy cock sliding between those succulent lips. He wanted to watch her lick and suck, then swallow his hot come. He wanted her a million different ways. It was insane, but he had never felt so out of control for a woman, not even in his youth. She’d put some sort of spell on him, and he was helpless to keep his libido from slamming into overdrive.

  “On the bed.”

  Jason stroked a finger over her plump lips and murmured, “I like that I can turn your body to fire with a mere touch. My greatest wish is to see your face alight with pleasure. You wouldn’t deny me, would you?” Then he bent and kissed her, licking her flesh. He starved for the unique taste of her. When he lifted his head, Emma’s entire face had gone warm and drowsy with want. He could easily become accustomed to seeing such a lovely sight.

  She swiped a hand over her lips and seemed to struggle for words when she whispered, “I could never deny you a single thing.”

  Jason couldn’t help the swell of pride. He felt every inch the arrogant male. Emma was so open, easily putting her feelings into words. When her eyes drifted downward once again, her cheeks going all rosy, he decided if he were ever to get her past leering at him, he would have to take matters into his own hands.

  “My intention was to come over here so we could talk. But I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.” He lifted her and placed her on the bed. Her cry of surprise had his dick swelling another inch. “Christ, you try my patience.”

  Emma rose up to a sitting position and smiled at him temptingly. “Do you know your voice gets deeper when you’re excited? It’s very sexy, Jason.”

  Not waiting for a reply from him, she ran her hands over the smooth expanse of her belly. She stroked over her own skin, mesmerizing Jason. Slowly, she moved upward, sliding over her breasts, kneading and plumping them, and then her head fell back as she pinched the raspberry tips. Jason trembled with barely leashed sexual energy. Did she realize she was baiting a tiger with her little teasing show?

  Emma slipped her delicate fingers over and around her breasts, and he went rock hard.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing, Emma. You tempt me beyond reason.”

  She opened her eyes at his words and smiled saucily, causing his gut to clench. “I don’t need you to be tame with me. I want you unrestrained and crazy. And I definitely don’t want you holding back. Only please me in the best manner you can. Do you think you can handle that, Jason?”

  Jason didn’t bother to respond to her little taunt. At once, he was on top of her, pulling her arms above her head and pinning her to the mattress. Wedging his heavily muscled body between her yielding thighs, he shoved her long legs wide and rocked against her wet pussy. Slowly, allowing her to squirm, he lowered his head and sucked one stiff nipple deep. He was rewarded by her groan of need, her eager body shuddering anxiously for him.

  He took his own sweet time, laving and suckling on one breast, then moving to the other. Then he did it all over again. Soon, Jason could feel her lower body lifting, grinding against his hips, seeking fulfillment. He lifted imme
diately and demanded, “You do not come until I allow it.”

  And while his gaze roamed over her bared torso, her body liquid fire against his, Jason growled deep in his throat, enjoying the sight of such a beautiful creature. He got to his knees and straddled her face, “Suck me, baby.”

  He watched her attempt to take back control of her own body, but he wouldn’t let her. He wanted her to give herself to him completely.

  He took his cock in his fist and rubbed it over her lips, back and forth, drawing a bead of moisture to the bulbous tip. “Suck my cock. Taste me on your tongue.”

  As she licked her lips, taking in the sticky fluid, Jason nearly shoved her lips open himself. Thankfully, he was saved from such a foolish act as he felt her hands grasp his buttocks and pull him in just the tiniest bit. Emma looked up, their gazes locked, and without a second’s hesitation, she angled her head forward and took him into her hot little mouth.

  Nothing seemed to matter beyond the feel of her sweet lips wrapped around him so tightly, her tongue stroking him as if he was her tasty treat.

  “Emma.” Her name, thickly garbled, was all that emerged from his lips.

  She kept her eyes trained on his while he placed one large hand at the back of her head and pulled her farther onto him. Jason could feel the head of his dick at the back of her throat. She moaned in pleasure, and the vibrations moved over his entire length, driving him to the very brink. Having Emma love him this way somehow seemed more intimate than any other. She had the power to bring him to his knees, begging. Her hand came up and cupped his sac, squeezing gently, and Jason shut his eyes and concentrated on not coming too soon. He threw his head back on a groan as Emma allowed her hands and mouth to play with him, but he was too anxious to be inside her to let the pleasurable torture go on for too long.

  He was both relieved and displeased when she slid her mouth backward, letting her lips give a loving kiss to his tip, and then she broke free completely. As she started to draw him in again, Jason stopped her with a hard pull of her hair. He silently vowed she would know his taste. Soon, she would be drinking the fluid heat of his orgasm. For now, he wanted to feel the tight clutch of her pussy. He wanted her surrounding him as the night surrounded them. He knew she felt it too; the need to join was strong in them both.


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