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The Librarian and the Dom [Club Libertine 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 4

by Diane Leyne

  He stood at the base of the steps watching until she was at the door. When she turned to wave good-bye, he reached into his pocket and pulled out her panties. No one else could know what they were, but she knew as he held them to his nose and inhaled deeply. Then he stuffed them back in his pocket and turned and walked away, but not before adjusting himself in his pants. His erection seemed painful, but it also thrilled her.

  And scared her. She wanted so badly to feel him inside her, to have him come inside her, to pour his seed into her. She was squirming now. She deliberately tried to think about something else. She had to get through the next few hours. She had until 5:00 p.m. to tell him she wasn’t coming or that she preferred to go out to dinner.

  Edna walked up to her, smiling broadly. “How was lunch?” she asked.


  “Are you going to see him again?”

  “He’s cooking dinner for me tonight.” The words were out of her mouth before she stopped to think. She realized her subconscious mind had already decided. “At seven.”

  “Well, then, my dear. You’d better leave early so you have a chance to go home and primp. Men love women in a skirt, the shorter and tighter the better.” Then she winked and walked away.

  Lindy didn’t have to be told twice. She rushed home, arriving breathless. She threw off her clothes, coloring when she remembered what happened to her panties. She hopped into the shower, washing her long hair. It was her one vanity, and she wanted it to look nice tonight.

  Then she dithered over what to wear. For a second, she thought of going panty-less, but then she chickened out. So her second-best panty and bra set, light green with yellow flowers, were easy choices, but then what else? Eventually, she settled on a snug black tank on top. It was simple, but well cut, showing off her strong shoulders and displaying a lot more cleavage than she usually did.

  For the bottom, she mostly had pants in her closet. They were practical. But…she did have one short, sexy skirt in the back of her closet. Her sister had left it behind the last time she had visited. It came down almost to Cindy’s knees and had been tossed aside in disgust. It was many items of clothing that Cindy had bought and discarded without even wearing or being bothered to return it to the store. When they were growing up, her baby sister Cindy was the recipient of most of the discards since Lindy was always so much taller and heavier than Cindy. She chuckled to herself. They were really named Lindsay and Jacintha, but their parents shortened it to Lindy and Cindy. Really, their parents were cruel, cruel people.

  But for some reason, she’d tried on the skirt when she found it discarded in her spare room when Cindy had left. It was some kind of new-age stretchy material that molded to Lindy’s curves but didn’t cling too tight. And a length that was too long on Cindy hit Lindy at midthigh. She checked herself out in the mirror. Then she dug out her one pair of high heels. She’d bought them at the urging of Edna on a lunchtime shopping trip and then never worn them. They were four-inch platform pumps. With them on, she was six two, far too tall for most men, but Jake would still be taller than her by a few inches. She looked at the clock. She’d have to hurry.

  She did her face and put in a pair of dangly silver earrings. Then she threw a colorful shawl over her shoulders to offset the all-black outfit, grabbed her bag, and hurried out the door, then stopped. She ran back into her bedroom and threw a spare pair of panties in her purse. She should be prepared.

  It was close to five minutes past seven when she entered the lobby and buzzed Jake’s apartment. She hoped he wouldn’t be mad that she was late. Maybe it would earn her another spanking? She felt her breasts tighten and her pussy leak a bit at the thought.

  At the sound of his voice, her breath quickened. “Come on up,” was all he said, but she was focused on the word come as she walked to the elevator. She’d already come plenty of times in his apartment on the first trip. She had great hopes for tonight.

  And fears.

  She felt the twisting in the pit of her stomach. She liked Jake. Really liked him. Their conversation over lunch had been fantastic. A real meeting of the minds. Not that they agreed about everything. They supported different baseball teams and football teams. Luckily they liked the same basketball team or they’d have had to break up on the spot.

  What would sex with him be like? she wondered in the elevator. At lunchtime, he had taken total control of their encounter. He’d even demanded she call him “Sir” when he spanked her. It was intoxicating. The books were right. For the right woman, with the right man, submission could be exciting. Now if he tried that kind of control outside the bedroom, they’d have a problem. But other than the disagreement over the check, which had been, she believed, an excuse to tease her, he kept the Dominance for sexual encounters.

  She wondered if he was an actual “Dom.” She shivered in excitement. Whether he was just Dominating in bed or an actual practicing Dom, she couldn’t wait to be with him again.

  The elevator stopped, and she walked off the elevator right into his arms. “I couldn’t wait to hold you again,” he declared.

  He kissed her hard on the mouth, holding her tightly against him. Then he swung her up into his arms and carried her to his apartment, kicking the door closed behind them.

  Chapter Seven

  He set her on her feet just inside the door, letting her slide slowly down his body, and she was enjoying every inch of her body against his. He held her to him, his hands on her ass, grinding her lower body to his as he kissed her silly. Then he walked her over to the couch and sat her down.

  She realized that her skirt had ridden way up when she brushed against his body as he put her down. She had started to tug it down when she caught his eye.

  “Please don’t. I like it like that. I like seeing that flash of green between your thighs. Makes me look forward to getting a good look before I rip them off you, strip you naked, and fuck you nine ways to Sunday after dinner.” And with those words, he turned and walked into the kitchen without waiting for her response.

  She literally went mute for a moment. She moved her lips, but no words came out. But she took her hands away from her skirt. Her face flamed at the thought he could see her panties. And then she thought, thank god she’d worn them. She’d have been flashing him her naked crotch if she hadn’t. And then she was sorry she wore them. And then she was just so confused.

  A moment later, he came out with two bottles hidden behind his back. Thank goodness. She could use a drink. And then she laughed when he displayed them.

  “Diet Coke or regular Coke?” He proffered the bottles for her to examine.

  “Oh, the Diet Coke, certainly. Looks like a good vintage.”

  He laughed and uncapped the bottle and poured some into the two glasses already sitting on the coffee table.

  “I know you were expecting something else. A single glass of wine with dinner only. Tonight, neither of us is going to be tipsy. I don’t want you to look back tomorrow and regret something you did because alcohol had lowered your inhibitions. I want you to submit to me tonight with a clear head and a clear mind. Do you understand?”

  She’d been taking a sip and started choking at his words, as some of the bubbly liquid went down the wrong way. He sat beside her and rubbed her back, helping sooth her, until she settled.

  “You know where the bathroom is, if you want to freshen up before dinner. And if you’d prefer those cute green panties when I strip them off you later, you can remove them while you are at it. Your choice.”

  She blushed deeply, and he laughed as he reached up to touch her cheek as the colour spread. Wanting to be the one to say something shocking, she held up her purse and opened it, pulling out her spare pair.

  “I’m prepared this time.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “You are a truly amazing woman. I’m going to buy you a drawer full of panties just to I can rip them off you every time I fuck you.

  “And now back to dinner. I don’t want the pasta to overcook.�

  He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and reached out with his right hand and slipped it in her top and pinched her nipple. Then he got up and walked into the kitchen quickly, but not before she saw the bulge in his pants. He was hot for her, too.

  Humming softly to herself, she went to the bathroom and freshened up. She looked in the mirror. Her eyes were glittering with excitement and desire. They looked darker and greener than usual. She brushed her hair and freshened the lipstick he’d kissed off. She looked different. She was a woman anticipating a night of hot sex with a lover. Before she could chicken out, she pulled up her skirt and shimmied out of her panties and stuffed them in her purse. She pulled her skirt back down, smoothed it into place, and walked out into the living room.

  She noticed that the living room lights were dimmed and the dining room lights were turned up slightly. She walked into the kitchen.

  “Can I help?”

  “You can take our drinks into the dining room and have a seat. I’ll be there in a moment with our meal.”

  Knowing he wasn’t a man to argue with, she did as he asked. If he wanted help, he’d have said yes. He wasn’t the kind of person who said no and then expected one to argue with him. He said what he thought, and she loved that about him.

  She also loved the way he looked as he walked toward her, carrying two plates of pasta with meat sauce. He was wearing a pair of loose-fitting black slacks with a tight-fitting gray T-shirt. She could see the muscles flexing in his arms as he set down the plates. And she noticed his pants were fitting better now that he wasn’t as aroused. But she could see that changing as he realized she was staring at his crotch. He was amused, but he was also turned on.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry, and as I plan a long night of energetic sex, I suggest we both eat up.”

  He went into the kitchen and returned with some grated parmesan, black pepper, and two glasses of a very nice red wine, as promised.

  She was starving, but didn’t know how she could eat a bite, and the anticipation was causing serious butterflies. He didn’t say anything as she played with her food. He just wolfed down his while asking her if she’d read the latest story about the shenanigans at city hall. Pretty soon, they were talking and laughing and debating politics, both local and national, and the stock market, and which car was better, and pretty much every topic under the sun.

  Looking down, Lindy realized that she’d finished her plate. He smiled and gathered up the dishes.

  He returned a few minutes later with a plate of chocolate lava cake, two forks, and another bottle of Diet Coke. He topped up their soda glasses and then handed her a fork.

  “There’s one more thing we need to talk about. If you aren’t comfortable with what I have to tell you, then you need to leave right away.”

  He looked at her, and she felt like there was lead in the pit of her stomach. What could he possibly be planning to say?

  “I’m a Dom. I’m not a full ‘lifestyle Dom.’ I don’t have any, well, much, more interest in Dominating outside the bedroom than any typical man. But in the bedroom, I have this need for control. I need to be in charge of your body, your pleasure, and if you misbehave, your pain. I’ve already had to spank you once, and I won’t hesitate to do it again if you don’t obey.” He waited to see if she had any questions before he continued. She felt her lips move, but no words came out, so he continued.

  “Most people associate Doms and BDSM with whips and chains, and I admit that I’m pretty handy with a whip and most other implements of punishment and reward. But I don’t have a need to use them. It’s simply a skill I have cultivated over the years. I use it at the BDSM club occasionally, where I work some nights as a dungeon monitor to help out my friends who own the place. I only ever whip someone who asks for it, or rather whose Dom asks me to do it.

  “What I’m asking from you is to give me the power tonight. Submit yourself to me and let me give you pleasure. But I’ll decide when and how. You won’t have a say in anything. If you really don’t like something, you can use a safe word and I’ll stop and take you home. But while as a Dom it’s my privilege and obligation to push your boundaries, a good Dom doesn’t push his sub further than she’s ready to go.”

  “Marshmallow,” she blurted out.


  “Marshmallow. That’s my safe word.”

  “How much do you really know about BDSM, my sexy librarian? Book learning or practical experience?”

  “Book learning.” She blushed. “But I’ve always wondered…and…at lunch…I really enjoyed letting you take charge and controlling what we did.”

  “Then you do understand the dynamic. You are giving me the gift of your submission. But when you do, it is mine. I will take total control of you once we are in the bedroom. I may fuck vanilla style occasionally. But I’m never going to be a vanilla lover. And I want all of you. Do you understand? I want to take you every way a man can take a woman.”

  She thought she did. He was talking about anal sex. She’d never had anal sex. She had one boyfriend who tried to push his finger up her ass, but it had embarrassed her and felt uncomfortable, so the experience was never repeated. But what she read in the books. The butt plugs and lube and the actual penetration had thrilled her vicariously. She wanted to give it a try. With him.

  “I understand.”

  “And I may use toys on you and in you. Restraints. Possibly a blindfold or a gag, according to my mood. My choice. My decision. You don’t get a say. I’ll be assessing you at all times, and if I think something is arousing you, if your cream is flowing, I might push you sometimes to try things that feel uncomfortable or you think you don’t want me to do. You can decide that you don’t want to do them again, but I will push you to try things once if I think you will like them. But, Lindy, be secure in the knowledge that I will always respect your safe word..

  “That said, you will be at my total sexual mercy. I thought about starting off slowly, but that wouldn’t be fair to you. I have to be clear about what type of relationship I’m looking for. I want a partner in the living room and a submissive, sometimes, occasionally, even a slave in the bedroom. Can you give me that? Think carefully. Because in exactly sixty seconds, I’m going to pick you up and carry you into my bedroom, and then there’s no going back. You can say no and yell and hit and struggle, but unless you say your safe word, I’m going to do whatever I want to you.

  “Time starts now.” He looked at his watch, counting the seconds.

  Lindy took a deep breath. She’d known him for less than twenty-four hours, but she felt closer to him than almost anyone else in her life. She’d be an idiot not to take a chance. She stood up, and she could see his face drop. Then she walked around to the side of the table where he sat and sank to her knees at his feet.

  She imitated the pose she’d read about on the Internet, spreading her knees so her skirt rode up and he could get a glimpse of her panty-less pussy. Then she looked up at him.

  Chapter Eight

  A surge of triumph flowed through him. He felt like he could jump tall buildings in a single bound. He’d confessed everything about himself, and she hadn’t run. No, she was still here, and she was kneeling at his feet in a submissive pose. Well, except for the fact that she was looking straight at him, trying to read his face. A good sub, a traditional sub, kept her eyes down submissively unless her master explicitly directed her to look him in the eyes. He didn’t care about that, unless they were playing at Club Libertine. Then she had to observe protocol. But here with him, he just wanted to love on her.

  He stood up, raised her to her feet, and then swept her into his arms, striding toward the bedroom. Tonight, he was going to have her, and when they were done, she’d belong to him and know it.

  Gently, he lowered her to the bed. Wasting no time, he pulled her tank up over her head. Her full breasts were trying to escape from the confines of her bra, so he set them free, pausing to tweak both the nipples.

n he moved down her body, pulling off the high heels that made her legs look a mile long. If she didn’t have a dozen pairs in all colors, he’s buy them for her. He stared down at her, lying almost naked except for the skirt. Her nipples were tight little berries. Her eyes were heavy lidded with desire. And he could see the evidence of her lust in the moisture coating her thighs. He felt a hundred feet tall. This amazing woman wanted him. He’d make sure she had a night of sexual pleasure so intense she would keep coming back for more until he could persuade her to stay forever.

  He paused in midstep as he walked around the bed. Then he smiled wolfishly. He realized that he did want to be with her, to try to build a relationship. He firmly believed that people knew when they met the person they were meant to be with. When he had met Maria, they were eighteen and had almost twenty years together. They’d eventually grown apart, but that could be expected when they were little more than children when they had met. But he was a man now, and Lindy was a magnificent woman, and he thought they might be able to build something good together.

  But first he was going to fuck her brains out.

  He came to a stop beside the nightstand on the right side of the bed. That was where he had stored the condoms, lube, butt plugs, nipple clamps, and other toys he had bought especially for her on his way home from walking her to the library. But first things first. To leave her in her skirt or to strip it off. He wanted her to feel slightly vulnerable, and sometimes being partially nude was better for that than being completely naked.

  He stripped off his T-shirt and then his pants. He saw her eyes open wide when she realized he was going commando and his cock sprung free. It was hard and long and wide. He had the kind of cock that porno movie producers paid big money for. He’d been approached a time or two at the club by people wondering if he had any interest in appearing on film, but since it required that he be naked and fucking a bevy of porn starlets, he’d always passed. He enjoyed watching porn as much as the next man, but he had no interest in appearing in it. Although…He looked assessingly at Lindy. Maybe a little homemade sex tape might not be a bad a thing. He’d make a mental note to see about getting a tripod and a camera for a future encounter.


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