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Drawing Bloodlines (The Princeton Allegiant Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Deborah Garland

  “Elizabeth? Again? So soon?” He allows my second orgasm to peak and dismantle itself sending me into a deeper haze of satisfaction.

  What did he expect? Alex already has an incredible level of stamina, but who knew I could become insatiable as well? He might be the vampire, but when it comes to sex, he was about to find out that he created a monster.

  ~ ~ ~

  With Elizabeth beneath me, her legs wrapped around my waist, her hips circling in rhythm with mine I feel human again.

  Our naked bodies fit together and I bury myself inside her so perfectly. Despite the aesthetically pleasing nature of what my anatomy became, I spent too many years being ashamed of it. The hard, cold, dead surface sits beneath the expensive clothes I buy to cover what I am.

  With Elizabeth’s hands and mouth on me, the smell of her hair as it brushes against my skin makes me feel alive again.

  Although there are too many carnal positions to capture her in, I stay on top as she writhes seductively beneath me.

  I smelled her earlier orgasm before it hit her. As a doctor, I see the signs on her skin, perspiration, tight taut nipples, a blush across her chest. As vampire, I sense what’s happening several layers beneath her skin. I feel the blood whoosh through her veins faster and faster and smell the endorphins. Like they are now, again.

  I love to watch her climax take shape. The muscles in her face contort into a lovely twist of agony as she cries out while she digs her nails into me. My back muscles ripple responding to her touch. I can keep going, but in the interest of time, I swan dive over the edge with her.

  Momentarily, I grip the sheets fearing my shuddering and contractions will cause me to leave bruises on her perfect skin.

  The shocking cool sensation of my desire, shoots her eyes open wide. Like I threw her into a crisp lake in the middle of winter. Her golden lashes flutter from the sensation and her gorgeous lips curl into a smile.

  She breathes into my mouth, moaning with pleasure, “You can’t get me pregnant, right?”

  I release a soft laugh. “No. I also can’t contract any diseases and you can’t infect me.”

  “That’s a sweet deal, Alexander.” She snuggles and relaxes against me, satisfied with no need to hear anything further.

  I lose track of time running my fingers along her back as she lay on her stomach next to me. Her skin pebbles from the icy traces my hands leave and for the first time, the shocking cold of my body doesn’t bother me.

  When she turns over, a jolt of sexual energy sweeps through me. Her breasts settle against my skin, so soft and warm. Her fingers sweep across my forehead, pushing the hair back in place. With a pained expression on her face, she says, “As much I don’t want to, I should get going.”

  I didn’t expect her to stay the night and for her to sleep under the same roof as me is something I have to adjust my rationale to. Because I don’t sleep, her being accessible to me, yet inaccessible at the same time is something I need to reconcile before it happens. Because of what I am, my brain and body are prepared to fuck her through the night until dawn.

  That would leave her weak and woozy throughout the day. Plus, there’s the child to consider. Annie.

  Elizabeth drops a tender kiss on my lips and slides away. The removal of her warmth sends a cold shockwave crashing through me and prevents me from getting up right away.

  Quietly, she puts her clothes back on and I reluctantly drag my briefs up and over my cock already aching for her again. The silence between us thickens and is only broken when I catch her watching me through the mirror as I secure my tie.

  “Going somewhere special at this hour?” she asks.

  “I’m following you home. Don’t even try to talk me out of it.”

  “I love that you want to do that, but why the tie? Alex, don’t you have any casual clothes?”

  “What would I need those for?”

  She walks to my closet. “So, when you come back here . . .” Gazing inside, she continues, “You do what?”

  “I work.”

  She fingers several of my suit jackets and trousers. “I figured that. But you work in a tie at ten o’clock at night?” Several glide through her hand and I go still when she brings one up to her face.

  Great, I’m jealous of a damn tie.

  “I never thought about it.”

  “Maybe you can get some jeans. Or Dockers?”

  “A vampire in Dockers,” I repeat with an inflection to let her know I think she’s adorably crazy.

  She wrinkles her nose. “Right, not very sexy. But dark jeans, flat front. Maybe a Henley?”

  “What the heck is a Henley?”

  “It’s a long sleeve tee shirt, but it has a few buttons down the center.” She moves her hands across my chest. “They’re very sexy.”

  “Then I will go online after I take you home and buy some.”

  “Don’t order the shirts on the internet. Go to a store. Feel the fabrics. Try them on. Just don’t be alarmed at the gawking women following you around.”

  I stopped going to stores for just that reason. “Will you come with me?”

  “Shopping?” Her face changes from the smile she wore all night to concern. “When?”

  “Tomorrow?” The desperate tone in my voice is hard to hide. “I mean, if you’re free.”

  “Annie and I have plans for tomorrow.” She takes a breath. “I know this sounds silly. A rabbit had babies in my father’s backyard. He found them buried in the grass and has been watching out for them because a few bears were spotted near the house. Annie wants to see the babies. I said we’d spend the day there tomorrow.”

  “I don’t suppose I can compete with that.” I quickly back off my request in favor of the child having a day with baby rabbits.

  The bear comment worries me. I’ll find out where the father lives and scour that area to make sure nothing goes near Elizabeth or that child tomorrow.

  Chapter 13

  On Sunday afternoon, Alex texts me and asks if he could see me later.

  I ponder the response while I sit on my father’s back porch, bundled against the chilly late October breeze. I sip from a warm cup of tea and watch Annie fuss over the baby bunnies with my dad. My gaze stretches out over the half acre of land. My dad is strong and gruff, aged and happy, caring for his grandchild. This is real.

  What I have with Alex isn’t. Because Alex isn’t real.

  Another text pops in and I ask myself, “What am I doing?”

  You’re enjoying yourself, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Theresa sails by me in the wind.

  I take another sip and the warm liquid slides down my throat. Either way, any man in my life would be kept at a distance for a while. Dating is trying people on. I take my phone and answer him.

  After Annie has gone to bed.

  The busy day, most of it spent out in the cold and the amazing beef stew my father cooked for us, helps Annie fall sound asleep almost the minute her head hits the pillow.

  At the exact moment he said he’d arrive, Alex knocks on my door. Gently.

  With shopping bags in his hands, he shifts his weight from side to side awkwardly on my front porch. I fall into a fit of laughter. He wants to show me his new clothes. How adorable!

  His eyes move around quickly before he steps in and his mouth is pressed tight, taking in the smells. He faces the stairs and opens his mouth to speak, but I place my hand on his arm.

  “Annie is asleep. We had quite the busy day.” I almost forgot he’s been here before. “The bunnies were really cute.”

  An air of relief washes over him. He steps into my living room which allows me to close the door.

  When I do, Alex presses me up against it and kisses me with a hardened edge of need. I get to turn the world off for six to eig
ht hours a night. Poor Alex is awake, thinking, waiting for humanity around him to come alive again.

  Annie had terrible colic as a baby and the nights dragged on. For those who got to sleep, it was a blink in time. With a screaming infant and no one to help every minute that passed was excruciating.

  I get how Alex feels.

  His head rests against my shoulder and his lips lock onto my neck as my blood pulses under his mouth. Facing me again, his smile is glorious. “Hi.”

  “Hi back,” I say, crushed against the door.

  Sensing my discomfort, he moves away. “I, uh, picked up a few things.”

  “I see that. Can I have a look?” My greedy hands reach for the bag.

  Based on the sophistication of his dress clothes, I assume his taste for casual will also be impeccable. For a moment, however I shudder thinking he wants to give me a fashion show.

  Oh lordy, that daughter of mine better stay asleep.

  I peek inside the bag and my chest goes tight. A plush stuffed bunny. White as snow with a pink tongue. How adorable!

  “For Annie.”

  He brought her a gift.

  Alex takes up so much space in my living room, I almost forgot how formidable he really is. Tall, wide shoulders, thick legs, long muscular arms. The grandness of Princeton’s campus, the multi-tiered lecture hall, even his office with tall ceilings messed with my perspective.

  I’m no match for him, if he strikes against me.

  “What’s wrong, Elizabeth?” Alex approaches me with concern. “I smell fear.”

  Someone who plans to rip my throat out wouldn’t ask me what’s wrong first. Would they? “Nothing. You’re just so . . .” I can’t finish without sounding like an idiot. “Big.”

  Alex closes his hand around my wrist and kisses my knuckles. “I’m embarrassed to ask you this, but some of these sweaters have washing instructions I don’t understand.”

  “You poor thing.” I cup his cool cheek. “My God, what you must have witnessed in the last hundred years. Your mother probably cleaned your clothes on a washboard with her bare hands and now there are machines and dry cleaners.”

  He blinks a few times and considers how to respond. “Yes. Can I see your washing machine, so I can figure out what cycles to use for these new items?”

  “Sure. Come on.” I step toward my basement, but Alex crosses quickly in front of me and my hair flops against my shoulders.

  There’re three doors in a row beyond the kitchen. A pantry. A closet for the hot water heater. Then the basement entry. Alex goes right for the basement door and opens it. He knew where it was.

  A bad feeling washes over me and my heart rate soars. It all crashes down upon me at this moment. What a complete moron I am, a slave to my baser instincts by this beautiful man who may very well have tricked me. Cleverly, I might add. Each puzzle piece was its own hurdle, him drinking my blood which I accepted because he told me he’s a vampire, which I accepted because he’s also a doctor and a professor. The fact he’s movie-star gorgeous played a role in this, too.

  Now he lures me to my basement. This all seemed like a harmless fantasy, but finally, my good sense kicks in. Good God! What kind of mother am I? Knowing Alex can smell my fear, I tamp it down and keep moving.

  At the bottom of the stairs, I stand lost, unsure where to go.

  Alex stands in front of the cement wall and points. “That window needs to be fixed.”

  “Okay.” I relax slightly and feel silly for letting my mind get away from me. “I’ll— Wait, how do you know it’s broken?” I lean in. There’s no crack in the glass.

  “Because I used it to sneak in here a couple of weeks ago.”

  I stagger back and turn around to run for the stairs, but he has me in a death grip. Mine. My back is against his chest and his hand covers my mouth. “Elizabeth, my darling. It’s okay. Please, please let me explain.”

  “Annie,” I sob. “Don’t hurt her.”

  “Of course not. Never.” His chest heaves and his fingers tighten if only to stress his answer. “Elizabeth, please listen to me. I want to tell you everything. I don’t want any secrets between us. Will you let me explain? I will leave when I’m done if you want me to.”

  My thoughts reel out of control, but the reasonable and logical part of my brain takes over. Alex crossed a line, but there is nothing else he did up to this point to make me believe he is anything other than genuine. His touches were gentle and caring when at any time he could have torn me apart.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  He releases me and I turn around. “Just listen to what I have to say.”

  “I’m listening.” I take a few cautious steps back.

  “It was the night of the afternoon that we met.”

  “In the doctor’s office.”

  “Yes. Elizabeth, I was terrified. I had no idea what you were going to do. My instincts told me I had to find you. Just to see. I felt if I came here I would know what type of person you were.” He steps back and leans against the washing machine. “I came in through the window and walked through the main floor. Before that I watched you from my car. I saw you drinking a glass of red wine. That’s how I know what you like.”

  I remember the wine that night. “I needed it. I had quite a day.”

  He smiles. “Me too. I wasn’t lying when I said I was captivated by you in the exam room. I wondered if somehow you were different. Like me, but not like me. I thought if I came here I could find out.”

  “What did you see?”

  “An utterly normal, ordinary human.” He relaxes, appearing to relive the sensation when it hit him.

  “Did that disappoint you?”

  “Not in the fucking least. I was relieved. After so many years of being this.” His gaze slides over his hands. “Normal is welcoming.”

  “Okay. I get that.” I swallow taking this all in. Regardless of the ‘ordinary’ comment, Alex makes me feel radiant and beautiful. I want to move past this. “Is there anything else I should know?”

  “Your scent was everywhere.” His voice turns low. “It was intoxicating to me. Still is. My instincts took over and I climbed the stairs to your bedroom.”

  My back stiffens. “You were in my bedroom?”

  “Yes.” His eyes lock on to mine.

  “When Annie woke up?”

  “Yes.” Alex’s voice grows deeper.

  “And did you leave while I was with her?”


  “So, you were still there when I got back?”

  That night flashes to me. I woke up in a pool of sweat, the flesh between my legs throbbed with need. I was dreaming of him before Annie woke up. When I got back to my bedroom . . .

  “Elizabeth, please. I’m so sorry. I need to have your trust. I confess it all.” He gets down on his knees. “I beg your forgiveness. I will never ever enter this house again without your consent.”

  “Did you come back after that?”

  “No. No. I wanted to see you again, yes. It’s why I approached you in public.”

  “Right. At the bar.”

  “And I want you to know I’m telling you this because this broken window haunts me. If I got in here.”

  “Someone else could.” I’m more concerned about a human, however.

  Another vampire can smash down my front door.

  “Yes. I need you to forgive what I did.” He moves toward me. “I did not come here that night to harm you. I just needed to know more about you.”

  I should have realized it was part of the territory for Alex to do what he did. Oddly, I’m not as angry as I should be. Just embarrassed the man watched me masturbate. Oh God! My hands fly to my mouth.

  “And when I was back in my room and I . . . finished?”

He runs the pads of his fingers against my cheek. “You called out to me.”

  “I did.”

  “That moment moved me like no other. I never witnessed a woman do that. To think you wanted me from the very beginning as much as I wanted you.” He lowers a ravenous mouth to mine and I’m alarmingly hungry for him as well.

  All rational thoughts pour out of my head as I pull him toward a sheet-covered sofa on the other side of the laundry area.

  Alex sits and I straddle his lap, kissing him and holding his face. His hands wrap around my rib cage and after grinding against his lap, he unzips his pants. His erection slips out past his briefs. He’s so hard and very very cold—a sign of his intense arousal. I’ll have to peel out of my skinny jeans to satisfy him with the heat between my legs.

  I slide down and prepare to take him in my mouth, but stop. I blamed these needs for my ‘supposed’ poor decisions. I assume to get involved with a vampire in the first place is a poor decision. Having sex on a proper date is within my rights as a single person.

  Vampire or no vampire, before I give this man a blow-job in my basement, I have the right to ask where this is going.

  “Alex, what are we doing?”

  ~ ~ ~

  I know what Elizabeth is asking me and I zip up my pants while I consider my answer.

  What am I doing is the more appropriate question?

  Relationships don’t become clear until months after a vampire is made. The sexual appeal of another vampire didn’t automatically form with my new body. As much as I hated Katherine before I turned, the idea of being cast away from my sons was unnerving. So, I went back to my wife once Loren taught me the basics of controlling my urges and cravings.

  After being away for nearly a year, my appearance would have shocked Katherine either way. I didn’t reveal what I was and with her closedmindedness and sheltered upbringing—the woman hadn’t even read Dracula, she only knew I was different and wanted no part of me.


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