Alien General's Baby: BBW Human - Alien Surprise Pregnancy SciFi Romance (Brion Brides)

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Alien General's Baby: BBW Human - Alien Surprise Pregnancy SciFi Romance (Brion Brides) Page 10

by Vi Voxley

  "General..." Kerven continued. "That is not all. The Chali offered their help. The reason I came to tell you this is to make sure you consider your answer. Sir."

  Silence set in the bloody light around them, but it slowly receded as Braen forced himself to calm. Unlike some of his brother generals, he never bothered to hide his emotions. They were reflections of his nature. Just as fierce, just as true.


  "I was wrong about you," Braen said quietly.

  Kerven's fingers twitched. The general knew how badly the young warrior ached to draw the spear in his defense in that second, but Kerven's nerves held.

  "The Fearless is somewhere out there," the warrior said, forcing conviction into his words. "There is much we don't know about it, but the Chali might. They have technology far beyond us. For years, they've tapped into things the Palians are too noble to deal with.

  “And besides... they won't stay away from this, you know that, General. If they help, we can keep an eye on them."

  Listening, Braen considered. Every inch of him, down to a genetic level, objected. No Brion needed help with the enemy and certainly not from the traders.

  He did, however, see Kerven's point. The Chali were notorious for scavenging, pillaging and simply stealing everything valuable. To let them anywhere near the Fearless was just as unthinkable. The traders never bothered with anything that wasn't beneficial.

  Braen couldn't imagine a single thing about the Fearless that would have been harmless for the Chali to obtain.

  Considering Braen still didn't know if he could actually kill the monster, the answer was obvious. He would come up with a plan, but thinking ahead wasn't in Chali nature.

  It said a lot about the traders, to have Brions think they were reckless.

  Braen gave Kerven a hard look.

  "Most warriors your age think the only courage comes from wielding a blade," he said. "You chose to speak the truth, knowing I might kill you for it."

  Kerven said nothing, waiting for his judgment. Braen had already made up his mind.

  "The woman that came aboard," he said. "Go to her. Make sure she has everything she needs and bring her to the bridge."

  A shadow of relief washed over Kerven. To his credit Braen only read that from the slightest change of the valor squares.

  As the young warrior turned to go, Braen added: "Take your time. I don't want her to see me talking to the traders."

  Before leaving, Kerven asked one more question.

  "What will you say, General?" Kerven asked.

  "I will accept their gracious offer," Braen answered, turning away before calling back: "The woman is my gesha. Lay a finger on her, say one wrong word, and you will see where bravery truly gets you. I see a bright future ahead for you, Kerven. Make sure it isn't the surface of a star where I'll most certainly drop you if Naima has one bad word to say about you."

  The warrior's stunned silence was as audible as the truth he'd spoken before. Walking away, Braen thought whether he'd been too harsh with the man, though he quickly decided he was not. The holoprojection of a cyborg waiting for him on the bridge quickly banished that musing in exchange for barely restrained fury.

  "General Braen," the half-woman said, her voice as nauseatingly sweet as it was fake. "I hear you're after the most valuable thing in the galaxy. Oh, and the Fearless, too. I would love to offer the assistance of the Fleet."

  Of course you would.



  She had fucked up. She had fucked up so badly.

  After Braen was gone, Naima stood silently where he'd left her for a long, agonizing moment. Her world was being torn apart by forces far beyond her command and Naima honestly felt like a leaf in the wind.

  That's not me, she told herself firmly. No matter what, I'm no one's plaything. I have been an observer for too long. I think I need to take some control back.

  There was only one problem with that, the reason why her insides were twisting themselves into knots. Naima dearly wished she was on some vast, empty field with not a soul to hear for miles. There was a scream in her, wanting to be let out. A sad, hurt, disappointed and raging howl.

  Everything was slipping away from her. In the course of just a few weeks, Naima had her life flipped upside down by a fucking rock, an unseen monster and a self-appointed husband. She had been tortured and scared and taken away without having any say.

  Out of all of that, Braen was the one thing Naima didn't mind so much. In fact, her heart fluttered like crazy every time she saw the gorgeous general, but there was so much between that made any notion of building a future ridiculous.

  Talk about a culture shock, she thought bitterly.

  Out of all the forces that were playing around with her life, Braen was the only one she had any hope of controlling. And yet, at the same time, she knew there was no controlling a Brion general.

  Naima sat on the edge of the bed, the sheets still mussed up from the night she’d shared with the general. Looking at them made her nauseous just as much as it made her endorphin levels want to go through the roof.

  She knew it was all a charade, though. She couldn’t possibly have a future with this infuriating, always right about everything kind of man who probably didn’t know what ‘no’ meant when he really wanted something.

  Not that she thought he’d ever hurt her. That wasn’t it. At least not physically.

  I shouldn’t have done that, she thought, plopping back on the sheets.

  Her nostrils were immediately assaulted by the scent of Braen. She inhaled it hungrily before she noticed what she was doing.

  “You stupid girl,” she said to herself out loud, shaking her head.

  All her life, she’d been wary about love and men and relationships in general. It hadn’t been something she’d strived to do, rather something that came oh so naturally to her. It was no wonder. She’d had to learn from the best.

  Her parents had never been… happy, was perhaps the word to use. Her mother, a sweet, sensitive woman, had had the misfortune of falling for a man who always considered science and rationality above all else. While he’d been an awesome father for a curious little girl to have, the older Naima got, the more clearly she understood that while her father was a great scientist, he was a lousy husband.

  The fact that Naima thought herself the spitting image of her father didn’t help with fostering healthy relationships. All her childhood, she’d been witness to what George Jones’ emotional neglect did to her mother, how it withered the lively soul that she was until there was nothing really left. A flower couldn’t blossom if there was no sunlight, and Margaret Jones’ sunlight was definitely her husband.

  For Naima, her sunlight was science and curiosity and reason, just like it had been for her father. The last thing she wanted was to do to someone what he had done to her mother. With a ‘normal’ relationship, it was easier to avoid – just get out when it starts getting too serious. That way, she could take control of the situation, make sure that she didn’t leave anyone worse off than she found them.

  But what do you do with a Brion who will consider no logic and no reason in matters of the heart? To say yes even once is to hurt him… Perhaps hurt him more in a short span of time than a lifetime of neglect could do to another person…

  And she’d said yes to Braen. If only once.

  The scream came, so silent there was barely any sound at all. Naima curled up, her fingernails digging painfully into the palms of her hands as the physical pain helped to sweep away the pain inside.

  She allowed that moment of weakness to herself and then got up, wiping her eyes and forcing all intruding emotion away.

  "I will not be a tool for anyone," Naima told herself quietly. "Finding the stone didn't put me in danger, it gave me a chance to help. Seeing the Fearless did put me in danger, but I can strike back and lead Braen right to it. I will do that and then it’ll be over. Everything will be okay."

  Saying it out loud helped, but Naima f
elt her heart breaking. She only had to hope that she wouldn’t break Braen’s in the process. She didn't mistake her affection for Braen for love, not even after a misguided, amazing night together.

  Naima just wished there would have been a chance for them to actually get to know each other without the stakes being so high, but she knew that wasn't going to happen. Their lives were completely insane. Maybe in another life, he could have been the right man. But not in this one. He only dealt in absolutes and she could not give him that.

  It was hard, though. Braen had, simply put, knocked her socks off.

  Naima's spinning mind came to the conclusion that if she'd actually been wearing socks the night before, Braen would have definitely made them fly off her feet.

  The general was the most handsome man she'd ever seen, but it wasn't just the looks that got her attention. Naima had spent her entire short and mostly uneventful lovelife with Terran men – some were more temperamental than others, some were wild cards, but they ultimately existed in the realm of reason.

  She got a wholly new vibe from Braen. The general was sharp-edged and true like his blade, incapable of lying because he didn't need to. Naima hated the fact that the unbreakable bond had come between what could have been a great… stress relief? For the both of them, during these trying times. Belittling what she felt for the man as something that was simple ‘fun’ felt a whole lot easier than dealing with the reality.

  The general thought the bond was a bridge to gap whatever differences were between them, but to Naima it was an unclimbable wall.

  Braen had so completely taken over her thoughts that Naima barely noticed when the door started beeping quietly. She rushed to it, seeing a young Brion warrior waiting on the other side from a small screen on the wall.

  Next to about a dozen buttons and small levers, as much as she could make out in the nigh darkness of her quarters.

  Damn Brions and their hate of light. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere about being so fucking hot they can't stand seeing their own reflections, but right now I'd really like to see something. A friendly face, my own hands...

  "Just a second!" Naima called, wondering if the man heard her.

  Well, this is what I get for fantasizing about gorgeous warlords and not focusing on important issues like how the hell am I supposed to get out of my room.

  After trying to stare down the buttons for a few moments yielded no results, Naima decided to just go for one and hope for the best.

  "If you hear me," she called to the warrior, "I'm going to push random switches now and none of them better be a trapdoor!"

  The man on the screen was starting to look kind of nervous, but Naima concluded he didn't actually hear her from the fact he didn't react to her call.

  It was possible he simply didn't speak the common tongue, which wasn't unheard of with Brions. Yet somehow, Naima didn't think Braen would have sent someone who couldn't communicate with her.

  The first button turned all the lights completely off, leaving her alone in pitch black. The second, to Naima's disappointment, didn't bring them back on. Instead, it made a small engine come alive in one of the rooms behind her that she hadn't even had the chance to explore properly.

  The third was apparently a comm link because a voice suddenly said: "Yes, General?" as much as Naima could tell.

  The voice was female and soft like silk.

  A rush went through Naima, one she hadn't expected. In sharp contrast with the joy that had overwhelmed her against all reason when she'd been with Braen, a bitter jealousy raised its ugly head.

  Get a grip, she told herself firmly. That was probably the bridge or med bay or whatever else a general needs on speed dial. I hope I didn't just make a booty call for Braen.

  The fourth button made the door open with a satisfying whoosh. Naima felt ridiculously victorious. The young warrior on the other side of the door stared at her with an odd expression, apparently not quite as impressed.

  "Are you alright?" he asked carefully.

  "Yes, yes," Naima hastened to say. "Just these controls. I've obviously never been on a Brion ship before. Is there something wrong?"

  "My name is Kerven. I've come to retrieve you on the behalf of the general. He requests your presence on the bridge," the warrior replied, standing straighter all of a sudden. "Come with me."

  "Why?" Naima asked.

  The man looked at her like she had suddenly lost her mind. Naima almost rolled her eyes.

  Brions. Of course they don't question orders.

  "Fine. Don't tell me."

  For reasons she couldn't understand, there was a horrified look on Kerven's face all of a sudden. Saying no more, Naima walked out of her room and let the young warrior lead her to the bridge through complete darkness. She only tossed one look over her shoulder, taking in the sight of her messy bed one last time.

  As they went, she was grateful for the assistance the man offered, not letting her run into walls. Even if his entire conduct was a little weird, constantly staying a few feet away from her like she was poisonous.

  Naima put that down to Brion quirks. After all, she was much more concerned with Braen's request and the lifestone still lying in her pocket.

  One problem at a time, she decided, as the huge double doors of the bridge opened for them.

  She gasped in surprise, unable to hide her astonishment.

  Naima had been on many space ships in her life. The job of a scientist, especially one specializing in mineral deposits and geology, meant she had to travel a lot between different planets and she had often hitched a ride on the vessels of others species. Every one of them was different and interesting.

  For example, Palian ships were sleek, modest and pristine. The Chali trade fleet favored ships with their insides bared, going for the practical approach. They didn't look pretty, but they sure as hell worked like pure tech magic.

  The Benevolent was nothing like that.

  So far, Naima had only seen the dark corridors and her own quarters, but now she came face-to-face with the flagship's true purpose.

  The bridge was bursting with action even in leisure. Every console was fitted for a clear purpose, the officers behind them looking like they'd been built into their stations. Strapped into a frame, they moved around, turning where they needed to see while never taking their fingers off the complicated keys on the screens.

  In the middle of it all stood the command throne. As Naima stepped closer, it turned.

  Braen took her breath away.

  Up until that point, Naima supposed she'd only seen Braen as a person. A Brion warrior, sure, but still only a man.

  In that moment, she finally saw the general for what he was, reigning over his kingdom. His flashing blue eyes traveled over her, his face stern and serious. The valor squares on the general's neck beamed a quiet authority, casting the strong lines of Braen's face in their cold glow.

  He was, in a word, magnificent. When Braen rose from the throne, he towered over everyone present, including other warriors.

  Naima felt a strong urge to run up to him and kiss him again. It was very hard to ignore.

  "Come, Naima," he said, motioning for her to follow. "I contacted Audrey Price. She is waiting for you. We believe together you can give me a heading. Are you prepared to take the bracelet off?"

  Up until then, Naima had tried not to think about that. When she was with Braen, it was easy to ignore or even forget the Fearless. The truth, however, was grimmer. She felt the presence of the monster at the back of her mind all the time, especially when there was nothing or no one to distract her from it. Silent, distant, but still there. Waiting and growing stronger.

  Only it didn't really matter. She was going to help in any way she could. Since that morning, Naima had taken it upon herself to put the interests of their mission above everything else. That’s what her father would have done, and he would have been right for it. The galaxy was at stake and the least she could do was make sure she did her best.
br />   All this feminine nonsense about feelings and love could be dealt with later. Especially when she knew for a fact that there was no way she and Braen could have a future together. It helped steel her resolve, even when she was face to face with the warlord.

  Though, for a moment, the concept of her being able to ever hurt him seemed entirely ridiculous.

  She nodded.

  There was a strange look in Braen's eyes but the general didn't comment. He turned to a small holoprojector in front of them, hanging over the map of the Galactic Union.

  Naima recognized the woman who appeared on the projector at once. If there had been any doubt in her heart at all, it was gone then. She let out a sigh of relief.

  So I’m not going crazy after all.

  Audrey Price smiled, waves of silvery-blonde hair falling over her shoulders. She looked determined and happy, but Naima's first impression was that she was tired.

  Then Audrey's eyes looked right at the lifestone hidden in her pocket and Naima's heart froze. The moment seemed to last forever. Naima found herself glancing at Braen before returning her attention to Audrey. She doubted Braen would be too angry at her for keeping the stone to herself, but it wouldn't be good either. Yet Audrey said nothing and in the next second, she looked like nothing was wrong.

  "You must be Naima," Audrey said, smiling kindly. "I'm very glad General Braen has managed to find you. Your position is excellent, too. Verien is far enough from you so that our directions shouldn't overlap too much. Are your men ready, General?"

  Braen answered with a curt nod. Naima noticed he hadn't taken his eyes off her for a moment.

  "Alright then," Audrey went on. "Try to concentrate on the Fearless, Naima. I know it's not what you want to do, but we must hurry. I can feel it growing stronger in my mind."

  "I do too," Naima replied softly.

  It was easy to ignore at times, but she couldn’t deny that the presence had been growing and growing. Her nightmare the previous night was a clear sign of that.

  Braen's glare was sudden and expected. It turned into deep concern within a moment. A flash of guilt went through her. She wished she could have trusted the general more and subsequently given him more, but they had only met and already too much had happened between them. Regardless of the attraction she felt for the man, she had to keep a cool head.


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