Book Read Free

Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

Page 6

by Lilly Purdon

  “Time to go through my book of blondes!” She chirped excitedly.



  Friday October 19th 4:00 p.m.

  A loud knock on the door interrupted my dream. I groaned loudly and buried my face deeper into my pillow. Cleo yelled something from the other side of the door, but I just ignored her. “Rosaline Arlene Winnefred! Get up now!” she ordered, but I ignored her and drifted off into sleep.

  Cleo knocked on the door impatiently again before trying to opening it, but I had locked it before going to sleep. “I told you there shall be no locked doors in this house!” she snapped. “Meet us downstairs in ten minutes or else you’re grounded for five months!”

  Another voice spoke up. “It’s okay Cleo. We’ll get it done upstairs” Kasay replied.

  “Who gave you permission to call me Cleo?” my stepmother questioned. “Call me Mrs. Winnefred.”

  “Yes, Cleo” Kasay snickered before banging on my door.

  “Go away!” I yelled back.

  “You shall not talk to your stepmother that way!” my stepmother warned from the other side of the door.

  “She wasn’t talking to you.” I could imagine Kasay rolling her eyes.

  “I’m still on the other side of the door-”

  “Just save us the trouble and let me in Rosie!” Kasay interrupted my stepmother to talk to me.

  “Why do you even want to come in?” my voice was muffled from the pillow.

  Someone cleared their throat on the other side of the door. “Did you seriously forget about the dance?” Kasay questioned.

  I sprung out of my bed immediately. I ran to my mirror first and checked my teeth. Luckily, they were all back to normal. Then, I let Kasay in before shutting the door in my stepmother’s face again. Kasay locked the door so Cleo couldn’t come in before turning to me with a grin.

  “Let’s get you freshened up!”


  After about three and a half hours of hair coloring, hair pulling, skin scrubbing, nail painting, prep talks, and makeup, she finally finished. Throughout the whole thing, she didn’t allow me to look in the mirror at all. “Can I look now?” I whined.

  “Almost…” she bit her lip and studied everything she had done to me. She made me close my eyes again and applied some lipstick to my lips. “That’s what you were missing!” she said once she was done. “Go see yourself in the mirror!” she shooed me off.

  I rushed the mirror and let a gasp out in shock. The girl standing the mirror wasn’t me. She had wavy chocolate brown hair, gorgeous ice blue eyes, pale skin that made her eyes stand out even more, bright red lips and high cheekbones.

  Kasay handed me the costume and left the room with a smug expression. I put the costume on quickly and looked in the mirror. The costume was perfect, just how I remembered it. I was so busy staring at myself in the mirror. I didn’t notice Kasay had snuck up behind me.

  “He’ll love you…” she whispered, staring at my reflection too.

  I jumped at her voice. “Who?”

  She just smirked. “Whoever the lucky guy is.” She turned back and packed up all her torturing equipment. She reached in her bag and handed me a dance ticket. “Keep it safe,” I accepted the ticket from her.

  “Do I have to pay you-?”

  “Nah, Cleo already paid me.” She grabbed all her stuff and headed out the door.

  “Wait! Where are you going?” I asked.

  She turned back to me. “Home, I’ll be back.” And with that, she left.

  I sighed after she left and headed downstairs. I tried to get some food, but she wouldn’t allow me to have any. She was afraid I would make a mess and Kasay would have to redo my makeup. I mentally rolled my eyes at her; she treated me like a three year old.

  I waited till 6:30 p.m., but Kasay still hadn’t showed up. I paced around the living room waiting for her to arrive, but the longer I waited, the more nervous I got. I texted her multiple times, but she didn’t reply. My stepmother just sat there on the living room couch waiting patiently for Kasay to arrive.

  My phone suddenly buzzed. I pulled out my phone and checked it. It was a text from Kasay, saying she was grounded and couldn’t make it. My palms started to get sweaty and my heartbeat increased. Maybe if I just threw up on my costume that would convince my stepmother not to take me-

  “You’re still going to the dance no matter what.” Cleo said from behind me. I jumped at her voice. She was looking over my shoulder reading text messages.


  “No buts! I already paid for your costume and ticket.”

  I almost corrected her that my father was the one paying for everything, but avoided the argument.

  “I’ll be alone-”

  “I was hoping she’d ditch you anyway.” My stepmother said. “She’s a bad influence and will just drag you down in life.” That made me glare at her. Sure Kasay might’ve been bad sometimes, but she didn’t really drag me down… at least I didn’t notice if she did… “And don’t forget, if a boy wants to dance with you, you must be at least one foot away from him.”

  “Yes mother.” Only in my head was I brave enough to roll my eyes at her.

  “You ready?” she grabbed the car keys.


  “Good, let’s get you out of here,” she said icily.



  “Rosaline, if you don’t get out of this car now, you’re grounded for a year,” she threatened.

  “You can’t do that!”

  “Yes I can, I am your legal guardian and your mother.”

  “You’re not my mother…” I whispered, only loud enough for myself to hear.

  She sighed impatiently before turning to me. “Get out now.”

  I finally gave in and got out of the car. “You’re not my mother, and never will be.” I said before slamming the door. The cool air whipped around me as I rushed to the entrance. She stayed parked there, watching me like a hawk.

  I clutched onto my phone, not having anywhere to put it. I walked to the front door and handed a teacher at the front desk the ticket. “Have fun,” the old hag grumbled when I walked passed her.

  “I won’t,” I mumbled to myself more than anyone. I walked into the gym area where all the dances were held. I felt a nagging sensation in my stomach; this was not going to be good. I walked into the room slowly. The sound of thumping music blasted my eardrums when I stepped in.

  Everyone I walked passed people seemed to turn to me and stare. I pulled my dress and slid the phone in the spandex I was wearing. Hopefully, it’d stay in. Once the song ended, ‘Beauty and A Beat’ started playing. Most people cheered and started grinding to the music.

  The commons was almost completely dark. Surprisingly, there were no teachers in there. Only chaperones who looked like college students. The place was filled with people grinding against each other, while the side of the room was filled with couples making out, and the stairs down to the commons held all the lonely people who no one would dance with.

  I immediately knew I belonged there. Maybe if I could just sit there until my stepmother could pick me up… I made my way over there quickly and took a seat on one of the steps. I watched the people dancing having the time of their lives. A few moments later, someone in front of me cleared his throat.

  I looked up to find a very attractive Justin or Dustin standing before me. The twin was dressed in a shirt that read ‘Drunk 2’ and jeans. He offered a hand to help me up, but I just stared up at him with one eyebrow raised. He looked down at his own hand before meeting my eyes again. “Want to dance?” he asked.

  “Do I have a choice?” I chuckled nervously.

  “Of course, you can choose whether you want to dance with me or not,” he smiled.

  I accepted his hand, letting him pull me to my feet. “Then yes, I’ll dance with you.” I smiled back. He seemed like a nice person.

  We moved to the middle of the dance
floor. He kept his hands on my waist and I had my hands on his shoulders. I swayed to the music nervously. “Do you go to this school?” he questioned.

  I shook my head in reply.

  “I should’ve known.” He said with a cute smile on his face. “But you look awfully familiar.” He commented. I noticed he had a left dimple. I crossed my toes, hoping he wouldn’t suspect me of being anyone he knew.

  “Which one are you, Dustin or Justin?” The questioned slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

  I could never tell them apart since they were kids. Both of them had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They were the exact same height and had the exact same facial features, making it impossible to tell them apart.

  “You can’t tell can you?” he asked with a smile on his face.

  I shook my head in reply.

  “No one can tell,” he grinned. “I’m the better one, Dustin.”

  So he was the nice one… “Hi Dustin,” I greeted. “So how do I tell you two apart?”

  “That’s pushing your luck a bit, isn’t it?” he raised his eyebrows. “It’s a miracle I told you who I was.” He pointed out. “Plus, you still haven’t introduced yourself to me.”

  “I’ll make you a deal.” I said with a small smirk on my face. “I’ll tell you my name if you tell me how to tell you two apart.”

  “But no one knows how to tell us apart.” He frowned at me. “Our parents can barely tell us apart already.”

  “You wouldn’t want to tell your friends you were dancing with a stranger all night, would you?”

  “If you put it that way…” He removed a hand from my waist to scratch the back of his neck.

  “I won’t tell a single soul,” I promised.

  “Take a random guess.” He told me, placing his hand back on my waist.

  I bit my lip, thinking about it. “Is the difference exposed?”

  He smiled, showing off his left dimple again. “It is.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off that dimple no matter. “I’m just going to take a wild guess.” I looked back up to his eyes. “Your smile?”

  “Close, very close.” He grinned.

  “Your dimple,” I blurted out.

  His mouth fell open in shock. “H-How…”

  “I’m a very observant person.” I grinned at him.

  “Nobody has ever noticed…” he trailed off.

  “I’m not a nobody,” I replied simply. “But really, why’d you decide to tell me out of everyone?”

  “Because I just felt like it.” He shrugged with a small smile playing at his lips. “Your end of the deal.”

  “I’m Rose.” I blurted out. Technically I wasn’t lying since Rose was short for Rosaline. It was just that no one ever called me Rose. Everyone at school besides Jaxon and Kasay called me Rosaline.

  “Wait- I know where I’ve seen you!” Dustin’s eyes widened as he said that. My heart stopped. Oh no, if he knew I was Rosaline- “Weren’t you the girl running across the back yard half naked?”

  I sighed in relief, making him cock an eyebrow at me. “Yes, I was.” I grinned sheepishly. He was going to say something else, but was interrupted.

  “Bro!” someone called. Both our heads snapped in Justin’s direction. He was wearing a shirt that said ‘Drunk 1’. Justin smirked at me before sending me a wink. He slapped his twin on the back. “You got lucky bro.”

  I didn’t know how to handle the situation. I was being complimented and flirted with very openly. I seemed to freeze up. Matt came up behind the twins wearing his football jersey and put them both in head locks before letting them go. He eyed me up like a fresh piece of meat. “Who’s this pretty little thing?”


  “I didn’t ask you,” he interrupted Dustin rudely.

  Well, what a friend he was.

  Matt smiled sweetly and put on his charm. “So what’s your name babe?”

  “I-I’m R-Rose,” I stuttered nervously.

  “Rose,” he repeated before grinning. “That’s my favorite name.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled in reply. I remembered weeks before he was insulting my name and calling it old and haggy.

  Dustin snorted while Justin snickered, making Matt glare at both of them. “If you guys don’t mind, I would like to dance with Rose.”

  Dustin had a disappointed look on his face when he nodded along with his brother. I mouthed a ‘sorry’ to him and he nodded understanding. The twins disappeared into the crowd, leaving me and Matt in the middle of the dance floor surrounded my strangers.

  Matt pulled me to him and placed a hand on my waist. His cologne was so strong, I felt like puking at the smell of it. I had a feeling he took a bath in cologne. He stroked played with my hair using his other hand.

  I felt a tap on my shoulder before I spun around. Standing before me was a very pissed off Layla. She was dressed in a tight black mini skirt and a tight tank top that made her boobs pop out. She had cat clipped to her head with a tail clipped to her behind.

  “Rosaline?” Layla hissed rudely. I felt my heart stop at that moment. She knew who I really was.

  “No! How could you compare her to that bitch?!” Matt gasped. “This is Rose.”

  Suddenly her eyes softened and a smile formed on her lips. Her sudden change in emotions scared me. “I’m so sorry,” she apologized. “I thought you were someone else from behind.” She sounded sickly sweet. She didn’t give me a chance to reply. “You don’t go here, do you?” she asked.

  I nodded in reply, not trusting my voice to speak.

  She frowned at me. “So do you go here or not?”

  “I don’t,” I replied in a confident voice. I was shaking inside, afraid of what she’d do if she found out I was Rosaline.

  “You look so familiar.” She commented, staring straight into my eyes. She was intimidating. “But then again, I know too many people.” She laughed it off. Layla placed a hand on Matt’s shoulder. “Don’t hurt this girl, or I’ll kill ya’.”

  “I won’t,” he grinned. “Unless she asks me to.” He added, making her laugh. What was that supposed to mean? Matt grabbed my hand and gaze me a reassuring squeeze which hurt. Layla disappeared back into the crowd. He turned back to me, noticing the difference in me.

  “Don’t worry; she’s just my best friend. Nothing more than that, I promise.” That sounded like the typical fuck-boy line.

  I nodded, thinking about the way she reacted. When she thought it was me, she looked incredibly pissed off. But when she found out I wasn’t who she thought I was she warmed up immediately.

  “I have a question,” he said, “actually, I have two.”

  I nodded for him to continue.

  “The first question is: what are you supposed to be?”

  I looked down at my costume. “I’m a dark angel,” I replied.

  “Huh, I’ve never seen one before. Is there supposed to be another meaning to that?” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  I furrowed my eyebrows together. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He just ignored my question. “My second question is: are you still a virgin?” he asked bluntly.

  My eyes widened. Did I hear him right? “W-W-What?”

  “Are. You. A. Virgin?” He repeated slowly this time.

  My mouth fell open in shock.

  He sighed while running his hand through his hair. “Look, let’s go somewhere private and talk about this.”

  I shook my head quickly. There was no way I was going to a private place to talk to the pervert. I backed away from him slowly.

  “Come on Rose, don’t be that way.” He gave me a flat look. “You’re dressed like that for a reason, right?”

  I shook my head again before rushing away from him. Of course since he was the football quarterback, he caught up with me. He placed a hand on my shoulder. I spun around and glared at him. “Just one more thing.” He looked impatient. “What’s your number again?”

  “I never said it,” I repl
ied simply before slipping away from him quickly.

  I slipped to one of the dark corners of the room and saw Matt desperately looking for me. I decided to find a quiet peaceful place to hide out in until my stepmother came to pick me up. I tried the girl’s bathroom, but there were too many gossip girls in there.

  I tried the classrooms, but they were all locked. The commons hall was filled with teachers having their own little gathering, so I couldn’t hide out in there either. The library was locked too. I almost gave up on hope, but I remembered a place barely anyone knew about.

  When I was proctor in my sophomore year, and one of the office ladies made me go get something in the ISS room. (In School Suspension Room) There was a door behind the teacher’s desk which led to a balcony looking down onto a valley. Since my school was built on a hill, the view from the balcony was stunning.

  The balcony was built for science purposes, but no one seemed to know about it. The reason I discovered it was because no one was in the room when I got there, so I decided to peek through the door. I stood in front of the ISS room, just staring at the door. I felt something odd inside…

  I tried opening the door, and luckily, it was unlocked. It was completely dark besides the moonlight seeping through the tiny window. There were no windows in there, besides the one on the door leading to the balcony.

  I walked behind the teacher’s desk and slowly opened the door to the balcony, but someone was already there.



  Standing before me was Axel with his back faced to me. Time seemed to stop. His blonde hair looked gelled, but was however slightly messy. Almost as if he messed it up on purpose, because he couldn’t stand looking formal.

  I could see his muscular body under the dress shirt he was wearing. He had on a vest over his dress shirt and a pair of faded jeans. The cool air had absolutely no effect on me, in fact, I even felt hot. I blamed the hormones.

  He turned around slowly and met my eyes. My eyes widened when I saw his perfect grass green eyes up close. They were hypnotizing me the way Sleeping Beauty was hypnotized to the spindle. That ended badly of course and I hoped differently for this situation.


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