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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

Page 20

by Lilly Purdon

I furrowed my eyebrows, “what? Why not?”

  “I wish I were more like Justin.”

  “Why? I mean- you guys look exactly alike… so you’re already like him-”

  “I’m not like him. He gets all the girls I could never get.”

  “How? You’re identical-”

  “His personality attracts girls more than mine,” he was telling me how he felt far more in a few days than Jaxon had through our entire friendship, “I try Rose, I really do. I try to be polite, respect the girl, and take it slow… but Justin always snatches them before I even have a chance to get to know them.” He sighed, “I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t be letting my anger out on you.”

  “You don’t have jack to apologize for. You’re a nice guy Dustin, and nice guys finish last.”

  “But all girls go for the bad ones-”

  “Not all. Maybe in high school most of them do, but in college I’m sure many stop going for the fuckboys.”

  He smiled at what I said. “I hope so, I sure hope so.”

  We spent the rest of the ride singing along to random songs on the radio. When he finally pulled up to my place, I froze. The ride went by so quickly.

  “We’re here,” he announced.

  I sighed. I wasn't ready to face my stepmother yet. I knew the moment I stepped in, she’d start screaming and ground me for another two months. I mean, I was already grounded- but she was going to make it worse.

  We sat in silence for a few moments.


  “Yeah?” he turned to me, looking slightly confused why I wasn't out of the car yet.

  “I can't go home.”

  “Why not?”

  “She’ll murder me.”

  His mouth formed an ‘O’. He nodded, “so where do you want to go?”

  I didn’t have to think twice, “Could you just pull up to the house a few houses down. That one over there,” I pointed over to Jaxon’s.

  “Sure,” like the rule follower he was, he pulled into my driveway instead of making a u-turn in the middle of the road. He slowly drove over to Jaxon’s place. A pink mustang was parked in the driveway. I recognized that car; I’d seen it around school before.

  “Do you know whose car it is?” I asked Dustin, pointing to the pink mustang.

  He nodded. "It's Layla's car."

  “Layla's car?” I parroted.

  He nodded in confirmation.

  I really wasn't in the mood with dealing with Layla right now. I turned to Dustin with the sweetest smile I could plaster on my face.

  Why was she even with him?

  My massive hangover was already killing me, so I didn’t feel like dealing with that issue yet. I wanted to live in the thought that I was Axel’s one and only.

  “Mind if I crash at your place for the meantime?”




  “Please,” I fluttered my eyelashes at him sweetly. I really had nowhere to go.

  Please give in, please give in.

  He bit his lip, “I'm not sure-”

  “Pretty please,” I made a puppy face.

  He pulled at the collar of his shirt, like he was getting hot.”I really-”

  “Pretty please with whip cream and a cherry on top?”

  I was practically begging him by now.

  He sighed in defeat, “fine.”

  I gave him the best smile I could, since he just saved my life. Then, I realized something.

  “What day is it?” I asked.

  “I think it’s the 26th or 27th?”

  I stiffened, “what day of the week is it?” I asked slowly.

  “Friday, why-”

  “OH MY GOD!” I screamed.

  Dustin flinched and covered his ears. I pulled my knees up onto the seat and hugged them to my chest. Oh no, this couldn't be. I started sobbing quietly, as Dustin stared at me in confusion. He probably didn't know what to do with a sobbing girl in the car.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

  I jerked away from his touch and kept crying. No, I couldn’t believe this. Why me? Why me?!

  “Rose, what's wrong?” he asked gently.

  His voice sounded so soft and heartwarming. Wait, did I just think that? I sniffed some tears away. I had just ruined my life! My twelve years of hard work!

  “Rose, I'm really worried.”

  Tears kept rolling down my cheeks. No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. My whole future was ruined by me being careless!

  “Rose, please tell me what's wrong,” he pleaded.

  I shook my head and kept sobbing. I heard him sigh, before grabbing his phone and stepping out of the car. Tears were rolling down my cheeks nonstop. How could I be so stupid?! This was one of the biggest events in my life.

  ---Axel's P.O.V---

  I groaned as I stretched out my sore muscles.

  Last night was eventful.

  I shook my head and got up to an empty bed. I was a little shocked. I honestly wasn’t expecting this bed to be empty when I woke up. I looked around my room. She was nowhere to be seen. I got up and checked the bathroom. Not a single trace of her.

  The roles were truly reversed.

  I broke my other lamp. Why the hell would she leave?

  I got into bed again, trust to relive last night. For the first time, I didn’t feel lonely. Someone gave a fuck. I inhaled the scent she left behind. Damn, I was starting to act like a little bitch.

  Something started vibrating.

  I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone, before looking at the screen. I was surprised the name that flashed on the screen.

  ' Thing 2 ’

  Yeah, real mature of me. But hey, I get their names mixed up all the time so I just called them by that.

  If it were me on any other occasion, I would’ve tossed my phone aside. I tried ignoring it and walking over to my bathroom, but something inside of me made me go back and pick it up. I had seen him talking to her.

  I threw my head back and groaned. I really wanted to know what he had to say to me- and if anything was about her. Like they say, curiosity killed the cat.

  “What do you want?” I answered.

  The guy sounded stressed. He sounded like he really needed a joint, “You've got to help me. Please it's urgent- you've got to come right now- I have no idea what's wrong or what happened-”

  Even he was overwhelming me, “Chill, what’s up?”


  That was the thing I needed to hear to get my ass out of my house.


  ---Rosaline's P.O.V---

  Dustin brought me back to his place and gave me a bottle of a magical solution Kasay gave me to remove the coloring. He seemed pretty freaked out after my balling fit. I was still upset over how I ruined my life, but at least now I was in Dustin's shower.

  All the brown hair dye came off my hair pretty easily. I scrubbed myself clean with the soap and shampoo. After I finished showering, I felt the towel rack for a towel.

  “Shit,” I hissed. “Not again.”

  I forgot a towel! I peeked out from behind the shower curtain to make sure there was no one around. And I sighed in relief when there wasn't. I banged on the bathroom door.

  “Hey! Can someone please grab me a towel out there?”

  No reply.

  I cleared my throat loudly. “Excuse me! Could someone please get me a towel?”

  No reply.

  “Hello? Is anyone out there?”

  No reply.

  “Seriously, please! I really need a towel,” I pleaded.

  No reply.

  “Someone out there! Please! Please grab me a towel!”

  No reply.

  I sighed in defeat. I couldn't go out there, or someone would see me. Obviously, no one heard me. Wait! What if they forgot about me?

  What if they were to forget about me being in here forever and forever. I’d end up starving to death. Oh god. I w
as too young to die! Too many places I haven’t gone, too many things I haven’t done- I face palmed myself.

  Cut it out!

  I shook my head at how dumb that was. How could someone possibly forget me in this bathroom forever? Someone would eventually show up. People lived here for Christ’s sake!

  I planned on waiting until someone came up.

  But then my stomach growled aloud.

  I hadn’t even eaten breakfast yet!

  Yep… I was going to have to sneak out. My stomach was delicate. Cleo once told me if I didn’t eat for a day I’d die, but then Science class taught me otherwise.

  I banged on the door once more. “Hey! Can someone out there please get me a towel! I really want to get out of here and I'm really hungry!” I yelled.

  My stomach growled again.

  If no one heard my calls, it must’ve meant no one was around… which meant it was safe to go out. I took in a deep breath.

  I placed my hand on the door knob and took another deep breath.

  If anyone sees you, it'll be the death of you.

  I told the voice in my head to shut up. I twisted the door knob slowly, and pushed open the door. I should’ve learnt my lesson from last time.

  I looked around the bathroom trying to find something to cover myself with. Well, there was the shower certain, but I would have to somehow climb up and unhook it from a bar it was hanging on, there was a roll of toilet paper, and there was a bathroom mat.

  I quickly picked up the bathroom mat and put it in front of my body. Hey, at least it covered up the front part of my body. I put my hand on the door knob again, but this time, I opened it all the way out. I tiptoed out of the room, hoping no one would see me.

  I searched the room trying to find a towel, before my eyes landed on the bed. Bingo! A blue towel was folded neatly on Dustin's bed. I let out a sigh in relief and tiptoed my way over to the towel. As I were about to grab it, another hand beat me to it and grabbed the towel.

  I froze.

  The hand belonged to someone who was stood behind me.

  Someone had the perfect view of my naked behind.

  I spun around, keeping the mat to my chest. My eyes slowly travelled up the body of the guy, before my eyes landed on the face. My heart skipped a beat as I stared at the male angel before me. The angel who had a full view of my ass and possibly some side boobage.

  I didn’t know what I was doing. I just stared at his face in utter shock. The matt was barely covering my front side too. He was smirking down at me. I let out a high pitched scream before I tried grabbing the towel from him.

  I missed and it dropped to the floor. Oh no. He looked down at me, amusement glowing in his green eyes. I gulped and looked down at the towel lying on the floor.

  If I bent down and picked that towel up, he would get a full show of my boobs in 4D- but he’d realize how small my boobs were. I gulped.

  “Aren't you going to pick that up?” he asked, his smirk playing on his lips.

  My face heated up even more. He was definitely enjoying my humiliation. I wanted to do two things to that smirk. One of them was slap it off his handsome face; the other was kiss it off his face. I shook my head to clear the thoughts.

  “Can you pick it up for me?” I asked, trying to flash a polite smile even though my face was a tomato.

  He smirked and shook his head. “I think I’d prefer it if you did.”

  I shook my head. “But you'll get a clear view of my boobs,” I blurted out.

  He grinned evilly at me, “exactly.”

  “I'm serious, can you please pick that towel up for me?”

  “I'm serious too,” he took a step forward so we were even closer than before, “can you please pick that towel up yourself?”

  “Why are you here?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

  I had hope he’d forget, or maybe leave so I could pick up the towel. Or maybe even better, he would pick up the towel for me and gladly hand it over to me nicely.

  He shrugged, “nice attempt to change the subject.”

  “Just hand me the towel, please!” I begged.

  “No, I'm not letting an opportunity like this slip through my bare hands.”

  “The opportunity to see my boobs?”


  He was enjoying this too much. It was time to get rougher, “cut the crap and please pick up the fucking towel!”

  “Did Ms. Goody Two Shoe just swear?” he gasped in fake shock.

  I gave him a blank stare, “just pick up the towel.”

  He smirked, “no.”



  “I swear to god-”

  He shook his head.

  It was time to change tactics, “I'm begging you-”

  He just laughed at my attempt.

  “I'll do you a favor.”


  “I'll do your homework for a week.”

  “I don't do my homework.”

  “I'll help you piss people off.”

  “I manage on my own.”

  I was on the verge of selling my soul to the devil to get that towel off the ground and around my body.

  “I'll help clean your locker out-”

  “I don't need it clean,” he cut me off.

  “Then what do you want?!” I groaned in frustration.

  He pleased smile formed on his face, “I was waiting for you to ask that.”

  He stepped closer to me, closing in all the distance between us. I felt the heat radiating off his skin. I gulped from the closeness. My heart raced with the wind- wait there wasn’t any wind. Okay, my heart pounded against my chest violently as I took in his minty smell.

  Oh my god, he smelt so good. And the only thing separating us was the mat covering the front of my body and the layer of his t-shirt. His emerald green eyes didn’t leave mine. He moved his mouth so it was right by my ear before he whispered.

  “You want to know what I really want”" he whispered in my ear.

  Goosebumps broke out across my skin. I nodded frantically.

  “I want-”


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