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Dirty Girl

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “I want you to do whatever you want to me.” The sound of her nails digging into the wood filled his head. Small mewling noises left her the harder and faster he started sucking at her clit. She was putty in his hands, and that was just the way he fucking liked it.

  The need to be with her, and the fact that every time he had seen her the desire to bend her over and shove his dick into her tight little body, made him insane with lust. She was strong and had willpower to rival any member of the MC, but right now they were both nothing but these animals that had this very physical and primal need that needed to be taken care of right the fuck now. There was no denying or running when it came to them finally getting it on. It was inevitable. He didn’t deny himself any longer. He stood, not nearly having enough of her sweet cunt, but wanting to move this along because his dick felt like it was about to explode. He turned her around so she faced him once more, took the back of her head again with a hand in her hair, and twisted the strands in his fingers. She moaned out, and the look she gave him over her shoulder was one that had pre-cum slipping from his cockhead. He tilted her head so her neck was bared and claimed her mouth once more. A grunt of pleasure left him at the first touch of his lips to hers, but he wasn’t gentle with her. He wanted her to taste herself on his lips and tongue. She gasped, which had her mouth opening further and allowing him to delve his tongue inside. Sweet and salty flavor invaded his tastes buds, filling his mouth, and having him crave more. Over and over, he fucked her with his mouth, stroked her with his tongue, and loved that she rubbed against him. He was thrusting his erection into her belly while he kissed her, needing to be inside of her before he exploded, and was about to fucking do that right now. He moved his hands down her back, over the nice big curve of her ass, and slipped them under each cheek. In one move he lifted her off the ground and turned so he was supporting her weight. “Bedroom,” he grunted against her mouth.

  She didn’t pull away, but instead kissed him harder and made a low, needy sound. Yeah, tonight he was about to take her harder than he had ever taken a woman before. She had wrapped her legs around his waist, and her bare, nearly hairless pussy moved along his cock. Yeah, at the first glance of her pussy just moments before, he had realized she kept her pussy lips naked, but had a light, trimmed thatch of blonde hair covering her mound. He let out this primal sound from the back of his throat. He was in his room in a matter of seconds, and once the door was shut behind them he set her on her feet and took a step back. Her body was smokin’, from her inked-up skin and piercing right through her navel, to her big ass-tits that he wanted to fuck, and it called to every male part of him. He wanted in her body now, wanted to plunge his cock in her pussy until her inner muscles clenched around him, and milked the cum right from his balls. He moved forward again, lifted her into his arms, and all but tossed her on the bed. He climbed up before she could protest, and then pried her legs open with his hands on her knees. Her cunt spread for him like an opening flower, and the darker pink folds parted in welcome. Pre-cum slid from the tip of his cock and fell to the mattress. Fuck, he had never been so turned on before, and he hadn’t even stuck his cock in her tight little cunt.

  “Come on, Booshie, fuck me.” She grabbed her breasts and seduced him with her gaze and the way she played with her titties.

  He still had on his cut and shirt, but he had those off in a matter of seconds. He grabbed a condom from his bedside table and slid it on his shaft before she could utter another word. “You sure about this, Naggie?” He held her gaze with his own, urging her to be honest with him. “Once we start this there isn’t any going back.” He hadn’t turned the light on, but even in the darkness he held her gaze. “It doesn’t matter to me that you just broke it off with the asshole today, I don’t want you pissed at yourself once this is all said and done.” Honestly Booshie didn’t know why he even gave a fuck if she regretted being with him or not. She was willing right now, primed to the max, and was not with anyone. As far as he was concerned this was an all go, but there was this little voice in the back of his head that didn’t want things to get royally fucked between them. He liked looking at her, being around her, and even speaking to her during their short times together. The thought of her regretting doing anything with him left a bad taste in his mouth. Damn, dude, you better get your shit together, because this kind of thinking leads to old lady territory.

  He could even remember the one time he almost had an old lady, and had always thought that she had been the one to get away, well, that one relationship he had screwed up anyway. It had been a tough time in his life in thinking he couldn’t truly care about someone and be committed to the MC. He had been wrong, but that had been years ago, close to twenty. Honestly, he had been a young kid with a hard-on for the girl that he had fucked for the first time. A lot had changed in the time he had been in the MC—he had changed a lot. He looked at Naggie and actually felt his pulse pick up a bit. Here he was about to fuck this young woman that was probably half his damn age.

  “You’re thinking about something that is pulling you away from this moment.”

  She read him perfectly, that or he was conveying his emotions a little closer to the surface than he wanted. Booshie was a master of keeping things on lockdown, and if he wanted someone to know what he was feeling then he would tell them. Never did he let his guard down, and kept the brick wall tightly built around him. But there was something hard yet gentle about Naggie, soft but coarse that drew him like a bee to honey. She was just as sweet, too, and he was done thinking of the past, and of what in the hell she might do when he made it known that if he really wanted something then he held on tight.

  She hadn’t said she wanted to stop after he asked her if she was sure, so he gripped her around the waist and hauled her ass down the bed. Her blue eyes were clear and a very unique light color, and they sucked him in as if they were a living entity all on their own. He smoothed his hands over her thighs, and positioned her legs so they were on either side of his. This angle gave him a clear shot of the pink wetness of her slit.

  “I’ve had one shitty night, and me going home with you is because I know you can make me forget about it.” She cupped her breasts and breathed out roughly. “I just want to have a good, hard fuck, and be the dirty girl you said I was.”

  Well fucking hell. Booshie ran a hand over his mouth, and felt the scruff of his beard scratch his palm. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He said to himself as he continued to stare at her tits, and then moved his gaze down to her spread pussy lips. He aligned himself at her entrance, but Booshie didn’t shove right into her, and instead pushed the head in slowly. Her pussy stretched around his girth, and it made the whole situation hotter when he placed his hands beside her head on the bed and leaned forward slightly. He stared at where their bodies were connected. “Your pussy is stretched so wide around me, Naggie baby.”

  She lifted her hips as if she were the one about to take control. He made a low sound in his throat, and she stilled instantly. “Fuck, Naggie, don’t move.” He swallowed, and felt his muscles contract with the strength he was using not to shove all of his shaft into her sweet body. “You’re tempting a beast, baby. I need to take you slow or I’ll be a fucking animal with you.”

  “I want you to be a fucking animal, Booshie.”

  And just like that he snapped. He shoved the rest of his cock into her so fast and hard inside of her that she was actually shoved up the bed from the force. He bottomed, but he needed friction or his balls would explode. As it was they hurt like a motherfucker. “You ready for this, Naggie?”

  “God, yes.” She closed her eyes and arched her neck as this gloriously erotic sound left her. “You’re so big.”

  “You’re so fucking tight and wet, baby.” He grunted out and slowly started to pull out of her. When only the head was lodged in her pussy he thrust back deep inside of her. She moved up the bed another inch, and he growled out. With one hand on her shoulder to get her stationed since holding her waist
wasn’t doing it, he started really thrusting in and out of her. He pumped his dick in her cunt until both of them started getting sweaty. “So. Damn. Good.” He felt her orgasm start with the clenching of her inner muscles around his dick, the tightening of her nipples, and the gasp of pleasure that left her. He renewed his thrusting until her breasts bounced from the force.

  “Oh God. It hurts, but it feels so good.” She reached up and wrapped her hands around his biceps. “I feel so good, so stretched.”

  The sting of her nails in his skin felt good, too, so fucking good. “I get so damn hot when you say those filthy things.” He slammed into her again and again, bottoming out in her pussy, and then pulling almost totally out. Over and over he did this, feeling the sweat fall down his temple, and watching it drop onto her inked up skin. The scroll work on her side read “Have No Regrets Over The Mistakes You’ve Made”. Closing his eyes and feeling the pleasure take hold of him, he got lost in the tight, hot suction of her body. She had already come, but the sounds she still made told him this wasn’t over just yet. Booshie could have come right now, but he was a selfish bastard and wanted to prolong this as much as possible. The thing was, he wasn’t going to be able to hold off for much longer.

  He was barely leashing in his control, and so he reached down and started rubbing her clit with his thumb. He rolled the nub around until it became so engorged he knew she’d come again. “Just once more, baby. Give it to me one more time until you scream out.” Her cunt was pink and glistening, and her clit stood out begging for more attention. She shook her head back and forth, and just like that she came for him again. When she cried out so loud his ears rang he watched the euphoria cover her face. For several seconds he watched her come, and it was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. She relaxed into the bed as he slowed his thrusting, and then when that content sigh left her and she opened her eyes he pulled out. Before she could say anything he flipped her around, lifted her so she was forced to be on her knees, and spread her ass cheeks. Her anus was smooth and pink, and he was about to slide his dick deep inside of her and really stretch her out good. Booshie collected her arousal on a finger, and moved the digit over her tight hole, spreading her natural lube around. Her ass was tight, and when he penetrated her just slightly a gasp left her. “It’s okay, baby.” He eased off, not wanting to scare her, but about to fill the tip of the condom if he didn’t get inside of her again.

  “I know, but I’m desperate to feel you inside of me again.”

  Well fuck, this woman was most definitely going to rock his world, and even though the night wasn’t over with, Booshie knew this was not going to be the end of them. He wouldn’t let it be the fucking end.

  Chapter Five

  Naggie was about to lose it if Booshie kept doing that anal play. She wasn’t a stranger to being touched back there, and had done pretty much everything there was to do in the sexual sense, but even so all of this felt so new, and so amplified being with him. He moved his finger back and forth over her asshole, adding more pressure with each passing second.

  “I’m going to slide my dick in your ass, Naggie, and you’ll beg me for more even when I’m balls deep in you.” He emphasized his point by slipping his finger into her back hole. The sheet beneath her mouth grew moist from her increased breathing. Naggie might have already come more than once, but she was ready for more.

  “I’ll go easy and slow until you’re used to me, and then I’ll fuck you as hard and fast as I did to your pussy.” He took his finger out of her and palmed her ass, massaged the globes, and had her skin heating within seconds.

  “I don’t want slow.” She looked over her shoulder and stared into his face. His expression was one of carnal lust, and with his hooded eyes, the sweat dripping down his hard, corded tattooed body she knew that she would never forget about tonight. Just looking at the raw power that came from him was enough to have her inner muscles clenching hard. “I want you everywhere.” How strange things had escalated so fast and powerfully as they had, but it was the good kind of strange for sure. The hard slap to her ass had a pleasurable gasp leaving her. She thought he might shove that big dick that hung between his legs right up her in that hole, but he moved away and grabbed a bottle of lube from his bedside table instead. She wasn’t even about to think how prepared he was, and that most likely that meant he did this sort of thing often. But the truth was Naggie might have only been with Rob for the last year, but before that she was sexually liberated. If she wanted to have sex, than she picked the man she wanted, and controlled the situation. She was most definitely not in control right now, and it felt fucking incredible.

  Moments later he was back behind her, had her ass spread, and poured the cool lube down the crease of her bottom. He aligned his cockhead with her anus, and in the next second was pushing into her slowly, but thoroughly. The lube he used helped ease his way into her, but it didn’t stop the burning pain of his huge cock filling her, or the fact that she felt very full. When he was past the tight ring of muscle it was like she opened up, and then he slid all the way in.

  “That’s it, baby, take all of me.” His hands were vise-like on her, squeezing her to the point that she knew there would be finger sized bruises. But Naggie wanted those marks on her, wanted to have this kind of ownership from him. He pulled out slowly until just the tip was lodged in her, and then he pushed back inside just as agonizingly slowly. He did this over and over, until Naggie found herself thrusting back, wanting him to really take her. A hard slap to her ass had her movements stilling, and a look over behind her showed a hard mask on his face. “You need to stay still, baby, because I’m two seconds away from coming as it is.” Sweat continued to drip down his hard, toned chest, and the urge to run her tongue along those valleys and dips of tendon and sinew rode her hard.

  Soon he was fucking her with abandon, giving it all to her so she was forced to reach up, grip the wooden bars of the headboard, and hold on. Her breasts bounced from his hard thrusts, and the sound of their wet skin slapping together filled the room.

  “Fuck, yeah.” He slapped first her right cheek and then her left. “Do it, baby. Squeeze my dick.”

  A wave of pleasure slammed into her, taking her breath away, and making her do exactly what he said. She clenched and released her inner pussy muscles around his length until they both moaned. Booshie reached around her body and found her clit with his big fingers. He pinched the tiny bundle of nerves, and lights flashed behind her closed lids. Her body shook from the pleasure, and she took comfort in the all-consuming ecstasy that stole her sanity. He placed a hand on the center of her back and continued to push into her, and then pull back out with increasing speed and vigor. And when he placed both of his hands on her back and slid them up to grip the nape of her neck, Naggie had never felt so owned by a man as she did right then. For several seconds he held her immobile as he pounded into her deliciously sore body. He thrust into her once, twice, and on the third pump stilled inside of her. He came long and hard, shuddering and groaning, and holding onto her flesh so hard the pleasure and pain became one. He might be wearing a condom, but she could feel the jerk of his cock, felt the powerful pumping at the tip of his dick as he filled the condom. His coarse words were sharp and dirty, and another shiver wracked her already exhausted body. His orgasm seemed to go on forever, and when he finally exhaled and pulled out of her she immediately collapsed on the bed.

  “Holy shit.” The words tumbled out of her, but she was too tired to be embarrassed. Instead, all she wanted to do was let the euphoric haze of having been thoroughly screwed by Booshie, pull her into oblivion.

  The feeling of something smooth and gentle moving up and down her side had Naggie slowly opening her eyes. She blinked a few times to clear her vision. The light that filled the room was low and muted and came from the bedside lamp if given the small clicking sound she heard coming from behind her. She on her side and facing away from him, but smiled when she felt his warm breath on the nape of her neck.
r />   “You wore me the fuck out, baby.”

  She smiled even though he couldn’t see her. The caress of him moving his fingers along her side, right over her script tattoo could have had her falling back to sleep, and she would have if not for the fact he chose that moment to speak again.

  “You’re just as exhausted as me, Naggie baby.” He didn’t phrase it like a question and didn’t stop touching her.

  “Yes, that happens when someone fucks me like a damn madman.” She smiled and shifted so she was now facing him on her side. He was smiling, too, and that small, almost sleepy grin looked really good on him.

  “What does this mean?” he said, his focus on her side again. He started tracing the words of her tattoo.

  “Exactly what it says.” She smiled again, not being a smart ass.

  “You know what I mean.” He flashed her this shit eating grin, all straight white teeth, and a face so manly with his trimmed, scruffy beard, and dark longer hair framing his face.

  Yeah, she did know what he meant. Although she didn’t mind telling the story of her ink, this conversation seemed very intimate in a way that had nothing to do with the fact they had just had sex, or that this was a one-night stand. She shifted so she was now on her back, and even though she was naked she wasn’t self-conscious over her nudity, had never been in fact. He pulled the sheet up so that it covered both of their lower halves. “Big, hardened, but with a compassionate side.” She smiled. She had kept her arm above her head so he could still touch her side tattoo, and because she liked how it felt having him stroke her softly. Naggie stared at her ink, and moved her gaze along the same lines he was currently running his fingers over. “Have No Regrets Over The Mistakes You’ve Made” had been one of her very first tattoos, and one of the most cherished ones on her body. She loved all of her ink, but that particular one defined her life, and who she was.


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