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Larson: An Outlaw MC Bad Boy Romance

Page 17

by Juliana Conners

  “It just… reminded me of something,” she said. “That Clay said. When I was on the phone with him.”

  “You were on the phone with Clay?”

  “Yeah, and that asshole just laughed about the clowns at his party and said they weren’t connected with what happened to us. I’m not sure I believe him, although I can’t fit all the pieces together to make any sense out of why they would be involved in this. But basically he said I need to pull myself together and do some work for him this weekend. And that he wants to sleep with me and always gets what he wants. More or less.”

  “What a fucking asshole,” I say.

  “I know.”

  She puts her head back down on my chest.

  “But I don’t know what to do about it,” she continues. “I guess I need to quit. Maybe I can work with Riley’s organization and help vets or something. I don’t really need that much money if I live here instead of in New York. We’ll have to let Esmeralda go, but I’m sure there’s some other family that will take her. That is, if we ever even find…”

  “Don’t say it,” I tell her, forcing her to look at me. “We are going to find Caleb and he is going to be fine. They all are. Also, there’s no reason to worry about money. I make good money for what I do, and I want to be with you. And Caleb.”

  She hugs me tight.

  “I love you, Brynn,” I tell her. “I said it and I mean it. I love Caleb too. And now we just have to find him and put this whole mess behind us. It’s been unresolved for me for a very long time.”

  “The thing that Clay said when I was talking to him, that made me stop and think just now,” she says, looking up at me once again. “He said something about hoping you haven’t gotten arrested. I thought it was a weird thing to say but I was so distraught at the time that I wasn’t paying a lot of attention.”

  It clicks for me now. Or at least, I think it does.

  “I knew that fucking Clay Tucker was a weasel, but I didn’t know he’d go to these lengths to get what he wanted.”

  “What do you mean?” Brynn asks.

  “One of Clay’s companies does women’s fashion type stuff, right? Makeup and shit?”

  “Yeah,” she says. “But I’m not sure what that has to do with anything.”

  “I do,” I say. “I’ve heard that he made a fortune catering to the alternative beauty market or some such shit, is that right?”

  “That’s true,” she says. “Like emo and goth people who like tattoos and dark makeup. Guys and girls alike. It’s a bigger industry than anyone else had foreseen. Clay— well, with his family business and family money— capitalized on it and made even more money than they already had. But still, I’m not following what this has to do with anything.”

  What’s the name of his makeup store?

  “Beauty Bee,” she says. “It’s at the mall.”

  I call Jensen.

  “Go to Beauty Bee at the Cottonwood mall,” I tell him. “Ask if there has been an influx in purchases of their gothic makeup and their neon- colored hair dye.”

  “Um, Larson?” he says. “It’s Beauty Bee. That’s the kind of shit they sell.”

  “Then wait there for whoever buys it,” I tell him. “And do what you need to do until you find one of them who admits to being a clown hired by Clay Tucker.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Just do it,” I tell him. “And let me know when you have one. Because I’ll make him take me to Riley and Drew and Caleb and James.”

  Chapter 46 – Larson

  This is it. The fucking day I’ve been waiting for for a very long time. I just never expected it would happen this way.

  I knock down the front door of Clay Tucker’s mansion and barge inside.

  “What the hell?” he says, coming forward along with several housekeepers or butlers or whatever the fuck they are.

  Jensen, Harlow, Ramsey and Blaze are with me. They surround Clay.

  Whitney, Monica and my beloved Brynn are here too, because I told them not to worry. I will get Drew and James and Caleb back, and Riley too. They have nothing to worry about anymore.

  “I heard you want me to be in jail,” I tell him. “But you’re the one who’s going to jail if you don’t do exactly as I say.”

  “What?” Clay says, feigning innocence.

  “You think I’m a dumb biker, without fancy degrees or jobs that make millions, but I’m smart enough to figure you out,” I tell him. “I know what you’re up to and it’s going to end right here. All of this is going to end.”

  He just glares at me. There’s nothing else he can do, because my figurative brothers— three of them actual brothers— are holding him back.

  “You saw me show up at your Halloween party with Brynn Elliot looking fine as fuck on my arm and you got upset,” I tell him. “You knew I was a wanted man. That people want to harm me and the law could lock me up at any minute. So you decided to take what I had, because that’s just what you felt like doing.”

  “You’re crazy,” he says, but Jensen slaps him across the face like the little bitch that he is.

  “Shut up because Larson is talking,” Harlow says.

  “All you do is take whatever is already going on and manipulate it for your own benefit,” I tell him. “Selling fashion products to a segment of the population that is supposed to be anti- consumerism and anti- standard beauty. What an ingenious idea. But you don’t just stop there.”

  He’s still glaring at me, but he knows better than to interrupt me again.

  “You took the idea of clowns terrorizing actual people and used it to make your Halloween party more creepy and fun,” I tell him. “And then, what started as a little Halloween fun, you decided to use even more for your benefit when you saw Brynn and wanted her.”

  By now the housekeepers and butler have scattered. They don’t want to stick around to see what’s going to happen and I don’t blame them.

  “You instructed your little minion clowns to find out where I was going and mess with me so that I’d retaliate and get arrested and not be able to be with Brynn,” I tell him. “But that didn’t work because your clowns are idiots and I’m stronger and smarter than they are. I fucked them up and didn’t get caught. So then you sent them to come spy on me, figure out what I’m doing and where I’m going, and wreck all my plans to be with Brynn.”

  “And here Riley thought it was her fault that Clay found out Larson was going to New York,” I hear Whitney tell Monica. “She’s going to be very glad to hear it’s not her fault.”

  “If Riley’s even okay…” Monica says.

  “Riley’s okay,” I tell her. “They’re all okay. Don’t worry.”

  I turn back to Clay.

  “You even had your clowns buying your own makeup and hair products to fit the clown role,” I tell him. “What an ingenious idea. But it lead me to finding one of them and getting him to squeal on you.”

  Clay’s face goes ash white. Just like the stupid gothic makeup he sells. I fucking love it.

  “I know your dumb clowns have Riley and the kids holed up here in the dungeon— or should I say basement— of your mansion,” I tell him. “And there better not be a scratch on them or you’re a dead man.”

  “They’re fine,” Clay says. “They’re absolutely fine.”

  “Oh my God. Yes,” says Brynn, and everyone else exhales a sigh of relief.

  “Your next plan was to send one of them to tell me that the family of the guy I got had taken Caleb, so that I’d fucking kill them or something and be locked up for good.”

  Clay is looking very sheepish right about now. Like the weasel that he is.

  “Well, it didn’t work. We outsmarted you. Brynn and I together. Because we can fucking do anything together. And our friends here help us. You are one pathetic rich dude against all of us normal people. And you are going down.”

  “Look, Larson,” Clay says, trying to weasel his way out of this. “We can make a deal. I have a lot of money. I can make things hap

  “I know we’re going to make a deal,” I tell him. “And it’s going to be my fucking deal. No room for negotiation. You do exactly as I say, or you’re going down.”

  “Okay, Larson,” he says, now at my entire mercy. Just like the family that has been terrorizing me— and now Brynn and Caleb— are as well. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “I know you will,” I tell him. “And this is what I want. First, we’ve called the police to report this kidnapping. They’re on their way. Jensen is going to go down to the basement and free the boys and Riley and take pictures to show what was done to them. You’re going to get the people holding them captive to listen to him.”

  “Of course,” Clay says. “The password is juggle.”

  “Juggle?” I almost want to laugh. “Seriously? That’s so fucking pathetic.”

  Jensen says, “Thank God. I’m on it,” as he disappears to the basement.

  Clay shrugs, looking sheepish again. He thought he was so clever but he’s just a stupid rich boy.

  “Second, you’re going to make the family of the guy I got write out a confession, saying they’re the ones that did this,” I tell him.

  “Okay,” he says. “Fine. And it’s true. They are the ones who did this.”

  “With your help though,” I clarify. “You are the one who made it possible for them be able to do this.”

  “Sure,” Clay shrugs. “But I’m not going to be signing any confession.”

  “No,” I tell him. “You’re going to be signing an agreement on behalf of your company.”


  “Brynn is going to type it up as soon as she’s reunited with her son,” I inform him. “It says that she will be running the Albuquerque legal aspect of your businesses, but she won’t be having any interaction with you. Just the board of your company.”

  Clay frowns and shrugs. He’s not happy about this, but obviously has no choice.

  “Sure, fine,” he says. “If that’s what you need.”

  “It is,” I tell him. “The agreement will say that she is getting a raise. She will be the head counsel of your companies’ legal operations in Albuquerque and will lead the in-house legal department. Which is only fair, considering that she’s worked for you this long without much thanks— as well as for her prior law firm, which she will be leaving, right honey?”

  “Most definitely,” she says. “I can’t wait.”

  “And as head counsel she can do what she wants and set her own hours.”

  “They’re going to be ten to four most days,” she says. “With Thursdays off. I hear that the Bookworks store has story time on Thursdays and I can’t wait until we can take Caleb.”

  “She will definitely give herself ample vacation time and benefits as well of course. All to be paid for by your companies’ money,” I continue.

  “Of course. Yes,” Clay says. “Anything you want.”

  “That’s what I want,” I tell him. “That’s what we want. And what Brynn and I want, we fucking get.”

  Chapter 47 – Brynn

  “Mommy!” Caleb runs into my arms and I hug him as if I thought I’d never see him again. Because that’s basically true.

  “Are you okay?” I look him up and down for scratches, bruises or marks and find none, thank goodness.

  “In basement with Riley,” he says, smiling, as if he had a ton of fun down there. “And Drew and James.”

  I press him close to me.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” I tell him.

  “Larson!” Caleb says, and starts to run to him.

  But I pull his hand and gently hold him back, because Larson is with Clay and I don’t want Caleb anywhere near Clay ever again.

  “Okay Brynn,” Larson says. “I don’t mean to mess up your happy reunion but we have a limited window until the cops get here so please get me that agreement.”

  Since Larson and I had concocted this plan in advance— we really can do anything when we put our heads, and body parts, together— I’ve already got the document but I make it look like I’m typing something up.

  “Where’s your printer?” I ask Clay.

  “The study is down the second hall and to the left,” he says.

  “Just email it to me and I’ll go print it,” Whitney says. “You can stay here with Caleb.”

  “What did you do in the basement?” I ask Caleb, hoping he isn’t scared.

  He shrugs.

  “Bite Cheerios,” he says with a smile.

  “You fed him cereal?” I ask Clay.

  “I instructed everyone down there with him to take good care of him,” Clay answers. “All of them. I wouldn’t really hurt them. You know that.”

  Whitney returns with the printed agreement and Larson says, “Shut up and sign that.”

  Clay does, just in time, because the cops have arrived.

  “I don’t even have to run away anymore when the po-po show up,” Larson jokes.

  “Is everything okay here?” one of the officers asks.

  “It is now,” Larson says. “I have the signed confessions of three of the main people responsible for this. A bunch of literal clowns who helped them do it, tied up in the basement. Photos of them having captured innocent children and their caretaker for Clay Tucker’s personal enjoyment and gain.”

  “Hey!” Clay protests. “I didn’t do anything. We made a deal, Larson.”

  “I never said I was letting you off,” Larson says. “This deal was all about me.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m confused,” the officer says. “You were telling me about all the evidence you’ve gathered?”

  “Yes,” Larson says. “And I’ve also gathered this. Monica?”

  Monica hands her phone to the officer.

  “It’s videotaped evidence of everything that’s transpired with Clay Tucker since we arrived,” she says. “Including his confession about his involvement with this.”

  “Brynn!” Clay cries, as the officer begins handcuffing him. “You can’t let them do this to me. We were supposed to be together. And I’m the reason you have a job.”

  “Nope,” I tell him, looking down at the agreement where he, as principal of his businesses, assigned me as lead in-house counsel for them. “Now Larson and I are the reasons I have a job with your companies, which I guess you can hear about if any of your board members come to visit you in prison.”

  “You guys are awesome,” Harlow says. “I tip my hat to you. You don’t put up with any… crap,” he says, looking down at the kids who are near.

  “No capola!” Caleb says, jumping up and down. “Woo hoo!”

  “Cute kid you’ve got there,” the cop says. “Good job protecting him, Larson.”

  I see Larson’s face light up with love, and pride, as it should. He’s restored his good name and is finally seeing himself as the American hero he’s never stopped being. He’s done well by Caleb and me, and he’s officially the love of my life.

  Chapter 48 – Larson

  “So this is where you want to live now that you’re here to stay, huh?” I ask Brynn, as we walk into the modest- looking house in Nob Hill that she signed rental papers on yesterday.

  “Yeah,” she says. “The school district is good for Caleb. Esmeralda has agreed to move from New York to take care of him. Her daughter just left for college so nothing is really keeping her there, and she’s happy to be able to come care for Caleb still. And this is just temporary. Had to get something fast since we didn’t really have anything set up.”

  “Well you got it in time to come on the Santa Ride with me,” I say, hoping she’ll say yes to that.

  “Of course,” she says. “I’ve been looking forward to it since you first mentioned it. Whitney said she could keep Caleb for us while we go, and now we don’t have to worry about those stupid clowns anymore.”

  “Clay Tucker is such an idiot,” I tell her, picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom. “Trying to steal my girlfriend. Instead, I’m christening t
he bed in her new rental house with her.”

  “It could be your rental house too,” she says. “You’re welcome to live here with me. Now that you can stay in one spot and have an actual address, that is.”

  We both laugh.

  “I’d like that a lot,” I tell her. “In fact, there are a lot of things I’d like.”

  I sit her on the bed and kneel down on the floor. There’s something else I’m hoping she’ll say yes to.

  “And what is that?” she says. “To start off the christening by giving me oral sex while you’re down there? Yes please.”

  “I certainly will do that,” I tell her. “But first I’d like to know if you’ll marry me.”

  I reach into my boot and pull out the diamond ring I had put in there this morning. I hold it up to her as tears form in her eyes. I’m trying my best not to keep from crying with her.

  “Oh my God, yes!” she says, reaching down and throwing her arms around me. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.”

  I scoop her into my arms and hold her.

  “Now listen,” I tell her. “If you don’t like this idea, we can go shopping and get you another ring. This was…”

  I trail off, a vision of her and my little boy running through my mind. Wherever they’re at now, I hope they’re at peace. And I can still feel them with me, propelling me to live a good life for myself, and Brynn, and Caleb.

  “Your wife’s?” Brynn asks, squeezing my arm.

  “Yes,” I tell her. “The only other woman I’ve ever loved. I never thought I’d love again. Never wanted to. But you changed all of that for me. So I would be honored if you would like to wear it. But if not, if you want to start fresh with one of your own, I understand that as well.”

  “I would love to wear it,” she says. “And I’m so glad we’re getting married. There’s nothing I’d like more.”

  “Well, there’s one thing I’d like more,” I tell her.

  She looks at me, curious.

  “What did you and Steven ever decide to do about Caleb’s custody and support situation?” I ask her. “With everything going on, we haven’t had time to talk about that very much.”


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