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Haunted Heart: A Halloween Bad Boy Romance Novella

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by Juliana Conners

  Haunted Heart

  A Bad Boy Romance

  Copyright 2016 Juliana Conners and Swann Song Books; All Rights Reserved.

  For Victoria Cabot for being your Bad Girl self. And as always, for my boys.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Brynn

  Chapter 2 – Brynn

  Chapter 3 – Brynn

  Chapter 4 – Brynn

  Chapter 5 – Larson

  Chapter 6 – Larson

  Chapter 7 – Brynn

  Chapter 8 – Brynn

  Chapter 9 – Larson

  Chapter 10 – Brynn

  Chapter 11 – Larson

  Chapter 12 – Brynn

  Chapter 13 – Larson

  Chapter 14 – Brynn

  Chapter 15 – Larson

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  Chapter 1 – Brynn

  It’s Halloween night, and I’m second guessing everything. Including this obnoxious cheerleader costume. And the way my ass is hanging out of it.

  Sure, it sends the message I’m looking for: Come and get me. I haven’t gotten laid in a long time, and tonight’s the perfect night for it.

  "Riley, I think this skirt is too short."

  I cringe as I look at myself in the mirror, and then at my best friend.

  "Don't be silly, Brynn," Riley says. "It's Halloween. It's the one time of year when there's no such thing as a skirt that's too short. In fact, Halloween is the excuse that young hot women everywhere use to flaunt their goods without feeling slutty."

  "Yeah, but that category doesn’t even apply to me anymore. I'm getting old. And frumpy."

  "No you're not. You look just as hot as you did when we'd go to Halloween parties in law school."

  "I’ve gained like twenty pounds since then."

  "So? You were hot then but you're even hotter now. Curves are the new skinny."

  I roll my eyes.

  "Remember that one time I went as a ghost? What the hell was I thinking?"

  "I think you were thinking of saving time and money," Riley replies. "You were busy with that big trial coming up in moot court— not to mention mid-terms— and it was easy to throw a sheet over your head after cutting some circles out of it for eyes."

  "That's true," I agree. Good old practical and reassuring Riley. "But I totally ruined my chance to flaunt my goods when I was younger and looked a lot better."

  I can't help but reminisce about the past, when I would get laid on the regular. I wish I could be that carefree and fun now, because I haven't gotten any in ages.

  Being a mom is the best thing that ever happened to me, even though I wasn't so sure it would be, back when I was first pregnant with Caleb. I didn't even know back then that I'd be a single mom. I was just scared and unsure— with good reason— of going through a pregnancy with Caleb's dad Brett.

  My worst fear was that he would bail on us. Which is exactly what happened. But still, I wouldn't trade Caleb for the world.

  Ever since then, though, dating and sex have been last on my list of priorities, and I could certainly stand to be fucked good and hard.

  Brett was the last person I had had sex with. And he had taken off, leaving Caleb and me in the dust. So he must not have thought it was worth sticking around for any more than we were.

  "You look fine!" Riley is still insisting. "That skirt totally shows off your hourglass figure."

  "Awww, thanks Riley." I can't help but smile at her even though I still feel that the costume is a tad too inappropriate for someone— a mother, no less— my age. "You always have a way of making me feel better."

  "Just seeing you makes me feel better."

  "I know, it's been way too long. Not since your wedding."

  "And whose fault is that?" Riley laughs, teasingly. "Ms. Big City, Big Firm lawyer."

  "I know, I know. I'm way too busy with work. And with Caleb, too."

  I look over to the play room, where my son is playing with Riley's son, Drew. To more accurately state the situation, Caleb is not playing with Drew. I've told him three times to share his truck but he just shakes his head and screams "NO!"

  Meanwhile, Drew has been glaring at Caleb in between coloring— or, should I say scribbling?— in his Sesame Street coloring book. He's younger than Drew and hasn't gotten the act of coloring down yet, but he's sure trying.

  Even though the boys are staying in tonight— Trick or Treating having already happened— they both wanted to wear their costumes. So Caleb is dressed as a monkey and Drew is Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story.

  "Speaking of Caleb," I say to Riley, "I'm sorry he's not better at sharing. I don't think that Drew likes him very much because of that."

  "He'll warm up to him," Riley says with a shrug. "They're both toddlers and therefore haven't even learned what sharing means."

  I smile at her. She's not only a good friend but a good mother too. She knows when to let things slide. She's a breath of fresh air to be around compared to my moms' group friends who freak out if their kids eat anything but organic gluten-free crackers out of expensive non-plastic, non-toxic containers.

  "Well, I'm glad you're in town and I'm really glad you invited us to this party," Riley says.

  "Of course, Love," I tell her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  My lips meet the powered makeup there and it reminds me that I haven't even put any one.

  "I think I left my makeup in your living room," I tell her. "What kind of makeup do cheerleaders wear, anyway?"

  "Lots of it!" Riley says. "But at least you don't have to worry about making yourself look like a loofah."

  Riley is wearing a short blue frilly dress reminiscent of a flamenco dancer. She can still pull it off because she has the perfect body even though it's been less than a year and a half since she's had Drew.

  "I'm glad you're wearing something pretty provocative too," I tell her. "Even though I feel so slutty in this short skirt."

  "Isn't that the whole point?" Riley asks. "As I keep trying to tell you, a cheerleading outfit is the perfect costume for a single gal to wear on Halloween. I, being a married woman, tied down to my old ball and chain, am forced to wear this embarrassing get-up. Because apparently couple outfits are obligatory for married people on Halloween. Or at least, that's what Jensen seems to think."

  I laugh.

  "I can't believe Jensen has a thing for couple costumes," I tell her. "Never would have guessed that."

  "That's my Jensen," Riley says. "Always full of surprises. Which sometimes include ridiculous costume ideas I'm forced to go along with."

  "I happen to think you look cute."

  "Yeah but you look friggin' sexy," Riley says, shooting a glance over to our kids as she says "friggin.'" "Your cleavage is amazing, your cute butt is on partial display, and you get to wear makeup that makes you look even prettier, rather than scarier like a lot of those Halloween costumes out there. And maybe you'll get lucky tonight. There's not a guy around who wouldn't want to bang a hot cheerleader like you."

  "Oh, I need to come back and get Caleb," I protest, even though I'd love to get laid.

  "Don't be silly. He's fine here. Why waste a perfectly good hotel room and a free pass to get down and dirty with a random fling while you don't have to worry about your child's well-being for one night of the year?"

  I quickly laugh it off, but I have to admit that the idea does intrigue me. One night of
passion with a random stranger is just what I need before heading home to New York— back to my long hours at my stressful firm, and to my life of single motherhood without any companionship or sex.

  Riley's right. Halloween is for single people to slut it up and have fun. And that's exactly what I want to do. I just hope I find the right guy to do it with.

  The idea is kind of scary, but that's what Halloween is about too. I need to face my fears and leap before I look.

  Hopefully someone at this party will catch me when I do. Maybe he'll be dressed as a knight in shining armor. And maybe he'll play the part of rescuing me from that drudgery and spicing up my life, if only for one night.

  What could be so scary about that? I ask myself. What's the worst that could happen?

  Chapter 2 – Brynn

  "Oh wow, look at the time," I say, quickly changing the subject both because I'm embarrassed at how much I'd love to get laid and also because I don't want Caleb to overhear this conversation, even though he's too young to understand most of it.

  I never thought there would be things I don't even want to tell Riley. But our lives have become so different since back in law school that I don't think she'd be able to understand.

  I head out to the living room where I'd left my stuff.

  "I need to put my makeup on," I tell Riley. "You're going to have to help me apply this stuff because I rarely ever wear it. And you've always known more about how to..."

  I trail off as I see the news footage on Riley's living room TV.

  "What the...?"

  "Brynn? What's wrong?" Riley calls out from the bathroom.

  "Oh my God, Riley. Come look at this."

  She joins me in the living room and we watch in horror as clowns chase after people down the street, wielding canes and clubs like weapons.

  "Wow," she says. "I'd heard about these clowns but I thought it was more, like, practical joke type stuff."

  "What exactly have you heard?" I ask her.

  "That it's something that started with a rogue group of clowns doing stupid shit but it soon spiraled a bit out of control and now there have been creepy clown sightings and clowns involved in crimes across the nation."

  "Many people thought these initial clown pranks were harmless," says the newscaster on TV, seeming to pick up right where Riley had left off. "But now we're coming to find that these clowns are no laughing matter. They're to be taken very seriously. If you see a clown tonight, don't assume it's just a normal Halloween costume. Instead, be very cautious because the clowns are getting more dangerous."

  "This has to be some kind of Halloween joke, right?" I ask Riley, mainly looking for reassurance.

  I take another peek at Caleb, who is happily playing with Drew's toys while still refusing to share his truck.

  "Or it's like, this station's attempt to get better ratings with their scare tactics masquerading at media coverage?"

  "I don't know," Riley says, shaking her head. "But I hope you're right."

  "In fact," the reporter continues, "the clowns have even begun engaging in more serious criminal behavior that has hurt local residents."

  The screen flashes to a woman sitting on a curb with her head in her hands. Her makeup is running down her face as she cries into the camera.

  "I was just standing here minding my own business when a clown ran up and grabbed my ass!" she says. "And then he grabbed my purse."

  "Is this some kind of Trump attack ad?" Riley muses out loud. "Like, here's what happens when everyone starts grabbing whatever they want? Are they going to have some parody rapper come out and start singing, 'Hide your asses, hide your purses?'"

  "Riley!" I say, sternly, hoping that our boys didn't hear her say the word "ass." But I can't help laughing just a little bit.

  Riley's been my best friend since we met on our first day of law school orientation, and part of the reason for that is because she cracks me up with her off the wall sense of humor.

  "I'm serious," she protests. "I mean, I don't even know what's real news and what's parody anymore."

  She shakes her head before continuing.

  "With the actual debates being even funnier than Saturday Night Live, and then the politicians saying the strangest things... and now there are clowns that have turned into muggers? Is it all connected? Something leading up to election day when the media is going to tell us April Fools came almost six months early this year and everyone has been playing a big practical joke on us?"

  "I really thought the clown was just a teenage kid looking for some mischief on Halloween," the woman being interviewed on TV continues. "But he ran off with my purse and then when I tried to go after him, another group of clowns came from seemingly out of nowhere and pushed me down. I've never felt so humiliated or helpless in my life."

  "Well, I don't know what's going on, but I feel really bad for this lady," I tell Riley.

  "Yeah, me too."

  She looks serious now. A slight frown crinkles her beautiful features.

  "I shouldn't make light of the situation," she says. "I just don't know what the world is coming to."

  The news camera pans back to the reporter.

  "Local police are instructing residents not to dress like clowns tonight, even though it's Halloween," he says.

  The absurdity of this statement would normally provoke a laugh out of Riley and me but right now we're dead silent.

  "If you spot any clowns, you're instructed to call 911 immediately. Have a safe and happy Halloween. And now this breaking news concludes and it's back to your regularly scheduled programming. The movie in progress is Nightmare on Elm Street."


  I stare at the momentarily black screen, until Freddy Kruger's face pops up at me.

  "Ahhh," Riley exclaims, prompting both boys to look up at us.

  "Mama," Caleb cries. His little face erupts in a scared cry.

  "It's okay, Baby," I say, rushing over to pick him up.

  I pat his back and he lays his head down on my shoulder. Even though he's nearly three years old, he still looks, acts and feels like he's my little baby sometimes.

  "I'm sorry this was even on," Riley says, going over to turn off the TV. "It certainly wasn't appropriate viewing material for toddlers! And I try not to let Drew watch any TV at all. They say it isn't good for kids under two years old. But Jensen must have left it on before he went to the store, and I didn't even notice until now."

  "It's fine," I tell her. "The boys were too busy squabbling over their toys to notice. And we were too busy talking. Just as I'm sure Jensen was too busy running out of the house to pay attention to the TV being on."

  As if on cue, we hear the sound of motorcycle engines being cut off.

  "That's Jensen now," Riley says.

  "Mo-to-cycle!" Caleb exclaims, pointing towards the front door.

  "That's right," I tell him. "Good talking! You're Mommy's big boy."

  "Vroom vroom!" Drew says, pretending to be riding a motorcycle.

  "Very good, Drew!" I praise him too.

  Being younger than Caleb, he isn't talking all that much yet.

  "Mama. Down!" Caleb squirms in my arms and then hops to the floor as soon as I bend over to let him down.

  He runs to the front door with Drew right at his heels. Suddenly they're best buddies, united in their quest to see with their own eyes the vehicles responsible for the boisterous noises their ears love to hear.

  "Hey honey,” Riley says, as Jensen enters the house.

  "There's my sexy baby mama," Jensen says, scooping her up in his arms and hugging her as she wraps her legs around him.

  "Daddy!" Drew cries, throwing his own arms around both his mother's and father's legs.

  Caleb continues to look through the screen door, pointing and saying "mo-to-cycle, go go mo-to-cycle!"

  "I missed you both so much," Jensen says, giving Riley a passionate kiss.

  "Oh, and you too Brynn," he adds playfully. "How've you been?"

I answer. "Hi Jensen."

  He grabs Riley's ass and kisses her again before scooping Drew up into his strong, muscular arms. I can tell by her flushed face and the way she squeezes Jensen's back that she loves it.

  And who wouldn't?

  I turn away to start applying my makeup in the bathroom, partially to give them their privacy and partially because I'm trying to hold back a mixture of emotions. Bewilderment. Sadness for myself but happiness for my good friend.

  And maybe even some jealousy. For what she has, and what I don't, and probably never will.

  Chapter 3 – Brynn

  When Riley told me she was dating Jensen, I couldn't quite believe it.

  "He's your client?" I asked her, trying to hold back my surprise.

  While working at her previous firm, Riley had volunteered to represent former military personnel pro bono. Some of them were accused of crimes. Including Jensen.

  "He was my client," she says. "Now he's... not. And I don't even know that we're dating anymore. Or that we ever were. It's all so confusing."

  "But he's... like... a criminal," I'd said, flabbergasted.

  I don't think the men I'd dated had gotten so much as a parking ticket.

  "He's accused of a crime," she'd said defensively. "Which, as you know as well as I do, and more than anyone else in professions other than ours, doesn't mean he's guilty of it."

  "Well, yeah," I'd said, feeling bad for my harsh judgment, but no less confused about what she saw in him. "But, you know what I meant."

  "Honestly, I couldn't believe it myself at first," she'd told me. "But something just clicks between us. Something I never thought I would feel."

  It turned out that Riley's feelings for Jensen didn't go away. They just continued to grow. I first met him when I was in town for their engagement party and I still couldn't believe she was with him.

  I mean, he was attractive. That much was clear. Attractive was an understatement. He was a beefcake with a model's face. But Riley had never been one to fall for a guy based on his looks alone.

  And this guy— Jensen— was just from a completely different world than we were. His whole job was to go to war, or train other people to go to war. He was an ex military guy.


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