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Menage: The Vampire Brothers Hunger (Menage Paranormal Romance Book 1)

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by Marsh, Beverly

  The Vampire Brothers Hunger

  Menage Romance

  Return My Heart

  Looking For My Soulmate

  (Part 1)

  By: Beverly Marsh

  © Copyright 2015 by Beverly Marsh - All rights reserved.

  All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. This document is geared towards providing exact and reliable information in regards to the topic and issue covered. The publication is sold with the idea that the publisher is not required to render accounting, officially permitted, or otherwise, qualified services. If advice is necessary, legal or professional, a practiced individual in the profession should be ordered.

  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY


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  Table Of Contents

  Return My Heart

  Chapter 1: Ultimate Sacrifice

  Chapter 2: Night School

  Chapter 3: In His Care

  Chapter 4: Fatima's Care

  Chapter 5: Morning After

  Chapter 6: The Choice of the Faithful


  Return My Heart

  Vampires and love are always a mysterious combination. But if you live in the modern world, it’s a bit harder to accept that they can live amongst us.

  Fatima never thought it was possible, but she met not one but two of them in Geom-Eun University. Saul and Gael are stuck in a blood pact that makes them brothers even if they are really not. One owes the other a great debt because of the law of returns. Saul needs to repay Gael before the century turns, or he would have to be Gael’s slave for the next century.

  Fatima would be left with very little choice when she finds herself the target of Saul’s playful smile and Gael’s stern stares.

  Meet vampires different from the ones you have seen. Nothing sparkles, and there isn’t a need to be turned!

  Chapter 1: Ultimate Sacrifice

  “If you hurt her, I will kill you.” the voice that echoed in her head was firm but a hint of desperation can be heard.

  “The dead can't be killed.” She saw the grin more than the man it belonged to. Her vision was blurry, and she felt like she was being carried somewhere in the arms of a very tall, muscular man. Fatima normally didn't let anyone carry her like that, but her limbs were heavy. She could barely move. “Don't worry now, faithful one. You are safe with me.”

  “Gael, let her go. She's mine.”

  “What was taken must be replaced. You agreed to this a long time ago.” The low voice held a bite to it. But the man referred to as Gael just smiled at her. “You were sent to me to be saved from a creature like that. You will be better off with me than him.”

  “I want...Saul.” she was forcing the words out of her mouth and could barely breathe. It was as if Saul was breathing in all the available air.

  “He took what was mine to keep. So it fits that I should get rid of the one thing that makes him feel any semblance of life.” Gael looked Fatima in the eyes and continued, “Are you ready to die, faithful one?”

  Fatima's tears fell but despite her fears she nodded. Gael's coat was flying in the wind. He lifted her a bit away from him and let her go. Fatima has always wondered what it would feel like if men could fly. She didn't realize she would know the feeling just before she plummets to her death.

  She didn’t want to die. Not today. Not when she just started to learn what it means to be alive. She just learned what it means to love.

  Gael! She wanted to scream but her throat was dry, and no sound was coming out. She closed her eyes as her tears flew up. She always wondered how she got into the mess that she was in now. That blasted choice made this happen. I really should have chosen Gael instead. But seeing him now, I think it was all for the best.

  “Falling in love is a bitch.” She all but gave up to the inevitable end of her unusual month. It’s not like she has any choice. She was going to die a virgin, and it was just that.

  “Saul!” She heard him first before she felt him embrace her. She opened her eyes and saw Saul’s face before she fainted.

  “Foolish little girl.” Gael shook his head, and his glamour faded away. He looked up and saw Gael standing by the edge with a guilty look on his face.

  “If you can’t save what you love the most, you don’t deserve to have her in the first place.” Saul knew it all too well. He has lost Bora, after all. And he wouldn’t let Fatima suffer the same fate as her. He will protect her even from herself.

  Saul appeared in front of Gael and was on his knees at once. “I am begging you. Please let me keep her.”

  “Are you really willing to do anything for this human?” Gael knows what it means to give everything up, so he knew the price. Saul never truly understood the desires of others over his.

  “Are you really willing to do anything for this human?” Saul’s face was full of anger, and he didn’t even want to look at Gael’s state. He was beside himself because Bora was lost to him. They’ve searched high and low for her. But there was no sign of her. Saul knew what happened, and he didn’t want to tell his only companion. It would be the end of everything for Gael if he knew that Bora was now one of them…

  “Anything...I will do anything.” Saul was desperate, but he meant it. He had his hands on the ground, and he was bowing so low that he was all but kissing the ground.

  “Then are you ready to die for her?” Saul looked up when Gael asked him a question that he asked his blood brother almost a century ago. Saul saw the knowing look on Gael’s face.

  “It’s still Bora, isn’t it? All of this is just for her. Fatima means nothing to you, does she?” Saul’s fangs came out from the uncontrolled rage. There were just things you do not do. And using your brother’s beloved as a hostage was one of them. But Saul forgot that Gael was turned before him. And he was taken into the darkness just before he could marry the one he loves. And then Bora, who was his only one in the darkness, was taken from him. But Saul didn’t do it. It was his fault but wasn’t his hands that caused Bora’s end.

  “You have to return her to me, Saul. There is no other way to repay your debt but that.” Gael stood before Saul in front of the Grand Jury and Saul couldn’t believe what his friend was trying to make him do. Gael’s hand was bleeding out from the gash he made on it. It healed quickly, and Gael cut himself again. Saul watched him cut his hand a couple more times before he cut his own. Once their blood joined, they became blood brothers. The blood debt must be paid before a hundred years passes. In the meantime, they were supposed to protect each other like brothers. If one died, the other’s existence would also be forfeited.

  Gael bore his own out to show that he wasn’t intimidated at all. “What I want and will do to this poor girl is all up to you!” He was being deliberately vague to get Saul into his trap. “Answer the question, are you willing to die for her or not?”

  Saul knew something now that he never thought he would know in all of his years roaming the earth. Continents and lovers in each decade never taught him this lesson. That love doesn’t conquer all. It
’s all that there is once you find it. And his life is not worth living if he doesn’t have her in it.

  Saul saw Gael stand at the edge of the cliff where Bora once stood and told him that he was the one for her. It was her choice that changed everything about his friend. And now that she was gone, he was darker than ever and more frightening. He turned to Saul, and the once grey eyes were not red from blood streaking down his cheeks. Saul vowed never to love like Gael did. It was not worth this much pain.

  “I am.” Saul stood up slowly but never broke eye contact with Gael. It was crucial to know that they were still on even grounds. It would be one hundred years in one hundred and one days. A century since Saul killed Gael’s beloved Bora. And finally Gael found the ultimate punishment to fit his crime.

  “Speak the words. Now!” Gael wasn’t about to let the chance go. Silent in his arms, he looked at Fatima knowingly. “If not, she will be your gift to me.”

  “No!” Saul was about to reach for Fatima but hit a wall of energy. Gael was pulling all the stops now. He’s done everything he could to acquire all the abilities he had now. And Saul was sure it was to prevent anyone from hurting himself and what was his ever again.

  “Doing this won’t bring her back, you know.” Saul was getting tired of it. He was doing all that he could to find someone that would replace Bora in Gael’s heart but it seems all the latter wants to do is get them in the worst possible situations. Meeting a monk who can kill the undead is definitely something that was beyond dangerous.

  Gael faced Saul and he knew what the older vampire would say “The dead can’t be killed.”

  Gael never wanted power for himself. But he has been searching for it because he’s lost her. There was no one to protect, and there was no one to love. Saul realized for the first time in almost a century, how helpless his brother had been all this time.

  With the thoughts of his past sins and the future he wanted to share with Fatima, Saul began to say the ancient words that would wretch his bond with the darkness and make him something he never wanted to be again. Weak. “To thy soul that consumes another and the shadows that protect thee, I revoke thee. What made it so must never be again. Let nothing of this Earth be known to revive thyself. Ashes to ashes I must, dust to dust I will become. I, Saul of lost time, ask this from all that is ancient and true. May the light make it so. May the darkness permit it.” He felt the strength drain away from him slowly. He could hear the noise around him weaken and the night made his eyes adjust to it. The stench of the city was making him sick, but he tried to take it, the one thing that he hadn’t had to do in a very long time. He breathed in his first human breath in almost half a millennium.

  Gael turned around and walked away, Fatima in his arms. “Come back. Bring her back.”

  “Bring her back to me safely.” Gael kissed Bora’s forehead before he let her join Saul on their mission.

  “Hope to die.” Saul crossed his heart and made the promise playfully. He didn’t know that he would bound to that promise for real.

  “You have one hundred days to be truly human. I didn’t say I would give her to you until then. Suffer well, little brother.” Gael put Fatima in his Hennessy Venom’s passenger seat and drove away. “Let’s go home, little one.”

  Chapter 2: Night School

  A month ago…

  “Geom-Eun, please take good care of me.” Fatima bowed down in front of the thresholds of her new university. Geom-Eun University has re-opened their Night Curriculum for new students, and she was able to pass the entrance exam. She needed to come in to do an orientation interview.

  “It’s going to be okay…” She kept repeating to herself. She was afraid that things would not work out with this school too. She’s been turned away from her other choices because they found out that she was a working student and might not be able to pay the tuition fees on time. They didn’t reject her upfront because she was among the Top 5% on the nation’s college entrance exam. But she felt like they didn’t bother to help her out since the major she chose wasn’t in engineering, business or medicine. She’s a music major. For them, she was just another girl who wanted to be an idol or pop star.

  “We hope that you can find a place where your needs would be met better. We are afraid that our program might not be a fit with what you wish to achieve.”

  The university had students making their way out while browsing on their gadgets. There was a clear faction amongst the different majors. The university did have one distinct feature; it had a rule for university freshmen to wear uniforms like those boarding schools in the past. Like the fresh meat didn’t have enough problems to deal with. The upper classmen walked around in their fashionable clothes while those like Fatima would have to wear the European inspired uniforms. Vests with the crest of a green dragon fighting a golden dragon as they breathe fire towards each other with the words “Lux et Tenebris” beneath them. For a whole school year, she would have to use two uniforms. She was glad to have taken them off the hands of a new sophomore. She decided that she would try to check for more people selling their old uniforms rather than buying a brand new one.

  When she arrived at the Great hall, as the covered theater was called, she felt like she was the only one who was nervous. She mentally counted the people there, and she realized there were less than a hundred. How can this program survive if it barely has any students?

  “Nervous?” She heard an even more nervous voice beside her. She turned to her side and saw a doll-faced girl with long black hair. Her hair seemed to reach her knees. Fatima tried to smile, but her lips were trembling in anticipation. “Don’t be. We all are anyway. This program is excellent, isn’t it? I’m Love Lee. My friends call me Labs.”

  “Fatima Park, you can call me Fatz.” Fatima smiled at the cute way Labs was talking. She hasn’t heard someone talk cutely in a while.

  “You’re not fat though.” Labs pouted.

  “Of course she’s not. She’s perfect.” Someone sat beside her and Labs shrieked when someone sat beside her too.

  “I’m Saul,” his gummy smile seemed to make Labs a bit uncomfortable, but Fatima was drawn to it. She smiled back at him. Labs looked at Saul then to the guy next to her. “Oh, that’s Gael. He doesn’t talk much.”

  “Don’t talk to strangers,” Gael muttered. His deep voice added to the aura that he was projecting – the kind that says – Do not talk to me, peasants.

  “I’m Love Lee. You can call me Labs.” Love reached out for a handshake, but Gael just looked at it like she was trying to hand him a handful of dung. Saul reached out to shake Love’s hand instead.

  “He’s shy. Forgive him. He’s like that in the beginning. But he’s actually a lot of fun. Deep, deep down. Deep, deep, deep, deep down, he is funny and exciting. You just have to give him a few days to warm up.” Saul was clearly trying to fix his friend up with someone. But Gael doesn’t seem to care much for it.

  “Nice to meet you, Gael.” Fatima said softly. Gael merely nodded in recognition.

  “Change seats with me, Fatz. I don’t want to sit next to a stiff.” Saul laughed at Love’s comment.

  “Oh my dear Love Lee, you have no idea.” Saul winked at them.

  “What do you mean by that, Saul?” Fatima dared to ask.

  “You will soon find out just how dark the night classes here really are.”

  A man in a dark suit walked up to the podium onstage and cleared his throat before he began. “Welcome to Geom-Eun University’s Night Department. We will now begin arranging you based on the courses that you will be taking. As this is a new program, there would be changes made within this year, and we will continue to work on what we can improve on as we go along. Please be informed that among our normal students from the past years, we will be having new civilian students this semester. The rules remain. There will be no feeding or turning of the students from that rank. Any untoward behavior that would result in a scandal or death will be punishable by Grand Jury.”

  The word
s were swimming in Fatima’s head. She looked at Love, who was also confused. Saul smiled at their incredulity. “Welcome to Night Geom-Eun, little ones.” Saul’s eyes changed from glimmering brown with gold streaks into cat-like eyes. His smile was a little different too. Fatima’s eyes became bigger when she realized he grew fangs.

  Love Lee shrieked and fainted after clutching at Fatz’ arm, but Gael caught Love’s head before it hit the chair in front of her. “Don’t faint now.” Gael’s words stopped Fatima from losing her cool. “We won’t hurt you.” Fatima was surprised that she believed him.

  Chapter 3: In His Care

  Even the promise that she wouldn’t get hurt wasn’t enough to make Fatima stop worrying. On her left was a very tall and stoic Gael carrying the fainted Love and on her right was Saul, who danced more than he walked. It was like he couldn’t walk properly and glided or moon-walked, listening to music that only he can hear.

  “He’s making me dizzy.” She couldn’t help but mutter in frustration. She heard a snort that came from Gael. She looked up at him and asked, “Is he always like…that?” Gael nodded which made her sigh.

  “He has a good heart though.” Gael didn’t speak much but when he did, it was always something that was important or deep.

  “How are you related to him, anyway? Are you best friends?” Fatima tried to take the situation at face value. Because if she fainted like Love did, she wouldn’t survive this program.

  “The program is in its revival stage. We need as many music majors to join it as possible. So we are glad that you chose to try out for Geom-Eun.” Fatima blushed because of the attentiveness of the interviewer.


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