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New Title 1

Page 34

by Thomas DePrima

  The speechmaking continued around the room, ending with Captain Payton of the Thor.

  "The Thor was, unfortunately, too far away to assist in this engagement. If we had been on our scheduled patrol route, we would probably have been able to get here in nine days, but we were on a special mission for Commander Carver that took us well away from our patrol area. I'm indeed happy that things turned out as well as they did. I've studied the battle plan and examined the sensor data, and, as Captain Powers has stated, I too would have done things differently. But I don't think that I would have had the tremendous success and miniscule losses against such an overwhelming force. I salute Commander Carver's brilliant direction during this battle."

  Jenetta stood to talk as Captain Payton sat back down, but Captain Powers stopped her with, "There's one more person to speak yet, Commander."

  Jenetta sat back down, scanning the assembled officers for the next speaker. The huge monitor on the wall behind Jenetta suddenly came to life, and a six-foot high head and shoulders image of Admiral Holt appeared and began speaking.

  "I'm sorry that I'm not there tonight to join this elite group of Space Command's finest. If the after-dinner activities have gone as planned, I'm the last to speak in praise of Commander Carver. We've examined all the reports, videos, and sensor data submitted to Space Command, and performed re-creations of the siege. No disrespect to Captain Powers, nor is any slight to his abilities intended, he knows the high regard that we hold for him, but the Admiralty Board now realizes that it was a— miscalculation, to order him to assume command of Stewart. The base was in excellent hands all along. For those of us that study tactics, and few military officers don't, the battle plan was slightly reminiscent of the plan used at the Battle of Vauzlee. I'm sure that all of you know that the engagement was commanded by Captain Gavin of the Prometheus, but some may be unaware that the tactics used in that other sensational victory were developed by then acting First Officer Lieutenant Commander Jenetta Carver. Captain Gavin decided to use her plan in the final hours before the battle, instead of one proposed by the planners at the War College. In a report to Space Command, he credited her plan with being mainly responsible for the huge success of that engagement. Commander Carver also devised the brilliant battle plans that we used at the Battle of Higgins. We were outnumbered seventy-three to seven, and managed to cut those odds almost in half within the first minutes of battle thanks to the inspired tactics of Commander Carver. It seems that the Admiralty Board forgot those little details when issuing the order that Captain Powers assume command of Stewart.

  "I don't have to tell this group of officers how important it is to a line officer to be in space. Line officers are a very special breed, and are just not happy being moored on planets or even space stations. Commander Carver is such a line officer, but she serves where sent without complaint, and serves spectacularly. Despite my objections, the Admiralty Board has decided that Commander Carver will remain on Stewart as Base Commander for a full five-year tour of duty. I'm sorry, Commander. You've done your job so well that they can't find anyone better qualified, or perhaps even as qualified."

  Jenetta could feel her heart beginning to sink.

  "But all is not bad news. The room will come to attention."

  The officers in the room were confused as to whether or not they should take orders from a pre-recorded video message but they followed Captain Powers' lead and stood up, then came to attention.

  There were a few seconds of uneasiness because the admiral had wanted to give ample time for everyone to comply. He actually allowed too much time, but Captain Powers never flinched so everyone remained at attention.

  The image of Admiral Holt finally began to speak again. "Commander Jenetta Alicia Carver, by special order from the Space Command Admiralty Board, with unanimous approval by the Galactic Alliance Council, you are immediately advanced to the rank of Captain. Congratulations, Captain. Would you do the honors please, Captain Powers?"

  Jenetta turned to face Captain Powers, who produced the proper insignia from his pocket and replaced the three bar commander insignia on Jenetta's shoulders with the four bar insignia of a captain. He then saluted her, and after receiving her return salute, said, "The room shall be at rest. As you were." He extended his hand to Jenetta and pumped hers warmly. "I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. Congratulations, Captain Carver."

  "Thank you, sir," Jenetta said, out of habit.

  "Call me Steve."

  "Of course, Steve. Thank you for all this. I assume that you arranged it all."

  "Admiral Holt actually set the format. I just went along with his wishes. But it's been my great privilege to pin on your new rank insignia. I'm sorry that you're dry-docked for a while."

  "Thank you. I'm sure that the tour will go quickly. I'll get back aboard a ship again."

  "You will if they're smart. It's where you belong."

  The rest of the officers began to crowd around and congratulate Jenetta then, and waiters emerged from the kitchen area with glasses of white wine so that everyone could drink a toast. After that, a waiter pushed a portable bar into the room for those that wanted something a little stronger. The party lasted until after midnight.

  Before going to bed, Jenetta called the bridge of the Chiron. The watch officer allowed Christa to take the personal call from the base commander. Christa immediately noticed the new insignia on Jenetta's shoulders.

  "Oh my god, is it official?"

  "Yes. Admiral Holt, in a recorded vid message, made the presentation at the end of the meal. Captain Powers actually pinned on the bars. I'm sorry that you couldn't come, but they wanted only senior officers there, and felt that your presence might tip me off that something special was in the works."

  "It doesn't matter. I'm so happy for you, sis."

  "Thanks. That's the good news."

  "There's 'not so good' news also?"

  "Yes. I have to remain on as base commander for a full tour."

  "That's not so bad. Just one tour?"

  "So far. Admiral Holt said that it's because I've done such a good job. They reward good work by assigning you to do a job that you don't want."

  "The time will pass before you know it. Have you sent a message to Mom and Dad giving them the good news?"

  "Not yet. I'll do it in the morning. I'm exhausted right now and I want to appear fresh and alert. If Dad was right, Billy may feel some slight embarrassment about my making Captain first. I want to think about that message and choose my words carefully."

  "Okay. I won't say anything to them until I know you've broken the news."

  "Okay. You'd better get back to work. See you at the gym in the morning."

  "See ya."

  The screen went blank and Jenetta pushed it down. She changed into her nightclothes, crawled under the sheets, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

  The grapevine had already spread the word of Jenetta's promotion, so no one was surprised to see the four bars on her shoulders the next morning, but everyone took the opportunity to congratulate her as she walked to breakfast and then to her office.

  Lieutenant Ashraf stood up and saluted, welcoming Jenetta with a "Captain on the bridge" announcement as she entered the empty office.

  Jenetta smiled and returned the salute.

  "Congratulations, Captain."

  "Thank you, Lori."

  "Does this mean that you'll be getting your own ship now?"

  "Not yet," Jenetta said sadly. "Admiral Holt broke the news that Supreme Headquarters wants me to complete a full tour here. Even if they count the tour as starting when I first seized the base, I'll still have three and a half more years. But they probably won't consider the tour as starting, until I was officially placed as base commander by Captain Gavin."

  "I'm sorry, Captain. I guess I thought they'd be sending a two star to take over now."

  "So did I," Jenetta sighed. "I suppose that it's a great honor–– as everyone's been telling me. There's no reason to
keep you stuck here though. I'll approve your transfer back to the Song whenever you're ready."

  "If you're not unhappy with my performance, I'd prefer to stay here with you, Captain. I still have a lot more to learn from you, and I'd like to make my transfer to your staff permanent. I know that you'll get a ship eventually, and I'd like to go with you when you do."

  Jenetta was touched by Lieutenant Ashraf's statement in the face of news that she was stuck here for probably four more years. For a line officer to be willing to ground herself to remain with a commanding officer showed great loyalty and great sacrifice.

  "I've been extremely satisfied with your performance, Lori. You've done a wonderful job here, as I knew you would. I certainly won't try to talk you into leaving; I appreciate having you here too much. But I don't want to keep you stuck on a station when you could be in space."

  "We'll get back into space again, Captain. Maybe we'll get one of the next group of new battleships. One incorporating the new engine design of the Colorado."

  "Perhaps, Lori, perhaps. You know, as base commander I'm entitled to a more senior officer as my adjutant."

  "Yes, ma'am. I'll be happy to serve in whatever other capacity you wish."

  "That's not what I meant. I noticed that you made the new Promotion Selection List for Lieutenant Commander. I'm going to contact Space Command Headquarters to see about having your position here upgraded so that we have a slot to move you into."

  "Thank you, Captain," Lieutenant Ashraf said, smiling. "That would be wonderful."

  "You're welcome, Lori. Well–– I guess that we'd better get to work. When's my first appointment?"

  "Lieutenant Commander Napole at 1100 hours. He wants to discuss the planned computer system upgrades."

  "Okay, call me when he arrives. I have a few messages to send before the meeting."

  "Aye, Captain."

  Jenetta went into her office and sat down at her desk. Raising the com panel, she pressed the record button.

  "To Annette Carver, Officer Housing, Potomac SC base, Earth, from Captain Jenetta Carver, Stewart SC base. Begin message.

  "Hi Mom, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you that I've received a promotion. I'm now the second Captain Carver from the family on active duty. In a few years time the service is going to be populated with Captain Carvers as Billy, Richie, Andy, Jimmy, Christa, and Eliza join Dad and me. By then Dad will probably be Admiral Carver though.

  "Supreme Headquarters has decided that I should complete a full five year tour at Stewart, so I guess that I won't be home for a while. I'll come back just as soon as I can though. Since Christa and Eliza are still on ships, they'll have a much better chance of getting back home before I can.

  "Everything is going well now and the Raider threat seems to have diminished even more following our recent battle for the station. The station has taken on the appearance of a small city, and looks more like Dixon every day. I guess I could think of lots worse places to spend five years.

  "I'll be sending messages to everyone else, so you don't have to forward this note. I love you and I'll come home for a visit as soon as I can.

  "Jenetta Carver, Captain, Base Commander, Stewart SC Base, message complete."

  "New message. To Captain Quinton Carver, GSC Cruiser Octavian, from Captain Jenetta Carver, Stewart SC Base. Begin message.

  "Hi Dad, by now you already know the news if you've read the 'from' address on the note. I received my promotion last night by video recorded message from Admiral Holt. Steve Powers pinned on my new bars following a dinner party of senior officers who participated in the recent battle here. I wish that you could have been here for the party. I'll send you a copy of the vid, as soon as it's edited. Right now, it's just raw footage from several cameras placed at locations around the room. My PR people will be preparing a final version for distribution to the media.

  "Admiral Holt has informed me that the Admiralty Board has decided I'm to remain here as base commander for a full tour, so I won't be seeing you for a while, unless you get re-assigned to one of my sectors. I guess that our messages will have to suffice. Perhaps once you become an Admiral, you can get me posted someplace closer to home, aboard a ship.

  "I'm going to send a note to Billy next. I want him to hear it from me, instead of on the news. Take care of yourself, Dad. I love you.

  "Jenetta Carver, Captain, Base Commander, Stewart SC base, message complete."

  "New message. To Commander William Carver, GSC destroyer St. Petersburg, from Captain Carver, Stewart SC Base. Begin message.

  "Hi Billy, I've received your latest message about visiting Eulosi to deliver the Ambassador from the Galactic Alliance Council. I think it's a shame that Eulosi has been requesting entrance into the Alliance for so many years, but was always refused because they were located just inside the old Frontier Zone. I feel that any planet in the zone should be allowed into the Alliance if they request it, but that's just my opinion. The zone is technically Alliance space, after all, even if it isn't Galactic Alliance regulated space.

  It's been great having Christa around so much, and I wish that you and the other guys could stop by for a visit. I've just been informed that Space Command intends for me to remain here for a full tour, so if you guys don't come to visit me, we can't get together. I guess that I won't be seeing Dad, Mom, or Jimmy for a while, since they're so far away. Maybe after my tour is up I can go back to Earth for a visit. Christa and I were hoping to make it back for our NHSA twentieth anniversary, but that's not possible now.

  "I'm still amazed that Supreme Headquarters wants me to remain in charge here, instead of sending a two-star, but they're really short-handed since the expansion. As you know, the recommended rank for a StratCom-One base commander is Rear Admiral, Upper Half. At a dinner party last night, Captain Powers pinned on my four bars while a presentation video made by Admiral Holt played in the background. I guess they decided to promote me in order to reduce the disparity between the recommended rank and mine.

  "There's the timer. I love you and I miss you. Take care of yourself, Billy.

  "Jenetta Carver, Captain, Base Commander, Stewart SC base, message complete."

  Jenetta had rehearsed what she would say since waking up this morning. She tried to mention the promotion without showing any emotion that would anger her brother or bruise his ego. He had been in Space Command seven years longer than she, but she had just surpassed him in rank.

  Jenetta continued recording messages, sending them to her other brothers, Eliza, her two sisters-in-law, and a dozen friends. She had finished by the time Lieutenant Ashraf paged her with the news that Lieutenant Commander Napole had arrived and that she had a message waiting. She told Lori to have the Lieutenant Commander wait for a few minutes and she played a message bearing the address of Admiral Holt at Higgins. Jenetta tapped the play button and the image of Holt appeared.

  "Good morning, Captain. I hope that I've timed this right. If I have, then this is the morning after you receive your four bars. I'm sorry that I couldn't attend the ceremony in person, but I'm sure you understand.

  "I did my best to talk Supreme Headquarters out of making you stay on at Stewart for a full tour, but I couldn't break you free. The expansion has drained our senior officer ranks as we've spread out to regulate a territory twice the size of the old one. As one of our most experienced base commanders who wasn't already assigned to a base, the Admiralty Board decided that you should remain on Stewart, despite your rank. I was able to convince them to advance you to Captain now, although you would definitely have received it before your tour was up anyway.

  "I win my bet with Admiral Hubera, by the way. I'm sure that you remember him. He was your instructor at the academy when you pulled that stunt of switching the power cables so the zero-grav lab would fill with smoke when he flipped the switch to power up the O'Connell Power-Cell Regeneration Unit. He bet that you'd never be the first of your class to make Captain, if you even made it at all."

Admiral Holt chuckled. "The man has no sense of humor.

  "I know that you really want to be aboard a ship, but it's just not possible right now. We desperately need you there. I can't overemphasize the importance of your position; and you already know how dangerous the situation is.

  "In addition to your promotion, Space Command has decided to award you the Space Command Cross for your seizure of the base and its defense against repeated attacks until additional ships could arrive. The rest of the crew of the Colorado will each receive the Space Command Star for their service. The crews of the Song, Asuncion, Chiron, and Ottawa will be receiving various medals and commendations for their participation in the defense of the base, and the wounded will naturally all receive the Purple Heart.

  "That's the end of the official stuff, Jen. Now I'd like to speak to you like a trusted uncle." Admiral Holt shifted in his seat and leaned closer to the monitor. "I can't think of anyone–– not anyone–– who I would trust more to handle that base and supervise the surrounding sectors. You have the full support of the Admiralty Board also. After reviewing the reenactment created from the CIC videos, ship's bridge videos, and sensor information, they were more than a little embarrassed about sending that message to Captain Powers. The main reason for their attempt to shift command to Steve was because of your countermanding the orders of the Thor. Its patrol route was carefully planned so that it would never be more than fifteen days from the station. Your countermand sent it sixty days away and eliminated its effectiveness as protection for the base. They considered that a case of poor judgment on your part.

  "Captain Kanes has defended your actions and explained that the missing operatives were responsible for recovering an entire transport ship full of stolen Space Command weapons. After further review, they decided that your action was not out of line, given the mitigating circumstances. I think I can assure you that they won't underestimate your abilities or rush to judgment again. Your unique position allows you to countermand Space Command orders to ships in your part of space, but I know that you won't abuse the privilege. Your proximity to the frontier means that you're susceptible to more attacks from the Raiders, so stay ever vigilant. Even though they've got to be plenty shorthanded these days, because of the way that you've consistently decimated their numbers, they're still a very serious threat to your base. And I'm sure that they'd like nothing better than to bring you down. Be very careful. Message me if you need anything. Good luck, Captain.


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