Book Read Free

Home Run

Page 25

by Heidi McLaughlin

  “Except it is when you’re scaring the shit out of my daughter.”

  I sigh in relief when Mike picks up Shea. She whispers something in his ear, which causes his face to turn red. He puts Shea back down, and she immediately grabs onto my shirt. Mike sizes up Mr. Bailey, and while Cooper’s dad is bigger, Mike doesn’t hold back. “I see that you have two options. You can either step away or I can carry you out of here.”

  If I’m not mistaken, Mike puffs his chest, and Mr. Bailey takes a step back.

  “I’m not done with you.”

  “Oh yeah, you are. Because if I find out you come anywhere near her, I’ll hunt you down and make you pay. I know who you are, and I know what went down last night. If you have a problem, I suggest you speak with your son.”

  Mike takes the waters out of my hand and steps behind me, motioning for Shea and me to walk toward the hallway that will lead us back to our seats. Once we sit back down, I start to cry, which alarms all the women around me. Mike calmly fills everyone in on what he witnessed and how he took care of it. I thank him, but it doesn’t seem to be enough. I’d like to think that Mr. Bailey wouldn’t hurt me, but I’m not so sure.

  Well, folks, that was a close one. However, the American League prevailed with a 6–5 victory over the National League, securing home field advantage for the World Series.

  Let’s hope that our Renegades will be the ones hosting! They’ll be in New York to face the Yankees, who are always a formidable foe, before having a nine-game home stand that brings Minnesota, San Francisco, and Detroit to Boston.

  The American League MVP award went out to Mike Trout, who right now is considered the best in baseball, for his three-run homer in the top of the second.

  It was a scorching day at Petco Park, but nonetheless the fans were treated to a well-played exhibition game. Let’s give a huge shout-out to the National League contingent for hosting another great event!


  It seems that the All-Star Game was a family affair this year with the Davenports welcoming a new member into their fold—Ainsley Burke—who was seen not only sporting a pretty round belly but with a nice diamond on her ring finger as she sat with the Davenports during the game. No information on the impending birth or wedding, but when staff asked Cooper Bailey about this, he smiled and said he was very, very happy.

  The cutest fan award goes to Ethan Davenport’s niece, Shea, who was often captured by the Jumbotron yelling not only at her uncle, but at the other American League players as well, even going head-to-head with Mr. Trout as he walked to the batter’s box. Mr. Trout commented after the game that no one in the business messes with Shea or they’d never hear the end of it.

  Branch Singleton’s son made an appearance and spent the day in the dugout with his father, playing batboy. Both Singletons had smiles on their faces all day.

  After every pitch, Hawk Sinclair threw the ball into the stands, making him the most popular player of the day on both sides of the fence.

  The BoRe Blogger

  Chapter 37


  One of the joys of having a few days off is being able to spend it with friends and family, and that is exactly what I’m doing now. Ainsley and I rented a convertible and are driving up the California coastline, enjoying the serene beauty.

  I look over at my soon-to be-wife, with the wind blowing in her hair and the sun shining down on her, and wonder how I got so lucky. Never in a million years did I expect to fall in love with anyone at my age. Yet here I am about to marry this woman and become a father. To say my life changed as soon as I became a Renegade would be a massive understatement.

  Reaching for her hand, I bring it to my lips and kiss it softly. When she smiles, every part of me lights up with happiness.

  “Would you ever want to live here?” I ask her over the road noise and the radio. She reaches forward to turn it down but keeps our hands together.

  “I don’t know. I’ve always been an East Coast girl.”

  “There’s no humidity here.”

  “True, but your job is in Boston.”

  “It doesn’t have to be,” I remind her. I’m still uneasy about Wes being her father and have talked to my agent about a potential trade. If one does happen, it’ll be after next season when I can have solid numbers under my belt. However, being selected to the All-Star Game was a serious boost to my career and definitely something that other teams could use to their advantage in negotiations.

  “We’re a family, Cooper. We go wherever your career takes us.”

  “And what if I decided to stop playing baseball?”

  Ainsley lifts her sunglasses and rest them on her head and does the same to mine. “Without crashing the car, look me in the eye, and tell me that you want to quit baseball.”

  I try to, but I can’t. Quitting baseball is the last thing I want, but I want her to know that the option is there.

  “Besides, Twenty-Five, I happen to enjoy watching you in your uniform.”

  I’ve had many nicknames throughout my years, but twenty-five is by far my favorite. She doesn’t call me it often, but when she does, it’s an instant hard-on for me. “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to start coming to our games?”

  “I am,” she says as she puts both our sunglasses back down. “And I’m going to be as big as a whale when I do it, so you may want to get me two seats. Better yet, a recliner would be nice.”

  I laugh wondering what Ryan Stone would think if I put in a request for a recliner, then I remember his wife is pregnant, too.

  “You know, I could always see if you can sit in the luxury suite with Hadley?”

  Ainsley shakes her head. “Nah, I’d be too busy being a fan girl and comparing bellies. I’ll rough it with Daisy.”

  I continue to hold her hand even after she falls asleep. It seems that her stomach has grown in size ever since we found out we’re having twins. The best part is that the babies are active, and when I talk to them, they like to kick. Ainsley says it doesn’t hurt, but I can’t imagine it feels all that great, either.

  After the game, Ainsley told me about her run-in with my father and how Mike came to her rescue. I’ve thanked him, but it’s not enough, and I plan to make sure he knows how appreciative I am once we get to Disneyland.

  I wake Ainsley when we pull into the hotel, which is located in Disney. When she told me that she had never been to Disney World, even after living in Florida her whole life, I knew we had to fix this.

  “Holy Batman,” Shea yells as she gets out of Ethan’s car. “Unc, do you see this place?” The Davenports’ car pulls in behind us.

  “I do, Shea, and I think everyone here now knows you’ve arrived.”

  “Come on, Flower,” she says to Daisy, which is what Shea calls her aunt. “Mickey Mouse is waiting for me.”

  As Ainsley and I get out of the car, Shea continues to prod anyone who might be willing to take her to Disney now as opposed to later. Our plan is to get dinner and be there in time for their nighttime parade before tackling the entire park tomorrow. If I had any reservations about hanging with the Davenports, those were squashed when Mrs. D accepted the both of us with open arms and handed Ainsley two blankets for the babies.

  “I think I’m going to skip the parade,” Ainsley says after we check in. From the second I opened the hotel door to our suite, she’s been curled up in bed.

  I crawl in next to her, pulling her back to my chest. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Just tired.”

  “I’ll let Ethan know we’re staying in tonight. Besides, we have a big day tomorrow.” I text Davenport, letting him know that we’ll see him tomorrow, and set my phone on the nightstand before reassuming my position behind Ainsley. My hand rests on her belly, and the kicking starts. It feels harder now than it has the past few days.

  “Are they hurting you?” I ask, as I press my lips to her shoulder.

  “Today, yes.
They’re growing so much.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I continue to kiss her until she turns and meets her lips with mine. It doesn’t take long for things to get heated and for clothes to be shed. Sex, as of late, has been interesting, as we find positions that work and keep me off her midsection. Creativity has been an adventure. My new favorite position is spooning.

  “You feel so good.” The words tumble out of my mouth as I enter her, pushing her bended leg forward with my hips. I’ll take this over the Starlight Parade any day. I make love to Ainsley, slow and with as much emotion as I can pour into us. The only time I’m not looking in her eyes is when I’m kissing her, and I hope that she knows how much I love her.

  “I love you, Cooper.” Her words are my undoing.

  * * *

  It’s a little-known fact that you can get married in front of Cinderella’s Castle if you’re in Florida, but when you’re in Anaheim, you get married in front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle.

  When I suggested to Ainsley that we visit Disney with the Davenports, there was a twinkle in her eye that I hadn’t seen before. We hadn’t discussed a date, let alone set one, so I did some research and found the best place to hold a small ceremony. However, nothing I saw online is what I wanted to give to her. So after a few phone calls and a lot of name dropping, and with the promise of being able to use my image for promotional pieces, I was told we could get them to agree to close Sleeping Beauty’s Castle for a little while so we can get married in front of our friends and family today.

  Even though I thought this would be intimate, it’s anything but. Once people figured out who we were after staring at Ethan and me for a bit, they quickly realized something was about to happen and started gathering. The fans are even asking us questions, which go unanswered. They want to know what we’re doing here. In hindsight, I should’ve planned it better, but I didn’t want a quickie wedding at the Justice of the Peace; I wanted to make this one memorable. We’ve talked about having another ceremony after the twins are born and she’s comfortable fitting into a wedding dress.

  As we wait for Ainsley and Wes to show up by horse-drawn carriage, Ethan and I stand here in casual wear. She didn’t want anything fancy and balked at the carriage, but I asked her to appease her inner princess and take it for a ride. Besides, Shea was excited to get dressed up like Cinderella and ride in it, and I didn’t want to disappoint her.

  I stand tall when I hear the clip-clopping of the horse hooves and see the carriage come into sight. This is just like the movies with the coachman on the back. Once the horses stop, he jumps to help Ainsley out of the carriage. Daisy, Shea, and Wes get off first before Ainsley comes into view. By all accounts, Stella should be here, but a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity came up, and Ainsley didn’t want her to miss it. I suggested we postpone and wait until after the babies arrive, but both women were adamant that we be married before their birth.

  I didn’t know what she’d wear, and now I feel underdressed. I expected a dress, but she looks radiant in the white summer gown that is flowing in the small breeze. Her bouquet is white and pink, while Daisy and Shea carry pink flowers.

  Shea walks in front of her, followed by Daisy, who is filling in for her best friend Stella, with Wes walking Ainsley up the makeshift aisle to meet me. The cameras from the onlookers are snapping away, and they will undoubtedly provide us with enough photos on the web that we won’t have to post any of our own.

  “This is really over the top,” she says when she reaches me.

  “It’s fun, and we’re making memories. Besides, how many people can say they were married at Sleeping Beauty’s Castle?”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t know. Not many, I suppose, since I thought this was Cinderella’s.”

  “It’ll be something to laugh about with the kids when we bring them here.” I wink, hoping to ease the tension.

  The minister starts in on his spiel, noting that we’re giving ourselves to only each other, and that by joining in marriage, we’re promising that we’ll be true to our solemn vow.

  “Do you, Ainsley Burke, promise to love, honor, and cherish Cooper until death do you part?”

  “I do,” she says with a smile on her face.

  “Do you, Cooper Bailey, promise to love, honor, cherish, and obey Ainsley until death do you part?”

  My brows furrow as I look him, but he shrugs and nods toward Ainsley. When I look at her, she’s beaming.

  “Obey, huh? You want to boss me around?”

  “Just a little.”

  I shake my head, unable to contain my grin. “I do.”

  “By the power vested in me by the great state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I scoop her up and twirl her around, much to the delight of the crowd.

  “I love you, Mrs. Bailey.”

  “Ah, I like the sound of that, Mr. Bailey.”

  I set her down, only for us to be mobbed by our friends. When I catch a glimpse of Wes, he’s wiping at the tears falling down his face. I didn’t know how much of a part Ainsley would ask him to play in the ceremony, but I’m glad he walked her down the aisle, especially since Stella couldn’t be here.

  We walk down the aisle, pausing when we get to the end. Fans clamor in front of us to get pictures. This is the least I can do for interrupting their vacation. When more questions are sent our way, Daisy takes it upon herself to answer on our behalf. I don’t remember what Ethan says she does for work, something in publicity, though, so I’m confident in her ability to help us.

  The Disney staff shows up, guiding us through the crowd and into City Hall on Main Street, where we officially sign our marriage certificate. Watching Ainsley sign her name with my last name does something to me, and it’s hard to explain, but one thing I know for sure is that there won’t be that many moments that will top it.

  It’s with heavy heart that we bring you this news.

  One-time Manager Cal Diamond has passed away due to injuries he sustained in a car accident on the Tobin Bridge. Eyewitnesses reported seeing Diamond’s car slam into the jersey barrier, head on, and did so without an attempt to swerve. It’s being speculated that he suffered a massive heart attack behind the wheel. Fortunately, no one else was injured.

  Diamond retired suddenly earlier this season due to health-related issues. At the time of his death, he was waiting for heart surgery. It is unknown why the surgery had been put off.

  Our hearts go out to the Diamond family.

  Tonight’s game has been postponed.

  The BoRe Blogger



  “Are you sure you’re able to travel? Dr. Chen seemed to think that you’d go early.” Ainsley rolls her eyes as she walks away from me. I’ve had a few injuries in my life, but none of them can even begin to compare to the amount of discomfort she’s in. She’s three weeks away from her due date, her back is arched—and not because I’m giving her pleasure—and she waddles. Bainbridge tried to demonstrate this pregnancy walk, but Ainsley’s puts his attempts to shame.

  “I’m fine,” she yells out from the babies’ nursery. I follow her into the room, which is done in soft yellows, blues, and pinks. The room is a hodgepodge of baseball, butterflies, and teddy bears, and topped off with an abundance of love. Two large pictures hang on one wall, each of our mothers. We want the twins to know that, if they were here, the babies would be loved and spoiled beyond belief. Not that Ainsley and I don’t plan to spoil them ourselves.

  Ainsley messes with the clothes we plan to bring the twins home in, folding and refolding them, pausing every few seconds to rub her back. We’re supposed to leave for Florida later this afternoon to go tie up some loose ends with her mother’s estate and to see Stella, but I’m second-guessing whether Ainsley should travel or not.

  I go to her and start massaging her shoulders. Her neck falls to the side, and she moans, sending a jolt of electricity right to my cr
otch. We haven’t been able to be intimate in about a month. She’s pleased me in other ways, but I haven’t been able to do the same for her, and I hate it.

  “Hmm,” I hum into her neck. Her skin blazes under my touch, something that hasn’t gone away. I love how she’s always so responsive to me, even when she’s angry because of something I’ve said or done. I work the kink out in her neck, hoping that this will make her feel better.

  “Do you want me to help you pack?”

  She nods, leaning back into my embrace. Taking her by her hand, I lead her back to our bedroom and sit her down on the bed.

  “Are you sure Dr. Chen said this was okay?” I ask again. It’s not that I don’t trust her. I’m finding it hard to believe that someone this pregnant can fly. “I really think we should cancel this trip, babe.”

  “I have to go. The new buyers want to close early.”

  “I get that, but Stella can do it. You can transfer power of attorney to her.” It’s taken longer than anyone expected for her mother’s condo to sell, and when a suitable offer finally came in, Ainsley made plans to go back to Florida to complete the sale.

  “I know. I just wanted to see Stella.”

  I get down on my knees and position myself between her legs. With my hands on her hips, I try to massage her muscles there as well. “Stella will be here when the babies arrive. She’s promised you that. I haven’t known her long, but she’ll keep her word. Plus we’ll be back in Fort Myers in two and a half months. I think you’ll end up going only six weeks without seeing her.” Leaning forward, I kiss her bulging belly, holding my lips there as long as possible.

  I can’t wait to meet the twins. For the past few months, they’ve been so active, causing Ainsley to be nauseated, that I really want this pregnancy to be over for her. She’s been a trooper, never complaining and never missing a game after the All-Star break. She and Daisy have even become close.


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