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Warrior Spirit (The King of Ireland Book 1)

Page 29

by Jean Carroll

  “Pretty big guy is he?” Officer Gruber and his partner looked at each other. The other two cops stood there not saying anything.

  “Not particularly, he’s just strong and he was a bit pissed at this guy for attacking his fiancée.” Keary answered.

  “So none of you actually saw what was transpiring between this guy and the fiancée.”

  “No, when we got here, the fight had already started. Meg was pretty beaten up; her throat was bruised; she told me Bobby was choking her. Her blouse and bra had been ripped off,” Keary told him.

  “Mr. O’Brien wants him charged with assault, attempted rape and attempted murder,” Sean said.

  “Oh he does, does he? Well, we’ll see,” Officer Gruber said sarcastically.

  Oh, Christ, Sean thought, This is going to be bad.

  “Hey, Tommy, call an ambulance for this guy. What about the fiancée? She should go to the hospital and they’ll do a rape kit on her,” Gruber said.

  “I think Mr. O’Brien will prefer to take her himself,” Keary said, rolling his eyes at Sean.

  “I don’t know that it’s up to him when she goes. I’ll decide that.”

  “Oh fuck, Keary, Blackie’s going to wind up in jail if he deals with this guy,” Sean said under his breath to Keary.

  “I know. I can feel this turning bad already. We need to keep Blackie under control or they’ll arrest him for sure.”

  “Do you two have something to say?” Gruber said to them, belligerently.

  “No, we’re good,” Keary, said, with a fake smile.

  “You guys can leave; I’ve got this under control.” Gruber said to the other two cops, who gave him a disgusted look and left.

  “After the ambulance leaves, is there someplace we can sit and get statements from everyone including Mr. O’Brien and the girl?”

  “Yes, we can go up to the house,” Keary said.

  “Is that where Mr. O’Brien and the girl are?”

  “Yes and her name is Meg Connors.”

  “Connors? What’s that? Irish too?”

  Just then the ambulance came blaring to a stop in front of the barn.

  “That dumb fuck! We’re in big trouble here, Keary. Blackie’s not going to like any of this and the mood he’s in, he’s not going to be submissive,” Sean whispered to Keary.

  “Are you two whispering again?” Gruber snarled.

  “What? It’s against the law to talk to one another? Are we under arrest or prisoners?” Keary said getting pissed.

  “I’m conducting an investigation here, so talk to me or not at all,” at this statement Gruber’s partner rolled his eyes at them and shook his head.

  Sean made a move toward Gruber but Keary stopped him.

  “Christ is that all you ‘micks’ ever do is fight?” Gruber said.

  “There’s no need to make racist remarks, officer.” Keary said through his teeth.

  “Yeah, right,” Gruber said with a smirk on his face.

  As soon as the ambulance left, Gruber wanted to go up to the house. Keary made a motion for Casey and Ned to follow and all six of them proceeded up to the house.

  * * *

  When Blackie left the barn, he ran up to the house, in the door, through the kitchen and dining room, ending up in the TV room. There was Katie sitting on one side of Meg, Jill on the other. She was wrapped in a blanket and sobbing. He stopped in the doorway and looked at her with an agonized look.

  “Oh, God, honey,” she sobbed, holding her arms out for him. Jill moved over so he could sit next to Meg. He grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her almost crushing her.

  “Meg, I’m so sorry. I should have protected you. I never should have left you alone.”

  “What are you talking about? I called your name and you came and saved me. Like magic! I fought and fought as hard as I could. I was almost done for and you showed up and rescued me. Blackie, honey, you saved my life. He was choking me and I couldn’t breathe,” she told him, holding his face in her hands.

  “Oh, God, look at your jaw. Honey, your eye is almost swollen shut. Jesus, your throat is all bruised. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he said hugging her to him and stroking her hair.

  “Meg, you better show him now,” Jill said gently.

  “Show me? Show me what?” he said looking at Jill, then back at her.

  Meg opened the blanket so he could see the bite marks on her breasts. Three deep ones, one right next to her nipple.

  Blackie squeezed his eyes shut and looked so tormented she was sorry she had shown him.

  “That fucking bastard. I should have killed him when I had the chance.” He pulled her onto his lap, cradling her gently as she sobbed against him.

  “You’re safe now, Meg,” he said kissing her forehead. He held her for a long time and just let her cry.

  “Jill, she needs to go to the hospital,” Blackie said.

  “No, no,” Meg wailed. “I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you,” she said pushing herself tighter against him.

  “Meg, honey, I’ll take you as soon as I’m done talking to the cops. I need to go anyway.”

  “Why do you have to go?” Katie asked.

  “I’m pretty sure I broke my hand,” he said holding up his right hand that was bloody, swollen and turning blue.

  “Oh, God, your hand, honey, does it hurt?”

  “It does, yes. But I’m worried that you have a broken jaw and we need to get those bites looked at too.” He said pulling her against his chest again. He looked at Jill with tears in his eyes.

  “Blackie, she’s going to be fine, honey,” Jill said to him and he nodded.

  Keary called Jill from the dining room and she went out; coming back in a minute.

  “Blackie, the police are here and want to talk to both of you,” she told him.

  “I’ll talk to them. She’s not going to give a statement until she calms down and we’ve been to the hospital,” he said firmly and tilted her head up.

  “Meg, I need to go talk to the police.

  “No, don’t leave me. I’m scared.”

  “Honey, you’re safe. Jill and Katie are here. I’ll be just in the other room with the guards. I won’t be long,” he said, unwinding himself from her grasp.

  “Katie, are you okay? You don’t need this upset. You’re about to have your baby,” Meg said.

  “Just relax, Meg, I’m good.”

  * * *

  As Blackie walked into the dining room, every cell in his body had attitude.

  Oh shit, Sean thought, he’s in no mood to put up with these two dumb-ass cops. Blackie looked at the cops a second, flicking his eyes to Keary.

  “Be cool,” Keary said in Gaelic.

  “What did you say? What language was that?” Gruber asked belligerently.

  “I just said hello in Gaelic,” Keary told him.

  “What, can’t he speak English?” Gruber said, smirking again.

  “I speak English, Officer. I’m Blackie O’Brien. I’d shake hands but my hand seems to be broken.” He said standing there, looking very dangerous and intimidating.

  I can’t believe how big, tough and mean he can look when he wants to, Sean thought, looking at Blackie.

  “You broke your hand?” Sean said and Blackie held it up.

  “Oh shit, let me get some ice.” Sean came back with ice for Blackie’s hand.

  “Here sit down and I’ll put this on it.” Sean told him.

  Blackie sat down slowly. Sean knew this was deceptive because he knew how fast Blackie could move.

  “Get ready,” Keary said to Sean in Gaelic, as he moved over and stood between Blackie and the cops. Sean took a chair in the same vantage point.

  “Hey, you two, no more ‘mick’ mumbo-jumbo!” Gruber yelled.

  “What the fuck did you say?” Blackie growled.

  “Forget it,” Keary said. “Take it easy.”

  “Okay, Mr. O’Brien, can you tell me your version of what happened?” Gruber said.

ckie stared at him for a minute before answering.

  “I was here when I thought I heard someone call me. I listened and heard it again. When I found out Meg wasn’t here, I realized it was her and ran down to the barn. When I got there, Bobby was on top of her strangling her. Her blouse and bra were ripped open. I grabbed him, yanking him off her and we started fighting.”

  “You couldn’t have heard her from here,” Gruber sneered.

  “I have exceptional hearing,” Blackie told him.

  “Did she have her underwear on?” Gruber asked.

  Blackie stared at him with obvious dislike. He finally answered.

  “She had her jeans on and zipped up. His pants were open and he was, let’s say, ‘Ready to go.’ That’s why I kicked him in the nuts. I couldn’t resist.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “We continued fighting. I pounded him pretty good, the bastard. Then the lads pulled me off him and I came up here to see to Meg.”

  “Can anyone verify you’re story?”

  “What do you mean?” Blackie asked.

  “I mean, how do I know that you didn’t walk in on her fucking the guy and attacked them both …

  Blackie was out of the chair so fast it still took Keary and Sean by surprise. They blocked him just before he reached Gruber.

  “Blackie, you need to take care of Meg. You don’t have time to go to jail,” Keary said.

  “You better shut your fucking mouth, asshole,” Blackie yelled at Gruber.

  “For chrissake, Gruber! You’re an idiot! You’re going to mess with this guy? What, are you stupid? Look at him. Do you want to wind up looking like the guy lying in the barn?” Grubrer’s partner, Tommy, exclaimed.

  “Shut up, you’re undermining my authority,” Gruber retorted.

  “Authority! You don’t have any authority over these people. You’re supposed to be helping them. This man’s girlfriend was assaulted!”

  “Shut up, Tommy! “I’m not afraid of him. I’ll cuff him and take him in for assaulting a cop.”

  “Yeah, I’d like to see you cuff him,” Tommy snorted.

  “Shut up Tommy! Sit down, Mr. O’Brien.”

  “I’ll sit down when I fucking feel like it,” Blackie said. Sean and Keary were barely able to contain him.

  “Okay, Mr. O’Brien, let’s have your girlfriend come in and give her statement,” Gruber ordered Blackie.

  “She’s not doing any such thing. After I’m done with you, I’m taking her to the hospital,” Black growled.

  “I’ll have a police woman take her so they can do a rape kit on her.”

  “She wasn’t raped!” Blackie yelled.

  “If you don’t bring her in here, I’ll go get her,” Gruber warned.

  “To get her, you’ll have to go through me,” Black said through clenched teeth.

  “What are you stupid, Gruber?” Tommy said with a smirk.

  There was a knock on the door and Casey answered it. It was Captain Leary from the Richmond Police.

  “Christ, here comes the rest of the Irish,” Gruber whispered to Tommy.

  “Did you say something, Officer Gruber?” Captain Leary asked him.

  “No, sir.”

  “He did, yes. He said ‘Christ, here comes the rest of the Irish’,” Blackie told the Captain. Gruber gave Blackie a dirty look.

  “I told you I had great hearing.”

  “Gruber, these people are friends of mine. What’s going on?”

  “Mr. O’Brien here just threatened me,” Gruber said giving Blackie a victorious look.

  “I got a call that there was trouble out here. What happened, Blackie?” the Captain asked him.

  “This guy tried to rape and murder Meg. She’s all beat up. I caught the guy and cleaned his plow.

  This asshole just insinuated that I caught them having sex and beat them both up.”

  “Are you kidding me? Is Meg okay?”

  “Well, I want to take her to the hospital but this jerk is insisting she’s going to give a statement.”

  “He’s been making all kinds of racist remarks against the Irish, Sir,” Casey piped up.

  “Gruber, get out of my sight. You’re relieved of duty. I’ll talk to your Captain in the morning. Now get the hell out of here.”

  Gruber and Tommy got up and left.

  “Blackie, Keary, I apologize for that idiot. I’ll deal with him tomorrow. What can I do to help?” The Captain asked.

  “I just would like to be able to take Meg in to give a statement in a couple days. She needs to go to the hospital right now. She’s hurt and she’s hysterical. I can’t let her be put through an

  interrogation right now,” Blackie said.

  “Of course, you don’t have to rush. Whenever she’s ready. What are you charging this guy with?” Leary asked.

  “Assault, attempted rape and attempted murder. You should see the bruises on her throat

  from him choking her,” Blackie said.

  “Do you mind if I just quickly take a look at her injuries myself?”

  Blackie hesitated a minute and then said, “Let me ask her first. She knows you, so I don’t

  think it’ll be a problem. Uh ... he bit her breast too. I’d rather she didn’t show you that.”

  “Mother of God! That bastard!”

  Blackie left to go back and talk to Meg. She was curled up with Jill and Katie, shivering under a blanket.

  “Honey, how are you doing? Do you remember Captain Leary?” She nodded.

  “Is it okay if he comes back and looks at your bruises? He doesn’t need to see the bite marks.”

  “Yes. He’s a nice man.”

  “Okay, I’ll bring him back,” Blackie left and came back in a minute with Captain Leary.

  “Meg, I’m terribly sorry this happened. I don’t mean to intrude but I need to see your

  injuries.” He knelt down in front of her and looked at her face and throat, frowning.

  “Christ, how could any man do that to a woman? I don’t get men like that. Thank

  you, Meg. I hope you feel better soon.”

  “You’re welcome and thank you.”

  * * *

  The Captain and Blackie walked back to the dining room.

  “Blackie, I have to ask. Was she raped?”

  “No, thank God. He was choking her into submission so if I hadn’t shown up, he would

  have. She fought hard. She’s little but she’s feisty. She doesn’t take any shit from me,

  that’s for sure.”

  “Ah, a brave woman, indeed.” Leary said and took his leave.

  Blackie slumped down in a chair, covering his eyes with his good hand.

  “Fuck!” he said slamming his fist on the table. “Ouch! Damnit!”

  Keary sat down next to him, putting an arm around him.

  “Come on buddy, she’s going to be fine.”

  “I can’t stand the thought of him even touching her much less beating her up and ... Shit!”

  “She’s a tough lady, she is. She’ll be grand in no time,” Casey said.

  “Yeah, you got him good, Blackie,” Ned added.

  Blackie raised his head up. “Thanks, guys. Thanks for keeping me out of trouble.

  I don’t need to be in jail right now.” Sean handed him a beer.

  “Thanks,” Blackie said and drank half the bottle.

  “How’s your hand?” Sean asked.

  “Throbbing like a son-of-a-bitch.”

  “You guys should probably get to the hospital, if she’s up to it,” Sean said. “We can drive you in the SUV or Jeremy can take the limo. Your hand isn’t looking too good.”

  Blackie looked at his hand. It was still swollen and shades of red, black and blue.

  “Shit, I guess so. Okay, let me go talk to her. She’s pretty upset.”

  * * *

  After getting home from being treated, they decided to spend the night at the house.

  The next morning she could hardly move and he didn’t sa
y anything but she knew his hand was painful. They went down to breakfast and were greeted with wonderful news from Keary. Katie went into labor during the night and was at the hospital with Sean and Jill.

  There wasn’t any news yet. They were so excited they forgot about their troubles. While they were eating, Sean called with the news – he and Katie had a son, 7 lbs. 6 oz.

  They named him Patrick after their little brother who died. They cried a little and laughed, then got ready and went to the hospital to see the new baby.

  Little Patrick was adorable! He had blue eyes, red hair and looked like Katie. Sean was so

  excited, handing out cigars to all the guys. He was very funny and sweet. Blackie was happy for

  Sean and Meg could tell he was instantly in love with Patrick as soon as he saw him, just like little Maeve.

  Meg knew she wanted to give him a child as soon as possible. He was adamant that they

  needed to be married first, but he still hadn’t given her the ring or set a date. It made her sad.

  She didn’t know why he was waiting. She wanted to get on with their lives. She had no doubt that he loved her, there was just something stopping him.

  Sean and Katie brought the baby home the next day. The three of them settled in their cottage and kept to themselves, enjoying their new family time together.

  Meg was still shaky and spooky from the attack. Blackie tried to comfort her as much as possible. He tried to gently make love to her one night, but she couldn’t relax He said they should wait and just held her.

  They went to the police station and gave their statements. Bobby had filed an assault charge against Blackie, so at some point they’d have to go to court. Blackie called Duncan and explained the situation. Bobby was going to be in the hospital for a while with extensive injuries.

  Duncan asked Blackie to pack the horses up and send them home in their van. He mentioned he had fired Bobby and was glad he was in the hospital.


  Meg’s life with Blackie moved at a fast clip, everything falling into place. He happily worked hard every day with the horses; winning every class he entered with the new Swedish gelding, ABBA. People called to work with him and he added two new students besides Jamie and Curt who now helped with less experienced students. Blackie bought a new, humongous nine-horse van, so they could go to the shows together.


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