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Warrior Spirit (The King of Ireland Book 1)

Page 31

by Jean Carroll

  “Yes, he’s doing very well. Here’s Keary. Keary, look who’s come to visit.” Jill said, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

  Keary looked up from his lunch, choked and stared.

  “Keary.” Jill said more firmly.

  Keary stood clumsily and muttered, “Lady Victoria, my goodness. What a surprise,” he said, regaining his composure and moved forward to hug her.

  “Keary, hello. Good to see you. Sorry for the unannounced visit. I’ve been up in Maryland looking at horses and thought I’d stop in. I called Sunday, but he wasn’t home.” Vicky said, a huge knot in her stomach as she looked at the young woman sitting at the table. The girl was delicately beautiful and didn’t look happy to see her.

  Uh-oh, Vicky thought. She already knows who I am and is going to be territorial. Hmm, just as I used to be about that scoundrel. Figures. Can’t say that I blame her.

  “Oh, Vicky. This is Meg Conners, Blackie’s friend. Meg, this is Lady Victoria Rupert.”

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” Vicky said.

  “Hello.” Meg said, quietly and sized up this woman from Blackie’s past.

  She’s gorgeous. Of course she is, damn him. I can’t believe I’m actually meeting one of them. I wonder how he felt about her. She certainly wasn’t just casual sex. Keary said he had an affair with this woman. That sounds serious to me. Crap! She’s got a title and everything. How can I compete with that? Dig the snooty accent too.

  “Keary, maybe you should call down to the barn and tell him Vicky’s here.” Jill suggested with a look.

  “He’ll find out soon enough,” Keary said, his mouth twitching to barely conceal a smile.

  Jill rolled her eyes at him.

  Vicky took a seat across from Meg.

  “Vicky, would you care to join us for lunch. You must be hungry.” Jill offered.

  “Thanks but I couldn’t really” Vicky said, looking sidelong at Meg who had a scowl on her face.

  Great. This was a big, stupid mistake, she chastised herself. This is going to cause trouble for him with this girl but I need to tell him what happened.

  Just then Sean and Blackie came stomping into the kitchen, laughing.

  “Dude, that is a nasty joke,” Sean said, chuckling.

  “It is, yes, but don’t repeat it.” Blackie told him.

  They washed up in the kitchen and Sean walked into the dining room and stopped.

  “Mother of God!” he exclaimed and Blackie bumped into his back.

  “Sean, what the hell …?” He stopped when he saw Vicky and just stared.

  Sean moved sideways, glanced at Blackie and then back to Vicky.

  “Uh ... hey Vicky. What’s up?” Sean said, stupidly and sat down.

  Meg did not like the look that flashed between Blackie and this woman.

  Is something still there?

  Vicky was struck dumb. She had forgotten the very physical reaction she always had when she saw him. This was like a thunderbolt.

  God, he looks amazing, she thought, when her mind started to work again. He looks even more incredible now and he’s gained weight. Looks like all muscle.

  She searched for something wonderful to say to him but came up with, “Hello, Blackie.”

  He just continued to look at her another minute and Vicky noticed the uneasy glance he gave Meg.

  “Well, Vicky, what brings you all the way over here? England closed for the summer?” He blurted.

  He just stood rooted to the spot and Vicky didn’t know what to do at this point. He was starting to get that belligerent look that she remembered clearly.

  “Blackie, you look wonderful. I heard you were riding again so I ...

  “I didn’t look so hot two years ago,” he said, scowling at her.

  “Blackie,” Keary said quietly.

  “Leave him be, Keary.” Jill warned.

  “Blackie, I’m sorry it’s been so long, but ...

  “So what brings you around now? You never once called to see how I was, damnit.” He said and Meg could see there was hurt in his eyes along with the anger. She was suddenly angry as well as jealous because this woman hurt him.

  God, I’m just as ridiculously protective as he is.

  “I wanted to call but I was afraid.” Vicky said, looking at her hands.

  “Afraid of what?” He snapped.

  “I was afraid you were crippled and I couldn’t stand seeing you like that,” she said, her eyes welling with tears.

  “Christ! How do you think I felt thinking about it for more than a year? No one thought I’d ever walk again. It was a real bitch, Vicky, but I can’t complain now. So why weren’t you at the hospital?”

  “I went to the hospital, damnit, but that blonde slut was there. You had to throw her in my face, didn’t you?” Vicky yelled, getting loud.

  “Oh, really. Well, good old Dickey was back in town for the Festival, wasn’t he?” Blackie snarled.

  “But you knew how things were. How could you bring her with you? You knew what you meant to me.”

  “I knew exactly what I was, revenge for Dickey’s little escapades.” He yelled.

  “You knew how much I cared,” she said, her bottom lip trembling.

  Blackie shot a look at Meg and sighed. “Christ, Vicky, stop it. This is starting to sound like a lovers’ quarrel and we’re done. We were done a long time ago,” he said, looking seriously at Meg.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t come here to bring up old stuff with you. Anyway, Dickey and I are back together and I’m pregnant,” she said, smiling.

  “Pregnant! Hey, that’s great. Congratulations. Uh ... is Dickey behaving himself?”

  “Yes. Actually everything is very good between us, thank you. We’re very happy about the baby,” Vicky said and smiled at Meg who smiled back.

  Fantastic! Maybe I don’t have to worry about her after all.

  “Okay so why the hell did you come here?” Blackie asked.

  “I need to tell you something about the accident.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know if you realized it but Racketeer was dead when he fell.”

  Blackie looked at her, eyes wide. “Vicks, I wasn’t aware of anything. Did you guys know the horse was down?” Blackie asked Sean and Keary.

  “Tell you the truth; we were too concerned with you to notice the horse.” Keary replied.

  “God, Vicky, I’m sorry. If I could have done anything differently, I ...

  “Blackie, it wasn’t your fault. The horse was drugged.”

  “What? Are you sure? How do you know?”

  “The stewards had him tested and he tested positive for amphetamines. His heart stopped over the last fence and it’s a miracle that you weren’t killed.” Vicky said on the verge of tears. Blackie stared at her.

  “Didn’t they suspect you and me? How come I wasn’t questioned? Why did you wait until now to tell me? Jesus, Vicky!” Blackie asked, pacing now.

  “Blackie, they did a long and involved investigation. They couldn’t question you since you were barely hanging on. They exonerated you because so many people came forward to testify that you would never fix a race. It took them longer to figure out it wasn’t me either. My reputation wasn’t as exemplary as yours.”

  “Why didn’t you let Keary know? I was conscious after three weeks. You could have told me. I mean we have fantastic lawyers. We could have helped you.”

  “I know. I told you before I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing you like that. That’s no excuse, I realize that. There was too much guilt that it was my horse that almost killed you,” she said.

  “It wasn’t the horse; it was who ever drugged him. Did they ever find any suspects?”

  “No, they closed the investigation eventually, but I had my own suspicions,” she said, her mouth an angry tight line.

  “Who?” Keary asked.

  Vicky looked at Keary then at Blackie.

  “Lots of people told me they saw Mickey skulking around, acting

  Instantly furious, Blackie yelled, “Mickey! Mickey Reegan? I’ll kill him if I find out that bastard did it. Do you have any proof?”

  “Nothing concrete. It was rumored around that he won a fortune betting against you.”

  “Son of a bitch! That little rat has had it in for me since I fired him but I didn’t think he’d stoop to this. Well, I take that back, I should have known he’d stoop that low. God, he tried to kill me!”

  “Don’t forget, Blackie, he planted Bobby to hurt you too, through Meg.” Keary said.

  Blackie stared at him. “Mickey’s a dead man. That bastard”

  “Why did you fire him?” Vicky asked.

  “That’s another story. One I’m too ashamed of to explain. Let’s just say I caught him using me to make a lot of very dirty money.” Blackie said, disgustedly.

  “I’m sorry, Blackie. I saw Duncan in Lambourn and he told me how fantastic you were at the DC show and I needed to see for myself.” Vicky said.

  “I can never race again, but I’ve accepted that and found other things in my life that make me happy. Most importantly a woman that I love and who loves me,” he said and smiled at Meg.

  “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you, really,” she said and walked to Blackie.

  “I’m happy for you too, Vicks and thanks for coming. Tell that bastard, Dickey, he had better be good to you or he’ll answer to me.” Blackie said and hugged her tight, kissing her on the forehead. She burst into tears and so did Jill and Meg.

  “Here we go. All the women crying at the drop of a hat.” Sean piped up.

  “Shut up, Sean.” Everyone yelled.


  It was the night of the Jockey Club dance to celebrate the end of the show season and they were dressed up for the occasion. The guys were in tuxes, the women in slinky cocktail dresses.

  After dessert, the orchestra started playing and Blackie asked Meg to dance. The lights dimmed and the band played one romantic song after another. He held her close and his body felt good against hers. He kissed her neck, gazing dreamily into her eyes.

  “Meg, I love you so much. I wanted to show you off tonight because I’m so happy and proud that we’re together.

  “I never expected things to be this perfect between us. I’m overwhelmed.”

  “Get used to it; things are just going to get better for us.”

  The music stopped and they joined the others to talk by the dance floor.

  The guys left to get drinks and Katie said, “Ohmigod, this is wonderful. I’m having the best time. This is so cool to go some place fancy like this. Usually we’re hanging at the barns in jeans. It was wonderful of Gracie to watch the kids for us again.”

  Jill said, “Yes, isn’t she a dear and the children adore her. I think she spoils them with cookies, though. Oh, I’m used to these fancy events because I’ve been to them before but it’s still fun to get dressed up and dance. Meg, you and Blackie look great together. He looks so happy.”

  “I know. Just seeing him this happy makes me even happier.”

  The men came back with drinks and they were standing around talking and laughing when someone grabbed Blackie by the arm and turned him around. Standing there was a gorgeous, buxom blonde maybe in her early forties and just dripping money. She wore an expensive looking gown that showed a lot of amazing cleavage.

  The smile instantly disappeared from Blackie’s face and he turned ashen.

  “Blackie, darling, I haven’t seen you in ages. You look fantastic.”

  All color drained from Blackie’s face and he looked ready to pass out. She put her hand on his back, ran it down and patted his butt. He flinched. At first Keary looked puzzled, then he realized who she was and the look changed to fury.

  “Blackie, sweetheart, it looks like you’re back on the social scene. How wonderful. Introduce me to your friends.”

  Blackie looked at Keary with help written all over his face.

  “Cat got your tongue, darling?”

  Keary jumped in and said, “I’m Keary Connelly, Blackie’s brother-in-law and this is my wife Jilleen, his sister.” Sean introduced himself and Katie. Then Jill said, “And this is Meg Conners, Blackie’s fiancée.”

  “I’m Dora Breslin, an old, dear friend of Blackie’s,” she said, giving Meg a withering look.

  “Oh, yoo-hoo,” Dora yelled, “Millie, look who’s here.”

  “Fuck,” Blackie said softly, and Keary grabbed him by the arm to steady him.

  This skinny brunette turned and came trotting over. She was just as attractive, looked even richer and about the same age as Dora.

  “Ohmigod, Blackie O’Brien, you dog. I thought you had disappeared off the earth.” She put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the mouth. Meg made a move to scratch Millie’s eyes out, but Keary grabbed her arm. Blackie grabbed the woman’s arms from around his neck and pushed her away. He looked like he might either punch her or throw up on her.

  “We should get together for old times’ sake.” Millie cooed.

  Blackie said, “I have to get out of here,” and grabbed Meg pulling her toward the door.

  “Get your purse,” he said as they went by their table. She retrieved it and her wrap as they headed for the parking lot. She had to run to keep up with him. They got in the Porsche and he peeled half the rubber off the tires leaving the lot. He was silent, driving fast and crazy all the way back to the farm. He screeched to a stop at the barn with the motor still running.

  “Meg, I don’t know what to say to you. You deserve someone better than me.”

  “Blackie, don’t say that! Who were those women?”

  “No. Don’t say anything, just let me talk. I am so mortified that you saw them. I don’t know how to deal with this. I had something special planned for tonight, but I’m not sure what to do now.”

  “Don’t be hasty, let’s just talk about it.”

  “No. I’m too stressed. I need time to think. I’m going to leave you off and go for a drive. Here’s a key.” He handed her a set of keys from his pocket as she got out.

  “I love you, Meg,” he said, as he turned the car around and spun gravel tearing down the driveway. He almost hit Keary coming in, but Keary swerved fast and avoided a sideswipe. Keary pulled up by Meg and they jumped out. By this time, she was sobbing.

  “What did he say?” Keary asked.

  “He said I deserved someone better than him; that he had something special planned and now he’s not sure. He said he had to think and was going for a drive. What was he talking about?”

  “I don’t know,” Keary said.

  “I do,” Jill said with a grim set to her mouth. “He was going to give you the ring tonight. I could kill those two stupid bitches.”

  “Oh no,” Meg sobbed, “he was going to finally give me the ring. Now it’s all ruined.”

  Jill hugged her. “Don’t worry, Meg, he won’t change his mind; he loves you too much. He’s just distressed now. He’ll work it out.”

  Keary and Sean said, “Wow, we didn’t know he was going to ask her tonight.”

  “Who were those women?” Meg asked.

  “I think those were a couple of those rich society broads that he said Mickey had set him up with. I can’t believe that happened. Jesus Christ, he was getting his head straight about all this crap with Dr.Wahlman. Now this! What a couple of dumb bitches. Fuck!” Keary yelled and punched the barn wall.

  He put his arm around Meg. “Don’t worry, he’s going to be all right and you two are going to be together. Hey, Jill did you see her go after Millie? I had to pull her back. Good girl.”

  “What did he say when he left?” Sean asked.

  “He said he was leaving me here and going for a drive; that he had to think”

  “Okay, let’s go in and get settled, wait till he comes back and we can talk to him then,” Keary suggested.

  They went in the house, changed clothes and decided to watch a movie to get the incident off their
minds. It was one o’clock when the movie was over and they decided to go to bed. Jill said she’d wake Meg, who stayed up at the house, when she heard Blackie return.

  Meg startled awake the next morning, threw a robe on and ran downstairs. Keary, Sean, and Jill were having coffee and looked glum.

  “Is he home?”

  “No,” Keary said, looking up at her. “We haven’t seen him or heard anything.”

  “God, suppose he had an accident. He was driving wild on the way home.” She started to cry; she felt so helpless.

  Jill jumped up and put an arm around her.

  “If he’d had an accident, we would have heard from the police. Come sit down and have some tea.”

  “I want to see him and tell him that none of that matters and how much I love him.” Jill sat her down and brought tea.

  They didn’t hear anything all day. Sean and Keary went down to the barns and Jill, Katie and Meg just puttered around and watched TV. They couldn’t concentrate enough to do much of anything. Everyone was quiet during dinner.

  Meg finally said, “I can’t stand just sitting here. I’m so afraid something happened.”

  “He’ll come home soon.” Keary said.

  Just then, the phone rang and Sean snatched it up.

  “Hello.” He put his hand over the phone and said, “It’s Mom.”

  “Shit,” Keary said. “She’s going to want to talk to Blackie. Put her on speaker.”

  “Hello, Maeve,” Keary said.

  “What in God’s name is going on over there? Blackie’s here and he’s falling down drunk!”

  “He’s there?” Keary said, wiping his hands over his face.

  “Yes. What happened? When he got here, he pounded on the door so hard we thought he’d break it down. Dad let him in and he was so drunk he could hardly walk. We got him to sit down and tried to get some coffee into him, but he grabbed the scotch and drank it. I thought you told me he wasn’t drinking? What’s going on over there?”

  “Why didn’t Dad stop him?”

  “Have you ever tried to stop him when he’s like this? You can get hurt. He has this huge diamond ring with him, was crying and saying something about Meg. I thought he asked her and she had the ring. What happened? Did she change her mind?”


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