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The Defiant Ones

Page 7

by Anna Keraleigh

  Larina rolled her eyes and pointed to herself. “Amazon queen.”

  He snorted and his sour expression lightened. “The woman before me stands more than queen, she is a gift from the Gods.”

  “You flatter.” Larina swallowed hard and glanced down the alley. They were alone, the plan would take some time to work out, and her body was alive with need. His warmth pierced the ice of her heart and began a steady thaw every time he was near.

  “Lift your robes. I would reward you for the guidance.”

  Larina giggled. It was girlish and beneath her but it bubbled from her lips just the same. “Reward me, is it?” She wrapped her hands around his neck and moved her body flush against his. “Perhaps I seek a different reward.”

  “Name it.” He whispered the words as he placed his lips on her neck.

  Larina was feeling flirty and sensual. Her body was energetic from yesterday and reawakening to a new hunger, a base desire to get this man’s cock inside her or maybe another part. “I want the former champion of Rome on his knees before me. You did boast about the skills of your tongue.” As she spoke, she smiled and bit her bottom lip.

  Brennus was quick to grin and gently scrape his teeth against her jaw. “As the lady wishes.” He moved from her arms to his knees.

  Larina was near giddy, her thighs pressing together as excitement made her quiver. She leaned her upper back against the wall and lifted her hips out slightly. She checked the mouth of the alley as Brennus eased her robes upward. Then he stuck his head beneath and shifted so he was between her legs. Her core was flexing at the sheer anticipation building. She did not know if he would go right for her pussy or linger on her legs. Larina found herself speechless and heavy of breath even before his touch.

  Brennus placed his hands on her thighs and caressed them upward. His fingers lingered at the crevice of her thighs before delving along her hip bone. His hands grasped her ass, pulling her further from the wall and toward his mouth.

  Her breath was heavy with anticipation and her eyes once again scanned the streets. A few Romans passed but none looked this way. All focus was on the grand fight at the arena.

  Larina felt his mouth just then, a nip at the flesh of her thigh. She jerked, bit her bottom lip, and stilled. She heard a chuckle from beneath her robes before his wet tongue found her belly button. He licked around it, slowly kissing a path to her sex. By the Gods, he took his sweet time. Each kiss lingered, his hands rubbing at her cheeks. It was sweet torture. Then Brennus suckled her pussy lip into his mouth. Larina had to cover her mouth as a moan threatened to tear from her lips. He savored the flesh and then moved to her smaller lip, giving it equal attention. His hands moved toward her front, parting her flesh until her core was exposed to the champion.

  Brennus took his time again, his kisses light against her sensitive flesh and his tongue persistent. She hissed out a breath and shifted her hips.

  There was a smile pressed against her thigh and then his tongue was on her clit. Larina gasped. She grabbed the outline of his shoulders and held on. His finger—she assumed it was his thumb by the size—pierced her core. It teased her inner muscles while his mouth wreaked havoc on her clit. Pleasure swarmed every sense. She tried to stay alert. Honestly, she did, but couldn’t. Larina’s eyes closed and she licked her bottom lip.

  Two fingers entered her core. She gasped as his mouth seemed to suckle at her very nerves. It overwhelmed, threatened to make her scream, and then she was thrown over the edge of sanity. Breath ceased, her body quivered, and she let out a low moan that seemed to echo in the hushed streets. Larina gasped when she could hold her breath no longer. The wisps of pleasure began to fade.

  Brennus stood, held her hips, and she cried out as his cock pierced her in one thrust. When had he taken it out? He growled, whispered her name, and began thrusting wildly. Their bodies slapped together. Brennus reached up and pulled her robe down. It exposed one breast and the hard nipple at its center. His mouth latched onto the bud.

  Larina wrapped her arms around him. Her back hit the wall with each of his thrusts. The passion was so extreme she thought she would pass out. His touch was all-consuming. He suckled at her breasts like a starving babe while his cock plowed its way in and out of her body.

  She exploded into a million moaning pieces as the orgasm arrived. Her body was no longer under her control. Larina pressed at him harder. Their hips met in an almost violent coupling. Then Brennus speared her deep and groaned. His body was pure muscle, holding her off the ground as the world around them faded into darkness.

  Larina lay against the cool stone to ease her burning skin. Brennus pulled free of her body. His thick cock began to soften with the spilling of his seed. He was equally as breathless and a grin grew on his face.

  “Boast is proven.”

  Larina laughed. It was a genuine merry sound as she checked that they were still undiscovered. The alley lay empty and they returned to their original destination. The house of Titus.

  Chapter Nine

  They rounded the corner, and Brennus could not help his eyes straying to Larina. She had opened his eyes and given him more hope than he could have imagined. The Gods had truly blessed him by bringing her to his arms. And what arms they were! His cock lay defeated by the warmth of her body. Their destination was only a few feet away and his steps were light with hope. All too briefly that was extinguished. The wagon Titus drove was not there. Had he not yet returned from the shore?

  “This concerns me.” Larina spoke and echoed his thoughts.

  “If he is not here, he may have stopped by the villa.”

  “Which deviates from plan,” she whispered, walking slower.

  The streets were beginning to fill. Apparently, the fight in the arena was over. “We shall return to the villa and find reason for his delay.” The walk wouldn’t be an overly long trek but it was long enough to cause him concern. The road was empty as they traveled just off the path. Not a single wagon or Roman passed. It was quiet, and even the forest around them had taken a vow of silence. As the sun passed them, they continued walking and came to the outskirts of the villa. Nothing lay amiss, and the wagon of Titus was just beyond the wall. The horses weren’t attached but he could have sent them to feed.

  “This is a trap.” Larina stopped and frowned.

  They were behind a massive tree and Brennus decided to hide a little better. “It is but quiet.”

  Larina lifted a brow and looked at him. “Silence, plus Titus was not at the proper rendezvous and…Call it woman’s intuition. This is a fucking trap. We have been discovered.”

  “Then Titus is in their clutches.” He ground his teeth and slapped at the trunk of the tree. “Fucking son of a whore.” He took a breath. If his friend was in trouble, it was because of Brennus. There was no chance he would forfeit his friend’s life for his own. “We are fucked.”

  “’Tis a blessing in disguise.” She grinned.

  What was her devious mind up to now?

  “You will be discovered as planned. Titus by your side. You enter the arena with him against Demus and original plan is successful.” She peeked around the tree. “Unless they plan to torture you.”

  “They would see my blood spilt in the arena.”

  “Good, because I’ve grown attached to your cock. Do not let them hack it off.” She winked at him.

  If they decided to do such a thing, he would fall upon his own sword. “You remain. I will make myself known and find out the fate of Titus.” Before he could take a step, Larina’s hand came around him and she held him in a tight hug.

  “Do not die.” She took a breath. “It is not just your cock and skilled tongue that I favor.” She locked eyes with him.

  His heart swelled at her words. “You are my woman and I will return to warm your bed.”

  “And my heart.” She bit her bottom lip and looked away. “Now haul ass to purpose so we can see this ended.”

  Brennus grinned and did as commanded by the woman he held above all

  The villa was before him. He weaved through trees then used the path to keep Larina from their sights. As he approached there was no doubt, this was a trap. He noticed a few shadows behind piles of wood and the sand held prints. Too many to be from him and Larina. He’d find out if his fate was by Larina’s side. The Gods now held his future and that of the woman he loved. He walked forward with long strides. Steps faltered as he passed the wagon and came upon Titus.

  The blood left a copper sent in his nostrils. Brennus gasped and ran as fast as he could to his friend. Titus was on the ground, the sand greedily drinking up all the blood from the wound in his stomach. He had a bruise on his jaw and another on the side of his head. When their eyes locked, Titus reached out and Brennus eagerly took the hand. He landed on his knees. “Old friend.” Sadness threatened his composure. “I did not wish this fate on you.”

  “Yet here I lie,” Titus said with heavy breath. “The fault is not yours. I took chance and was left with empty hands.” Blood leaked from his mouth. “The female was delivered and destination was not…shared…with Roman…shits.” His breath turned into gasps. “The slaves…give away position.”

  “I would switch places and see you live another day.” Brennus took an unsteady voice.

  “Be it that I perished on the sands as a gladiator. Kill Romans for me…” His eyes began to close.

  “I will take life in your name.”

  “May the Gods…give you better fate…than me.” Titus grasped his hand harder and then the life fled from his body.

  Brennus stared down at his friend, at the only man to show compassion to him at the gladiator school when he was yet a whelp.

  “Could it be…” The voice was from the shadows. “The former champion of Rome has returned from the shadows.”

  Brennus turned and stared at the man he knew well, the man he had called dominus for many years before being sold to fight in the arena. “Could it be, I have returned from false grave to take your life.” He squeezed his hands into fists.

  The man laughed. “You and what army?”

  “No one else is needed because you fight like a wet girl.” Brennus heard the other men come from cover. Roman soldiers, no doubt. At least they wouldn’t find Larina. Their plan still stood strong.

  “Take his life.” His former Dominus came from the shadows, his hair streaked with gray and his body now soft with age. “Search for the woman. I always wanted to bed a queen.”

  The words sent Brennus into a fury. He turned, fighting the men that bore down on him. He would give his life to keep Larina out of this man’s arms. No one would lie with the Amazon queen but him. Without a weapon, he had a low chance of success, but he fought as hard as he could. He used fist and rage to defeat the mass around him. It proved a waste of time and effort. They closed upon him until he was but a man on his knees. His body was sore and bloody, but it was nothing a gladiator couldn’t handle. If he could only grab a single sword, he could destroy the threat. However, a low blow took his breath and another against his head made the darkness rush at him until all that remained were dreams of a better life.

  * * * *

  Brennus’s bright blue eyes began to open.

  “Hide in the woods, he says, they won’t find you, you’ll be safe.” Larina mocked him as he came to full awareness. Chains were on their hands and feet. Stone was around them with a wooden ceiling that shook with the current gladiator fight. She frowned. “Now I’m stuck here again, chained and…”

  “Shut your mouth,” Brennus whispered. He licked his lips. “How did you come to be here?

  Shut my mouth? Larina glared at him. “They carted your ass out of the villa and strung you to a fucking cross.” She swallowed hard, trying to hide the emotion. The moment she saw his unconscious body strung up, her heart had seized in her chest. Larina had never felt so much pain, despite any beating she had ever received, like in that moment. She had gasped, a tear fell down her cheek, and she’d risen up from hiding as if she was possessed by the Gods. She’d struck five guards down and cut the rope that held him up before they overpowered her. Their number was just too great. Once that man had seen who she was, he’d ordered them to the arena to await their “deserved fate,” in his words.

  “You shed tears for me?” Brennus glanced at her.

  “No.” Larina looked away, ashamed she showed such emotion. The chains rattled and he moved closer. Brennus hugged her and she leaned into his form, savoring the feel of his arms. “We are to fight the champion and two others.”

  Brennus placed a hand under her chin. “You are an Amazon queen and I was the champion of Rome…”

  “I think we can defeat them.” A smile grew on her lips. He was right. They were the best fighters in the land and together they could be victorious.

  “That’s the woman I know…and love.”

  His words made her voice flee. He loved her and her heart felt the same. She’d known it the moment she’d risked her life to save his. Larina’s lips parted and the words were ready to be spoken.

  “Get to your feet filthy scum!”

  Her bottom lip quivered from emotion until she laid eyes upon the guard. There were two of them, swords out. They pulled both of them to their feet and, still chained, they walked toward the arena. The hall was narrow, lit by torches, the wall splashed with dry blood. She glanced at the room they passed, one she knew too well. The path they planned to use was now sealed with bars, and the three guards were within the room. Larina swallowed hard and glanced at Brennus, who was looking in the same direction. They came upon the gates. She could hear the crowd clamoring.

  “We will find another way.” He spoke quietly.

  “I know we will.” They unchained the shackles around their ankles but left those around their wrists and placed a dull sword in reach. Larina grabbed it, hissing at the guard who was quick to leave her side. “Even if we have to kill every single person in the arena.” She took a deep breath and stared beyond the gates, to the sand where they would make their last stand.

  Chapter Ten

  “And when all seemed lost, those humble before the Gods will find victory,” Brennus said. “It was Titus’s favorite saying. He used it every time he fought in the arena.”

  The gates opened. Their sound was lost to the screams of the crowd. They were pushed forward and Larina stumbled into the sand. Food was tossed at her head and at Brennus, although their aim seemed to be her. The sand beneath her feet was pliable and her heels sank in it slightly.

  “I give you the traitorous former champion of Rome…Brennus,” the man in the robes yelled. “And the Amazon bitch that took so many lives of upstanding Romans!”

  The crowd hissed and booed as they came upon the center of the arena. Brennus held her hand, sword lowered, awaiting the sight of his nephew. It must have been a hard wait for him. Larina glanced at him and squeezed his hand.

  “Who better to strike them from this world but our hero, the champion of Rome…Demus!” The gates opposite them opened and the crowd was on their feet cheering. The sound was deafening. Then the man they had searched long and hard for appeared. Brennus gasped beside her as Demus came from the opening with his armor attached and his swords held high. Two men followed him, dressed equally.

  Larina held her breath as they walked forward. Demus looked so much like Brennus. They had the same strong jaw and blue eyes. His skin was tanned, muscles bulging.

  “The former champion.” Demus spoke as they approached.

  Brennus let go of her hand. “Yes, former champion of Rome and brother to your mother.”

  Demus squinted at them and placed the helmet on his head. It gleamed in the sun. “So you are Uncle Brennus.” The two men beside Demus looked uneasy, moving farther from the champion. “She often spoke of you, on quiet nights. Tales of your escape, how you beat all the Romans and fled. Freedom, she said.” He lifted his sword. “She also said you would never leave her. That you would return and rip us from this harsh world.” He
took a step forward. “Where were you when she died in my arms? I was but a boy, holding his dead mother.” Demus swung his sword.

  Larina heard the clash as the two others approached her. Well, at least she didn’t have to fight the champion herself. She smiled, lifted her dull sword, and roared as loud as she could. “Freedom!” Larina swung her blade at the nearest man. It was the one with the blond hair sticking from his helmet. He countered and she quickly stepped back. They began a dance, one she knew better than he did. On his next thrust she spun, slamming the sword hilt into his chin. The blow knocked his helmet clear off his head and he fell back to the ground. The other man swung. She ducked, rolling onto the fallen man. Larina stabbed him in the chest, deep and swift, before flipping forward and back to her feet. Now only one stood. She smiled, ready to take out her rage on the man that dared to approach.

  * * * *

  Brennus could not see Larina as he fought a man equal in skill. His nephew struck a fury of blows that took all his effort to repeal. He heard clashing from behind him and his heart was torn between the two people he loved. “I am your uncle, Demus. I am your family.” He spoke loudly, deflecting a blow aimed for his shoulder.

  “You were too late to save us!” He struck again and this time their battling swords sparked. “She is gone from this world.”

  Brennus stepped back and they circled each other. “I was late, a fault not my own, yet I take claim. If you wish to strike me down in her memory then do so. Spill my blood for the crowd, and then escape with Larina. Live as a free man.” He lowered his sword.

  “Lift your blade, you stupid fuck.” Demus slapped the flat of the blade against Brennus’s stomach and then tripped him.

  Brennus lay on his back, the fall knocking the air from his lungs. He would accept his fate. Let the Gods have him, if it was meant to be. “Take my life, in exchange for Larina’s and your freedom.” He took a deep breath, thinking of all the moments he’d miss. Larina’s arms, her smiles, their first babe, and getting to know Demus.


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