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A Million Tiny Pieces

Page 21

by Nicole Edwards

  Shouldn’t she be the one with armor encasing her emotions?

  Unfortunately, she didn’t have answers to any of those questions.

  Instead, she was worried that Phoenix was playing her.

  Mia took a deep breath, let it out.

  Hadn’t she kept that information from him as well?

  She hated the thought that they’d started this off with secrets between them, but that was exactly what had happened. Mia was doing her best to sever her life from Damien’s. She didn’t want any part of him or anything he did.

  But why hadn’t Phoenix mentioned that he’d met with Damien? Was he using her? He’d already said that Damien’s beef had been with his father, not him. And it wasn’t like Phoenix could use her against Damien, anyway. Her ex-husband had initiated the downfall of their marriage; she seriously doubted he actually cared.

  Mia sighed, looking up at the sky as it turned a fascinating shade of dark blue, mixed with pink and purple. She really needed to get a grip.

  This wasn’t a relationship. If anything, it might lead to something casual, but Mia wasn’t looking for anything more.

  When Phoenix and Tarik joined her outside a second later, she turned to face them. And the music. She’d overreacted.

  “I’m sorry for my reaction,” she told Phoenix sternly, feeling both embarrassed and annoyed at her initial response. “I have trust issues, as you can imagine. I think I got a little ahead of myself. You and I … we’re … we’re friends, and I shouldn’t have reacted like that.”

  To her surprise, Phoenix moved closer, his eyes locked with hers, his mouth a firm, thin line. He cupped her face and stared down at her, the look on his face reflecting what appeared to be … irritation.

  Not at all what she’d expected.

  “We’re more than friends, Mia. At least that’s what I’m hoping for,” he said, his voice low, authoritative. “If you want friendship, I can offer you that, but I’m looking for more. I can assure you, I didn’t withhold information to hurt you. That’s not the way I do things. From this point forward, I’ll be open with you about what I know.”

  Mia was lost in his emerald-green gaze. She heard his words, but it wasn’t what he said that had her mesmerized, it was the intensity reflected there. He wasn’t playing her as she’d assumed. How she knew that, she wasn’t sure, but she knew that much.

  Not that it made her feel any better. She’d felt used by Damien and then tossed out like yesterday’s garbage. She wasn’t looking for that again. Ever. But she didn’t know how to do this, didn’t know how to venture forward without the fear strangling her. Casual sex wasn’t her thing. She’d only been with one man in her life, and he’d betrayed her.

  “Do you want to go back inside and have dessert?” he asked, his hands sliding down to her shoulders and then running down her arms.

  Mia glanced through the window of the restaurant and noticed the hostess and another man staring out at them. “No. I don’t.”

  “What about a movie?” Phoenix asked. “That was next on my agenda.”

  Mia was too tired to sit in a darkened theater and watch a movie. “No. I think I’d rather go home.”

  “Why don’t we go back to my place then? I’m sure I’ve got something there for dessert.”

  Before she could object, Phoenix linked his fingers with hers. The warmth of his touch calmed her further.

  “Just dessert, Mia. That’s all. What happens from there is your call.”

  Despite knowing better, Mia found herself agreeing.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  THE NIGHT HAD taken a decidedly unexpected twist, but somehow Phoenix had managed to salvage it.

  He hoped.

  After the little blowup in the restaurant, he had been practically holding his breath, waiting for Mia to decide to call it a night after all. Things had taken a strange turn ever since they’d sat down for dinner, starting with Mia’s unexpected question about bisexuality. She’d taken him completely by surprise, something that was usually relatively difficult to do.

  It wasn’t until the elevator made it past her floor that he exhaled, more relieved than he’d expected to be. It wasn’t a regular occurrence for Phoenix to have to put so much effort into a woman. Not that he considered this effort, but he admittedly was used to women coming to him, not the opposite. He definitely liked the turn of events as far as Mia was concerned, but he hadn’t realized until now just how much emotion went into the chase.

  Or how easy it would be to damage something so fragile.

  When the elevator doors opened on his floor, Phoenix allowed Mia and Tarik to precede him. He kept his gaze on Mia, watching as she looked around while Tarik unlocked the front door and then waited for them to join him.

  “Cinnamon-scented pinecones, huh?” she asked, a small smile curling the corners of her mouth. “A little late in the season, don’t you think?”

  “I knew that’s where that smell was coming from.”

  Mia chuckled. “I take it they weren’t your idea?”

  Phoenix looked at Tarik.

  “Don’t look at me. I didn’t do that. Your mother thought it was a good way to spruce things up out here. You should’ve seen the Christmas tree that she put up.”

  “Does she live close?” Mia asked as they stepped into Phoenix’s penthouse.

  “In this building.” Phoenix closed the front door and locked it behind them. “When my father passed away, she sold their house. I think the idea of being closer to me worked for her, since she likes to make surprise visits from time to time,” he explained when Mia glanced at the front door and then back to him.

  “It’s nice that you get to see her all the time.” Mia turned away from him as she shrugged out of her coat and looked around the spacious room. “My mother works a lot. I get that she’s dedicated to her patients, but sometimes it would be nice if she would drop by to see me unexpectedly.”

  Tarik glanced his way as Mia turned toward the living room, moving farther away from them.

  Phoenix wondered what she thought as she took it all in. His place felt more sterile than hers did. He didn’t have any pillows on the black leather sectional that sat facing the wall of windows. The chrome and glass end tables didn’t hold vases of flowers, and the black-and-white rug on the hardwood floors didn’t have a splash of color. But it suited him.

  “Ellen drops by every day to check on her little boy,” Tarik told her as he led Mia into the living room.

  “What about your parents?” she asked Tarik.

  “My father’s in…” Tarik glanced toward the windows. “He’s in prison.”

  “Oh,” Mia said, her eyes never straying from Tarik’s face. “And your mother?”

  Phoenix could tell she was hesitant about asking that question, but he knew that Tarik was even more hesitant to answer. The man didn’t make a habit of talking about himself. To anyone.

  “My father’s in prison for killing my mother,” Tarik said tersely, moving away from them.


  Phoenix knew Tarik hated talking about his parents. Then again, when most people asked personal questions, Tarik found a way to shrug them off, saying as little as possible. Phoenix was surprised he hadn’t done the same now. It was proof of how much he liked Mia.

  “This is nice,” Mia said, discernably working to change the subject. “What? No television?”

  “Not in this room, which is why I spend little time here,” Phoenix told her, taking off his coat and laying it on the back of the sofa before thrusting his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he casually moved closer.

  “See, I’d be spending all my time here,” she explained, looking out the windows at the Austin skyline. “I prefer music and reading to television, anyway.”

  “I don’t read unless I have to. Music is for working out. And television, although rare thanks to my schedule, is one way I manage to relax.”

  “When you’re not playing hooky from work, I take it you’re working.” Mia’
s sexy smile was like a punch to the gut, and Phoenix wanted to pull her to him — actually, he wanted to pull her on top of him while he was sprawled out on the couch naked — but he managed to abstain.

  “I do,” he said, sparing one more glance in Tarik’s direction before turning toward the kitchen. “I have no idea what we’ve got for dessert, but I’m sure I can find something. Worst case, we’ll order out and have it delivered.”

  “I’m sure there’s something to scrounge,” Mia commented.

  “Phoenix doesn’t cook,” Tarik said, his voice coming from directly behind him.

  “Me? You don’t cook, either,” he retorted as he stepped into the kitchen, Mia right behind him.

  “I like to cook,” she told them. “It doesn’t happen often, because cooking for one is a waste of time, so I eat TV dinners mostly. And for dessert, I usually binge on ice cream or Oreos. Sometimes both.”

  “We tend to order out.” Phoenix had a damn hard time not looking at her lips, not thinking about what she tasted like, how her smooth skin felt beneath his hands.

  He didn’t even realize their conversation had come to a jarring halt until Mia looked away, her cheeks turning pink. Phoenix was standing directly in front of her, Tarik flanking her back.

  Knowing that resisting her was pointless, Phoenix gave in and crowded her against Tarik, meeting the other man’s eyes above her head briefly before cupping her face and forcing her to look at him.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” Phoenix whispered. “I had a great time today. It probably ranked up there with the best days of my life, actually. I didn’t mean to ruin it.”

  “You didn’t,” she said softly, her eyes sliding down to his mouth.

  “I did. But I intend to make it up to you. My culinary skills suck, but I’ll do my best.”

  He had fully intended to lighten the mood, but apparently his words had the opposite effect, and the next thing he knew, Mia’s hands were sliding up to his face, her soft, cool fingers brushing against the day’s worth of stubble on his cheeks moments before she pulled his head down.

  “I was thinking about something else for dessert,” she whispered, her breath fanning over his lips.

  He should’ve resisted, should’ve stolen a quick kiss to sate him temporarily, but the hunger had built to a crescendo, and Phoenix found himself lifting Mia, then turning and setting her on the counter before settling between her thighs, his mouth on hers. The heat of Tarik’s body moved behind him, his chest pressing against Phoenix’s back, and suddenly he was overwhelmed by the sensation of being sandwiched between the two of them.

  They’d never done anything like this. Well, nothing beyond that one time, but that had been a fluke. This… This was intentional. Generally, when they were with a woman, it was for her pleasure mostly. Tarik never focused his attention elsewhere. Then again, until recently, Phoenix hadn’t actually given him permission to.

  But now…

  Phoenix’s heart began a rapid, erratic beat in his chest as Tarik moved closer behind him, his hands gripping Phoenix’s hips while Phoenix’s lips continued to move against Mia’s. He allowed her to lead briefly, her tongue thrusting into his mouth, and he met her with a blinding passion, licking, tasting, exploring. He slowly slid his hands beneath her shirt, feeling the smooth skin of her abdomen. He did his best to keep things as innocent as he could, but that didn’t last nearly as long as he’d intended, especially when her hands slipped beneath his shirt, searching at the same time Tarik’s did.

  “Oh, hell,” Phoenix moaned, pulling his mouth from Mia’s as the two of them continued to touch him.

  He wasn’t sure what he would see when he opened his eyes, but the look on Mia’s face was one of encouragement, not revulsion. When the silk of her fingers disappeared, he realized that was because she had placed her hands over Tarik’s, guiding him.

  “Mia.” He wanted to warn her, to let her know he was close to the breaking point, but he couldn’t get the words out. He wasn’t sure she even realized what she was doing to him, to them. Phoenix had been holding back, resisting Tarik for so long, it was natural. But right then, with Tarik’s hands on his stomach, the tips of his fingers sliding into the waistband of his jeans, Phoenix wasn’t sure he could stop this if Mia wanted him to.

  He’d met this woman a little over a month ago, and he felt as though he’d known her forever. Her skin felt familiar, her taste conjured memories he knew didn’t exist, her sweet moans had his dick pulsing as though it knew how exquisite this was going to be. Yet he didn’t know her. Not yet.

  But he did know Tarik, and the emotions that churned through him where the other man was concerned were far greater than he could even admit to. He wanted him with a passion that defied logic, one that defied reason. Wrong or right, he didn’t care anymore, because he couldn’t hold back any longer. The last thing he wanted to do was scare Mia away, but he owed this to himself, to Tarik. They had to have a chance to see where this went.

  But not yet.

  When her hands once again touched his skin, gliding higher beneath his shirt, Phoenix pulled back to look at her, letting her explore, although it went against everything in him. He was always in control, never conceding, especially when it came to sex, but here he was, offering himself up to her and Tarik at the same time.

  “Shirt off,” she whispered, forcing the cotton higher. Tarik did the work for him, lifting his shirt until Phoenix was forced to pull his hands from beneath Mia’s shirt so he could remove it, but he put them back as quickly as possible, relishing the smoothness of her skin.

  “Fuck,” he growled when Mia’s mouth went to his chest, Tarik’s lips pressing against his shoulder, their tongues trailing over him slowly. When Mia clipped his nipple with her teeth, he thought for sure he was going to come right there in his fucking jeans.

  “Mia,” he warned again. “Please tell me you understand what’s happening here.”

  Mia looked up at him, her eyes hooded, the heat reflected there a sure sign of her passion, but Phoenix still needed to hear her say the words. This wasn’t only the two of them.

  “I understand,” she whispered back, her eyes sliding up to Tarik. “I understand more than I thought I would.”

  Phoenix swallowed hard and closed his eyes as she continued her exploration with her hands and mouth.

  “Relax,” Tarik said softly against his ear. “It’s all about you right now.”

  That was something he’d said to a countless number of women, but never had anyone said it to him. He felt a sense of helpless pleasure, a yearning he’d never known before. And truth be told, it scared him. He didn’t want Mia to do something that she would regret. Didn’t want her rethinking this once they got so far into it that they lost themselves in the moment.

  Phoenix closed his eyes as she explored him with her mouth and her hands. He gripped her hips forcefully, keeping himself as still as he could while he wanted nothing more than to strip her bare and devour her right there on his kitchen counter. He didn’t know how long he managed to hold himself back — it could’ve been seconds, possibly minutes — but finally that little thread that held him together snapped, and Phoenix reached behind him and grabbed Tarik’s neck, holding him to him.

  “I don’t want this to backfire,” Phoenix mumbled. “God help me, I want this more than my next breath.”

  “Relax,” Mia said, repeating Tarik’s instruction from moments ago. “We all know what we’re doing.”

  He wasn’t so sure that was the case, but he was losing himself, losing his ability to maintain control, to worry about how Mia would handle this when she realized what Phoenix wanted from Tarik, and more importantly…

  What they both wanted from her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  MIA HAD NEVER been known for her spontaneity. In fact, that was something Damien had always ridiculed her for, telling her she needed to loosen up more. Little had he known, but until she’d met him, Mia had been much more impulsive, much less uptight. An
overbearing, controlling man had changed her into someone she hadn’t recognized.

  Well, she wasn’t sure there was anything more spontaneous than this right here.

  From the moment they’d stepped into Phoenix’s condominium, the flicker of awareness that had ignited in her core earlier in the day had flared to life once again. She wasn’t sure whether her unnatural reaction to these two men was due to the adrenaline high from the day, whether she was still reeling from Tarik’s admission about his parents, or it was simply her physical attraction to them. Either way, she was fully invested in and quite intrigued by what was happening.

  Based on the way Phoenix was watching her, she knew he thought she was going to panic and run. A couple of weeks ago, she probably would have — there was no doubt about that. But she’d been enlightened in recent days, understanding that there were certain lifestyles she hadn’t known truly existed, and quite frankly, this just felt … right. It satisfied a curiosity that had built inside her, growing stronger every day, every minute she spent with both of these men.

  Mia sat up straight, her legs dangling over the edge of the counter, Phoenix’s hard body standing between her thighs, Tarik behind him. She watched Phoenix and Tarik for a moment, trying to make sure she really was okay with this situation. It felt right, but that very well could’ve been her hormones on the fritz. After all, it’d been a very, very, very long time since she’d had an orgasm that wasn’t self-induced.

  A damn long time.

  When Tarik reached around and cupped Phoenix’s chin, tilting his head back and then leaning over Phoenix’s shoulder to press their lips together, Mia’s insides tingled. It felt like a live wire had been released inside her, causing her arousal to flare hot and bright.

  They were kissing.

  And it might’ve been the single hottest thing she’d ever seen in her entire life. The way Tarik continued to take charge, careful to ease Phoenix into it as though he knew the man was on the verge of running — something she was curious about, too — was sexy as hell. She’d thought Phoenix would be the aggressor, but that clearly wasn’t what was happening in front of her.


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