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Distracted No More (Assured Distraction Book 4)

Page 30

by Thia Finn

  Now he had Lola, and they were counting the days until they made it official just like Chandler and KeeMac. Hell, Ryan and Peri married not long after their son came along, and now they’re having a second to add to their brood. Where did this leave me?

  I looked him right in the eye. I wanted to judge his first reaction. “Gunner, I’m leaving the band.”

  “What the fuck did you say?” His face expressed it all. Shock.

  “I’m leaving the band and if she’ll have me, I’m joining Halo. We’ll form our own and be together.”

  “Shit, I knew it. I watched you mope around those two weeks without her and knew you had it bad, but I never realized it would be like this. You’ve thought this through?”

  “Hell, I didn’t have anything else to think about all those nights in the hotels. I tried to convince her to join us in some capacity, but she wouldn’t even consider it.”

  “Yeah, she’d not be doing what she was destined to do with her own music following us around all the time.”

  “No, she wouldn’t.” I took a long drink of my beer. I found it hard to swallow over the lump in my throat.

  “Well, shit. I don’t like it, but I understand. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure I had Lola with me, nothing. Yeah, we are apart right now, but it’s only until we get things straightened out. Y’all though, there’s no straightening things out for you two. You’ll be passing each other in the night somewhere on the road, and that’s never going to play out the way you want it.”

  “I love her, Gunner. I’m not going to be in a part-time relationship. It’s all or nothing for me. That’s the reason I broke it off with her the first time.”

  “Yeah, I know. Damn, it’s some good/bad news.”

  “How do you think the band will respond to the news?” The idea of telling the whole band had me on edge. These people are my family. Would they disown me for it?

  “They’re not going to be happy, but I’m sure they’ll understand in the end. No one wants to see you be alone, Carter. We’ve had a great run, but things change. Life gets in the way. It’s going to be hard to replace you but hey, we’re all replaceable.”

  “Yeah, I thought about that, too. You know there’s a lot of bands out there that don’t do their live music with a bass player. They bring them in with their recordings but not onstage. Maybe I could even do some of the recordings with y’all but not tour. We’ve got a few options if everyone’s agreeable.”

  “For whatever it’s worth, I got your back on this. Hell, I’ve always got your back, dude. You know that. We’re family, now and always.” We stood and shook hands with the added hug at the end. “Decide when and where, and I’m there.”

  “Thanks, man. I needed your approval to move forward. I’ll let you know.” He gave me a head tip and left. I wanted to talk some more about it all, but I knew he needed time to digest what I’d said. After all the time we’d spent together, I’d learned all of the band’s ways of dealing with problems, and Gunner needed time to sort it out. The fact that he was down with my decision made me feel a lot better. Now I had to tell Halo. I knew her reaction would be a lot stronger and more vocal, for sure.

  The band met at the studios the next day at my request. I knew it surprised everyone when I messaged and said we needed a meeting. I never called meetings. KeeMac or Peri kept that job on a permanent basis.

  I walked in the practice room where everyone sat waiting for me. I purposely came in a late. What I had to say needed to be said only once.

  “Well, well. Dumbass calls a meeting and as usual, he’s the last one to arrive,” KeeMac said with a joking tone to his voice. “What’s so important we couldn’t talk at someone’s house?”

  “I wanted it to be official, that’s why.” My serious tone caused them to all look up at me.

  “What’s up, man? Halo finally catch on and kick you out or something?” Ryan asked before looking at Peri with concern on his face.

  “Okay, I came last because I only want to say this one time.” I took a deep breath and looked at Gunner who nodded his head, knowing I needed the support.

  “I’ve decided to leave the band.” A pin hitting carpet made more sound than could be heard at that moment.

  “What are you talking about?” KeeMac’s face took on a new look.

  “I’m going to take Hayden’s place with Halo. We’re going to form our own band and hit the road.”

  “No fucking way, dude.” Ryan stood up. “You’re not leaving the band. Who’ll play bass for us and keep this dumbshit in line?” He nodded his head toward Gunner.

  “I’m not joking. I won’t be going with y’all when you leave next time.”

  “What’s this really about, Carter?” Peri asked in a calm voice.

  “What it is about is me.” I took a deep breath and ran my hand down my face. I needed to come clean about a lot of things. “I love Halo. Hell, I’ve always loved her. I just took an eight-year break, but now I’ve found her again. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of a different woman every night. And now with all of y’all together,” I looked down the line at the group, “I’m alone even on the road. I don’t want to be that way any longer. So, I made the decision to join her since she can’t join me.”

  Silence filled the room again. I knew my admission surprised them. Finally, Chandler stood and walked to me. “Congratulations, Carter. I’m glad you’re ready to grow up and find your way. If Halo makes you happy and loves you like you love her, then you deserve it. When I told you to make a big gesture, though, I didn’t mean this. Just so you know.” She smiled and hugged me.

  The rest of the band followed suit with the congrats and back slaps.

  Peri finally asked, “What does Halo say about all of this?”

  “Nothing yet. I haven’t told her.”

  “What? She’s going to have a shit fit with you. She’ll never let you quit the band.”

  “She doesn’t have any say so. I’ve already quit.” That sounded all well and good telling them that, but I knew convincing her would be harder than them.

  Chandler spoke up. “I can’t believe you didn’t discuss these changes with her first. What if she doesn’t want you to join her?”

  “Hey, why wouldn’t she want me? With these good looks, perfect body, fine guitar player, and generally good person that I am, what’s to turn down?” I joked, but I knew a fight would be on my hands. She might be small but she’s stubborn.

  “Yeah, you say that now. Can I sneak in and listen? It ought to be good,” KeeMac said laughing. “I know Chan, and she’d kick my ass for making a huge decision like this without talking to her.”

  “Which of our women wouldn’t?” Ryan added sneaking a sideways glance at Peri, who chose to ignore his comment.

  “Be serious, Carter.” Peri tried again. “How do you think she’s going to take this news? I don’t know her too well yet, but I know she’s strong and determined when she sets out to do something.”

  “I know she is, and it’s one of the things I love about her, but this is my decision to make. I plan for us to make it big. Maybe not big like AD big, but big. The country music scene crosses over so much into rock and pop. Her sound is great, and the two of us together did well when I filled in for Hayden. Who knows, maybe Hayden will find his way back to the stage and join us at some point. Hayden will continue to write songs for us.” I meant everything I said to them.

  The group did some more patting on the back, but I’d made it past the hard part. Leaving Assured Distraction happened to be the hardest thing I’d ever done, but I knew this group had my back no matter what.

  “So, the last thing I wanted to tell you is that I’ll help AD all I can to find a replacement if that’s the route you go.”

  “Awe, shit,” KeeMac said. “I hadn’t even thought that far.”

  “The thing is, I’ve been doing some research and you know there’s lots of bands that don’t even use a bass player onstage. They usually pull one in for reco
rding but go without onstage.” I wanted them to know I hadn’t made a snap decision about abandoning them. I’d done my homework, but most of this I knew.

  “The Doors never used a bass and neither does The White Stripes. The Black Keys hardly ever use one onstage. The new group, The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, don’t have one, so you see it’s possible, and if y’all decide to replace me, I’ll make myself available to help out.”

  “Seems like you’ve got this all worked out with the huge exception of Halo,” Chan said.

  “No bass might require you to do some backfill Chan, but I’m sure you’ll figure it all out.” I knew her musical skills. She could do almost anything when it came down to music.

  “Okay, well, I guess I’m going to go tackle the tiger.”

  “Good luck, dude.” Gunner clasped my shoulder. “I think you’re going to need it.”

  The others followed behind him with the good wishes until Peri.

  “Stop,” she said loudly. “You’re not getting off the hook this easy. Just because you don’t play in the band doesn’t get you out of being a member of the family. We still expect you at our houses, playing with our kids, bringing pizza since you don’t cook. We’ll all expect it, especially the boys.”

  Gunner spoke up. “Yeah, we’ll call you the black sheep or the red-headed stepchild or something. You’ll be that branch no one wants to claim. You know the one I’m talking about. It doesn’t have any forks in the tree.” Everyone started adding stupid family-tree jokes but we laughed, and I knew things were going to be okay with all of us.

  “You told them what? Have you lost your damn mind? You can’t leave the band for me.” Yeah, she’s pissed all right, but she didn’t try to throw anything at me, yet.

  “I’m not leaving for you. I’m leaving for us.” I tried to take her hand but she pulled back.

  “No, you’re not. Call Peri and tell her to inform the band you’ve changed your mind.”

  “I’m not changing my mind. I’m leaving the band, and we’ll start our own.”

  “Carter, we’re never going to be big like AD. Never!”

  “I don’t give a shit about that. I have enough money. I could quit the band and invest the money and never work again.”

  “But it’s starting over. It’s playing small places. It’s night after night on the road.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but this time it’s with you, and that makes it perfect for me.” She finally let me take both her hands. “Halo, I left you once to find me. Now, I’m home to find us and this time, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I don’t know Carter. This could all fall to pieces you know. What if we don’t make it? What if our music doesn’t make it? What if we bomb?”

  “Sweets, what if the world ends tomorrow? We have no control of our destiny. You know that. AD will make it work, and we’ll find our own way.”

  “Are you sure about this? If you’re not one hundred percent, tell me now.”

  “I’m one hundred percent. There will be no more distractions for us.”


  Halo pulled the sapphire blue short dress up her thighs trying to wiggle into it. “Babe, why did you buy it so tight?”

  “It has to be tight, Carter. If not, it’ll fall off me and wouldn’t that make a statement on the red carpet?” She finally got it where she wanted it and adjusted her tits so they were covered as best as they could be in the dress.

  “Yeah, I would hate to see it hit the floor walking up those stairs to the stage.” I sat at the foot of the bed watching her. She could go in a sack, and I’d be perfectly happy. Halo was stunning no matter what.

  “Don’t say that. It’s been an honor to be nominated, you know.”

  “I know, and I’m thrilled, but winning isn’t everything, is it?”

  “No, winning isn’t everything. Besides, look who we’re up against. I’m so excited to be considered in the same category as the others.” She adjusted her earring and turned to look at me.

  “God, sweets, you look so beautiful. Can we stay home and let me undress you now and do magical things to this body under all that glitz?”

  “Save it for later. We’ve gotta go.”

  As we stepped out of the limo onto the red carpet for the Country Music Awards, Halo squeezed my hand. We were up for Vocal Duo of the Year and New Artist of the Year. All of AD and the two of us had attended the MusicRow Awards where Hayden had won the Breakthrough Songwriter of the Year. We collaborated with him on everything we wrote and recorded almost everything he wrote. Now we would see how we fared against great acts that worked as hard as we had.

  The next limo pulls up and Assured Distraction got out to walk the carpet with us. They weren’t here for an award, but they couldn’t let us do it alone. We needed to share the joy with them if we won.

  After a gazillion pictures were taken, a reporter stuck a microphone in my face and asked, “How does it feel to be nominated on the other side of the music fence?”

  I looked right into the camera and said, “Feels fucking great.” I turned to the guys, and we high-fived my comment. I knew they would have to bleep the whole thing out, but I didn’t care. You might take me away from being a rocker, but you’ll never take the rocker out of me.


  These are songs I love and listened to while I was writing this book. There’s no rhyme or reason to the order or the song. I just enjoy the music, the lyrics, the tune, or the performers. I love live music, too.

  Notes about ACL Festival

  This is a great music festival of rock and alternative music, and it occurs in October of each year in Zilker Park, Austin, Texas. This festival invites performers from all over the world to play for two weekends. It is a great time to visit Austin because the weather is usually outstanding. I had the pleasure of attending it for the first time with my daughter, and we had an awesome experience. Thanks, Lacy, for putting up with me for a weekend of fun and games. Looking forward to this year!

  “Something to Believe” In by Young the Giant

  “Talk Too Much” by Coin

  “Somebody Else” by 1975

  “You Run Away” by Bare Naked Ladies

  “Sweet Disaster” by The Dreamers

  “Put Your Money on Me” by The Struts

  “Do I Wanna Know” by Arctic Monkeys

  “Trouble” by Cage the Elephant

  “Unbelievers” by Vampire Weekend

  “Madness” by Muse

  “Give Me a Try” by The Wombats

  “Life Itself” by Glass Animals

  “Fire Escape” by Andrew McMahon

  This series has been the ride of a lifetime. I’ve met new friends who encouraged me to write more. I met readers who loved my guys and rejoiced in their accomplishments, laughed at their antics and argued in their defense for doing the ridiculous.

  I have to start with Deb Carroll. She has been a champion, a friend, and a confidant. I’m so happy she found and rescued me. I’m excited we were able to meet in person in her beautiful part of the U.S. I’m thrilled she brought me into her world with enthusiasm an excitement. I’m thankful to have her every single day.

  Thank you to my family for not complaining too much when I turned you down to go and do, so I could write, especially Steve. He takes over when I’m in my Thia mode, and I’m thankful for it. I love you all.

  Thank you to Mayas Jamarla Sanders for dropping everything and reading. She’s been invaluable for making suggestions for the book to be better. Beta readers don’t get recognized enough. She’s a first class reader and friend!

  Thank you to Chris Genovese for understanding my rants and little meltdowns that happen often. I appreciate your friendship more than you’ll ever know.

  Thank you to Trudy Baker Dowling for constantly entering me in every author contest known to man! She has been awesome to keep me in the loop of winners.

  Thank you to Elaine Marie. She’s been with me from the beginning when no one knew my name. It didn’t stop
her from putting my name out so everyone would know it when they saw it.

  Thank you to Kyle Jones and Jordan Jones for answering crazy questions about the music industry, showing me Nashville, and putting up with me in general. Who am I going to call when I move on to my sports series?

  Thank you to Jenny Flores for including me on some fun rides and many more to come in the future.

  Thank you to Jonny James for putting up with some poorly timed and worded texts (you know the ones).

  Connect With Me Online

  Click here to join Thia’s Tarts

  Goodreads Links

  Click on the links below to add to your TBR list.

  Assured Distraction Series

  Assure Her (Assured Distraction Book One) – Keeton’s Story

  His Distraction Assurance Distraction Book Two) – Ryan’s Story

  His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book Three) – Gunners Story

  Distracted No More (Assured Distraction Book Four) – Carter’s Story

  Amazon Links

  Assure Her (Assured Distraction Book One)

  His Distraction (Assured Distraction Book Two)

  His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book Three)





  About The Author – Thia Finn


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