Book Read Free

Two Hard

Page 52

by Amy Brent

  He was grunting against her like some kind of wild animal and then she pierced the night sky with her own scream from the unexpected. She was worried that he wasn’t going to be able to satisfy that itch, but she had nothing to worry about. Her mouth was open, as he slowly moved one inch at a time down the tunnel of love.

  “I’m glad that you are taking things slowly. I don’t know if I could’ve taken a one stroke effort on your part. I know that I only have about half of it already, but it feels like it’s coming out of my fucking mouth. I love it and I don’t want you to stop, until you have it all inside. I want you to feel what it’s like to be with a woman of character and substance. I want you to know what it’s like to be with a woman that has never experienced something like this before.” Her eyes were fluttering and then that orgasmic moment had her in its clutches.

  “Well… I almost came right then and there when you did that.” He could see every muscle in her body now rippling and knew exactly what that meant. “I see the way that you’re taking this and I have you, so stretched out that I think that I might ruin you for other guys. You would never be satisfied with a piece of breakfast sausage, when you can have a foot long.” He saw that white paste around his cock. Her excitement from that first orgasm was only enough to make her want more of the same.

  “You weren’t all the way in and I still came all over you. I can only wonder what will happen once you start to really get down to business. That cock is going to disappear and you are going to fuck me, until I can’t take it anymore. I didn’t give you permission to cum inside me. I want you to treat this, as an exercise in mental control. Hold yourself back for as long as possible, because I want to use what you have to please me. I don’t ever want to get enough.” She pushed back against him, while filling that cavity, until there was nothing more to go.

  “You just did the one thing that no woman has done before. They usually need me to hold them down, but you did it yourself. I can see it, but I’m not sure that I can quite believe it.” He pulled back slowly hearing her breath come out of her in a long rush of air. He pushed back and heard that same intake of breath which was followed by her pounding on her desk with everything on it beginning to jump.

  “I don’t want you to treat me with kid gloves. We’re both here for the same thing. I know what I want and I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to know what you want. Let’s be bad and stop thinking about what others might think. I know that you probably don’t care, but I’ve always been the good girl. Fuck me…give it to me deep and make me your good little bitch.” She had never talked like this before, but it was kind of liberating to let her inner freak come out to play.

  “I know that you want me to hold back, but I really need to fuck you. I can’t stand these agonizing slow strokes. I can feel the way that you grab me and I think we both know that I’m going to shoot you, so full of cum that you’re probably not going to be able to walk straight afterwards. You’re going to be bow legged. People will look at you and know that you’ve been owned by me. They’ll know that were taken by a real man with the kind of equipment that can get the job done the right way the first time.”

  He pounded her over that desk, hearing her cry out and using it to push him beyond his own endurance. He drove madly in and out of her body and it was the perfect way to build on the white hot seed that was now currently traveling up the length of his shaft.

  “I want what you can give me… I want your sweet hot cum inside me bubbling to the surface after you pull out. I want to feel that you need to be with me and I want to feel that cock shoot off like a gun in between my legs…between my…LEGSSSSSSS.” This orgasm was stronger and more intense and the way that his finger played along her clit underneath her was a good way to enhance that.

  That moment was right there. He put everything into high gear and didn’t slow down. This time was different than all the rest. He usually stopped balls deep and let it go, but this time he moved quickly to take things to that next level. “I’m there…I’m fucking there and you’re going to get exactly what you asked for… YESSSSS.” His knob expanded and began to push out a large volume of his sweet seed. He buried himself all the way in and pulled back and continued to fire off.

  Her knees gave out, but he was right there to hold her up, until he was done with her. He finally pulled away, but not until lying there on top of her for the next 5 minutes. He stumbled backwards into a chair and she was soon straddling him and connecting the blood transfusion machine. She turned it on and watched the blood begin to siphon from his body, while the other tube was now replacing his blood with a new and fresh supply.

  “I really didn’t see any reason why we should wait. In your current state, I didn’t think that you were going to put up much of a fight. I know that this is a little unconventional, but I don’t think that you are going to mention this to anyone. I hope that this does work and that we will always have a reason to see each other when you are back in town and on your break from your hockey schedule.”

  He buried his head in her D cups, pulling down the cups and biting on those nipples to take away any kind of discomfort that he was feeling from those two needles piercing his skin. “I think that I could get used to this kind of treatment, Dr. I have to say that your bedside manner is better than most. You really do take a personal stake in your patient’s recovery. I’m hoping that this is only reserved for me.” He licked around each of her nipples. He could feel her grinding up against him, until he was hard enough that she slid down on every inch once more.

  She rode him all through the treatment, until he bellowed with his desire. She felt him flood her insides and it wasn’t long before they were finished for the day.

  Tina found out that she was pregnant and was happy to report that to Keith. That was not the only good news. His blood transfusion had worked, but he was going to have to continue to take those treatments. They would keep a close eye on the results.

  It was just after the birth of their baby boy that they found out that he was in remission. There was no need for any more treatments and they were, so elated that they took a family vacation to Hawaii. They were both happy and he had given up his cavalier attitude towards women for something more serious. He was the last holdout for playing the field and the guys congratulated him and also told them that he was a lucky man.

  Tina and Keith knew that they were the lucky ones. They were never going to be complacent when it came to the adventures in the bedroom. They were already planning to bring a female from her gym into the bedroom to spice things up.

  TOTALLY OFF LIMITS – A Hot BBW and a Super Hot Alpha!



  “You look great Dahlia.” She whispered to herself in the reflection.

  Maybe she was crazy for talking to herself, but she didn’t care. It was a good habit to be in, pumping yourself up for a big day. She wound her mass of auburn hair up into a quick bun, as she put the finishing touches on her makeup. She kept it simple today, just some basic foundation and some lip gloss. She didn’t want to show up looking like she was a prima donna, or looking like she didn’t take care of herself, because she did. Her dark blue eyes and long lashes were natural, and along with her dimpled smile, she was happy with the results.

  She stood back, smoothing down her dress. It was a simple one, black and white striped in a creative pattern. It accentuated her small waist, and flowed gently out over her hips. She was a self-proclaimed big girl, and loved it. Sure, it was harder on her getting into places, and getting better jobs because she didn’t fit the society's mold of perfection that was always being passed down as “accurate”, but she would rather be herself, than conform to what is right or wrong.

  The top of the dress went across her shoulders, and the bra pushed up her breasts just enough to complement the curve of the dress. She slipped on the dark red jacket and gave herself one last look before she headed out of her apartment and into the adjacent parking garage. She smiled as she
passed by some ladies who were entering the building, and she heard some unmistakable snickers behind her back. It only made her smile more. She never really understood why being different was a bad thing. She shrugged her shoulders and slid into her car.

  As she pulled out of the garage, she hummed along with the radio as she headed towards work. Today, after two years of freelancing she was being given her first real article to write. She had no idea what the story was about, but it didn’t really matter. In a field where men dominated the writing, she would ace this one if it was the last thing she did.

  Finally, there, she made her way up the elevator to the top floor to Culture Magazine. She had walked the halls of the building for two years until she had finally caught a break. It had happened by accident really, her last submission she had submitted it under D. Jones, and when Dan Jones in the West Chester office had been given the accolades, she had made them aware of the mistake. Since they had already offered Dan the chance to take over a big story, they’d had no choice but to give her the same opportunity. That had been a couple weeks ago and yesterday they had scheduled the meeting to tell her what she would be researching and writing about.

  “Hey there Dahlia.” James, from the mailroom waved at her as she went inside.

  She gave him a smile, and gave one to Elise the receptionist as well, who returned it.

  She had built relationships with everyone in the office over her time there, and she knew they were happy for this chance she was being given. Almost everyone anyway. She felt Rachel’s eyes on her as she walked past, judging her every move. She was perfect, by society standards. Her platinum blond hair was loose and flowing and her suit fit her like a glove. She couldn’t be more than a size 4 and her attitude was always bad as she looked down her nose at the people around her. Rumors were flying that she was dating the editor of the magazine, though no one could say that was why she had been given her own column a few months ago.

  Glancing at her desk in her cubicle she saw a card. She opened it with a smile when she saw the congratulations from her coworkers, who she would thank personally later when she had more time. She grabbed her notebook and headed for the conference room, pushing open the door after one last breath.

  She felt eyes on her as she moved to take a seat, glancing up only when she was settled. The faces around her were a mixed bag. Some were friendly, some unsettled about her being there. There were 8 men in total, all waiting for Mark, the editor to get the meeting started. She heard him clear his throat and she took a deep breath.

  “As you all know by now, Miss Jones is getting her first article today, she did some great research for the Kramer group piece, and after some mix up.” He paused. “We now can give credit where credit is due.”

  Someone coughed, but most of them nodded in her direction.

  “We have a few things out there we need done, and since you are the newest member of this team Dahlia, we were able to save one of them for you.”

  He slid the envelope down her way and she didn’t miss a few glances in her direction.

  “Since everyone else has been briefed, you are all free to go. Dahlia if you want to stay behind or ask any questions please just ask whenever you need to.”

  She glanced up at him. “I’m fine, actually Mr. Andrews. Thank you for the opportunity.” She gave him a smile as she left the conference room.

  As she walked down the long row of offices to get to her own she felt people talking about her. It was nothing new, but yet it felt different this time. She got her confirmation when Elise came over to her desk.

  “Wow, I heard the news Dahlia, that's a tough break.”

  Dahlia frowned. “I’m lost what do you mean?”

  Elise scrunched up her brow. “You got the Meyers story. That one has been passed off now two rounds of assignments.”

  “Why, it’s just a corporation interview and story. Nothing difficult about it.” She glanced through the file once more.

  “Oh wow, you don’t even know do you.” Elise pulled a chair over to the cubicle to sit beside her.

  “Ok, now I am getting a little scared. Spill.” Dahlia sat back in her chair.

  “Landon Meyers is… well… he is an ass. I mean no one has ever done a story on him and it is basically because he hates dealing with the public. He is a notorious rake, and womanizer and he is filthy rich, but he is overall just not a nice guy.”

  Dahlia sat back in her chair. “I see.”

  “I’m sorry honey, they gave you a ghoster.”

  “Thanks Elise, I knew I could count on you.” She gave her a smile. “I guess I better start calling around. I’m not giving up yet.”

  She felt the brunt of the problem on her back like a weight. She watched Elise walk to her desk and couldn’t help but notice the sly smile that Rachel gave her as she walked into her office. Even Rachel knew, and it was even more of a reason for her to figure out a plan.

  She was a planner by nature, and there was nothing about that she would change. She did her own research on Meyers, his relationships, or lack of. The speculation that he was actually gay and his family. His mother was his last known relative that was alive and she knew that was where to start.

  “Bingo.” She whispered to herself as she grabbed her jacket and set off to put a dent in her project.

  She felt the sunshine on her face as she made her way into the heart of the city. Based on the history of events that Mrs. Meyers had attended she knew she could find her here. She glanced around the lot before taking a deep breath and getting out of her car, and into the shelter.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t like animals, she did, but ever since she was a child she had been allergic. She sneezed almost immediately as she went inside, glancing around at the people there for the animal shelter fundraiser event. Fortunately, much of the festivities were outside and Dahlia gravitated towards that area. She spotted Mrs. Meyers immediately, her flare for fashion was obvious and Dahlia knew she had an angle. She moved towards her carefully.

  “Oh wow, look at that little guy go.” She exclaimed over a tiny teacup puppy in the pen.

  “She is adorable isn’t she.” Mrs. Meyers gave her a half glance.

  “She is and so are those Randucci shoes, they are stunning.” Dahlia smiled inwardly as the older woman turned towards her.

  “Oh well, thank you dear, I see we share a love for fashion.” She gave her a smile.

  “It’s true, I try to stay fashion forward on a budget.”

  The older woman laughed lightly. “I understand that honey.”

  “It’s hard enough to make it in the world these days, especially if you’re a woman who like good shoes.” Dahlia added.

  Soon the two women found themselves emerged in conversation about the new designs and what styles showed promise. Dahlia, was surprised to find the woman most charming and enjoyed the company. She watched from the crowd as Miss Meyers presented the organization with her donation and donation of her time. She cut the bright red ribbon on the event and set out to mingle with the crowd.

  Her instincts were pretty good, and she knew better than try to pull anything on the older woman, instead she made her way back out to her car to go. She lifted her head when she heard her name.

  “Dahlia, dear, won’t you join me for lunch?” She waved at a tall man standing behind her who set off in motion. “I was just sending Reggie to get the car.”

  “I am not sure if that’s such a good idea Mrs. Meyers…” she started.

  “Well, why not?” She interrupted. “I know there is something you want dear; I am too old not to be able to read people. The thing is, I genuinely like you, so why not tell me what you’re looking for over lunch?” The older woman’s eyes sparkled with the mischief she seemed to be up to and Dahlia laughed.

  “Fine then, I’d love lunch.” Dahlia was more than a little relieved, especially since she really enjoyed the older woman’s company as well.

  She slid into the waiting car with Mrs. Meyers and they s
et off for a wonderful lunch at an exclusive eatery in town. One glance at the menu and she took a sip of water not to choke on the prices of the food found there.

  The older woman must have noticed since she gave her hand a pat. “My treat dear, just pick something you will like.”

  They ordered, Dahlia gracefully ordering a salad with strips of Kobe beef. It was the most expensive salad she had ever ordered, and she knew this was an experience she would never forget.

  “I want to ask if that salad is what you really wanted, but I’m afraid that would be too forward of me.” The older woman smiled at her.

  Dahlia returned the smile. “I aspire to be a salad eater Mrs. Meyers.”

  “Call me Judy, please. Now, shall we get to the business of what you need my dear?” She flicked her hand at the waiter who brought them both a glass of white wine.

  “I appreciate you even talking with me. I came into this situation with a clear path in mind but, I simply can’t do it.”

  “That, my dear, is why I like you. I can usually spot someone looking for something, but you are a rare breed, who can’t follow through.”

  “I work for Culture, it’s a magazine based here in D.C.”

  “Ah yes, so they are still pushing for the story on Landon aren’t they?” She smiled as she sipped her wine.

  “Yes, apparently it’s been something they wanted to do for a long time.” Dahlia sighed.

  Judy peered at her for a moment. “Something tells me there is a story here.”

  “There is.” Dahlia paused as the food was delivered. “I have worked there for two years doing minor work and something I submitted was, apparently, very good, or so they said when they thought a man wrote it.”


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