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Two Hard

Page 73

by Amy Brent

  Swallowing hard, Charisma allowed her to be manipulated down onto her knees. She reached out for those pants. She could feel the heat from the way that she sweated in them all night. It was almost like she was hit in the face by the flames of her desire, as the zipper came all the way down to the bottom. “I can see that being onstage has more of an affect on you than I realized. In some small part, I believe that you get that extra little something from being up there where everybody can see you.” She looked up to see that Tonya was once again naked from the waist up.

  Her pendulum breasts were firm and looked like they were in need of some immediate resuscitation. She touched them with two fingers and twisted them in a way that had Tonya’s foot tapping like that of an animal being scratched behind the ear.

  “I can say that I have somebody at home waiting for me now. It’s nice to know…oh my…you are a very quick learner. Trust me; I’m the kind of teacher that grades on a curve.” The curve that she had in mind was the ones that tapered from Charisma’s hips and joined at the apex of her sex. “Charisma, you are definitely not my type, but I could certainly get used to showing you the darker side of your personality. That kinky part of you is waiting to get out. It only needs a warm and encouraging hand to make it so.”

  Charisma looked up to a woman that was going to use her tonight. “I have to say that today I felt empowered. I barged into my boss’s office and told him that I was giving my two weeks notice. I thought that he would just wave his hand dismissively, but instead he sat me down and told me that he was regretful that he didn’t tell me how great a job I was doing. After some negotiation, he convinced me to stay for a raise and a full ride with them backing me to become a real lawyer.” She had always wanted to help people, but she had no idea how to go about it. This gave her that foothold to a future that was bright. It gave her a purpose that would make her wake up in the morning and want to get up.

  “It’s nice to see that you are evolving and that you’re not going to allow life to push you around anymore. I want to get these pants off. Maybe there is somebody that can help me do that.” Her request was answered by both of them working together towards the common goal of getting rid of that last obstacle. Her leather pants were now down around her ankles and she was slightly embarrassed to find that her red panties were already soaked at the crotch.

  “I was right. You do get excited onstage. You are the only thing that is important to me. I might be scared, but you went ahead and made me like you. I think that it goes beyond that.” She touched the wetness and then she ripped open the material to the gasp of a woman that was not used to having somebody surprise her.

  “I think that I might have underestimated you, Charisma.” Tonya had her hands on the door and then she was literally pounding on it from the frustrating motion of Charisma’s tongue. She was inexperienced and a bit of a tease.

  It took a moment for Charisma to realize that she just had to do what felt good to her.

  Lashing at her clit had Charisma tasting the fruits of her labor. She wanted all of it. She could tell from the way that the lips were pulsating around her tongue that it was very near to that point.

  “I thank god that I found… YOUUUUUUUU.” The beauty of it all was that they hadn’t even made it to the bedroom and was allowing their bodies to do the talking for them. Actions spoke louder than words. That was never more apparent than right now.

  Charisma was a little overwhelmed. Tonya’s vibrant skin and the way that her lips splayed open was making her eager to comply with all of her little sexual whims. She continued to tongue fuck her hole, not really knowing what she was doing, but taking her cue from the way that Tonya’s body was moving. It was all about what she was hearing and feeling. The way that she was squeezing on her tongue was the most telling of all.

  Breathless and in a whisper, Tonya had to tell her that it was time. “I don’t know how I’m going to make it back to the bedroom, but I have something that I bought especially for this occasion.” Tonya went into her bedroom and rummaged around in the closet, knowing full well that Charisma was right behind her.

  Charisma was eagerly waiting. Tonya turned with the object in her hand. Charisma almost fainted by the sheer thought that that thing was going to be inside her.

  “I like to roll the dice. You need to get into position. I discovered a rare gem in you and I plan to make the most of it. You need this and you might feel a little nervous, but that’s to be expected for your first time.” Tonya handled the flesh colored appendage and then let Charisma get a feel for how it felt like the real thing without all the drama of a man attached to it.

  “You really didn’t spare any expense. This thing doesn’t even look fake in any way.” Charisma saw the straps and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. It wasn’t until Tonya was sliding into the saddle that she realized that she was taking the predominant male role. “I can’t believe that this is happening. Last night, a woman went down on me and then tonight, I did the same thing for her. I do want to do it again and I don’t mean just what we did already. I want both of us to constantly challenge our perception of what is considered taboo. I want you to hold me up a different standard and not allow me to shrink back into the violet that I once was.”

  “The only thing that is left for me to ask is if you want the band aid to be pulled off slowly or quickly. I can either give you 1 inch at a time very slowly, or I can slam the entire thing in balls deep. If I were you and if I were in your shoes, I would probably go with the second choice. That way, it would be over with quicker and you can experience pleasure, instead of the overwhelming pain at the beginning.” Tonya had the required lube and was now making it nice and shiny. She caressed the entire thing, watching Charisma’s reaction and the way that her eyes did not blink the entire time that she was doing it.

  “That…has to be the biggest one that I’ve ever seen.” She was not much into watching porn on the Internet and even though she was tempted, she felt like it was wrong somehow. Maybe she was going to have to rethink that position.

  Tonya had it strapped on. She bent Charisma, until her hands were on the bed. Stepping in between her legs, she spread her cheeks and then brought the very slippery head up to the opening. “I’m not usually one to use something like this, but for you I will make the exception.” Since she didn’t answer her query, she decided to take matters into her own hands. When the head was inside, she didn’t stop, until the whole thing was where it was supposed to be.

  “OH…MY… GOD.” It had taken her by surprise, but the initial reaction was one of complete agony. It subsided quickly with a few more jabs of her hips and then they were galloping to the finish line together. “I doubt that this could be any better. I believe that no man could even come close to doing me like you are.” Her body was moving very quickly and the slapping of their thighs coming together was making beautiful music all its own.

  “You have no idea what I’m looking at here. I was a little worried that you weren’t going to be able to accommodate such a tool.” She slipped her hand around to her clit and strummed it with her thumb in exactly the same way that she would do when she was playing the acoustic guitar. “I think that we have gone as far as we need to with this thing. I think that you can agree that it was only a means to an end. Now that you’re truly a woman, we can leave the toys behind for the time being. I’m sure that we will break them out again in the future, but for now I think that we should get into the 69 position.” Pushing charisma down onto the mattress, she straddled her head and dove headfirst in between her very open legs.

  They were moaning and the bed was creaking with the effort of one orgasm after another. It was like they could not pull themselves away and even when they did, it was mostly to come up for air. “Tonya… I don’t know where you’ve been hiding all of my life, but I wish that you would’ve been here long before now. This whole thing has been one emotional merry go round.”

  Tonya raised her head for a moment “I think that what you
are trying to say is that it’s more like a roller coaster. It has these up’s and downs, but in the end we are screaming our heads off and throwing our hands in the air. This is our one chance and we have this one breath to get it right.” She went back to feeding off her sexual awakening. She was open to new experiences and she was going to continue to do that for the rest of their lives. Deep down, she knew that they were meant to be together, but she had yet to hear anything of the sort from Charisma’s lips.

  “You are a very insatiable young lady. I want to push you away, but there’s another side that doesn’t even want to get out of bed anytime soon. I think that I’ve loved you all along. I keep dreaming that you will be with me and nobody else. I know that sounds selfish. I don’t even know if you feel same way…the same…fucking…WAYYYYYY.”

  Charisma came and they were both now in the process of one simultaneous orgasm that was for the record books. They continued to play with each other’s bodies, touching on those spots that only a woman would know about. A man’s road map of the female anatomy was limited. A woman was uniquely superior in that way and both girls were now finding a certain kinship that was more friendship and lover.

  With her lips still wet with her sweet syrup, Tonya lifted her head “I want you to know that you are very special to me. I thought that I was the one that was going to teach you, but I think that you showed me how to love. I’ve always been about the pleasure. It’s so much better when those feelings are part of it. I don’t wanna be presumptuous, but I would really like you to move into my room with me.”

  Charisma licked off the remaining little bit that was sticking to Tonya’s lips. She glanced to the side to see the used appendage that had taken her innocence. She was glad that it was gone and that Tonya was the one that introduced her to what sex was all about. “I think that I would be a damn fool not to jump at that offer.” She looked over at the clock and noticed that 3 hours had elapsed. “We definitely lost track of time and I know that has never happened to me before. We got lost in each others eyes. I almost forgot to tell you that the owner of the club Palladium was at your last concert. We talked briefly afterwards and he wants you to commit to playing there three times a week. He even has you scheduled to be in the recording studio to make your first album. He believes that you can be the next best thing.”

  “I know that I have paid my dues, but it’s been worth it every step of the way. It should’ve been you and me all this time. We’re definitely going to have to make up for lost time. If this is really what you want, then you don’t have to look any further than right here with me.”

  The next few months had them on the road together. She was assigned by the law firm to stay with her and to make sure that she was happy. Charisma was taking classes on line and found that she had a real knack for the law. Every night was like a reawakening of that first time together. They had what was considered a commitment ceremony and they were going to dedicate their lives to one another. They even had their eyes on adopting, but that was for down the road. They were happy in each other’s arms and they had no intention of letting it go, until death do they part.



  Chapter one

  “Miss Fulton, you can’t be serious. If you do this, you’re going to make enemies that you haven’t even thought about. These people deserve better than this. You’re going to make those that you trust turn their backs on you. You’ve been in negotiations with the company for the past year. For you to make these kinds of drastic changes are going to have far reaching implications.” Petra listened to Ashley, but for her this was a necessary evil.

  “I can’t think about that right now. These things are unavoidable. I have implored all of you to find another way, but you have yet to come up with a viable option. I told you that I wanted to do this. I gave all of you an ultimatum of three weeks to come up with something and you have done nothing. I know that this is not going to be a well received decision, but I can’t deal with the human side of things. This is business and I know what it takes for the bottom line.” Petra was the owner and president and what she said was the gospel according to how she dealt with business.

  “The merger was supposed to be a good thing. You are suggesting stripping it down to the bare essentials. I know that it will make you a small fortune by doing that, but it’s going to put a lot of people out of work. I’ve had my best people on this and they have been unable to find anything else that might work in your favor. I guess we disappointed you and let you down. For that I am eternally apologetic.” Ashley had been with Petra for quite some time. Ashley couldn’t remember how it was that she found herself in this position of being her second in command.

  “A wise man said to me one time that there is no room for tears in business. Money doesn’t cry for you. When my money goes out there I expect it to work for me than against me.” Petra was of Russian descent, black and there were those that found her to be intimidating. It was exactly the way that she wanted to be seen. She did everything she could to make sure that people knew that she was not approachable. It didn’t stop those men that found her to be irresistible. She knew just from looking in their eyes that their intention was to bend her over and have their way with her. She had no interest in any of that. The last relationship that she had was disastrous on a monumental scale.

  She was thankful that she didn’t marry the idiot, but that didn’t stop him from trying to ruin her. Standing at 5’10 was intimidating enough but add 150 lbs in all the right ways and you had a woman that stood on peoples necks. She looked over her city and she knew that life was good. She had a sports car and she didn’t even know the name of it. It did feel good rushing down the highway at speeds that seemed almost impossible. She had a house that was surrounded by glass. Even her bathroom was exposed to the natural light. There were times that she would bathe naked in her old fashioned claw tub, or shower behind the frosted glass, as the only means of hiding her shame.

  “Are you going to tell them that it’s going to happen, or is this going to be one of your surprises.” Ashley had lifted her two hands in quotation marks to let her know that she wasn’t very happy about how she was going about this. “I know that I have no place to say anything, but I thought that I would appeal to your sense of good judgment.” Ashley was blond and had the kind of bodacious figure that was made for sin. She didn’t know it at the time, but her recruitment was by design.

  Petra saw her, as the perfect scapegoat for those guys that wanted a little something extra on the side. She really didn’t think anything further than that, until she was able to bring Ashley underneath her wing and show her the ropes. She was an avid student, but Petra’s main reason for hiring her was to use her to keep the boys off her back. She didn’t want to constantly have to fight them off. Ashley’s obvious sexuality had made it easier for her to slip within the shadows for the most part.

  “Before I forget, my mother is having a birthday in a couple of days and I want you to pick out something nice for her. Sign my name to it and use the company credit card. You’ll find something extra in your paycheck at the end of the week. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a lot of work to do and surprises like this take some time to institute.

  “I don’t like this, but I understand that you need to look out for the bottom line. It stands to reason that you would need to strip the company bare and then sell off the parts to make it worth your investment.” She walked out of there wearing a short black leather skirt and a blood red blouse with no underwear. She thought for sure that her boss would take exception to her sense of style, but it appeared not to bother her in the very least.

  Petra had her hair coifed in a way that made her look matronly, but underneath the stylish clothing was a red blooded woman. There hadn’t been a man in her life for quite some time. James was the exception to the rule, but it was not without its own pitfalls. James had promised her the world and she had fallen for it like a na
ïve college kid. It was his piercing blue eyes and the way that he looked at her that made her almost powerless to resist his charms. Thankfully, the last straw came when she came home and found him sleeping with her next door neighbor. That was unforgivable and she showed him her distaste by kicking him where it mattered the most.

  Even now a few months later and she still smiled at the way that he doubled over in obvious pain. The look in his eyes was priceless and the terrified expression on the girl’s face clinging to the sheet was almost too delicious. That relationship had hardened her heart and made her feel that life was better when she was alone. When those natural urges did strike, she would call upon a professional service. It was a fleeting moment of pleasure, but one that was necessary to rid her of the frustrations of the day.

  This was primarily a business transaction and once over the money would exchange hands and they would go their separate ways. There was no messy emotional entanglement and it seemed almost logical for her to satisfy her carnal needs in a more constructive way.

  Being a woman and being black had made it difficult to open her own business. She dealt with ridicule from the banks, but today she was considered one of the top women in the industry. Her business acumen came from not only schooling, but from lessons learned the hard way. She was naïve, but those days had long been extinguished.

  She worked tirelessly and he had a viable plan in motion. She had promised that the merger would be a good thing for everyone, but she was in the business of lying through her teeth. There was nothing illegal about what she was going to do, but she doubted that the people that were going to lose their jobs would think that.

  She looked up and saw a container of Chinese Food and remembered that that had been brought into her office by Ashley a few hours ago. Looking at her watch, she noticed that the time really did get past her this time. The clock was well past 7:00 PM and of course she was the last one to leave the office at the end of the day.


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