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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 62

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Jess …” Hal finally panted out loud. He couldn’t form any more words, but he dearly hoped that his message was received with his desperate plea.

  He soon found out that she understood perfectly.

  Jesse tightened her grip around the base of his cock, and she began to pump him there in small motions as her head moved up and down his shaft, making sure to move past his sensitive ridge with each pass. Hal groaned as he felt his muscles begin to tighten and a series of tingles begin in his extremities and move to his core as his orgasm approached.

  Finally, it came, just as Jesse took him fully into her mouth. As gently as possible, Hal placed his hand on the back of her head and held her there as he shot himself into her mouth. He felt a rush of guilt, not knowing if she had intended to swallow, and immediately drew back his hand.

  Jesse, though, stayed, and she sucked at him lightly, assuring that not a drop of his semen was spilled. Her lips were like a vacuum seal as she lifted her head off of him, and Hal’s hips bucked up off the bed at the intensity of the sensation.

  Jesse moved up along his body, and Hal panted as she laid down beside him. He rolled onto his side and pressed a kiss to her lips. She hesitated but then kissed him back. As they kissed, Hal ran his hands down her body, relishing the feel of her soft skin as his hands came to rest, one at her breast, and one kneading the flesh of her behind.

  Hal felt her shiver and press harder into his body, and even though he had only recently found his release, his cock was already twitching back to life. Hal ran his hand down Jesse’s body and slipped it between her legs. He traced his fingertips through her soft wetness and was rewarded with a shudder and a soft whimper.

  “You’re still hungry …” Hal stated, whispering the words into her ear in a way that left no room for her to deny it.

  Jesse did not respond with words. Instead, she ducked her head and bit her lip, that enticing blush spreading across her skin and sending another jolt of pleasure directly to Hal’s cock.

  “Don’t worry, Jess …” Hal murmured, causing her to arch her back as he swirled a finger over her clit. “I’ll take care of you.”

  With that, Hal suddenly flipped Jesse onto her stomach and situated himself so that he was on top of her. He rested his cock in the cleft of her ass, and he heard her release a long, high moan as he began to gently flex his hips, running his hardening masculinity against her soft behind. He felt her squirm beneath him, and he moved his hands to tightly grip her wrists and keep them pinned down on either side of her head.

  Hal knew that now he was free to show her just how much she affected him and return the favor in full.

  Chapter 61


  Jesse felt intoxicated by just how helpless she really was. Her wrists were pinned down on either side of her face, and Hal was pressing her down from behind, keeping her from moving an inch. She could feel the heat of his cock burning into her backside, and his gentle thrusts were driving her completely mad.

  Nothing had even really happened yet, and she was already a whimpering mess beneath him.

  A part of Jesse felt incredibly greedy. She had already received pleasure from him, and here he was getting ready to give her even more. He seemed to be as addicted to pleasing her as she was addicted to letting him. She couldn’t help pressing herself back against him, creating more friction against her body.

  Soon, though, Jesse became distracted from his hardness against her behind by the sensation of his lips and teeth dragging across the back of her neck and then traveling even lower down her spine. Jesse gasped and squirmed in response to his licking and biting, but he had absolutely nowhere to go. She panted and pleaded softly, once again mindless in the wake of the pleasure he was bringing her.

  Hal worked his way down, then back up her spine, and then all the way up her neck, bringing his lips to her ear, and then his teeth. Jesse could feel tears flowing down her face from the pleasure and slight pain of the touches. More than that, though, her core was aching to be touched, and she could only rub her legs together in a weak attempt to relieve the pressure there.

  “You have no idea what you do to me …” Hal whispered intensely into her ear, and Jesse released a soft sob of a laugh.

  “Yes I do …” she protested and arched her hips so that she created friction against his cock. Hal hissed in response, and Jesse whimpered as his grip tightened over her wrists.

  “Is that so?” Hal asked, and Jesse felt a rush of wetness at the darkness she heard in his voice.

  Jesse whimpered yet again as Hal repositioned his cock so that it was no longer resting in the cleft of her ass, but so that the tip was teasing at her entrance, trailing up and down, moving easily against her wetness.

  The sensation quickly drove Jesse to a new level of frustration, and she desperately wriggled and squirmed to try and free herself of Hal’s grip so that she could move backward and impale herself on the length of Hal’s thick cock.

  “Hal please …” Jesse groaned through her teeth, frustrated and yet completely turned on by the power he was exerting over her.

  “Please what?” he pressed, and Jesse fairly growled at him.

  “You know what,” Jesse snapped breathlessly. “You know exactly what I want. Please, please stop teasing me.”

  Jesse said the word through clenched teeth, and she hoped Hal would give in, but he did not. Instead, she felt him flip her gently over. Confused, she looked up into his eyes and was surprised to see hesitation there instead of the lust she had been expecting.

  “What is it?” she asked, immediately concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  Hal looked down at her for a moment before he spoke.

  “Jess,” he said, his voice sounding strained. “I want this. I really do. But I need to know … is this what you want? I mean like, in the long term. I know that right now we’re both ready to go, and we both want to do it, but … I don’t want this to just be a quick fling. I mean … this is our first time. And it means something to me and … I want it to mean something to you too.”

  Jesse gaped up at him, shocked by the depth and sincerity in his words. His green eyes were locked onto her, and she could see how much it had taken for him to say that to her. It seemed as though he had more to say, for he opened his mouth as if to speak, but then closed it.

  Seconds passed, and Jesse shook her head to focus her thoughts, knowing that Hal was waiting for her response.

  “Hal I …” Jesse said, still searching for the right words. “This … this means something to me too. Here with you … or anywhere with you, you make me feel so incredible … and especially now. Hal, I want you, and I want you now. I want this to be our first time.”

  Hal’s eyes darkened again as he looked down at her, and Jesse felt him move his hand up her side to gently caress her, sending shivers up and down her spine.

  “Do you mean that?” Hal asked, his voice rugged.

  Jesse could still feel his tip teasing at her entrance, but she forced herself to focus as she nodded, lifting up her hand to caress his face.

  “Yes,” Jesse said solemnly. “Hal, I need you. Please, take me …”

  “Just one more thing …” Hal still hesitated, and his eyes searched her face. “If we do this … do we … do we need to use a condom? I don’t have anything, I just … I’m not quite ready to start a family …”

  Jesse blinked, and she nearly laughed until she realized that he was serious.

  “I’m on the pill,” Jesse assured him.

  Hal blinked for a moment, and she could have sworn there was relief in his face.

  “Good, good,” Hal nodded. “That’s good.”

  “Hal,” Jesse’s tone changed, and she was reminded of the throbbing need between her legs. “I’m aching … please …”

  Hal looked down at her, and his eyes once again flashed with heat. Hal braced one of his hands at the side of her head and with the other he gripped her hip as she raised it up, giving him easier access. Hal locked
his eyes on her, and they were both lost in that second.

  Then, Hal flexed his hips and pressed into her, and Jesse drew in a sharp gasp at the mixed pain and pleasure that accosted her.

  “Oh, God!” Hal groaned out as he completely sheathed himself within her, and she could feel all the muscles in his body tighten and shake as he fought for control.

  Jesse, too, was fighting to keep herself composed. She tried to afford Hal the time he was obviously taking to make sure she could get used to him, but all she wanted was for him to move inside of her. She bit her lip and arched her hips, trying to create at least an imitation of the friction she was craving.

  “Jess!” Hal growled out at her, and tightened his grip on her hips, causing her to yelp and crave him even more.

  “Hal, please, please go on,” Jesse couldn’t keep quiet and wait any longer. “I need this, I need you, I need you now. I can’t wait anymore, please, please fuck me …”

  Hal’s eyes darkened even further, and Jesse felt him seize her neck and pull her face up so that he could cover her mouth in a kiss. At the same time, she let out a soft moan as she felt him begin to slowly press in and out of her.

  Hal pulled his head back to release a long groan, and he once again braced his arm beside her. Beneath him, Jesse panted and squirmed. He was finally moving, but at a torturously slow pace. She felt tears trickling down the sides of her face, and once again she realized she would have to beg him for what she needed.

  “Hal …” Jesse pleaded breathlessly. “Please … faster …”

  Hal released a low growl, but he seemed happy to oblige. Jesse gasped as he started to pound inside of her, and she whimpered as he gripped her hips and hoisted her up to a better angle as he thrust into her from on his knees.

  Jesse could feel an orgasm rising up within her again. She gripped tightly onto Hal’s wrists and relished the tingling sensation that traveled up the insides of her thighs, heralding her orgasm. Her inner muscles soon began to twitch, and it was mere seconds before Jesse was gasping and jerking beneath him as she was racked by her second, powerful orgasm of the night.

  Hal, however, was not quite finished. Jesse’s inner muscles milked him as he continued to pump into her until at last, he, too, met his end, sending his hot seed shooting into her. Jesse shuddered at the intimacy of the sensation, and she enjoyed each gentle pulse of Hal’s cock as he softened within her.

  Hal gently lowered himself down to hover over her, and he placed a soft kiss to her lips, which she easily returned, burying her hands in his dark hair.

  When they had both settled a little bit more, Hal pulled out of her, and Jesse winced at the slight sting. Hal laid down beside her, and she turned into his side, allowing him to wrap his arm around her and pull her close.

  For a while, they laid there, and Jesse basked in the warmth of his body.

  Chapter 62


  After laying with Hal for a long while, recovering from their intimacy together, she rose up, excusing herself to the restroom, where she cleaned herself up. She ran a comb through her hair so it wouldn’t get even more tangled than it already was.

  Satisfied with her hair, she looked over her body in the mirror, shocked to see red marks where Hal had gripped her. In the heat of the moment, they hadn’t felt painful, and now they served as active reminders of their fervor. More than any other emotions she had felt, she was proud to have acquired them, and she was somewhat sad that they would eventually fade.

  Jesse looked herself over again before she ran some water and rinsed her face. She dried herself off and then left the restroom to return to bed with Hal. She laid out beside him and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

  “Thank you,” Jesse said, a soft smile on her face.

  “Thank you,” Hal returned, turning onto his side and leaning on his elbow so he could face her.

  A long moment passed between them, and Hal seemed to look Jesse over worshipfully. She couldn’t help feeling a little exposed and embarrassed.

  “Jess …” Hal finally broke the silence, and Jesse waited patiently for him to continue. “There’s something we need to talk about.”

  Jesse’s smile faded off of her face, and she felt a twist of anxiety in her stomach.

  “It’s about us,” he said, and Jesse stayed silent so that she could listen better.

  “I know that you want to take things slow,” Hal prefaced, “but being with you this past couple of days and having you here … I realized that the connection we share isn’t just a passing fling. I want to grow with you and be the kind of man that you deserve. I don’t want you to ever have to worry about finding a man who can take care of you because I know that I can be that man.”

  Jesse gaped at his words. She had intended to address this issue as well, but she had worried that she would never know just what to say. She was grateful that Hal had been the one to make the move, but now she found herself in a new position unable to respond to the tender words he was speaking.

  “Jess,” Hal went on softly, reaching to take up her hand. “I don’t want to waste any more of my time. For the first time in years, I feel really connected to the things going on around me, and I know it’s because of you. I already told you I had already gotten everything I ever wanted, but that was before I realized I wanted you.”

  Jess felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes.

  “I understand if you need more time to think it over,” Hal said, his voice softer. “But I just want you to know that whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here. I’ll wait as long as it takes. I want you, and I want to start a relationship with you.”

  Tears finally trickled down Jesse’s cheeks, and she sniffled as Hal brushed them away with his thumbs.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he shushed her gently. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you …”

  Jesse shook her head and took his hand so she could press a soft kiss to his palm.

  “No, no,” she spoke up, laughing through her tears. “I’m not upset … I’m … happy …”

  Hal’s expression perked up, and she could feel the excitement rolling off of him in waves.

  “Hal …” she started, taking a breath to steady herself before she went on. “I want everything you just said. For so much of my life, I’ve been scared. Scared of finding a good job, scared of ending up homeless, scared of never making a name for myself. But since I met you, for the first time … I feel safe. I know that you’re a good man, and for some reason, I believe you when you say things to me. I … I want to be with you, too.”

  Hal blinked for a moment before a broad smile stretched across his face, and he gathered her up in a tight embrace, peppering kisses all along her face and shoulders.

  Jesse laughed, and she tightly gripped Hal in response. Neither of them seemed to have the words to express what they were both feeling, but Jesse truly believed they weren’t necessary. As long as they were both there in that moment, holding onto one another, there was nothing else that needed to be said.

  That was until Hal leaned back and looked deep into her eyes.

  “Jesse Clarke,” he said worshipfully. “I love you.”

  Jesse was shocked by his admission, and once again her eyes flooded with tears.

  “Hal …” she breathed out in a barely audible whisper. “I love you too.”

  Again, Hal beamed and gathered her close. He whispered the words to her over and over again as he gently rocked her in his arms. Jesse, for her part, gently stroked the hair on his head.

  She felt whole and complete with him like this. She didn’t know what she was going to do about her job or if she would ever turn into the journalist she had always hoped she would be.

  She did know, however, that as long as she was with Hal, that he would take care of her, and she would always be safe and loved. She knew that she would be with a man that cherished and valued her for who she was and would never ask her to be anything else.

  And to Jesse, that was the only thing that
really mattered to her anymore.

  Chapter 63


  Jesse woke the next morning to the feeling of Hal gently rocking his erection into her backside and the soft sensation of his lips brushing against her neck. She let out a soft sigh and immediately began to respond, arching her back so that her ass was pressed even further back into his hardness. She heard Hal let out a soft chuckle.

  “Good morning,” he said, his voice already low and dark.

  “Good morning,” Jesse managed to squeak out. She gasped as his cock slipped between her legs and began to rub smoothly against her folds, which were apparently already well lubricated enough to allow him to do so.

  Jesse began to squirm, the teasing motion already starting up a fire in her core, and Hal’s arms snaked around her waist, holding her tight to his body. One of his hands moved to her breast, and he began to tweak and tease at her nipple.

  Jesse’s mind was swirling already, and she moved her hands behind herself to tightly grip at Hal’s hair. In response, he bit down on the juncture of her neck and shoulder, and she let out a soft cry of mixed pain and pleasure.

  Jesse heard Hal grunt, and in an instant, he flipped her over onto her stomach, pinning her down on the bed beneath him. His hardness was still lodged securely between her legs, pressed against her sex, but not entering, effectively driving Jesse mad with her need.

  Hal’s hands began to travel up and down her sides and delicious shivers rolled down Jesse’s body. She panted lightly and propped herself up on her elbows, allowing Hal’s hands to slide beneath her and his fingernails to drag over her breasts.

  Hal flicked at her nipples and then took her breasts in hand and began to roughly massage them. Jesse panted darkly at the heat that spread through her body in response to his painful touch.

  “You alright?” she heard Hal’s voice in her ear and then felt his teeth take hold of the shell of her ear, lightly tugging at it.


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