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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 73

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “You’re a doll. Thanks, Sam.”

  “So, who was your overnighter? The same blonde you brought upstairs?”

  “No. What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “It was the brunette bartender! Wasn’t it?”

  Drake made his way into his office and started up his computer as he tried his best to ignore Sam and her pestering questions.

  “For someone who doesn’t like my sexual habits you sure do ask a lot of questions,” Drake said as he winked at her.

  It was fun to flirt with Sam, probably because he knew it would never lead anywhere. Sam had made it perfectly clear to Drake that she wasn’t going to fall into bed with him. With that clarity came the freedom to flirt and make sexual innuendo without consequence, and Drake liked that.

  Sam knew Drake very well. She took his sexual escapades in stride, although she didn’t think he needed to sleep with every woman who offered herself to him. It had become just as much a part of their work relationship as any other aspect of her job. Sam had even taken to occasionally hooking Drake up with a pretty girl that she had met while out with her own friends.

  “I’m just looking out for you. Sooner or later you’re going to want to settle down.”

  “I don’t have time to do the whole dating thing. I don’t have a problem settling down when I find the one.”

  “You seriously think you’ll find her behind a bar or serving your dinner?”

  “Don’t be judgmental Sam; there are good women all over the place.”

  “Speaking of good women, you have a date with Rose tonight. I put it on your calendar. Don’t forget and don’t be a jerk.”


  It wasn’t often that Drake actually had a real date, but when he did it was usually someone that one of his close friends had set him up with. He really couldn’t remember who Rose was, or who had set up the date.

  “Yes. Rose Stein. Your brother set you up with her.”

  “Oh, God. Devon always finds the homely girls. Do you know what she looks like? Maybe she’ll be a firecracker in bed. You know there is something to say about fucking a woman who doesn’t get laid much; they sure are eager to please.”

  “No, and I don’t care. You told him you would go out with her, so just do it. Show her a good time. Wine and dine her, you know the drill.”

  “When is it?”

  “Look at your calendar. It’s at eight o’clock. Plenty of time for you to finish up your meetings, get your workout in and shower before you meet her at Giorgio’s.”

  “Alright. Make sure they have the wine I like. Don’t let that jerk who waited on me last time be there at all tonight and call ahead to my driver to make sure he brings the car with the solid partition. If this girl is homely, I don’t need him watching me while I fuck her in the back of the car.”



  “Don’t fuck her. How about you go on just one date where you actually talk to the girl and don’t spend the whole night thinking about when you get to stick your cock into her.”

  “Well, that seems stupid.”

  Sam sighed deeply and then left Drake in his office to do his work.

  Their relationship had grown tremendously over the years and Sam was one of the only people in Drake’s life who could actually talk to him realistically. Robert, his VP, was the other person, and, of course, his family. But most of Drake’s family had no idea about his sexual escapades. Drake was pretty sure his mother still thought he was a virgin.

  The day to day business of running Leblanc Enterprises was what Drake lived for. The fast-paced non-stop action drove him to work harder and harder each day.

  Drake was known in his industry, not because of his good looks or charm; he was known because of the hard work and dedication he had to the telecommunications world. His good looks and charm just helped everything out. His persona was what got the press for his company, but the company and its product were excellent once people got to work with them.

  Drake had the ability to read through Sam’s notes in the five minutes before a meeting and then walk in and kill it. He owned the meetings and always appeared as if he had spent weeks preparing for them. It didn’t hurt that he dressed in custom suits and was always the sharpest dresser in the room. There was a level of admiration that people had for Drake, no matter who they were.

  Looking the part was something Drake had learned long before he owned his company. His father had taught him before his very first job, “look at what your manager is wearing and make sure you dress better than him.” It was some of the best advice his father had ever given him.

  His first job in college was at a small law firm, so dressing better than his boss was pretty difficult. Drake took his first few paychecks and invested in a nice suit and some stylish ties. Within a month, people around the office were complimenting his ties and he had done exactly what his father had intended with his advice; Drake had been noticed.

  Now as a CEO, Drake used his notoriety as a playboy to drive the view of his company and its products. People saw Drake Leblanc as a trendsetter and so they also saw Leblanc Enterprises as a trend setting company.

  “Thank you all for coming, I look forward to your review of our new products,” Drake said as he shook hands with the group of magazine editors who he met with at his eleven o’clock meeting.

  “Lunch?” Drake said to Sam as he walked back to his office.

  “It’s on your schedule. You and Robert have a working lunch. Meet him at Wilmer’s across the street.”

  “Why does he insist on eating at the place? Doesn’t he know everything they sell is full of fat?”

  “He does and that’s exactly why he likes it. Remember his wife has him on that low-fat diet at home. It’s the only real food he gets to eat.”

  “Fine, but next time you tell him no and that we need to eat someplace normal.”


  Sam had learned not to argue with Drake about his eating. As much as Drake was willing to forgo his healthy lifestyle when a woman was involved, he absolutely wouldn’t forgo his healthy eating lifestyle for anyone. Sure, he would drink too much, stay up all night long and screw anything in a skirt; but don’t ever make him eat a burger.

  “I have to go do some running around. I won’t be back until after three. Please do not forget about your date tonight.”

  “Yes, yes, I remember it’s with Robin.”


  “Are you sure? I could have sworn you said Robin.”

  “No, it's with Rose.”

  “Oh, Robin was that girl from the gym. Yeah, yeah, she was a freak. Totally wanted me to pee on her.”

  Sam just rolled her eyes and grabbed her things to head out of the office. She had heard plenty of Drake’s stories about his women. Enough to last her a lifetime. She had no desire to listen to any more of them.

  “Wait, where are you going?”


  “You have a secret boyfriend, don’t you? Can I meet him? What’s his name?”

  “First of all. She’s a woman. Secondly, no you can’t.”

  “What? Wait you’re fucking a woman. How is this the first time I’ve heard of this? I want to come. Cancel my day. Let’s all have a fun afternoon.”

  “Drake. I’m going to meet a girlfriend of mine. Stop making everything about sex.”

  “Aww, so you’re not doing the sliding lady dance with her?”

  “Oh my God. I’m leaving. Go have lunch with Robert. Then don’t forget your date later.”

  “I’m thinking about you doing the sliding lady dance.”

  Sam just shook her head and continued to walk down the hall. As she waited for the elevator, she tapped her watch and pointed to across the street to signal to Drake that he was late for his lunch with Robert.

  “We can talk about your lesbian affair after lunch!” Drake yelled down the hall as Sam got into the elevator. It was certainly going to be som
ething that he had on his mind for a while.

  The idea of Sam and another hot brunette was a long-time fantasy of Drake’s. It would never come true, and he knew that, but that’s why it was such a great fantasy.

  Chapter 3

  Drake walked into Wilmer’s across the street from Leblanc Enterprises. It was a dive of a lunch location and filled with people who loved their food. Drake hated the place. Robert, on the other hand, loved it so much that he ate there almost daily.

  “Robert, I can’t be responsible for the heart attack you’re going to have because of this food. Cindy is going to get mad at me.”

  “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Robert said as his eyes were glued to the menu.

  Drake liked to joke about Robert’s wife Cindy and how tough she was on him all the time, but the truth was they had been married for many years and were extremely happy. Drake had even been Robert’s best man.

  “Let me guess, cheeseburger and fries.”

  “Double bacon cheeseburger,” Robert said as he licked his lips.

  “Seriously dude, Cindy would kill you.”

  “Nah, as long as I don’t actually keel over from a heart attack she’ll be alright.”

  “And if you do die…well you’ll be dead so it won’t matter anymore.”

  Robert paused for a moment to contemplate what Drake had said. Certainly, dying wasn’t something he wanted to do. He had a beautiful wife and kids that he couldn’t leave alone.

  “Maybe next week I’ll skip a day or two of greasy food.”

  “Hey, do you know anything about Smith Brothers Telcom?”

  “That old lady from your party owns that, right?”

  “Yep,” Drake said as he ordered the only salad on the menu.

  “What about it?”

  “I want to buy them.”

  “Drake, seriously? We are in the middle of too much transition right now we need to take it easy. Why don’t you go on vacation or something? Try and relax a little bit.”

  “Robert, you know me. I don’t do vacation.”

  “Well, we don’t have the resources or time for a takeover right now so find something else to do with yourself.”

  “Like what?”

  Robert was used to Drake bucking at the idea of any sort of break from work. That just wasn’t who Drake was. He liked to work hard and continually wanted to grow his company. Unfortunately, it was often all work and a little play, but no real relaxation for Drake.

  “I don’t know, Drake. What do your other friends do for relaxation?”

  Drake had to think about it. He wasn’t sure he knew anyone who worked as hard as he did.

  “I’ll try to figure it out.”

  “Grab one of those sexy ladies of yours and hole up in your house for a week-long fuck fest. I’m sure that would be as close to a vacation as you could get.”

  Drake stopped to think about that for a second. It wasn’t a bad idea. A whole week of endless sex might actually be pretty fun. The problem was Drake didn’t know any women that he liked enough to keep them for a whole week. Two dates were about the threshold of what he could handle, then the women he knew started to get really boring.

  “Well, if I could ever find a woman that was fascinating enough to me maybe that idea would work.”

  “You have to actually get to know a woman if you want to decide if you like her or not. Two sentences of conversation before you bone her does not equal a get to know you session.”

  “They want to fuck. Am I supposed to say no?”

  “Drake, how many women have you slept with? Dozens? Hundreds? You still haven’t found what you were looking for. Why not try a different way?”

  “Like your way. Boring same old woman every single day.”

  “Oh Drake, you’re missing out on a lot if you don’t try some monogamy. The sex is tantalizing, your body will crave it. It’s a totally different world than one-night-stand sex.”

  Drake just laughed. The idea that Robert was having hotter sex than he was just was ridiculous. Drake spent most nights with a different woman. He had the pleasure of enjoying every position imaginable with some of the hottest women in the world. He just couldn’t imagine that Robert’s sex life with his wife of seven years was anywhere in the realm of the encounters he was having.

  “Alright, Robert.”

  “Oh, you think I’m kidding. You think because the women you fuck have perfect bodies that your sex is special. I’m telling you, Drake, when a woman feels comfortable she turns into a wild freak.”

  “Cindy?” Drake said with a smile.

  “Oh yeah. Like a crazy freak. It’s a whole different game when you get to come home to the same woman every night and fuck her brains out.”

  “It would be a better use of my time. But there really isn’t a woman with a sex drive as high as mine.”

  Robert laughed as he bit into his huge burger.

  “You might be surprised what you’ll find when you pause to get to know someone.”

  “She would have to be pretty fucking fantastic to keep me interested for more than a couple of nights.”

  “You have that date with Rose tonight, right? Why don’t you try getting to know her?”

  “And not sleep with her?”

  Drake made a face at Robert like something smelled bad.

  “Yes, Drake. Go on a real first date. Dinner, wine, all that romantic bullshit.”

  “Not even a blow job?”

  “No blow jobs. No eating her pussy. No fucking her. Just a nice normal first date. Ask her questions about her life. Let her ask you questions. All that good stuff.”

  Drake just shook his head up and down as he finished his salad. He was up for giving it a try. A normal date wasn’t too much for Drake. He actually liked the idea of a little bit of a challenge.

  “So, let me get this straight. So far at lunch we have decided that I won’t take over another company and I shouldn’t have sex with my date tonight. We are definitely eating somewhere else next time.”

  As the two men left the restaurant and made their way back toward their office. Drake couldn’t help but contemplate what Robert had suggested.

  Maybe it was time to settle down just a little bit. Of course, Drake didn’t want to get married or anything crazy like that. But perhaps dating a few regular girls would be a better way to go about things instead of picking up a new girl every night.

  Drake spaced off a little bit as he thought about some of his past women and if any of them would be good for a little semi-regular nighttime fun. He quickly recalled his past conquests all blended together and it wasn’t likely that he would be able to differentiate them enough to tell which ones he liked and which ones he didn’t.

  He hadn’t had a woman around in a long time that would even stand up to him. Drake, of course, liked a woman in bed that would do anything he wanted. But in real life, he needed intelligence mixed with a hot body and unstoppable sex drive. That was what he wanted. If he could find that in a woman, then maybe he could sort of settle down.

  “You could always be one of those progressive guys who kept a couple of women,” Robert said jokingly as they headed back to the office.

  “Yeah, that would be better.”

  “No, Drake, I was joking. Trust me. Two women would be way too much to handle on a daily basis. Plus, they wouldn’t get along and would always be fighting. It doesn’t work that way.”

  “I like it. Maybe two really hot, smart, sexy women. Mmm, yeah that would be perfect. I could take turns with them. Maybe they could take turns with each other. Perfect.”

  Robert just rolled his eyes as he stopped walking altogether.

  “Drake, that’s a porno film, not real life. You can’t even find one hot, sexy, intelligent woman to keep around. How do you expect to find more than one?”

  “Alright. Let’s say I wanted to find just one. We need to figure out the most efficient way to just get this over with. I don’t have time for dating a million women and w
asting time.”

  “Have Sam help you. She has known you for five years. The two of you could go to one of those fantasy matchmakers or something,” Robert didn’t seem very confident in his plan.

  Robert could still remember the time Drake did go to a matchmaker service and he ended up fucking the matchmaker. She was totally into it, but then refused to help set him up with any of her clients. Pretty much she just wanted to keep him for herself.

  Drake stood still and stared at the movie poster on the building they were in front of. He had a fantastic idea.

  Chapter 4

  “I would settle down if I could have women battle over me like in that,” Drake said as he pointed to the latest movie poster.

  It depicted a group of people battling to the death as they were held captive on an island. Drake smiled as he thought about how much fun it would be to be held captive on an island with a bunch of beautiful women fighting over him.

  “So, would they fight to the death? The last one standing is the one you’d keep?”

  The two men laughed as they thought about the outrageous plan. It had to be something most men had pondered. A little fight to the death among hot women. A lot of sex and battles to see who was the best.

  “Yeah, why the hell not. I’d love to see some women fighting over me like that. Full-on chick fights are hot.”

  “Drake, you’re talking craziness,” Robert just brushed him off as the two of them continued toward the office.

  “Instead of a battle to the death, I’d like to do a sex battle. Oh, fuck. yeah. Can you imagine? Stuck on an island and each woman fucking my brains out until I was too exhausted to move. Now that would make a good fucking movie.”

  Robert just rolled his eyes as the pair continued into their building and waited for the elevator.

  “Maybe you could set up some rules, or give out points based on their sexual abilities.” Robert clearly was just humoring Drake by that point.

  “Yes, perfect!”

  “No, Drake it isn’t perfect. Woman don’t like to be looked at as a game to win. You’d never get a woman to agree to such a thing.”


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