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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 108

by Sarah J. Brooks

  Luckily for Drake, he had a whole team of people that helped him keep his mouth shut when he was supposed to. And even luckier was that his team were people he actually considered to be friends in his life.

  “I’m exhausted,” Cynthia said as she leaned in close to Drake and yawned.

  “What is your company doing without you there this week?”

  “Probably going bankrupt.” Cynthia laughed.

  “I hope not. Do you have someone you trust to take care of things?”

  “Oh, yes, I’ve got a good team. I just wanted them to avoid buying or selling during this week, and I’ve already heard they have done both.”

  “Well, maybe they made a good deal?”


  “How long have you had your company?” Drake queried, tucking his arm around Cynthia and pulling her close.

  “Over ten years. Finance was always my passion. I really loved learning about the stock market when I was younger. Now all I do is spend every day learning more and more.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get into the whole dominatrix thing?”

  Cynthia paused as she tried to decide how she wanted to answer Drake’s questions. It wasn’t like she was a total fetish girl and being a dominatrix was the only way she got turned on. But she did really enjoy taking a powerful man and being in control of him. There was something so sensual to her about a man who was willing to relinquish his control to her, even if it was only in the bedroom.

  “I dated an executive once that was really into it. I had never really experienced anything like it before. I had fun, and so did he. We relieved our stress from the day, and I felt more connected to him afterward.”

  Drake seemed to take in the words that Cynthia had spoken and was thinking about them as they continued to drive back to his house. He wasn’t really sure he fully understood what turned Cynthia on so much about being in control like that, but Drake was excited to play with her and test those limits.

  Sex had always been something that Drake knew as fun. He didn’t want to limit himself to a certain style or position just because something was taboo. In Drake’s mind, all sex was good sex, and he was perfectly happy to try out new fetishes, positions, and experiences.

  “Are you going to let me tie you up to that bed tonight?” Drake asked as he cuddled with Cynthia.

  She paused and thought about it for a long moment. It was a simple question, but Cynthia had never felt so comfortable so quickly with a man. She really wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to allow Drake to take control of her or not, but she was willing to give it a try.

  “I’ll try to let you. But I’m not so comfortable with letting others be in control.”

  “I promise to be gentle,” Drake said, kissing the inside of her neck and then moving up to her lips.

  The taste of Cynthia’s lips on his had become very familiar to Drake, and he was more than happy to keep tasting them as long as she would allow him. Having Cynthia near him made Drake hard all the time. He loved it. There was just something about the two of them together that sent his body into overdrive.

  Perhaps it was the idea of her dominating him? Or maybe how she let him take control when he knew how much she liked to be in control? Drake didn’t know exactly what the reasoning was, but he was loving every minute of being with Cynthia.

  Cynthia leaned back near Drake and let her head rest on his shoulder as they continued their drive back to his place. It was a nice moment between the two of them, and something Cynthia wanted to remember.

  It was a feeling that she wanted to remember most. The feeling of letting a man be in control and not feeling fearful that he was going to break her heart. It was somewhat comical to Cynthia that the one man she let have some control in a relationship was the man who had six other women living in his house. But there were rules and honesty in the situation with Drake. Cynthia didn’t have to try to figure out what the underlying game was, it was spelled out very clearly in her paperwork she received before entering the house.

  Cynthia had been with other good men before. It wasn’t like she only dated men that she didn’t trust to tie her up. But there was always a game at play, and it was normally not spelled out quite so clearly as the game was with Drake.

  In a normal dating situation, Cynthia had to find men who were into S&M and wanted to be dominated. They were the only men that she found she could play with in the bedroom. Other men would say that they were interested in playing around with the idea of a dominatrix, but they never really liked it at all.

  Cynthia liked dominating her men. She had grown accustomed to enjoying a bit of role play before she would take her man and fully devour him. It just wasn’t the same when a guy couldn’t get into the game and have fun. It wasn’t as much fun when they were just waiting for it to be over.

  When a man truly liked being dominated, he got excited from the whip when Cynthia lashed him. His body would physically swell with the urge to explode more and more as she took control. The look in her eyes when she told him what to do and he willingly did it purely to please her; that was what Cynthia loved so much about being the dominatrix in a relationship.

  Because she liked being the dominant one so much, it was a bit rattling to her that she enjoyed letting Drake be in control while they had been at the movie theater for the premiere. She hadn’t expected that she would ever really enjoy a man being dominant around her, but with Drake, she did.

  Of course, Drake wasn’t being a true dominant. Drake hadn’t told Cynthia to follow him or abide him. He hadn’t prepared her for their trip by telling her what she could and couldn’t say to the press. But it had still been a unique opportunity for Cynthia.

  “Do you think the other girls will want to talk to you some more when we get home?” Cynthia asked without lifting her head from Drake’s shoulder.

  “I’m not sure. But I’ll keep it short. I’d like to give you all my time tonight.”

  Drake squeezed Cynthia’s hand and pulled it up to his lips. He had already taken away the whole morning from Cynthia and had canceled the day she planned and replaced it with a day that Samantha and Robert had planned. He wasn’t about to let the other girls take much more of his time from him that evening.

  If he had to, Drake would say a quick hello to the women and then head upstairs with Cynthia. If he kept moving and didn’t stop for any long conversations, he expected they could be up in her bedroom by a little after 7 o’clock.

  “That would be perfect,” Cynthia said.

  “Actually, I was going to spend the night with you as well. If that is alright with you?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  It was the first time Drake had offered to spend the night with one of the women. Sure, it had happened that his dates had run long and he ended up falling asleep with a woman earlier in the week. But this time, with Cynthia, he genuinely wanted to spend the evening with her. Drake wanted to be with her all night long.

  He wanted to try out all her fun accessories and leather straps. It had been a long-time fantasy of his to get to be with a woman who actually knew what she was doing with a flogger and other items. Drake wasn’t quite sure why it turned him on so much, but it did, and he couldn’t wait to experience a fun night ahead with Cynthia.

  “Okay, here’s the plan … you head up to your room. I’ll say a quick goodnight to the ladies and then be up there to meet you in five minutes,” Drake said as they got out of the limousine and stood in front of the front door.

  “I’ll be timing you, and you’ll get punished if you’re late,” Cynthia said with a sinister smile.

  Chapter 5

  Cynthia didn’t say a single word to the other women as they walked in the door. She just waved hello and went straight upstairs. There wasn’t a single thing she wanted to say to the other women. It was her night with Drake, and they had just finished an amazing date at the movie premiere. She wasn’t about to let any of the women get into her head before she
got her alone time with Drake.

  It wasn’t that Cynthia didn’t like other women, because she did like the women she worked with and her friends back home. But in the house, there just wasn’t anyone that she truly felt connected to. The other women all seemed to be much different than Cynthia. They were outgoing and vivacious. The only two women that Cynthia felt somewhat comfortable talking with were Victoria and Scarlett.

  As she entered her bedroom, Cynthia used her phone to set a five-minute timer. She was going to stick to her promise to punish Drake if he didn’t get up to her room in five minutes or less. Although she was almost positive that he wouldn’t be able to push past all six other women fast enough to make it upstairs and to her room in time. But she was willing to give him a chance.

  She unzipped her gown, went to place it on the rack with the others and then realized that the rack of gowns had disappeared. Samantha must have come back into her room and gathered the dresses after they left for their event.

  Under normal circumstances, it would have made Cynthia nervous to have another woman going through her things or being in her room, but Samantha didn’t seem to care at all about Cynthia’s fetish fun. Samantha seemed like the perfect assistant for Drake, but Cynthia couldn’t help thinking that the two of them had probably slept together.

  Cynthia slid into a black satin robe as she watched the clock to see if Drake was going to make it. Just as the clock ran out of time, Drake pressed open the door and let himself into the room.

  “Did I make it?” he asked out of breath from obviously running up the stairs and to Cynthia’s room.

  “I can’t believe it, but yes you made it.”

  Drake smiled as he crossed the bedroom to Cynthia. The satin of her robe felt delicate and sensual as he pulled her toward him. A mischievous smile swept over his face as he watched her try to pull away from him.

  “I still get to play with you,” Cynthia whispered as she gave into his pull.

  “Of course, I can’t wait to have you tie me up again.”

  Drake slowly kissed Cynthia as his hands explored the delicate fabric she had on. He wanted to rip her robe off and expose her silky-smooth skin beneath. But Drake also wanted to experience being dominated by Cynthia, so he wasn’t going to try and be in control.

  “Where would you like me, Mistress?” Drake said as he fell to his knees and looked up at Cynthia.

  A vast smile crossed her face as she saw Drake on his knees. He was such a dominant man, it was fabulous to see him kneeling and asking for her to control him.

  Immediately Cynthia switched into her dominatrix mode and felt the power flow through her. She stood up straighter than before, she felt more in power, she loved the feeling of being in control.

  “Take your clothes off and get on the bed,” she said as she stroked the side of Drake’s cheek. “I’ll be right there.”

  Cynthia grabbed some clothes out of her dresser and made her way to the bathroom so she could change. She brought a special outfit for her time with Drake and couldn’t wait for him to see her in it.

  Drake dutifully did as he was told, removed all his clothing and climbed into the bed. He felt awkward, sort of like a high school kid getting ready to have sex for the first time. But it was exciting, and Drake couldn’t wait to experience Cynthia as a dominatrix. His eyes looked over toward the bathroom as she walked out, and Drake instantly felt his body harden with desire.

  Cynthia had on a black leather corset that pressed her breasts together and up. She had on a tiny pair of black leather panties and a pair of black pumps. As she walked across the bedroom, she grabbed a black leather flogger off of the table and played with it on her way to Drake.

  His body throbbed with each step she took. He wanted to grab her and throw her down on the bed and have his way with her, but he resisted the urge.

  “Mistress, you look amazing,” Drake said as he slid off the bed toward Cynthia.

  “Get back on the bed,” Cynthia said firmly.

  She tried to keep a straight face, but the surprise on Drake’s face was hard for her not to laugh at. He wasn’t used to any of this, and Cynthia could tell that right away, but she also knew that it was important to give him the full real-life experience so he knew what it was she was into. He couldn’t make a clear decision at the end of the week if he didn’t truly understand what Cynthia liked in the bedroom.

  “Yes, Mistress,” Drake said quietly.

  “I want you to feel what this flogger is like. I’m going to have you lay on your stomach on the bed, and I’m going to hit you five times. Do you understand?”

  Drake nodded his head yes as he followed her directions and laid flat on the bed. He was more aroused than he had expected he would be; it was exciting and new to Drake.

  “Tell me you understand.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Drake said as he tried not to laugh.

  It was entirely clear to him that he wasn’t going to be able to do the whole dominatrix thing, but he really didn’t want to hurt Cynthia’s feelings.

  “I feel like I want to fuck you,” Drake said as he quickly turned around and grabbed Cynthia.

  In one quick motion, he flipped her onto the bed and felt his body spring to attention with an urge to thrust inside of her that he could not ignore for much longer.

  “Oh, you want to feel your hard cock inside of my wet body?” Cynthia teased him.

  “You’re wet?” Drake said as he lifted his head up and smiled at her.

  “Shhh, turn back around,” Cynthia laughed back at Drake. “This is serious, I’m dominating you right now.”

  Drake couldn’t help laughing, and by that point, Cynthia was laughing as well. Everything with Drake was new and exciting to her; she wasn’t really sure what to do with him next. But flogging him didn’t seem to be working for her.

  “I’m going to tie you up again,” Cynthia said, pressing Drake over onto his back.

  His cock had sprung up to attention as he lay on his back. Cynthia instantly looked at it and wanted to play with it. She wanted to wrap her lips around him and play with him, but she waited.

  Although Drake wasn’t into the flogging idea, he liked the idea of having Cynthia riding his cock while he watched. He was willing to give her a little leeway and allow her to put the leather straps on him. It was only for a short time; he would make sure of that.

  Drake wanted to allow Cynthia the freedom to believe she was in charge when the whole time he was actually guiding her right to the activities he wanted from her. Drake wanted to feel her lips around his throbbing member, and what better way to get that delicious feeling than to lay back on her bed and expose himself and his member to her lovely lips.

  “You look excited,” Cynthia observed as she started to strap Drake to the bed.

  “I am.”

  “What happened to calling me, Mistress?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Mistress,” Drake said as he watched Cynthia move to the next cuff on his ankle. He stifled the smile that inevitably was going to shine across his face.

  He couldn’t imagine any man seriously being into the whole dominatrix thing. A man should be in charge. A man should take his woman and have the power to give her everything she needed without her ever feeling like she had to take control.

  Drake was going to work with Cynthia during their evening together. He believed deep down that she didn’t really want to be a dominatrix at all; she just needed a strong man that she could trust. Cynthia was just a woman with a wall up that Drake had to show her she didn’t have to pretend to be in charge. And to show her why her way didn’t work; Drake was willing to allow her to try her way just a little bit.

  Cynthia smiled as she continued to buckle the rest of his limbs to the bed. It was a beautiful sight to see Drake Leblanc naked with a hard on and strapped to her bed. She stood at the end of the bed and observed him for a moment before she climbed up onto the bed and let the tip of her fingers move up and down his body. She lingered near his hard member but
didn’t play with it too much.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  The both looked toward the door and Cynthia realized it was unlocked. She jumped up from the bed and ran over to the door.

  “It’s Samantha, I just need to talk with Drake for a few minutes.”

  Cynthia laughed as she looked at the door and then back to Drake. He was also laughing. It was clear they were going to need to take another break from their fun games.

  “Give me five minutes,” Drake yelled from the bed.

  “Okay, I’ll meet you downstairs,” Samantha said from the other side of the door.

  Cynthia ran back over to the bed and jumped onto it with a schoolgirl smile across her face.

  “How are you going to meet her downstairs? You’re tied to my bed,” she said as her hand played with Drake’s naked body.

  “I promise I’ll be right back, but will you please untie me?”

  Cynthia loved that Drake needed to be untied, and she wasn’t about to let him off the hook too easily. It was the perfect opportunity to have some fun with him. She loved a captive man in her bed.

  Her lips slowly moved down and wrapped around Drake’s cock. Without a single word, she started to stroke up and down his body with a tight pressure from her lips.

  “Oh, no, no, no,” Drake said as he let out a slight moan. “We don’t have time for this. We can do this in a minute.”

  “I think you forgot to say ‘Mistress.’ Wasn’t that what we decided you should call me?” Cynthia said as she went back to stroking his cock with her mouth.

  Faster and faster she moved as she felt his body getting harder and harder. But what Drake didn’t know was that she had no intention of letting him actually get the relief that he wanted from her blowjob. She wasn’t about to let him have a quick release like that, there was no fun in something like that.

  “Okay, okay, Mistress … Can I please go downstairs to talk with my assistant?” Drake begged.


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