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Page 7

by Lily Ryan

  “I want alone time with you, and I don’t know how to get it.” He ignores my implications. “I don’t think you’re about to leave Timmy home alone, and I get it. I’ll never ask you to compromise your motherly duties.” He slips his arm around my waist, reaches for my hand, and pulls me up against his body. Chance crushes me against his broad chest as he spins us around in a silent dance. “Come out with me tonight. We’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Stop! What if Timmy sees?” I push at his chest which goes against every instinct and desire I have at the moment.

  “Say yes and I’ll stop.” The strength of Chance’s strong thigh makes its way between my legs as he bends me backwards in a dip. I grip onto his shoulders and hold on tight to the lean muscle beneath my fingers.

  “I never said I wouldn’t.”

  “You never said you would,” he says, keeping me down in the compromised position and using the strength of his arms to hold me in place.

  “Chance!” I slide my hands up his shoulders and clasp them behind his neck.

  “You want up, you know what you need to say. It’s just one little word. Just say yes. It’s that simple. That easy. Or else I’ll have to keep you like this and Timmy will have a lot of questions.”

  “You can’t keep me like this forever,” I tease.

  “Long enough. You’re very light, so I can hold you in this position for a long time, Kim. Besides, it’s not like I mind being this close to you. Having your undivided attention on me. Feeling the heat and desire build between your legs.”

  Using his strategically placed thigh, he moves it back and forth, increasing the pressure and sensation. Making me want to feel more there. He rubs mercilessly against my already aching pussy and it’s hard for me to say anything, least of all no. He pulls everything out of his bag of tricks to wear me down, and it’s working.

  “You’ll have a good time. I promise.”

  “Fine! Yes! You win. I’ll go out with you tonight!”

  “By the way, saying yes doesn’t mean I win. It means we both win.”


  I take a deep breath before pulling the black pencil across the length of my bottom lid. My hair is in a diagonal twist that starts on the left side of my head and ends over my right shoulder. I stand in front of the full length mirror, turning side to side to see myself from different angles. Pleased with my reflection I head to the living room to wait for my date.

  My date!

  I still can’t believe Chance asked me out on an actual date.

  Asked, that’s funny. More like he bullied. Not that I mind the kind of pressure he applied. Or that I said yes. I wanted to say yes, he just gave me a guilt free excuse to. I have mixed emotions about the whole thing, but I want to see where tonight goes. I’m ready to start living again, and I can’t think of a better way to jump-start this new phase of my life than a date with Chance Carter.

  The doorbell rings. I bounce up and down in place before moving to the door. It’s hard to find the balance between being excited and not giving a shit. I want to appear somewhere in the middle. It’s hard though, because on the other side of my front door is a man that sends my body into hyper drive. The only man I have a serious interest in getting to know intimately.

  On the other side of the door stands all the unknowns. My fears and excitement rolled up into one large, hot, sexy ball of the forbidden and unknown. By the end of the night, I’m hoping to have a taste of the fruit that will lead me straight out of garden of ignorance.

  Chapter 11

  The third kamikaze of the night makes my head feel like a giant glass of champagne; bubbles effervesce float to the top and pop. My thoughts are fizzy and revolve around Chance. Thoughts of him on top of me, naked and glistening with sweat. Once I’m pulled back to the present, my brain gets fuzzy and the process starts all over again. Bubble. Pop. Fizz.

  I look at Chance, and cover my mouth with my hand to hide the nervous giggle coming out. I can’t help it. When I look at him, I’m no different than the pre-teen girls he deals with at school.

  The atmosphere of the comedy club encourages my giddy behavior. It’s all about laughing and having a good time. In the spirit of where we are, I stay in the moment, let go and laugh. At everything.

  The MC is on stage, thanking the crowd and preparing us for the headliner. Chance reaches his hand across the table and covers mine. I like how I feel when he touches me. Sexy. Sultry.

  He rubs his calloused hand over my soft skin and the friction crackles and sparks deep in my lower valley. I squeeze my thighs together hoping that will alleviate the all-consuming ache I have between my legs when I’m near him. The ache that’s had me exploring and touching myself at night in search of satisfaction. Satisfaction I haven’t been able to find.

  God, do I want him.

  “How do you feel?” He whispers across the table. A cocky, self-assured smirk plays on his full lips. Lips I can’t stop imagining all over my body.

  Inappropriate responses I’m not about to admit to race through my head. I’m horny as a sailor. I want to go get naked in the back seat of your car. I feel like reaching under the table and squeezing the bulge between your legs to see if you’re as turned on as I am.

  “I’m feeling . . . good.”

  “Just good?” He leans in, his green eyes are so hot I can almost see steam coming out of them. “You look absolutely radiant.” His eyes drop from my face and inch down to my chest. They linger there while his pupils dilate.

  He cocks one eyebrow as he stares at my tits. I feel my nipples come to life and tighten under his scrutiny. Chance doesn’t bother trying to hide his thoughts, I don’t want him to. I’m not used to a man looking at me with lust in his eyes and I like it.

  He shakes his head, “I don’t know if I’m going to be able to keep my hands off you until we get home.”

  A low purr forms in my throat as I openly ogle the man sitting across from me. I’d like to blame the alcohol for my wandering mind. It keeps ripping his shirt up over his head so I can touch his pecs. Kiss him. Lick him. I just want to run my hands over his body.

  “Thank you. For whatever strings you pulled to make this happen. Even if you did promise Mrs. Coggins an hour alone behind the school.” I hiccup.

  Chance squeezes my hand and laughs. The sound is infectious. I want to hear more of it.

  “Are you implying I traded sex for favors with her?”

  I shrug. “I think that’s sort of her plan. She wants you.”

  “Oh yeah?” He pauses a beat and then comes right at me. “How about you? Do you want me?”

  “You already know the answer to that.” My teeth scrape over my bottom lip as I shift in my seat, uncomfortable with the pulsing in my pussy.

  “I want you to say it. To me. Not over text.”

  I look at Chance through my lashes inviting him to take me. To have his way with me. I lean in and pause for dramatic effect, licking my lip before I answer. “Very much.”

  “Fuck, Kim. This dude better get a move on, or else we’re leaving before the final act.”

  “Patience,” I tease, playing with the straw in my drink and eyeing him as I wrap my lips around the plastic and pull a long sip from it. He’s captivated, and I feel an internal pride at holding his attention so completely. “Patience is a virtue.”

  “Is that what you want? For me to be virtuous?”

  I shake my head, feeling the bubbles shift from side to side. “No. But the foreplay will make the main event that much better.”

  The lights dim and the final comedian stands in the center of the stage. Claps and cheers ring out as I scoot my chair against Chance’s. I lean over and place my head on his shoulder, my hand on his thigh. Chance covers my hand and inches it up and down his muscular leg.

  Content and enamored with my date, I’m barely aware of the man cracking jokes in front of us. Until a spot light shines bright in my eyes.

  “Aren’t these two cute?” The crowd awes. “Fully grown and he�
�s still cuddling with his mommy.” Sober from the laughter in the crowd, I sit up and put distance between Chance and me. “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame you. I mean, look at those tits. They are absolutely amazing. If she were my mother, I’d still be breastfeeding too.” The jokester on stage pretends to motorboat a pair of breasts.

  My heart hammers against my chest, and heat fills my face, as I sit still and straight as a pin. I’m embarrassed. Mortified by the raucous laughter in the room. I don’t dare look around, but keep my eyes on the man if front of me everyone is laughing. I hear it. I feel it. And they are all laughing at me. I pull my hand away from Chance, but he doesn’t let me.

  “What do you say, mama? Want to adopt another son? I want to suck on those big titties, too. And I promise to be bad so you could take me over your knee and spank me.”

  I hear Timmy’s voice in my head, telling me how ridiculous I look with Chance. My son tried to warn me, and I ignored him. It’s difficult to breathe. The spot light turns dark as the moron who impersonates a comedian finds someone else to pick on.

  Without a look in his direction, or a word to Chance, I stand, push my chair in, and head for the exit. Once outside, I scrub my hands up and down over my face. I’m an idiot. I never should’ve allowed myself to get caught up in the fantasy of being with him. I’m supposed to know better. I’m forty three, not twenty three.

  “Hey.” Chance catches up and stands in front of me. He looks pale. Frightened. “That guy, he’s a jackass.”

  I can’t speak, I can only stare.

  “It was all in good fun, Kim. Don’t take it personally.”

  “Take what personally, that I’m the butt of a joke? That me being with you, that this,” I point back and forth between us. “Is just something for the rest of the world to mock and laugh at? Is that what I’m not supposed to take personally?”

  “I don’t give a fuck about the rest of the world. Let them laugh. Does it really matter?”

  “Yes, it matters.”


  “Because we look ridiculous together.”

  “No, baby.” He strokes the side of my face with the back of his fingers. “We look good together. We look really good together.”

  “That’s why he took one look at us and ridiculed me?”

  “Yes. Maybe this was exactly the reaction he hoped for. That you’d walk away from me, and that would leave an opening for him. Kim, you don’t see what I see when I look at you. What every other man sees. You’re beautiful, and smart, and sexy as hell.”

  I shake my head. “And old.”

  “You’re not old. Besides, who gives a fuck what other people think? You shouldn’t give a shit about anyone but you and me.”

  “Oh, god.” I turn, cross my arms over my chest and take a few long strides away from him. There’s nowhere to go except for around the building, toward the parking lot in the back. With limited choices, I turn and head down the side of the building. As long as it gets me further from the entrance of the club, and away from Chance, it’s where I want to be.

  “Don’t do this, Kim.” Chance grabs my elbow, stopping me, and turns me around so that I’m facing him again. “Don’t punish me because of that douche-nozzle.”

  “Punish you? Really? The whole place was laughing at me, and you think you’re the one that’s being punished?”

  It’s darker on this side of the building. I can’t see the features of Chance’s face clearly, which I think is a blessing until I realize the moonlight illuminating his silhouette increases his sex appeal tenfold. My breath catches in the back of my throat. I remind myself it doesn’t matter how attracted to him I am I can’t let things go any further.

  “I’m sorry, Chance. I don’t know what you were hoping for, but I can’t give it to you.”

  “Bullshit.“ He inches toward me in the dark. Slowly. Seductively. Like he’s a hunter and I’m his prey.

  The moonlight casts a silverish lining around Chance as he cups my face in his hands. He advances while I retreat. My back hits the wall behind me, still he moves closer. Closer. Until he’s up against me, caging me in between him and the concrete.

  It’s hard to swallow. My pulse races. There’s a lump in the back of my throat. Chance’s chest presses up against mine. My tits brush against him with every breath. I arc my back toward him and lay my hand on his cheek. Chance turns his head, his soft lips caress my palm. My heart thunders. In protest. In angst. In excitement.

  Chance skims his thumbs over my cheeks. Back and forth, while his eyes search mine in the dark. Even in this muted light, I can see the resolve, the determination in his eyes. I want to listen, to believe that the rest of the world doesn’t matter, and fall into him.

  “You’re afraid,” he whispers. “And that’s okay. That’s all this is. You being afraid of getting hurt and pushing me away.”


  “Yes,” he insists, taking my hand and placing it on his chest. He moves our joined hands in a circular motion over his own pounding heart. “I’m just as nervous, just as excited as you.”

  I don’t pull away, but shake my head.

  The pointer finger of Chance’s other hand skims over the neck line of my dress. All I want is for him to slip his fingers, his whole hand inside my dress and brush it along the tightened buds of my breasts.

  “Tell me you don’t want this.” His mouth is next to my ear, his warm breath makes me shiver. “Tell me you don’t want me to touch you,” he whispers, using that same finger to trace my lips. “That right now, you’re not imagining my mouth on yours.

  “Chance, don’t—“


  It’s all the warning I get before he snakes his arm around the small of my back and crushes me tight against him. His hand slides down and cups my ass. I clasp my hands around his neck and whimper as his free hand urges my head forward. His lips inch towards me. So slow. So achingly slow.

  I want this to happen. I want it more than I’m afraid for it. I fist the back of his shirt in my hands and hold on tight as Chance’s mouth meet mine. His tongue swipes across my lips until I open up and let him in. Once inside, he takes control and explores my mouth.

  I kiss him back hungry. Eager. Until I can’t breathe. Until kissing him is all that there is, all that’s right with the world. I pull in a deep breath before Chance bombards me again. His tongue brushes up against mine. It twists and twirls, deepening the kiss. I’m hungry, dizzy with need.

  I forget that we are outside in public. The night air is like an aphrodisiac I don’t care that we’re making a spectacle of ourselves as Chance lifts me up by the globes of my ass. My legs wrap around his waist. My dress rides up and a thin scrap of lace is the only barrier keeping my pleasure zone protected.

  Chance squeezes my flesh. He peppers a trail of searing kisses, along my throat, across my chest. His hips press and rock into me. Grind against me. My panties are soaked. I wonder if he could feel through his jeans how wet and ready I am.

  Carnal sounds leave Chance as he continues to simulate fucking me on the side of the building. He’s pressing his bulge against my pussy, rubbing it against me. My head rolls from side to side. I moan, breathing heavy. Wanting more. Needing more.

  I consider unbuttoning his pants and setting him free. I want to feel him, without the barriers between us. I don’t, because it’s too risqué. Too naughty.

  “Tell me you don’t want this.” His voice is rough. Gravelly. “That you’re not imagining me inside you,” He whispers, then nips on my shoulder.

  I can’t. I can’t say anything. If I could, I’d be begging, pleading for him to take me here. Now.

  “Tell me your body’s not humming with need.”

  “Chance . . .” I manage to get out.

  He moans and closes his eyes at the sound of his name. I could almost cum in this moment, just by looking at his face. His eyes open, and even through the lack of light, I can see the lust shining through.

  “I want you, Kim. S
o fucking bad.” My name slides off his lips, and it’s the most beautiful sound. “I want to take you home and bury my cock deep inside you.”

  “Chance,” I can barely get the words out. “Take me home.”

  He exhales hard and sets me on my feet. “And then what?”

  “And then . . . have your way with me.”

  Chapter 12

  Strong arms wrap around me and hold me close. I lean back and snuggle against Chance’s bare chest, inhaling his familiar scent of sandalwood mixed with sex.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He hooks his leg over mine and pulls it back.


  “Sorry I didn’t let you get much sleep.” he says, his chest vibrating as he speaks.

  My mind flashes back to the previous night.

  The second Chance’s front door closes behind me, his hands are on my hips, pulling at my dress, his hungry mouth trails down my neck. My dress rides up and over my head. He tosses the black fabric to the floor and studies me in my bra and panties.

  Chance reaches behind me, unhooks my bra and slides the straps down my arms. He fills each hand with a breast. His broad chest heaves as his mouth meets mine. My hands reach and grab at his shirt with the same hunger and desperation he had for me.

  “Sleep is overrated. I’ll take a night like last night over sleep anytime.”

  His calloused thumbs brush over and perk up my nipples. “I hope that’s an invitation for more nights together.” He nips my shoulder. Sending a wave of heat down to the top of my thighs “Many, many more.”

  Chance’s lips caress my nipples, wrapping around each in turn. He nibbles and licks before sucking. His hand reaches between my legs, his fingers slide over my damp skin, working their way to my clit.

  I pull his shirt over his head then rest my hands on his chest. His heart thumps hard beneath my fingers. He’s warm and hard with dips and crevasses carving out each bunch of muscles. I trace the peaks and valleys as my fingers glide down his center. Down his naval to the button of his pants.

  Chance plunges his fingers inside me. Watching me with a lustful stare. Hot. Burning.


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