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by Lexi Buchanan


  McKenzie Brothers

  Book 3

  Lexi Buchanan

  Delight Copyright © 2014 Lexi Buchanan

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

  Published by HFCA Publishing House

  Cover Design: Alison Chaffin Higson

  Editor: Sirena Van Schaik

  BETA Readers: Emma Clifton, Heidy Bendana, Kristy Louise Garbutt, Jamie Grant and Nadine Winningham

  This book is a written act of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN - 978-0-9927335-2-0

  Other books by Lexi Buchanan

  Bad Boy Rockers



  Sultry (2014)

  McKenzie Brothers


  The Wedding



  Entice (2014)

  Jackson Hole

  From This Moment

  When we Meet

  New Beginning (2015)

  Holiday Season

  Kissing Under the Mistletoe


  (Educate Me) Forbidden Fruit

  (Gia, A Lawful Novella 0.5) Bad Boys of Romance

  (Elijah) HOT for Teacher

  Fighter (2015)

  Relentless (2015)

  Hunter, A Lawful Novel (2015)

  Julian, A Lawful Novel (2015)


  To my hubby, Mark and our four children for putting up with quickie meals, wrinkled clothes and a house that’s constantly upside down while I follow my dreams.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Epilogue One – Lucien

  Epilogue Two – Sabrina

  Ramon, Short Story

  Prologue ~ Ruben

  All I wanted was to enjoy the day, but for some reason ‘little Miss. Know-it-All’ is driving me crazy. Let me rephrase that. She’s driving me crazier than usual, and I damn well blame Michael. It was, of course, Lily’s idea for the waitresses to wear pink uniforms and the waiters, pale blue shirt with black pants, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to blame my gorgeous sister-in-law. I blame my brother, a much easier target. But my frustration wasn’t completely because of him. It was because of a sexy little waitress, Rosie, who looks hot as fucking hell in pink with her dark hair and curvy body.

  In fact, she’s been driving me crazy since Simon, my club manager at Kenza, hired her about nine months ago. Just before Michael and Lily’s wedding.

  Her looks are amazing but that wasn’t what drew me to her originally. It was her sassy mouth and the fact that she doesn’t give a damn who she uses it on, which has gotten her into trouble a few times at Kenza. Keith, head of security, has had to intervene several times.

  And now, not five minutes ago from me asking her to help Jayne refill the empty platters, she’s disappearing towards the barn.

  Fuck a brick!

  Turning to go after her, I collide with Lily’s friend, Sabrina. “Sorry babe. Are you okay?” I reach out to steady her.

  “I’m fine.” She laughs. “I’m sorry too. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  “I don’t mind. It’s not every day I get a beautiful woman falling into my arms.” I wink at her.

  And she is beautiful, which my brother Lucien has noticed. I hope he sees us right now, and gets jealous because he needs a good kick up the ass or something to go after her. He’s been looking at her often enough. If you want my opinion, he’s an idiot and needs to get over his hang-up from the accident before someone else snaps her up.

  I turn back to the woman in front of me who rolls her eyes, which makes me roar with laughter, setting her off.

  “I’ll see you later…Romeo.”

  I grin as I watch her retreat before turning back to go and find Rosie.


  He’s an ass. Nine months of ‘Rosie do this’ or ‘Rosie do that.’ Argh! Yes, he’s the big boss and I’m the ‘little slave,’ but fuck, he really has been on my case since I started working at the club.

  I love my job at Kenza. Well most days I do, especially when Ruben stays out of the way, but recently every time I turn around he’s there, glaring at me. He probably wishes he had an excuse to fire me, but as of yet, I’ve managed to keep my temper in check and have done what he asks. Honestly, I’m not sure how much longer I can work for him. Every horrid comment from him causes a sharp pain in my chest and recently I’ve even arrived home with tears in my eyes. As soon as the doors close behind me, I give in to them and collapse into a sobbing heap.

  Why does he affect me this much? Well, you see, over the past nine months I’ve slowly fallen in love with him and it hurts so damn much because it is clear that he can’t stand me. Over time, he’s made that very clear.

  He’s handsome in a rough kind of way with his dark hair falling over his chocolate colored eyes all the time. He ended up with a crooked nose because of his love of boxing and then you have his muscular body. All solid.

  I’ve seen him once without his shirt when he’d been working out back at the club, and I’d drooled. Oh, yes he reminded me of these tattooed male models all over Facebook with one hell of a ‘V’ leading into his jeans. My eyes had followed that ‘V,’ along with the dark tattoo inked there, down until both disappeared into his jeans. My mouth salivated at the thought of licking his tattoo. He’d caught me drooling, of course, and had spent the remainder of the evening being an ass.

  “Ugh.” Turning to head back before I’m missed, I freeze; the object of my bad mood is standing behind me blocking the exit. How long he’s been standing there is anyone’s guess.

  “What do you want?”

  His eyes narrow at the challenge in my tone. “I’m your boss, Rosie. Or have you forgotten?”

  “How could I forget with the constant stream of orders that come out of your mouth?” I feel like stamping my foot, which I refrain from, but I stand with my hands on my hips.

  “Any more sass from you and you can find a new job because I’ve had enough,” he growls at me, moving closer.

  My heart thumps in my chest. Does he want to get rid of me? Does he really hate me?

  I swallow the lump in my throat, but I’m afraid of opening my mouth because my tears are so close to the surface. Not only is the man I’ve fallen for
being hateful, but also there were things going on at his club that I don’t think he knows anything about, which all goes back to Simon. The stress of it all is finally getting to me.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, I answer, “I’ve never been fired before,” I swallow a few times, “so I…I quit.”

  Before he can reply, I turn and take a few steps toward where the cars are parked, but I don’t get very far before he grabs hold of my arm and spins me to face him.

  “You. Are. Not. Quitting.”

  A tear slips from my eye, which his gaze follows as it slides down my cheek to my mouth.

  “Rosie,” he groans.

  His lips meet mine. His tongue pushes for access to my mouth and I give in on a sigh. He tastes of coffee and mints. I break his hold on my arms and slide my hands into his hair, holding him to me as I start to take a more active role in this unexpected kiss, which has my toes curling and my pussy wet and throbbing.

  Ruben takes hold of my hips, pulling me in flush against him. I can feel his erection grinding in to me. Then it suddenly hits me what I’m doing. Making out with the boss!

  I push him away, breaking free of his embrace. Wiping his kiss from my lips, I stammer, “No. We can’t.” Turning, I flee to the car lot with tears running down my face, not having a clue what I’m going to do now. Can I really stay at Kenza? Shit! I just told him I quit.

  Chapter 1 ~ Ruben

  The woman I have tied to her bed is practically begging me to fuck her. I’ve given her countless orgasms; her pussy is so fucking wet that I should be desperate to get inside her to ease the ache in my balls. So what am I waiting for?

  I’m not going there.

  Grabbing a condom from the side table, I roll it down my length before climbing between her spread thighs.

  I don’t know her name. I didn’t ask. All I saw was the dark hair falling down her lithe back, the curve of her narrow waist and long legs. That was all it took to have me buying her a drink and arranging this evening of sex.

  Looking at her now, I’m not sure why I came back to her place. She isn’t the one I want. But getting laid is the only way to curb my lust for another brunette who shouldn’t even be in my thoughts, when I’m with someone else.

  Shaking my head to get Rosie out of it, I slide my hands up the woman’s quivering thighs and start stroking her pussy. She moans, encouraging me on.

  The only sounds in the room are hers. We haven’t spoken. We both stripped and when she was naked, she laid on the bed and waited for me to tie her up, which I was only too happy to oblige.

  Her pussy is bare as I watch my finger slide back and forth along her lips. Coating my fingers in her arousal. I insert a couple of digits inside her making sure she’s ready for me.

  I just want this over with now. I’ve stayed longer than I usually do. Not because I like her more than anyone else, but because she’s making me feel damn good with all the orgasms I’m wringing out of her. Despite my lack of enthusiasm, this woman has definitely stroked my ego, something that I needed.

  Taking hold of my cock, I pump my fist back and forth a few times as we both watch cum leaking out into the condom. I’m ready, but first I lean back and untie her ankles from each bedpost. Sliding my hands under her ass, I lift her up and toward me. My dick at her entrance slides in easily, her walls spasm against me at the same time as her pussy sucks me deeper.

  Groaning, I place her ass back on the bed and follow her down, lapping at her nipples while I thrust in and out of her. This is going to be quick. I’ve gone without sex for so damn long that I’m not going to be able to hold back.

  Arching her back, she moans and thrashes around under me while squeezing the life outta my dick with her climax, sending me shooting to the stars in an explosive release.

  Slowly moving back and forth to prolong the pleasure for us both, I drop my face into the crook of her neck and biting down on her shoulder, I mumble, “Rosie…” and freeze. Fuck!

  I close my eyes to try and block out the name I’ve just whispered to another woman.

  This is a one time deal with someone I don’t even know, but that doesn’t mean I can be a bastard. I felt her stiffen slightly when I said the name and I’m positive that it hurt her. What the fuck am I doing breathing Rosie’s name while buried deep in someone else?

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  Withdrawing, I untie her wrists and jumping off the bed walk to the bathroom to get rid of the condom. I wash my hands and splash water onto my face before drying off. Seeing the huge shower she has in here has me debating whether or not to jump in. Second thoughts though, have me walking back into the bedroom and reaching for my clothes.

  I need to get out of here.

  Tonight was supposed to have made me feel better. A release from the damn stress, but instead I feel like shit and it didn’t relieve the itch that I needed relieving.

  Finally slipping my feet back into my boots, I look at the woman I’ve just spent a couple of hours with. She’s now sitting back against the pillows, a robe hiding her nakedness, ankles crossed and her head tilted to the side as she watches me.

  I’ve never felt awkward before, but I do now.

  “My name’s Miranda. If you were wondering,” she tells me reaching for her cell, which has just lit up.

  “I wasn’t.” Fuck. Just leave. “Look we both know this was a one time thing so let’s just forget it. I need to leave.”

  Turning my back to the woman, I quickly check my pockets for wallet, keys and cell before I stride out of the bedroom.

  Making my way across the apartment, I reach the door and yanking it open, I hear her walking up behind me. She says, “See you around Ruben McKenzie.”

  I freeze. She knows who I am? How?

  “The man at the bar told me who you are,” she answers my silent question.

  Not quite trusting her, because something tells me she’s lying, I turn back and face her. She shrugs.

  God, I need to get out of here.


  Walking through the back door of my club, I know there’s something wrong. Usually I can come and go this way without anyone batting an eye, but tonight everyone has stopped to stare.

  Simon, my club manager walks out from the corridor leading to my office and is about to walk toward the front of the club when he spots me. He pauses before changing direction, coming toward me with intent.


  I nod. “What’s going on?” I ask, walking in his direction.

  “A couple of guys decided to have a fight in the club, and,” he pauses, “Rosie got caught in the middle.”

  My blood runs cold as I stop in my tracks. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “One of the guys punched her. She’s in your office on the sofa with a cold compress on her face. I’ve just given her two painkillers so hopefully they’ll kick in soon.”

  “And the guy,” I seethe.

  “Tony and a customer, who I’ve set up with free drinks at the bar, wrestled them outside and handed them over to the cops. Tony’s back on the door, and everything has calmed down—for now.”

  I nod. With Tony handling it, there really isn’t much I can do now. Tony is damn good as a security guard and always manages to keep the damn peace. I just wish he’d gotten to Rosie before she’d gotten hit.

  Simon turns away and heads back out to the floor leaving me undecided as to whether to go check on Rosie or break the bastard’s neck that dared to touch her.

  Rosie wins. Rosie always wins.

  Before I go barging into my office, I try to curb my anger at what’s happened to her because the last thing I want to do is scare the shit outta Rosie, which I will if I unleash the anger buried deep inside me.

  Letting my mask slip into place before she sees the concern that I’m feeling for her, I stare at my office door. Feeling anything for her is wrong. She’s my employee. Michael went after Lily even though he was her boss first, but he knew as soon as he met Lily that she was the one.
r />   I’m not looking for that. I like my life as it is, and hooking up with Rosie, no matter how much I want her isn’t going to happen. I wasn’t meant for everything that came after the hookup. I wasn’t into having a relationship and if I did hook up with Rosie, I’d have to let her go afterwards. Not only that, but Rosie is innocent. I like being in control when I have sex. And there isn’t anyway Rosie has any experience with the kind of control I like. Shit, I’d probably terrify the life out of her.

  Shaking loose of my thoughts, I push into my office and feel my composure slip. Rosie is curled up on my sofa with her back facing me. Seeing her like this crushes me.

  Gently closing the door behind me so as not to disturb her, I walk to where she is. Dropping to my knees beside the sofa my hands hover over her. I’m not sure what to do. Do I touch her and do what I want to do? Or should I back away so she doesn’t know I’ve been here?

  Oh fuck it!

  “Rosie…” I gently place my hands on her hips, helping her to turnover and when she does, I want to kill someone. Her beautiful face…the left side is bruising with her eye-swollen shut. Her face is dry and I can tell that she’s close to crying, but hasn’t yet. She still looks heartbreakingly beautiful.

  I need to remember I’m the boss in this situation. How would I react if it had been any one of the other servers? I’d have been angry and concerned, but I wouldn’t be kneeling on the floor wanting nothing more than to take her in my arms and keep her safe.

  Step back, Ruben.

  Just as I’m trying to work up the courage to take a step back, she bursts into tears. I’m done for.

  “Dammit, Rosie. Come here, babe,” I say while I’m already standing and lifting her into my arms.

  She lets the ice pack drop to the floor and wraps her arms around my neck, holding on real tight.

  Turning with her, I drop to the sofa and hold her against me.

  Rosie gets more comfortable in my arms and I’m sure if she could, she’d have climbed inside me. Her face is buried in my neck, soaking my skin and the collar of my shirt with her tears.


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