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Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  I really wish Ruben and his brothers would get to the bottom of all the trouble that’s been happening; I sure don’t want to admit to Ruben that I suspect someone might be selling drugs at the club. Knowing the luck I’ve been having lately, he’d probably blame me.

  Chapter 5 ~ Ruben

  With my head buried in the paperwork on my desk I try to avoid thinking about Rosie—no such luck. The woman has been driving me crazy, especially with her avoiding me since she started back at work. I don’t blame her really considering the mixed signals I gave her the night she was hit. Plus I’ve done my best not to run into her, having no idea what I’m supposed to say.

  I’m thirty-five years old and clueless with Rosie. She turns me upside-down and no matter how many times I tell myself to stay away from her, I’m always pulled towards her.

  She looks so damn innocent and the thought of teaching her what I like makes my dick hard-as-fuck and my balls ache, but it so isn’t going to happen. I’d probably terrify the life out of her introducing her to butt plugs and rope.

  I like my women tied up—helpless—it’s their trust in me that I get off on, but only after I’ve made sure they are well taken care of. My brothers joke about whips and chains, but I’ve never used either. Silk scarves are a lot gentler to use around a woman’s wrist and ankles. In fact, Rosie would look beautiful spread out on my bed with her wrists and ankles secured to the posts with her gorgeous hair spilling out over my pillow.

  Slipping my hand beneath my desk, I rub against my throbbing dick at the image in my head. I’d climb between her spread legs and use my mouth on her pussy to get her good and wet. Then I’d use my finger to work into her tight puckered hole before inserting a small butt plug.

  My cock jerks with excitement.



  I grab my balls and squeeze. I sure as hell don’t want to come while she’s standing there in the doorway. “Yea…” I croak before clearing my throat and trying again, “Yeah. What’s wrong, Rosie?”

  “Simon wanted me to tell you the delivery you’re waiting for has just arrived out front.”

  “Okay,” I say to an empty doorway.

  Breathing deeply to try and get rid of my hard-as-fuck problem, I count backwards so I’m not a walking embarrassment when I go to sort the delivery out or to confront Rosie.

  We both need to stop avoiding the other and she sure as hell needs to stop running off the minute she’s said what she needs to.

  Standing, my cock’s shrunk, I head out of my office toward the front of the club to check the delivery we’ve been waiting for. The delivery should have been here four days ago, but someone saying they had my authority, supposedly canceled the order—pisses me the fuck off that someone is screwing with my business.

  About to punch through the door leading out front, Simon comes barreling inside.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I’ve had them pull the truck round back now that the car blocking the alley has moved. They have the full delivery so I’m going to check it as they unload to make sure there isn’t any more of a screw up.” Simon looks at the clipboard in his hand before glancing back to me. “Did you want to check it?”

  “I was going to, but it seems like you have it under control so I’ll leave you to it. It’s not as though grilling the driver about the cancellation will help find out who was responsible for that phone call.” I run my hands through my hair in agitation. “Just make sure everything we ordered is delivered. I’m going to go and finish up some paperwork.”

  Simon dashes off to the back of the club.

  Heading back to my office, I spot Rosie darting into the staff room and decide to get this whole avoidance thing sorted out. No matter how much I want her, she’s still one of my staff and I sure as hell don’t want her thinking she has to avoid me.

  Coming out of the staff room, she turns to head in my direction and freezes in place when she sees me heading toward her. Rosie meets my gaze, which I hold with an intensity I haven’t felt before. My heart feels about to burst out of my chest and when she sticks her tongue out to lick her lips, my dick lengthens and throbs in anticipation.

  “Ruben,” she whispers when I come to a stop in front of her.

  I gulp knowing I need to take a step back, away from her, but my body is telling me something completely different than my head.

  Just one taste. What can one taste hurt?

  “I…I need to get back to work.” Rosie bites her lip, but doesn’t make any move to walk away from me.

  “Work can wait,” I take her by the arm and quickly punch in my security code for the door leading up to my apartment, “but this can’t.”

  As soon as I pull Rosie inside, my lips meet hers. The door slams shut behind me but I barely notice it as I press her up against the wall. With one hand, I hold her head in place while my mouth devours hers, and my other hand clutches her bottom, bringing her in tight against my erection.

  This woman drives me crazy and her taste is—hot and sweet—innocent but also sinful I can’t get enough of her.

  She moans into my mouth as she wraps her arms around my neck. Her legs wrap around my waist bringing her pussy against my straining cock.

  Using my hips to keep her in place, I slowly move my hand up along her ribs and leave it to rest underneath her breast while I continue my assault on her senses with my mouth. My tongue tangles with hers as I imitate what I want to be doing with another part of my body.

  Rosie starts grinding against me causing even more blood to rush south, giving me an erection to end all erections. I’ve wanted her for so damn long. Mix that need with her innocence, and I’m not sure I’m going to be able to last. She has me feeling like an uncontrollable teenager.

  I start to kiss along her jaw, down her neck leading to her collarbone as I move my hand up to cup her breast; rubbing her hardened nipple with my thumb. She starts to arch against the wall, pushing her chest out toward me.

  Not being one for missing an opportunity, I shove her shirt up and nearly come in my jeans when I see the pink, lacy bra covering her bounty. With a quick flick to the catch at the front, I peel the cups open and watch as her dusty nipples appear from beneath the fabric.

  She’s exquisite.

  Bending down, I capture one, cherry nipple between my lips and suck. She lets out a loud moan and tightens her hand against the nape of my neck as I buck up against her.

  “Oh god, Ruben… Please don’t stop.”

  Fuck! I didn’t intend for this to happen. I’m not complaining because she’s in my arms, but hell at this rate neither one of us are going to make it upstairs before we climax.

  Unable to pull away from her, I grab her hips and help her to grind against me as I feel her hands slide into my hair; holding me against her breast. I switch to her other one and cover her other breast with my hand—twisting and pinching her nipples.

  The minute I suck her into my mouth, she groans and shakes apart against me. I pull my mouth away from her, clamping my mouth shut to try and breathe so I don’t explode, which I’m seconds from doing.

  I drop my head into the crook of her neck and pray she doesn’t move against my cock otherwise she’ll get more than she probably bargained for.

  “Rosie…I’m sorry,” I mumble against her neck. “I only meant to talk to you—not attack you.”

  “You didn’t attack me, but I don’t think this should have happened. I’m not sorry though.” She pushes me away from her and lets her legs drop back down to the floor before fastening her bra and yanking her shirt back into place.

  “I’m not made for the things you like,” she starts to say, looking nervous. “I don’t do one-night stands, and I’m not into what I’ve heard you’re into. I like my job so I think it would be best if this doesn’t…um, happen again.” She glances at the large bulge behind my zipper before meeting my eyes and quickly looking away. “I better go.”

  And with those words she slides ou
t the door and she’s gone. I’m left frustrated as hell knowing I’m going to have to finish what she started with my hand, otherwise I’ll be a walking embarrassment all night. I’m also a bit stunned that she could act so damn calm when I feel as though I’ve been hit by a truck.

  Pressing against my dick with the heel of my hand, I hiss and quickly make my way upstairs to take care of business, which should have subsided now she isn’t with me, but no fuckin’ luck.

  Shoving my way into my apartment, I lock the door so none of my brothers can walk in on me and head straight for the bathroom.

  Not having time for a shower, I release my cock with a sigh as I stroke from tip to base, and let my jeans hover around my thighs. I’ll be lucky if this lasts longer than a minute.

  Quickly rubbing lube into my hands, I take a firm hold of my shaft and start bringing myself to orgasm with pictures of Rosie running through my head—her breasts that nearly overflowed my hands—her nipples, large and ripe for my mouth…

  Growling, I throw my head back and roar through my release, which squirts all over the shower floor and the opposite wall. Fuck me! I back up and drop down onto the john—jeans around my ankles. Holy fuck! If that’s how my body reacts with thoughts of Rosie, how the fuck will I ever survive actually being with her? Not a good idea.

  What the fuck have I done?

  Since when does talking involve bringing her to orgasm and jacking off in my bathroom?

  And why the hell did she look scared when she talked about hearing what I like? For once I wish the staff would mind their own fucking business. It also makes me wonder who’s been filling her head with shit. It’s not all shit though is it?

  Taking a deep breath, I clean myself up before turning the showerhead on to wash my cum away from the wall before heading back downstairs to deal with whatever arises tonight. I also need to give Rosie space so that she doesn’t have to avoid me because I really hate it when she does that.

  Chapter 6 ~ Rosie

  “What’s gotten your panties in a twist, or should I ask who?” Hunter questions me while nursing his longneck.

  I frown and ignore him.

  After getting cleaned up from my tryst with Ruben, I’ve felt out of sorts. I mean can you blame me? I finally end up in the arms of the man who’s gradually crept into my heart over the past fourteen months—well—maybe not from day one¸ and what do I go and do? I go and tell him I don’t like kink and having me in his arms won’t happen again. I didn’t exactly say ‘kink’ but there is no way he will have missed what I meant.

  “Must be a heated thought to put that color on your face,” Hunter observes, obviously not wanting to leave me alone.

  I’d forgotten that he’s sitting in front of me as lost in my own thoughts as I am.

  “Sorry. I’m a bit distracted.”

  Finishing wiping down the bar between us, I lean back and try not to blush as I watch him give me a once or twice over. He’s a sexy bad ass, but he isn’t Ruben.

  “I’d say. I can’t remember the last time I gave a girl the once over only to have her frowning when I’ve finished. I’ve lost my touch.”

  I chuckle. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m not interested. You have rough and sexy down to a tee, and something tells me you have a trail of burned panties behind you.”

  Hunter chokes on his longneck before slamming it back on the bar.

  Quickly passing him some napkins to mop up with, I smirk. I rarely have the last word and it’s nice having it with someone who is probably used to having it himself.

  “Rough and sexy, huh?” He grins.

  Rolling my eyes, I place another longneck in front of him. But before I can pull my hand away, I find it engulfed in his.

  “You look sweet and innocent, but underneath all that you’re a little spitfire,” he tells me.

  “Take your hands off her.”

  I yank my hand free, jumping back with the strength of Ruben’s voice.

  Looking across to him, Ruben is shooting daggers at Hunter with his eyes, and Hunter doesn’t seem to give a damn that he has Ruben on his ass.

  Eventually, Hunter holds his hands up in a sign of surrender. “Sorry man. I didn’t know she was yours.” He turns back toward the bar and continues drinking.

  For a guy like Hunter, turning his back on a threat probably goes against everything he believes in. I’m guessing Ruben realizes this as he looks at me before striding off toward the back of the club.

  Why didn’t he put Hunter right? Even though Ruben has my heart, I know I’m not in his so he doesn’t have the right to lay claim on me like he just did.

  “I’m not his. I don’t belong to anyone,” I inform Hunter before heading toward the opposite end of the bar feeling pissed with Ruben.

  It’s only early so the few customers who already have drinks are spread out through the other side of the club where the table and sofas are located. This is my favorite time to be in Kenza before it starts to fill up and everyone starts shouting orders left, right and center at us.

  It’s twice as bad when there is a live band on, which is usually every two weeks on a Friday and Saturday night. Since I’ve worked here Kenza has become one of the hottest nightclubs in Lexington, and I love working here.

  When I’d initially taken the job I’d been dreading it because the last thing I wanted to do was spend my time serving drinks, but I’d needed the money. And even though I’ve had my ups and downs during my time here, I love it. I love the look of the place. I love that Ruben is against drugs. I love the fact that I have full medical benefits working here—no other club or bar around here offers that. And I guess I’m kind of in love with the boss as well, which isn’t the brightest thing I’ve ever done.

  “Hey Rosie, how are you doing?”

  Glancing up from my position of wiping glasses, I see Lucien leaning halfway over the bar.

  I’m surprised to see him here. While he comes in from time to time, he doesn’t frequent the place as often as his brothers do.

  “Hi Lucien. I’m good, thanks. It’s nice to see you here.”

  And it is nice. I like Lucien and he really pulls at my heartstrings with how he hides. Even with his scars, he’s still a handsome man, and because of his choice to be alone I’m guessing a woman did a number on him because of the damage done to his body. If I’m correct then that woman needs a fist in her face even though I could be entirely wrong. I just always find it strange that he refuses company, and insists he has nothing to offer anyone. He’s so wrong.

  “How’s my brother been treating you,” he asks as I sit his usual glass of whiskey in front of him. I’m not even sure how to answer that question because it sounds like I’m with his brother, which is so far from the truth.

  I go for neutral. “He’s a good boss. I’m fine.”

  He watches me work as though he’s expecting me to say more, but luckily he’s distracted with Sebastian’s arrival.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Anyone snapped you up yet?”

  Rolling my eyes, I pass Sebastian the same drink as his brother. “Nope. I’m still young, free and single.” Then feeling like teasing, I say, “Unless you’re offering,” batting my eyelashes.

  Sebastian laughs. “Are you flirting with me Rosie?”

  Ignoring his question, I counter with, “Where’s Carla?”

  With Sebastian, I know he’s only teasing because there is no way on this earth anyone else is going to turn his head the way Carla does. He has eyes for only one woman.

  “She’s at home reading. I’m planning on joining her real soon.”

  “Then stop flirting with Rosie before Ruben catches you,” Lucien says, “but as I don’t have a woman and love nothing better than to wind my brother up, I’ll carry on with the flirting.”

  “Rosie knows I’m only teasing, but I’m all for you flirting with her. You need the practice.”

  Lucien frowns at Sebastian’s comment. Before it becomes awkward, I ask, “How’s Sabrina doing?” Well that got L
ucien’s attention, although I’m not sure it’s a question he’d like directed at him.

  “What’s wrong with Sabrina?” he asks as Sebastian wonders away from the bar with his drink in hand.

  “I bumped into her the other week with her mom. Sabrina looked upset and her mom looked to be gloating about something.” I start wiping the new glasses Derek has just dumped on the side without a word. “I don’t think she gets along with her mom all that well. I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong before. It was just a feeling I had when I stopped to talk to them.”

  “Hmm.” Lucien sighs, finishing his drink.



  With another whiskey poured I start to move back down to where I can see Hunter watching me. I hesitate before pulling my courage together and asking Lucien, “Why don’t you ask her out?”

  He pauses mid-drink. “She needs someone strong. Someone who isn’t an embarrassment to her. That isn’t me…anymore.”

  God, this man is so full of hurt he’s going to have me in tears. I cover his scarred hand with the both of mine and tell him, “Lucien, you are one of the strongest men I know. And any woman would be proud to be with you.” Quickly releasing him, I move toward Hunter, but not before I notice Ruben standing behind Lucien, frowning.

  Hell! McKenzie men are everywhere tonight, pulling at my heartstrings.

  “You’re popular tonight.”

  I shake my thoughts of Lucien and smile at Hunter. “They’re the boss’s brothers. Would you like another?”

  “No thanks. I need to head out.” He stands from the stool he’s been sitting on, and throwing some money onto the bar, starts moving away. He stops and looking over his shoulder seems to come to a decision about something and with quick strides, he makes his way back to me and indicates with his finger for me to come closer to him. I do, meeting him halfway over the bar.

  “There are things going on in this place that are dangerous,” he whispers as my eyes widen in surprise, but he continues, “I don’t think your boss knows either. In fact, I’m ninety-nine percent sure he doesn’t. If you see something that you think is out of place, ignore it. I don’t want you getting in the middle of anything.”


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