
Home > Contemporary > Delight > Page 14
Delight Page 14

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Who is being a dick?” Mom asks walking back into the lounge with a huge tray filled with drinks and snacks. She places it on the coffee table with a frown in my direction. “You know you’re not allowed to put your feet on the coffee table.”

  How the fuck does she do that. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Hmm, I notice you didn’t deny it.” She grins. “I don’t think you’ve ever sat there without putting your feet up on the table so I guessed right, obviously.”

  Dad starts to laugh. “She’s got you there.”

  Ignoring everyone I focus on Mom wanting to know if Rosie is okay, but before I can open my mouth to ask her, she says, “Rosie is fine. She’s teasing Sabrina with Carla and Lily.” Mom glances at Lucien before bringing her attention back to me. “All joking aside Ruben, I’m glad you’re dating Rosie. She’s a lovely girl and although I was a bit doubtful when I realized you had a thing for her because of the age difference, that girl in there is the one for you. I’ve never known you to smile so much when you’re not egging on your brothers. I’m really happy for you.” She kisses the top of my head before going back into the kitchen leaving me speechless. Mom loves teasing us, and going on at us about finding our one and only, but she’s never been so open about one of our relationships before. She’s also damn observant.

  Shaking my head, I try to think up an excuse to leave my dad and brothers so that I can go and join the women.


  “Ruben, when you said let’s take a walk I wasn’t expecting to sneak off to the hayloft,” Rosie giggles and my cock stands at attention.

  My body hasn’t been so out of control since I hit puberty. Now all I want is to be naked, buried balls deep inside my girl.

  Inhaling, I take the two steps needed to bring me chest-to-chest with Rosie whose breathing is about as erratic as mine.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” I say against her cheek as I start placing small kisses all over her face. “I have a permanent erection whenever you’re close. Hell whom I kidding, I’ve had a permanent erection since I’ve known you.” My hands slide down her back and landing on her bottom I pull her in tight against me so she can feel for herself what she does to me. She rubs against me, which drags a groan out of me, catching my breath I tell her, “Only now it’s worse than ever because it’s been buried in your heat—your wetness—and it doesn’t want to be anywhere else, but between your legs.”

  Using my hands, I slowly lift the skirt part of her dress up to her waist so I can get to her panties and the heat beneath. She gasps as I rip the panties from her, tossing them behind us. My fingers caress each globe of her ass before I slip a finger between her cheeks and move down towards the entrance to her heat. She’s wet and starts to moan, throwing her head back when I start to rub her clit and dip inside her with my fingers; she shudders around me.

  Her head comes forward and without moving her lust filled gaze from mine, she makes quick work of the zipper and button on my jeans, shoving them past my hips. She looks down at my cock, which is huge and hard as rock. With her eyes on me, I twitch uncontrollably in excitement and leak, coating the head of my dick with pre-cum.

  Meeting my eyes again, she steps back, pulls her dress off over her head, leaving her in only a bra, which she quickly removes. God, she takes my breath away. She’s so beautiful. I love how she’s slim, but has breasts that overflow my hands when I clasp them.

  I feel my control rapidly slipping and nearly fucking come all over us when she drops to her knees in front of me. Although, I’d love to have her mouth on me, I’m not sure I’ll have the control not to shove my dick down her throat. I sure as hell don’t want to frighten her, and I’m not exactly small.

  “Please Ruben. Please let me taste you, again. You’ve tasted me so many times. I need this.” I reach out and stroke her jaw. Cupping her face, I try and hold off with my need as I bend to kiss her.

  “As long as you promise to stop when you need to. I don’t need this to be with you. Don’t ever think I do.”

  In response she burrows her face into my hands. Kissing my palm, she starts to yank my jeans further down my legs but they get caught up on my boots.

  I toss my shirt off over my head then get a shock when my naked ass meets a bed of hay.

  “God, you look hot,” Rosie tells me as she crawls between my legs. “I’ve wanted to do this since the last time.”

  Without another word, she licks me from balls to the leaking bulbous head of my cock. Swirling her tongue around me, she laps up all the pre-cum before licking back down and massaging my aching balls with her tongue.

  I try to open my legs wider, but they’re restricted because of my jeans. Rosie realizes my predicament, but before she considers helping me, she gives me a mischievous grin and sucks my cock into her mouth.

  I stop breathing. My heart feels ready to jump out of my chest and my balls pull tight to my body. As I feel my orgasm rushing forward, she lets me slide from between her lips. Giving a kiss to the tip she turns, presenting her ass to me. I close my eyes and quickly grab the base of my cock and squeeze—hard. I’m not going to come until I’m deep inside her even though I’m tempted to let go all over her ass.

  Rosie has removed my boots, jeans and undershorts so now I’m free I get to my knees and place my hands on Rosie’s hips. “Stay.” I swallow trying to control the urge to shove inside her really deep. “Rest on your arms, keeping your bottom up in the air.” She does as I ask and I have no words to describe how fucking sexy she looks. Moving backwards slightly, I crouch down spreading her legs, I place a kiss slap bang on her pussy. She wiggles against my face.

  As I get drunk on her scent and taste, my hands reach under her and start to massage her breasts—pinching and squeezing her nipples—they’re plump and swollen with need in my hands. I imagine her nipples are the color of a ripe cherry—my favorite fruit.

  The more I lap at her pussy the more aroused she becomes. My dick is desperate and I’m not sure how much more I can take before I come. I managed to prevent my orgasm once, I’m not sure I’m strong enough to prevent it again.

  “Ruben. Oh God. Get inside me.”

  Thank you God!!

  Rearing up, I take my cock in hand and pump a few times watching more pre-cum leak out. I’m beyond excited now.

  Positioning my twitching dick at her entrance, I slip inside and straightaway feel her heat envelope me, sucking me deeper, and deeper until I’m buried balls deep inside her. Needing to move, but knowing if I do I’m going to be coming in twenty seconds flat, I grip her hips to keep her still.

  “Rosie. Rosie.” I drop my head against her back as my hands start to shake with the need I’m holding back.

  “It’s okay. Ruben it’s okay. I’m there…but please move. I need you to move.”

  Kissing her back along her spine, I pull out to the tip before slamming home. I loose control. My hips start to piston in and out of her. My hands reach in the front and hold her against me with her breasts spilling into my palms. I pinch and roll her nipples and get rewarded when I feel her little cunt flutter with small tremors, as her orgasm makes its way through her.

  “Oh. Oh. Ruben. Help me. Fuck. I’m coming…” she screams and spasms along the length of me, sending a signal to my balls, which erupt. Pleasure like nothing I’ve ever known before spreads along my shaft and out through the slit.

  “Argh…Sweet Jesus…” I pant, coming and coming. Every little flutter of her cunt against me has me coming even more, leaving me breathless.

  Rosie collapses face first into the hay beneath her, which causes me to groan as my cock slides out from her wet heat. There is a strand of cum holding us together stretching from her wet cunt to the tip of my very sensitive dick. It’s so fucking hot seeing my cum on her that I start to get hard again.

  Breaking the strand of connection, I collapse beside her and reaching over, pull her against my chest. She snuggles into me, her knee coming to rest on my erection.

  She chuckles
. “Really?” she questions, raising her head from my chest.

  “You’re hot, and I like seeing my cum on you.”

  She rolls her eyes and dropping her head back to my chest, mumbles, “Men!”

  Chapter 24 ~ Rosie

  I never expected to be lying in a hayloft during the afternoon with Ruben on his parents’ ranch, or anywhere for that matter. What’s he done to me?

  Stretching, I rub against his swollen penis and smile. He certainly doesn’t have any trouble getting an erection so soon after coming. I’d always thought it took a guy a while to get hard again, but not Ruben.

  “You keep rubbing against me like that and we’re going to be up here a lot longer than you’re probably comfortable with. Before much longer, Mom is going to be sending one of my brothers to see what we’re up to. She’ll know, of course, that’s why she’ll be sending one of my brothers. So you won’t be embarrassed in front of her.”

  Ruben kisses me on the head before rolling me onto my back and looming over me. “You make me happy Rosie. Thank you.” Kissing me on the lips, he untangles himself from me and starts hunting for clothes.

  The way he told me I make him happy has me fighting back tears. He’s a gorgeous man and he’s mine. I believe that with every breath I take. He’s mine.

  I smile as he bends over to pick my dress up, pulling bits of hay from the material when he straightens.

  “You have a nice bottom.”

  He pauses and smirks at my comment. “Bottom,” he raises an eyebrow, “I’d prefer ass, butt—bottoms are for girls.”

  “Whatever you want to call it, yours is ‘nice.’ Makes me want to bite it.” His eyes darken. “And while I’m biting your ‘butt,’ I’d use my hands to explore between your legs, and eventually stroke your penis.”

  I’m now lying on my stomach with my chin resting on my hands as I watch his penis harden under my stare, and probably with the image I’ve put in his head. I feel so comfortable being naked with him that it doesn’t bother me in the least teasing him to arousal. The only problem is that my teasing also arouses me to the point that I’m having trouble staying still.

  As he grabs hold of his shaft, I lick my lips watching him caress his length from tip to base. “So when you have me in your hands what will you do to me?” he asks, continuing to massage his length.

  I really want my hands to be the one stroking him. He’s beautiful and, well—not that I’ve seen that many—he’s above average in size.

  “I can’t think when I’m watching you do that.” I can’t take my eyes from what he’s doing.

  “Lie on your back for me.” He stays standing above me.

  Turning on to my back, he moves to stand beside me, looking down at me as I watch his penis leak, which he spreads over his lengthening erection.

  “Are you wet, Rosie? I don’t mean with my cum, but are you wet with arousal. Touch yourself and tell me.”

  Can I really do that? You can do anything with Ruben. Trust him…

  Opening my legs, I use one hand to spread my nether lips open to his gaze and dip my finger inside. My whole body shivers with need.

  “Rosie,” he pants. “Don’t stop touching yourself.”

  We’re really doing this?

  If he’s up for this then so am I.

  Inserting my finger further inside my channel, I start sliding it back and forth and use my other hand to pinch my nipples. It feels so good and causes my arousal to run through me.

  My eyes stay on Ruben’s hand as he works himself—faster—harder—his penis lengthens and he leans back against the wall behind him as I see his legs quiver.

  “I want you to come with me.”

  “I’m close. Oh God, Rosie,” he whispers.

  Putting my feet together, I spread my knees to the side, which gives him a better view of my pussy and my fingers slipping in and out of me. He cusses!

  The sensation starts in my stomach and spreads outwards, and, with one rub against my clit, my eyes shut in ecstasy. I come apart against my fingers.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  I open my eyes and watch as Ruben ejaculates into the hay, just missing me. It brings him to his knees.

  “Ruben, you up there?”

  Our eyes meet.

  “We’ll be down,” he inhales, “in ten.”

  “Make it five otherwise Mom will be out here…and sorry to interrupt,” Sebastian says, laughing. I can tell from his tone that he’s not sorry at all.

  God, I can’t believe we’ve just done that. It was hot and arousing, but shit. I feel the blush that I’ve been trying to hold at bay since we started this rise into my face. There’s no way Ruben will miss how embarrassed I am. More so with nearly being caught.

  “Rosie.” Ruben crawls over to me and kisses me on the lips. Just a quick kiss without any tongue, but possessive nevertheless and starts helping me to dress. The only problem I have, though, is when I stand and feel his cum from the first time sliding out of me and down my thighs.

  “Um, Ruben. Do you have anything to clean me up? You’re kinda running down my legs,” I ask him getting a grin in return. “Today please.”

  “I told you before babe, I love being all over you.” He then finishes putting himself back together while I’m left floundering. I feel like hitting him over the head with whatever I can find.

  “Rosie.” He cups my face in his hands. “I’m sorry for being a careless jerk. Now, I’m going to take care of you.”

  I roll my eyes. “Isn’t that what got me into this predicament in the first place?”

  Placing my hands on my hips, I refuse to smile at him while he’s looking so damn smug. Before my brain can register what he’s doing, he’s kneeling at my feet with his hands on my thighs and his head beneath my skirt. “Ruben?”

  “Hold still. I’m cleaning you up.” And he does. I’m not sure what he’s using but he’s taking special care while wiping my thighs and between my legs. Frustratingly slow.

  “Oh god, what am I going to wear now you’ve ruined my panties. I can’t go out there without any panties. I’m wearing a dress. If I was in jeans it wouldn’t matter, but, oh my god, Ruben!”

  Sensing my stress, he comes out from underneath my skirt and, straightening up I can see the wheels turning in his head. “I’ll ask if Carla has any jeans here that you can borrow and a sweater. See sorted.”

  Why doesn’t he realize I’m going to be so embarrassed going out there to be with his family again? I should have realized this before we stripped, but we both had other things on our minds. I meet his gaze and tell him, “You’re a dick,” as I stomp off toward the ladders and without looking at him, I climb down, praying there isn’t anyone waiting down there. If they look up, they’ll get an eyeful.

  We’re alone so when he drops to the floor in front of me, I carry on, “How can you not realize how embarrassing this is for me? I love being with you and the minute you touch me I have a habit of forgetting everything, and now I’m going to be so embarrassed going out there and seeing your family again, and your mom…Oh. Oh. I can’t do this. I can’t go out there. You need to take me home…”

  “Babe, calm down. There isn’t anything to be worked up about. Mom’s caught Michael and Sebastian with their girls, and they still show their faces around here. Just be glad it was Sebastian who came to find us. As for requesting a change of clothes, we always play a game of football after dinner so it’s a good enough excuse to get changed…and even if they know anything they won’t say anything in front of you…they’ll wait until I’m alone. So don’t sweat it.”

  He’s a guy so I guess I should expect him not to get it. But fuck! I’ve no panties on with a sundress. This doesn’t get any more uncomfortable with his family being around.

  “Stop biting your lip.”

  “I’m not,” I reply releasing my lip from between my teeth. “I’m getting hungry so let’s just get this over with, and hopefully I won’t lose my appetite with nerves now that you’ve ravished me

  Ruben takes my hand in his, and kissing my knuckles he tugs me out of the barn only to come to an abrupt stop when we come face to face with Lucien.


  “Sabrina sent me out with these. She thought you might need them,” he looks between us and when we don’t make a move to grab the clothes, he asks, “Do you want them or not?”

  “I want them.” I smile at him as I take the clothes. “Sorry. I was surprised that’s all. Tell Sabrina thank you.”

  “Hmm. I’m sure you’ll get the chance to tell her yourself at dinner, which is five minutes away.” He turns and heads back toward the house.

  “Thanks Lucien…for bringing these to me,” I shout to his retreating back.

  “I’m not sure what’s wrong with him.”

  Why are men so clueless half the time? “Sabrina is what’s wrong with him. She’s really starting to get to him,” I point out and watch as the light bulb goes off in his head.

  “Ah, so you think he’s coming around to the idea of Sabrina?” Ruben questions, sounding hopeful. “I hope he is. I hate seeing my brother so alone.”

  I walk back into the barn. “Let me quickly get these on. I hope they fit.”

  “They will. She’s about your size…Need any help?”

  “No. You stay right where you are.” I chuckle and feel relief that I’m going to have a bit more protection between me and the public.

  Chapter 25 ~ Ruben

  Being at Kenza and not working feels strange. Although, if the truth-be-told I’m still working in my head—still keeping an eye on things. Spending my time wondering which fucker is screwing with my club. Rosie is a distraction though—a very nice distraction. Sabrina’s jeans fit Rosie like a glove and the shirt she’s wearing dips real low in the front. All through dinner at my parent’s ranch, my eyes kept wandering, which had amused snickers coming from my brothers.

  Rosie is one hot, little firecracker, and right now I’m trying to stay in my seat as I watch her stop to talk to Hunter on her way back from the restroom. She tells me he’s just a friend, but I’m sure that if I weren’t around he’d have made a move on her. There’s no doubt in my mind as I watch her walk toward me with Hunters eyes on her ass. Look, because that’s all you’ll ever have.


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