
Home > Contemporary > Delight > Page 15
Delight Page 15

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Hey, why the scowl?” She straddles my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. “You feel good,” she whispers in my ear before biting down on my lobe.

  She also knows how to distract me.

  I grab her ass in my hands and bring her tightly against my constantly aching dick. “I don’t like Hunter staring at your ass,” I growl. “Your ass gives me all kinds of ideas. As it does any red blooded male, and I don’t like anyone else having the same thoughts about you that I do.”

  “You having naughty thoughts about me?” She grinds against me.

  “Always. Why do you think I’m constantly hard?”

  She smirks. “Too much Viagra.”

  My whole body freezes. Viagra! “What the fuck.” I pull back and look into her watering eyes. She’s laughing so much that tears are falling down her face.

  “Sorry…” she laughs.

  “You’re not sorry.”

  “Okay, I’m not,” she hiccups. “It was worth it to see the expression on your face.”

  “That wasn’t funny.”

  “Yes it was,” Lucien thumps me on the back. With Rosie sitting in my lap—up close and personal to my cock—I’d forgotten my brothers and their girls are here with us.

  “Mind your own business,” I tell my brother and turning back to my girl, I say, “I think I need to keep you naked in my bedroom. I’ll give you fuckin’ Viagra.”

  Rosie stills against me. “You realize I was only joking right? There’s no way in hell you need anything to keep you up. You need something to help you stay flaccid.”

  With a smug look, I reassure her, “I know you were joking, but babe, please don’t joke about things like that it deflates my manhood.”

  “Are you serious? You’re hard as granite between my legs.”

  “Do you two mind? I don’t want to hear shit like that about my brother,” Sebastian butts in.

  I’m not sure how he heard considering how loud it is in here with the music. Even though tomorrow is a workday Kenza is packed solid tonight with hot, sweaty bodies rubbing against each other all over the dance floor. That’s what I want to be doing with Rosie, except I’d rather us be doing all that upstairs in my apartment than having everyone see us on the dance floor. The boss dancing would probably get more attention than the usual guy. Especially when the boss never loosens up here, until now—maybe.

  Watching my brothers, apart from Lucien and Ramon, get up to dance with their girls, I wait expecting Rosie to pull me up as well, but she doesn’t. She stays buried in my neck.

  “Brother, you’re losing your knack. Your woman’s asleep,” Ramon comments, now that the volume of music has lowered slightly, which happens when it hits midnight. The more romantic music plays for a couple of hours, until the place gets cleared out.

  “You want me to open the doors up to your place so you can tuck her in,” Lucien asks.

  “Not yet. Have you seen anything tonight?” I hate having to rely on my brothers to find out what the fuck is going on, but whatever is, I’m not seeing it. And that pisses me the fuck off. This is my club and I should be the one to get to the bottom of it. I’ll be the one to finally get them though. Make no mistake about that.

  Lucien kicks me under the table to get my attention. “As long as you’re in the club I doubt anything is going to happen. They know nothing gets past you so they’ll wait to hit again when you’re not here, but we will be and so will Hunter.”

  “Are you sure we can trust Hunter? We don’t know anything about him.” Although I think we can, I still have my doubts and I can’t decide whether or not it’s because he rubs me the wrong way with Rosie or because I don’t know anything about him.

  “You can trust him.” Ramon sits forward. “He’s helped me out now and again.”

  Ramon can be frustrating as hell when he wants to be, and unless he wants you to know something he keeps his lips sealed. He’s caused enough arguments over the years with his silence.

  “You need to go away for a few days or just stay away from the club. Give them an opportunity to try and pull something,” Lucien suggests.

  “I’m flying to Calgary tomorrow to take a meeting for Sebastian so I’ll be away for a few days.” It claws at my gut that I might not be here to sort the problem at the club out. “I want Rosie looked after. She’s been injured here once, and I don’t want that happening again. I also need to tell her I’m not going to be here.”

  “You haven’t told her,” Lucien says with an incredulous look on his face.

  “I haven’t known long and planned on telling her when we took a walk at the ranch earlier but we got sidetracked. So no, I haven’t told her. I’ll take her upstairs soon, and hopefully she’ll wake up enough for me to talk to her.”

  “Or something else,” Ramon smirks.

  “I wouldn’t say no to the something else…but she’s exhausted and needs to sleep.”

  “Sleep sounds good baby,” she mumbles into my neck as she snuggles more deeply against me.

  How the hell am I going to leave her tomorrow morning? I did, in all fairness try to get two seats on the flight, but they were all sold out and in the end all I did was switch Sebastian’s name out with mine.

  My arms tighten around her as I bury my face in her hair. God, this girl is under my skin. She only has to smile and my heart feels different. It’s a feeling I’m starting to get used to without it sending me into a total panic.

  “So what’s with you and Sylvia? I thought you had, um, different tastes,” I hear Lucien questioning Ramon. It’s something I’ve been wondering since this afternoon at the ranch when I discovered he’d brought her to the family dinner. I was surprised to say the least.

  I’m glad my face is hidden in Rosie’s hair so he can’t see my grin. He’s squirming where he sits. It’s just like he used to do when one of us would put him on the spot back when we were kids. So damn funny. We’d do it deliberately to get a show. He never changes.

  “She only has an elderly grandmother who lives in the River View Retirement Village so I kinda felt sorry for her. She’s already good friends with Lily so I thought I’d bring her for dinner to get with the girls.” He shrugs. “It’s no big deal.”

  It’s no big deal! I’ve seen the way Sylvia looks at my brother when his attention is elsewhere. I think it’s more of a deal than he wants to admit. I’m also curious as to what is going on between Lucien and Sabrina. They avoided each other like the plague earlier. After Lucien had brought Rosie clothes from Sabrina, they’d acted strange whenever they were together.

  I’m about to put him on the spot to rescue Ramon when Rosie lifts her head and bites down on my ear lobe. The most sensitive part of my body, well, apart from my balls and rock-hard cock. Fuck. She’s nibbling down my neck and back up to my lobe. Anymore and she’s going to have me embarrassing myself in front of everyone. As it is my dick is hard, pulsing and leaking in excitement. Every time she’s around my ears, I get an instant, rock-hard boner.

  “Take me upstairs, Ruben,” she whispers into my ear before clamping down again on my lobe. My whole body shudders as arousal rushes through my body. God, I’m in trouble. She has me on sensory overload. I can’t remember the last time I felt as though I had seconds before I came.

  “Now.” She presses her pussy against me at the same time as she sucks my lobe into her mouth. My dick jerks. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I grab her hips and hold her down against me as I come in a silent orgasm that takes my breath. I hear her chuckle against me before she slips her tongue into my ear causing my cock to release more cum.

  I’m a mess. My face is buried in her neck and she holds me close, allowing me to get my bearings. When I do, I silently groan. This doesn’t look good. I’ve just had an orgasm in front of the whole fucking club!

  “Don’t stress. We’re alone. Your brothers left after the first bite.”

  Thank God for that.

  “Carry me to bed, Ruben, and make love to me until I can’t walk.”


  Praying that having Rosie in my arms hides any damp patches on my jeans and shirt, I grab her ass letting her legs wrap around me and carry her out of the club toward the stairs leading to my apartment. I thank God she’s my girl, and don’t give a shit who sees us.

  Chapter 26 ~ Rosie

  Finding out during the early hours of the morning that Ruben was going on a two day trip wasn’t the best way to wake up and made me wonder why he’d left it so late to tell me. I mean we’d spent the whole day together yesterday so there was plenty of opportunity to say something. To say I’m still a little miffed is an understatement. I’m kinda pissed. Who waits until the last minute to tell their girlfriend they’re going away? Ugh! Well at least the chrome that edges the bar will be shining by the time I’m done. Kenza has cleaners who come in to do all this, but I need to burn my anger off before I turn it on the customers—all two customers that is.

  Kenza opens the bar at two in the afternoon, but we always keep the main part of the club blocked off until later in the evening. We get a few regulars around this time that like to come in and sit back with a drink while they people watch. A couple of women who work in an office building a block over have recently become regulars. I can’t decide whether they’re here to drool over Ruben or Simon, even though I’m sure it’s the both of them that they try to catch the attention of.

  Ruben ignores them other than to offer a polite hello if they get in his path. Simon has gotten into the habit of sitting with them for a drink, and flirting with them. At least that’s why I think they always walk out of the place with a blush on their faces. It could be the alcohol they consume though.

  Reaching one end of the bar, I stand back and admire the shine. It’s so shiny I can see my reflection through it more clearly than usual. It also tells me there is a huge guy standing behind me with the look of Hunter.

  While turning to look at him, I lean back against the bar and smile up to him. I like Hunter and wish the darkness I see in his eyes—when he hasn’t hidden it behind a shield—would disappear. He’s a good guy and I’m sure he doesn’t deserve to be fighting whatever demons he is.

  “I don’t think Ruben would be happy to catch you looking at me like that.” He smirks.

  “Like what,” I ask really curious as to how he thinks I’m looking at him. He doesn’t answer so I try again, “Hunter. How was I looking at you?”

  He runs his hands through his hair—a clear sign he isn’t happy with the way this conversation is going. Why do guys always tug at their hair when they’re unsure how to answer? Ruben does this and so do his brothers. It’s definitely a guy thing.

  Hunter leans closer, and says, “You were looking at me as though you wanted to get to know me. As in the down and dirty getting to know me.” He laughs.

  My blush has worked its way up from my chest into my face as I listen to his words. Words I know he is only teasing me with because I certainly didn’t look at him in that way. That way is reserved for Ruben.

  I shove at his chest. “Stop! I most certainly did not look at you that way. As you well know. I might have looked happy to see you because I am. I’m always happy to see a friend.” Placing my hands on my hips, I’m more-or-less telling him to not mess with me. Not sure it’s working with the laughter lines around his eyes, which also look full of humor.

  “I’m glad we’re friends Rosie. I really am, but I’m not used to having friends especially of the pussy variety…”

  I gasp, and before he can finish I’m turning away from him to head behind the bar thinking this isn’t a conversation that I want continuing. What the hell is wrong with me this morning?

  “Rosie.” He grabs hold of my wrist and pulls me around to face him. “Yeah, I’m a jerk, but I’m also a guy and guys like me don’t have female friends. But I’m willing to keep trying okay? Hopefully Ruben will be around soon, which will keep me in line with you.” The whole time he’s talking his eyes stay focused on mine. Not many people do that. “Truce,” he says after a minute, holding his hand out.

  Placing my hand in his, he tightens his hold as we shake. “I also promise to stop coming on to you, although you’re so sweet to tease.”

  The eye roll happens without me thinking about it. There is no way he will stop with the teasing. He enjoys it too much. “We’ll see how long that promise lasts, but I’m on to you now and I’m prepared to give as good as I get so be warned.” Then something occurs to me, so I ask, “You haven’t met the girls over there yet have you?” Knowing the answer, I continue, “I’m sure they’d love to meet you. I mean who can refuse such a sexy, tattooed guy.” I smile and stand in his space whispering, “I mean one who is built like you. They’d have to be blind.” His eyes widen in surprise at my comments about him while I openly gloat at being able to tease him when he didn’t see it coming—or rather—didn’t see me coming.

  I wink and ducking under the hatch, I grab a towel, and ignoring Hunter start to wipe down the already clean bar to give me something to do. I enjoyed giving him as good as he usually gives, but I’m not very good at it or hiding my embarrassment at having done it. I really do just want to be friends with him. It’s been so long since I had ‘real’ friends and being friends with Hunter would be different. I don’t know why but I am positive that he’d always be there for me if I needed him. Just like I’d be for him.

  Well at least he took my mind off Ruben’s absence for a short time. I’m still pissed at him though for leaving it until the last minute to tell me. I wonder how I can make him pay. Withholding sex might work? But then I’d suffer as well and that isn’t right. I could go back to my apartment for a couple of nights after we’ve had sex, but there again I’d suffer along with him because I love sleeping with his body spooning mine. I love waking up with him already hard and inside me, stroking along my walls with his thick penis.

  I need to practice saying cock. I don’t know why I feel uncomfortable saying cock instead of penis but I do. The thing is when I think of a cock I can’t get a proper image in my mind, but when I think of a penis, the image I get is of Ruben’s long shaft. He has a wide girth and veins that throb along its length to the bulbous head, which by the time my eyes make it to that point is usually leaking with pre-cum. Licking my lips, dreaming about Ruben’s cock—that didn’t feel that bad—comes to an abrupt end with the smash of a glass. A glass I realize that I’m responsible for breaking.

  “Don’t move Rosie. The glass is all around your feet,” Hunter shouts dashing toward me.

  He picks me up from the mess with glass crunching beneath his boots and places me on top of the bar.

  “Are you okay?” He runs his hands up and down my legs. “Rosie, dammit. Are you okay?”

  Shit. “Sorry. Yes I’m fine. I didn’t see it.” I still can’t believe I broke a glass. I’ve not broken anything since I’ve worked here, which is amazing. Well, apart from the night I got into the middle of a fight that is.

  “There’s about three glasses here. Let me get the mess cleaned up.” More glass crunches beneath his boots as he walks over to the door behind the bar for the brush I’d left propped up there.

  I can’t let him do this. “Hunter, I can do that. I’m fine. Seriously.”

  “You’re only in shorts. All it would take is for one shard of glass to jump up and your gorgeous legs are scarred.”

  “While you’re cleaning that up I’m going to take my girl and admire her legs in private,” Ruben says, making me jump in surprise. I glance over and see him beside the bar, his eyes gleaming as he makes sure Hunter knows exactly whose girl I am. The heat in his eyes momentarily distracts me from the fact that he’s here and not elsewhere.

  Snaking an arm around my waist, he pulls me from the top of the bar while frowning at Hunter before a silent message seems to get passed between the two of them. With a nod of their heads, Ruben grabs my hand and pulls me toward his office.

  Once inside he flips the lock on the door, lifts me into his arms and push
es me back into the door. Before I can catch my breath, he seals his mouth over mine. His mouth is wet and sinful as our tongues meet. My core throbs in a way it only ever has with the taste of this man. He doesn’t just kiss me—he devours me. The attention he pays to my mouth leaves me a quivering mess in his arms. My hips start grinding against the bulge in his pants. The hands on my bottom grip tighter, pushing me against him.

  He lifts his mouth, and resting his forehead against mine, he inhales trying to take air into his lungs. “I fuckin’ missed you,” he huskily admits, “I got to my connecting flight and decided to do the business over a conference call. I caught the next flight back here to you. I couldn’t get the look on your face when I left this morning out of my head.” He trails wet kisses down my neck to my collarbone and back up to my lips. “Rosie…Jesus. I can’t get enough of you. I’ve never changed my mind mid-flight before, but fuck, I couldn’t wait to land so I could get back to you.”

  “I’ve been pissed at you all morning,” I start to tell him but have to stop when he rips my shirt over my head, followed closely by my bra.

  “You have the most amazing breasts. Not too big that they look odd. Not too small that I can’t get a handful, but just right for my hands. I love how the minute my eyes look at you that your nipples go rock hard, begging for my touch.” He dips his head capturing one nipple with his mouth as he laps at it and rolls it against the roof of his mouth. My back arches, which pushes my breasts further into his mouth and face. He growls as he switches to the neglected nipple.

  I’m wet and needy between my legs at Ruben’s touch, and I feel him growing—if that’s possible—harder.

  When my nipple drops from his mouth and his eyes meet mine, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to do something that even a month ago I wouldn’t have entertained doing, but this is Ruben and he’s made me feel comfortable with him. I still don’t think I’ll ever be able to trust him enough to tie me up, but I can do this.


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