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Page 20

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Okay. Thanks for everything.” I shake his hand and wrapping Rosie back up in my arms, I watch him quickly shake the hands of my brothers before he quickly exits the room.

  “How are you feeling babe,” I whisper into her ear and feel her shudder in my arms. I tighten my hold on her.

  “Exhausted.” She turns so our lips are mere inches apart. “Will you take me back to your place? I just want to be with you.” Her eyes fill with tears. “I need you to hold me and never let me go.”

  “I can do that.” She has me all choked up. I don’t deserve her forgiveness for what I said and did to her, but with what she’s saying it sounds like she forgives me. I just hope it isn’t wishful thinking on my part.

  Chapter 34 ~ Rosie

  “Ruben. Stop,” I snap unintentionally, but he really is becoming annoying. He pauses beside me so I take his hand and apologize, “I’m sorry. My face isn’t really hurting now and apart from that I’m okay.” I pull him down to sit on the bed, which is where I’ve been since he brought me back to his place six hours ago. “Since I’ve woken up you’ve done nothing but fuss over me. Going back and forth, when all I want is for you to lie next to me and hold me.”

  He turns and climbing over me, he spoons in close. Holding me tight he buries his face into my hair and inhales, shuddering when he exhales. “I didn’t think I’d get this chance again—to hold you in my arms. Not because something would happen to you, but because of what I said to push you away. God, that just about killed me. Do you…Do you forgive me?”

  Needing him to see my face when I answer, I struggle to turn over, but as soon as I do, I snuggle into him again. “Yes I forgive you. You broke my heart because I thought it was all real and not for show and I guess it helped when Simon had hold of me because he really believed you wouldn’t come for me because of it.” I lean in and kiss him. “I love you, Ruben. That hasn’t changed.”

  “All the time you’ve been asleep since I brought you home I hoped you really did forgive me. And I had hoped after Hunter called with your cell, which he found in the room. He told me that you’d tried to ring me while you were in the room with Simon.”

  “Didn’t your phone ring?” I ask slipping my hand inside the back of his jumper to stroke the skin there. Unable to behave I slip my hand into the back of his jeans.

  “Rosie,” he growls, “I can’t think with your hands on my ass. What did you ask? Oh phone. It broke. I threw it across the office after I’d let you leave.”

  “Hmm,” I hum into his ear sending goose bumps over his skin, which in-turn has him throbbing against my thigh. His breath hitches in his throat.

  “You need to rest.” He groans when I press against him—rubbing side-to-side. “Rosie,” he warns when I slip my hand into the front of his jeans, wrapping my fingers around his throbbing penis. With my thumb, I rub over the sensitive head and feel how wet he is there. I want to taste him.

  “Ruben,” I push him over onto his back, “will you let me taste you?”


  “And don’t even think of telling me to rest. My knees in a very sensitive area, not to mention my hand.” I stroke down to his sack and feel him lengthen and twitch at my touch before slowly caressing him to the bulbous head of his shaft.

  To my disappointment, he removes my hand. “I want nothing more than to be naked with you and to let you have your way with me, but I want to talk first.” He places a finger over my lips. “I know I’m about to kill the mood, but this is important and I don’t want to put if off any longer. Okay?”

  I dread to think what he wants to talk about, although I have a feeling with him saying ‘kill the mood’ that it’s about my past. A past I really would prefer to keep buried.

  Lying in silence with him, I tell him some more of my story, “When I was a young child both my parents would tie my hands together and keep me tied to a chair in my room when they considered I’d been naughty. Leaving an item of food on my plate was considered enough to warrant that punishment. I soon learnt not to leave anything, even if it made me sick later.” I give a bitter laugh. “They wanted a servant and got me.”

  Sitting up, I draw my legs up in front of me. “They were both killed in an accident when I was fourteen. I was put in the system until I was old enough to leave. I’ve bounced around from job to job and I’ve worked at Kenza for longer than anywhere. So now you know.” I turn my head to look at Ruben feeling as though a weight has been lifted from me.

  At the back of my mind I know I’ve been worried about telling him about my past because he has such a close, loving family. I’m not sure why I was apprehensive about telling him. I also didn’t think it would be as easy as it was, and that I’d be able to manage it without the usual tears. Although it isn’t something I’ve admitted to anyone more than a handful of times, but the last time with Liz, I’d cried myself to sleep.

  “Baby, I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t need to say anything. I know I told you at the picnic about being tied up as punishment, but my family was so screwed up, and because of that I’m not sure I’m ever going to be comfortable with trusting you to tie me up. It isn’t about trusting you, okay. I need you to know that.”

  “Rosie. Rosie. Don’t you know by now that I’ll take you any way I can get you?” He pulls me down into his arms, protecting the injured side of my face. “When I told you that I love you, I meant every word. There aren’t any strings attached to those three, very powerful words. The three words that I’ve never spoken to anyone before…other than family that is.”

  I smile. He’s so cute. Not that I’d ever admit that to him. Him being a guy an all.

  “I’m going to shower, and you’re going to stay right here. On this bed. Although, feel free to strip.”

  Rolling off the bed, I grab the bag Carla brought with her not long after we’d arrived back here and head for the shower. But before closing the door behind me, I look back over my shoulder and say, “I’m going to show you how much I love you when I’m finished in here,” and with that I shut the door on his startled, but excited face.


  Finishing my shower, I dry and slip on the purple and black panties from the bag of goodies Carla brought me. They feel delicious against my skin and make me feel naughty. Once I’ve placed the bra on and have it fastened, I follow these items with stay ups and the spiked purple high heels that I’ll be lucky if I don’t break my neck with them on my feet.

  Fluffing my hair, I turn and look at myself in the full-length mirror attached to the bathroom door. I can’t believe the sexy siren staring back at me is real. That it’s me. Do I really look like that? Wow. I hope Ruben likes. I’d look better without the gauze over one side of my face, but my body. I smile. Taking in a lung full of air, I open the door and walk out toward my guy.

  Ruben does a double take when he sees me with his jaw going slack. He’s under the covers and his clothes are thrown on the chair to the side of the bed. So he’s naked. Delicious. The throb between my legs intensifies as we gaze at the other.

  Then I take our arousal up a notch. “You like?” I ask caressing down over my chest toward my panties. I dip my hand inside to tease him.

  He nods and gulps. “Fuck baby. You are, by far, the sexiest girl ever.” He strokes himself through the sheet. My eyes widen because I’d missed how aroused he is. He’s huge and tents the sheet when he moves his hand away.

  His hand goes back though and as he wraps his fingers around his girth, he says, “This is all for you. Only ever for you baby.”

  I take a few steps toward him without wobbling over in the heels. Standing at the foot of the bed, I watch as he caresses his hand up and down his length, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “Will you lie there and let me touch you?”

  He slightly arches from the bed. “Yeah,” he agrees in a rough voice.

  Smiling, I take hold of the sheet at the bottom of the bed and pull it clear from his body. He doesn’t move, bu
t as I stand and slowly move my eyes up along his naked form, I briefly meet his lust filled gaze before moving my eyes back down, landing on his pulsing shaft. It seems to have a mind of it’s own.

  “Tie my hands to the headboard.”

  Did I hear him right?

  “I’ve never had that done to me, Rosie. I’ll never do it to you, but if you’re okay with it then I want you to do it to me. I’m giving you complete control over me.”

  Can I do that? Have him tied up when I can’t. Oh yeah!

  “My ties in the closet,” he suggests taking his penis in hand. And boy is it hot and arousing as hell, watching him pleasure himself. “Rosie? Ties.”


  He chuckles at my distraction as I kick my shoes off and run to get the ties from his closet. A red one and a blue one. Both feel like silk.

  Rushing back to the bed, I crawl onto it at Ruben’s side. My hands are itching to touch him. Ruben removes his hands from his excited body part, and reaches over his head with both hands to hold onto the headboard.

  “I’m all yours baby.”

  I can do this.

  With a wicked grin, I straddle his hips, pressing down onto him. My eyes roll back in pleasure feeling him against my throbbing core. Unable to resist, I roll my hips back and forth a few times.

  “Jesus,” Ruben moans arching more into me. “You’re panties are wet. Take ‘em off.”

  I roll my hips again.


  If I take my panties off I’m not sure I’m going to be able to tease him as much as I want to because I’ll be sliding his length inside me.

  “Rosie…I want to feel you…Please.”

  Quickly standing, I remove my panties and watch as he closes his eyes after looking at me.

  “I’m going to be coming without you touching me at this rate.”

  I snicker. “We don’t want that now, do we?”

  Climbing back onto the bed, I rest against his leaking shaft and rotate my hips again, but this time without a barrier between us.

  “You feel so good…Oh God, Rosie.”

  My big handsome guy between my legs is so ready to release and we haven’t even started yet.

  Picking the ties back up from the bed, I wiggle up his chest, feeling him quiver beneath me.

  My pussy is throbbing and wet against his chest as I take each of his wrists in turn and attach them to the headboard. He can get out of them if he needs to, but hopefully he’ll show some restraint.

  Before moving back down his body, I remove my bra and cupping my breasts, I massage them and rub my nipples between my thumb and finger as they become hard buds with my arousal. I position them over Ruben’s face and he laps at the nipples.

  He has beautiful lips—lips I’ve fantasized about too many times to count.

  Moving my bottom further down his chest, I feel his penis prod me at the same time as he hisses through his teeth. Rising up slightly, I let him slip between my wet folds as I lean down and kiss him.

  It’s strange at first, me being in charge. I’m used to Ruben holding me to him when our lips meet, but this time it’s all me. I get to decide how deep to take the kiss—when to stop. But as my tongue wraps around his I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop. Tangling with him, I pull his tongue into my mouth and suck; showing him what I intend to do with his currently expanding cock. Cock!! I just thought it without cringing.

  Needing to breathe, I pull back and the love I see in Ruben’s eyes brings tears to mine.

  Moving to nibble his earlobe, I whisper, “I love you.”

  “I love you so much, Rosie. But right now you’re killing me.”

  Smiling, I lick down his neck to his collarbone. Kissing my way across to the other side before moving to his erect nipples, which match my own. Mine ache as I rub them against his stomach while lapping at his nipples, alternating between them.

  His cock is resting, or more like twitching, against my stomach now and from how wet my stomach feels, I’d say he’s leaking with excitement—badly.

  Leaving a wet trail with my mouth down to his naval, I dip inside with the tip of my tongue as my chin bumps against his straining erection.

  “Oh Christ,” he moans when I lift my head and look at him before meeting his eyes. “I’m not going to survive this.”

  “You’ll survive. You may need a week to recover.”

  Settling between his spread legs on my knees, I push his legs wider so I have an amazing view between. He’s the only man I’ve seen who shaves, and it’s so damn hot. I can see everything.

  Lying on my stomach and using just the tip of my tongue, I lick from beneath his sack, over his balls and along the length of his penis and witness more pre-cum leaking out from his slit as his whole body quivers with suppressed need.

  “You liked that,” I observe before swiping my tongue around and around the head, which is stretched tight with how aroused he is. He doesn’t answer, but then again it wasn’t really a question, but he usually can’t keep his mouth shut. Before travelling back down his length, I glance up and see his head thrown back and his jaw clenched tight. Good.

  He’s so wide that as I’m licking him like a Popsicle all I can think about is whether or not he’ll fit in my mouth. He has before. There’s only one way to find out.

  Back on my knees I’m massaging his balls, which feel tight against his body, as I take him slowly into my mouth. His taste explodes on my tongue. Groaning around his length, I suck him in as he arches into my mouth, his legs twitching. He’s going to come in my mouth.

  I love the fact that I can make this guy lose his cool with my body. My hand moves between his legs as I start rubbing him there. Apparently, guys have a really sensitive spot between balls and anus, which is heightened during sex. I want to find that spot.


  I think I found it.

  “Rosie. Stop. Please.”

  I do.

  “You don’t like what I’m doing.”

  He growls. “I love what you’re doing, but I want to be inside you when I come.”

  “You were in my mouth.”

  “Let me be more explicit. I want to be buried deep inside your cunt when I come. I want to feel your muscles clamping around my cock when you climax.”

  The more I listen to his words, the more my arousal flows from between my legs. I squirm to try and ease the ache he’s creating, but nothing works.

  “Bring your bottom up here, baby. Let me taste you while you’re tasting me.”

  He doesn’t mean…Does he?

  “Yes, I do,” he says with ‘the cat who ate the cream’ grin on his lips.

  The grin still on his face, his eyes alight with lust, he pulls his hands free of the loose ties and waits for me to make the first move.

  Not sure how to do this, I straddle his waist again, but facing his feet as I slowly push my bottom into his face. That’s when I feel his hands on my hips as he arranges my knees on either side of his face before planting a kiss slap bang on my wet pussy. My head drops into his groin with the havoc he’s creating with his mouth and searching tongue.

  “I’m starving for you baby.”

  I don’t reply, I just lift myself up onto my elbows and resting with both arms on his groin, I suck him into my mouth. With one hand, I clutch at his sack, slowing massaging it with my thumb, while I grip the base of his shaft with my other, bobbing my head up and down on him. He’s hard as hell in my mouth, but so hot. It’s hard to concentrate on what I’m doing to him with the pleasure he’s creating inside me, and then it completely overwhelms me when he puts two fingers inside me while lapping at my clit.

  My climax rushes through me, curling my toes. The intense pleasure drags a moan from somewhere deep out of me around his shaft, which I have my mouth clamped around.

  Before I can think Ruben has me off him, on my back with him looming over me as he slides his penis all the way inside me.

  He gives me a quick kiss before movin
g to suck one of my nipples into his mouth—nibbling and sucking while pinching and rolling the other with his finger and thumb. My pussy is still hypersensitive from my orgasm as he slowly starts to withdraw to the tip of his shaft before entering me again just as slowly.

  Every muscle in his body is straining over me while he tries to contain the passion running through his body as he keeps his hips rocking in slow motion. He was so close to coming so holding back now must be killing him.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and reaching down with my hand, I massage his sack.

  “Fuck,” he cusses and starts to really thrust into me. With one last rub between his legs, I bring my arms up and wrap myself around him.

  Another orgasm is starting to build inside me and as I feel the firecracker starting to go off, I bite down on Ruben’s shoulder as he thrusts up into me one last time before holding me down. His cock twitches with his release inside me. My climax follows, clamping around his shaft, pulling and sucking him deeper inside me while I writhe under him in the pleasure of our joint release.

  Ruben collapses on top of me as my legs go slack around him.

  When he tries to roll off me, my arms tighten around his shoulders. “No. I want you to stay.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. But I’m too heavy.”

  He slides a hand beneath me and clutching my bottom, he rolls us over so I’m lying sprawled on top of him, his cock still buried deep.

  “I don’t have any words to describe that. You are so fucking hot baby. I want you to only ever wear these,” he says sliding his hand inside the top of my stay ups. “Nothing else. Just these sexy pieces of silk.”

  “Anything for you.” I squeeze my internal muscles and smile when I hear a hiss escape between his lips.

  “Babe,” he presses me tight against him and thrusts up into me, “you have to stop doing that. You’ve taken it out of me. I need about twenty-four hours to recover.”


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