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Fate Is A Stranger: Regency Romance

Page 21

by Gay, Gloria

  "Who is with Lady Kelly?"

  "Lady de Compte is with her, my lord."

  "Who else?"

  "No one else."

  "Did Miss Violet Durbin accompany her?"

  "At first she did, my lord." The outrider's voice was now hesitant.

  "Where is Miss Durbin now?"

  "I have no idea, my lord, I swear! They were following in another carriage and we lost sight of them some miles back."

  Jared opened the door of the carriage and ordered Lady de Compte out. Lady de Compte almost sighed with relief. She would now pretend to know nothing of any plans of Souten other than the aiding of Lady Kelly.

  "Explain your participation in this business, madam," said Jared, his voice grim.

  "As Beacon—as the outrider said, my lord, we are taking Lady Kelly to a physician. She has taken ill."

  "Where is Miss Durbin?

  "She was following in the other carriage, my lord. Something must have detained them for we do not see them now." Vera mustered her most beguiling and innocent voice as she spoke to Jared. "The carriage was having trouble with the axle."

  "Who is 'they,'" asked Jared, his voice grim. "Was it Lord Souten?"

  "Yes, yes," said Vera, "He has been most helpful to Lady Kelly."

  "You call this helpful?" Jared asked as he leaned into the carriage and examined Lady Kelly. He shook his head.

  "Lady Kelly," he said to her, "It is Jared. You will soon be well, madam, I will take you to the physician at once."

  Lady Kelly tried to answer but could not. Jared turned back to the outrider.

  "Where are Lord Souten and Miss Durbin now, Beacon Case," he asked, pointing his pistol at Case.

  "Even were you to discharge the pistol at me it would not make me disclose something I am ignorant about, m’lor," said Case, highly agitated. "I only started working for his lor'ship a month ago and do not know any details of this night's events other than we are to take this lady to the village of Linkwell."

  Jared turned to the driver and posed the same question to him and received the same answer. The driver disclosed his name was Barnaby Linney and that he had worked with Souten for the last four years.

  "Four years? That's good enough for me. Get down," Jared ordered the driver.

  Jared then ordered the outrider, Beacon Case, to drive the carriage. He ordered the driver onto the outrider's horse, switching their jobs.

  "Take the ladies to the physician's house at once," said Jared to the outrider who was now in the carriage driver's seat." And remember, there is a garrison nearby. You will answer to me. Understand?"

  "Yes, my lord," said Beacon Case, as he glanced sideways at Lady de Compte, who ignored his glance as she desperately tried to appear as though her only mission in this business was as companion to Lady Kelly.

  He then turned to the driver. "Let's go, Linney."

  "Me, go with you, sire? But I don't know where his lor’ship's carriage is," said the driver.

  "You will, if you know what's good for you, Linney," said Jared as they took off.

  Lady de Compte sighed in relief as she leaned out the window and saw Jared and Linney speed away on their horses. Now Lord Falweir would bear witness that she had only been there to take Lady Kelly to the physician. But then she remembered something as Lord Souten's words rang out in her memory. She had asked him when he was devising this plan to abduct Violet what he would do if for some reason he were followed.

  "I have a contingency plan on the ready for such an event," he had replied, his voice assured. Whoever of the two reach you—the duke or Falweir—he will probably force Linney to tell him where to find me, as Linney has been in my employ the longest, and Linney will be well rehearsed to be 'forced' into disclosing the location. Of course, this location will be a false one—it will simply be a trap, from which whoever follows me will be hard put to escape!"

  "And where do you intend to take Miss Durbin," Lady de Compte had asked.

  "My dear Vera," said Souten with a malevolent grin, "What you do not know, you will not be forced to disclose."

  "I suppose you're right," Vera agreed, "I would really rather not know."

  "Good, good. Just understand that wherever it is, Miss Durbin will eventually appreciate it as the lovely love nest it will be."

  Lady de Compte realized in that instant that without meaning to, Souten had given her a very important clue as to where he intended to take Violet. Vera would rather have not known where Violet had been taken, but there it was, locked in her mind now, in spite of her not wanting to know the destination.

  She was familiar with Souten's childhood friends and Souten had on a couple of occasions mentioned the Malcom Forest where he hunted on occasion. He had once referred to "The Crow's Nest," a hunting lodge in that forest as a love nest where he often took his paramours.

  "Vera…Vera," Sadie said in a weak voice, "Where is Violet?"

  "She's following in the other carriage, my dear," said Vera. "Go back to sleep, Sadie, we will soon be at the doctor's and you will be well again."

  "Violet—Violet," Sadie murmured and drifted off again into fitful, pain-riddled sleep.

  * * *

  "Are you abducting me?" asked Violet.

  "My dear Violet, must you use such a nasty word in relation to my devotion to you?" Asked Souten.

  Violet looked resentfully at Lord Souten. She realized, too late, that she had fallen into Souten's trap and that Souten had used her mother to lure her into it.

  "You should not look at me like that, my dear sweet Violet," said Souten in the seat across from her. "My devotion to you knows no bounds. You must surely have been aware of it during all this time."

  "You call this devotion?" asked Violet. "It was probably you and that horrible Lady de Compte who made my mother ill in order for me to agree to this. I should have known that anything that included you and Lady de Compte could not bode well."

  "You feel that way now but soon you will realize that your situation warrants careful consideration. I have the most honorable intentions toward you, you must know that."

  "I don't care for your intentions and I don't care a whit for you. You should allow me to return to the castle if you know what is good for you. You still have an opportunity to do the right thing; later on when you’re in gaol, you will regret all this."

  "I will certainly not regret any of it," said Souten. "I am with the woman I love above all else in this world. How can I regret one moment of it, Violet?"

  "I don't care for you and never will," said Violet. "In fact, when before I had no opinion about you I now despise you. Doesn't that give you an idea of what life with me would be like?"

  "Now it is like that," Souten agreed with a smile, "But later on, when it is clear to you that I am the only choice you have, you will grow to love me."


  "My dear Violet. I am certain you would not like to bring disgrace on your father and even your mother, although it is hard to make her situation in society even worse than it already is."

  "What makes you think I would stay with you even though you would—would—"

  "What else would you do, live in shame?"

  "You have little knowledge of my character," said Violet, "It would be more shameful to live with you that alone with my 'shame'."

  "My dear, you were forced to become Alex Shackel's mistress six years ago and society, though not accepting of you can at least give certain understanding and credibility to that, as you were very young. But how would it seem to the ton if you again claimed that you were forced to spend several nights with another man? Do you think they would not doubt such a story?"

  "You forget I don't care about the ton."

  "For yourself you do not, but for your father you do."

  "You better not come near me if you know what's good for you."

  "Oh, I have no intention of forcing myself on you just yet, my dear," said Souten. "Remember, I am in love with you. I want a romantic setting for our first e
ncounter. Later, you will realize that there is nothing wrong with having feelings for me, which you will soon develop. A loving husband is not something you come across too often, my dear. Your resistance to my charm will eventually give way."

  "You insufferable pig," said Violet. She turned her head away from him and gazed out the window. A feeling of helplessness enveloped her.

  Was there no escape? Tears slid down her smooth cheeks and she felt the salt in the corners of her mouth.

  Banish those thoughts from your mind and think, she told herself firmly.

  No one knew where she was. No one could help her out of this mess except herself, so she must clear her mind of thoughts of what could happen because then she would be too weak to resist. Throughout her life she had always relied on herself. This was just another situation that called for that.

  Violet glanced around the inside of the carriage as she noticed that Souten, too, was looking out the window on his side. He was probably fearful that someone might be following them. What did she usually carry in her reticule? She realized she had nothing that could be used as a weapon.

  But there surely must be something inside this carriage that she could use as a weapon. Perhaps in Souten's portmanteau which was in the floor between them she could find something useful. But it would be difficult to open it while he was still in the carriage. What else could be used as a weapon? A heavy object could be used to bang him in the head with.

  There were two outriders and a driver to contend with if Souten were unconscious. But perhaps they would think twice about keeping her against her will if Souten was not there to give orders.

  Violet realized that they had turned into a narrow dirt road between tall, closely placed tall pines, cedars and firs and seemed to be skirting the edges of a dark forest. As it had lately rained the road was slushy and it was slow going. The spring air was cool and the dark gray had rays of dawn slicing upward. Birds twittered and there was the sound of a dog barking in the distance. There was also the smell of wood burning as their carriage crunched over a mess of mud tangled with bracken and pine needles.

  Was she going to be taken inside a wood, where there was no hope of anyone finding her? She shivered inside her cloak. But who did she expect would come looking for her? Souten must have made certain his steps would not be traced by anyone. And no one had seen them leave the castle. Everyone at the castle was asleep when the two carriages left. She had seen the groom fast asleep when they left, so not even a witness to their activities would there be should anyone find them missing in the morning.

  Violet realized that the carriage had turned into a narrow lane in the dense forest and she felt a stab in her heart. And what would happen to her mother? Where had they taken her? She said a silent prayer that her mother had been taken to the doctor, at least.

  She knew now with a certainty that Souten would force her and there would not be anyone there to help her. She felt a pressure in her chest as she realized that she loved Hawk and that this certainly would forever end any hope she may have ever had concerning him.

  We are heading to the 'The Crow's Nest,'" said Souten, his voice jarring Violet out of her thoughts. "It's the hunting box in a friend's property. He often lets me use it for my little intrigues, my dear Violet. It will now be our love nest."

  "You're disgusting."

  "Now I may appear that way to you," Souten leaned over and cupped Violet's chin, "But later on, my dear, you will be grateful for the jewels and favors I will bestow on you—and my great love for you, which is immense. I never thought I could love anyone like I do you."

  Violet broke away from his handgrip on her chin and turned her face to the window. Wet branches swung back and slammed at the windows of the carriage. It appeared this lane was seldom traveled, for shrubbery encroached on the narrow lane.


  The Duke of Hawkinston reached the first village without gaining sight of either the two carriages or of Jared. He went into the village to change horses and to inquire if anyone had seen the two carriages go by. No one had and as it was still not morning, he left the inn quickly and again headed north.

  At Linkwell he had more luck. A groom at a stable had seen the carriage he described. The occupants of the carriage had asked for the direction to the physician's house not twenty minutes before.

  "Did you see the other carriage?" asked Hawk.

  "No, your grace. I only saw the one, with two ladies in it," the stable groom had answered.

  Hawk was now certain that Violet had been abducted and that his only chance of learning where she had been taken rested with the occupants of Souten's carriage. He was certain Lady Kelly was in it, as she was the ill person who had been whisked out of the castle. And the other person had to be Lady de Compte. Hawk had often seen them together and when his sister, Arabella, had asked to be allowed to invite Souten, she had also mentioned Lady de Compte.

  After changing horses and filling his flask, Hawk continued on the road, as dawn now lit the area and he could go faster.

  After a few more miles, he finally caught sight of the carriage as it turned on a side street off the main street in the village. He pressed his horse to gain on the carriage and reached them as the carriage came to a halt in front of a house.

  "Who goes there?" Hawk yelled out to the driver.

  The startled driver turned to see who had called him.

  "I have business to attend to, sir, and who might you be?"

  "I am the Duke of Hawkinston and I demand to know what business brings you here."

  The driver hesitated for a moment and then thinking better than to tangle with a duke he identified the occupants of the carriage.

  "And we are bringing Lady Kelly to the physician because she is very ill," he added.

  An outrider helped first one lady out and then that lady, Lady de Compte, together with the outrider, brought the other lady out of the carriage.

  Hawk turned to Lady de Compte, who was trying to slink away from his line of vision.

  "A word with you, Lady de Compte."

  "Your grace—I should go into the house with Lady Kelly. She may be needing me, she is not well."

  "You," said Hawk to the groom, "help the lady to the house and alert the doctor that she needs immediate help."

  "Yes," said the outrider hesitantly, glancing sideways at Lady de Compte.

  "How dare you give orders here, your grace," said Lady de Compte, in a feeble attempt to regain some authority in the matter. "Lady Kelly is extremely ill."

  "You must know how ill she is, madam, since it was most probably you who made her ill. Now, enough nonsense. I am in a hurry and I will brook no delays from you. You are seriously risking hanging from a noose if this adventure goes bad."

  "I have no idea what you're referring to, your grace, " said Vera. How dare you speak to me in such a manner and why on earth are you hurling such accusations at me?" But there was a tremor in her voice and she would not meet the duke’s eyes.

  "That would be amusing if it were not that you have been cavorting with Souten who is as dangerous as a viper. I want the direction of the place Souten has taken Miss Durbin to and I want it in this instant, madam. If I don't have that direction in the next five seconds I shall have the Magistrate issue a warrant for your immediate arrest for aiding an abduction."

  "I—he—didn't tell me," said Lady de Compte, her voice cracking painfully.

  "You only have two seconds left, madam."

  "I believe I could make a guess at where Miss Durbin was taken, your grace," said Lady de Compte quickly. Lord Souten sought my help in helping Lady Kelly. I have nothing to do with any plans he may have other than that."

  "Where did he take Miss Durbin, madam, and I am not going to ask you again."

  "I think he may have taken Miss Durbin to 'The Crow's Nest', a hunting lodge in the Malcom Woods, in the property of his friend, Sir Exwell. He—once mentioned he took his paramours there. "I have wanted to escape from Souten for a long t
ime, your grace, but he has a hold on me and—and—forced me to—"

  "And my nephew, Lord Falweir, did he go to the Crow's Nest, too?" asked the duke, ignoring Lady de Compte's excuses.

  "Lord Falweir was going to be led into a trap, I believe, from what I heard Lord Souten say, your grace. I had nothing to do with any of that, you must believe me."

  Lady de Compte then lowered her voice and motioned with her head toward the driver, who had his back to them and sat motionless. "Souten's driver," said Lady de Compte to the duke, "I’m certain they discussed with him where they were taking your nephew. He will know the direction."

  "You may go inside with Lady Kelly while I talk to the driver, madam. And you better see that Lady Kelly recovers fully from her illness, if you know what is good for you. I'll deal with you later."

  When Lady de Compte had gone inside the house and the outrider had gone back outside, Hawk saw the outrider running down the main street of the village and disappearing beyond some trees, leaving his horse behind.

  Hawk now pointed his pistol at the driver. "Get down from there, you swine." The driver complied and stood by the outrider's horse. "Get on the horse," Hawk further ordered.

  The driver moved ahead as the duke ordered. "You're taking me to where my nephew, Lord Falweir was taken if you value the space between your eyes," the duke said to him.

  The rider rode sullenly in front of the duke. But it was slow going for the road was a muddy mess; only once in a while did the rider glance back. When he did this, the duke pointed the pistol directly and him and ordered him on. They finally turned onto the road leading to the Malcom Forest.

  "Faster!" yelled the duke.

  With his heart racing and his mind a blur of pain, Hawk shook off morbid thoughts as he rode behind the man. He knew exactly where the Crow's Nest was. He had hunted there once, years ago. But he must get to his nephew first. Jared had said Souten was obsessively in love with Violet and his actions on this night certainly proved it beyond doubt, so Violet at least did not run the risk of death at the moment.


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