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Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

Page 9

by Daniel Harris

  I asked for three glasses of wine and a mug of ale. He glanced at the table and announced that he didn’t serve kids wine. I smiled and said that he didn’t have to serve it, just pour it. He turned a bit red at that but complied when I dropped a couple silver coins on the table. I knew, and he knew that the drinks would cost eight copper at the most and I was paying twice over. He eyed the silver and then the gold thread in my cloak.

  “You folks aren’t from around here are you?” He asked suddenly friendly.

  “No, actually the girls are from out west.” I said being deliberately vague.

  “Well, welcome to Kastan. My name is John; just ask if you need anything. Will you be staying long? Need rooms?” He asked conversationally.

  “My name is David,” I said and shook his hand “and we’re just passing through. We will be going to Valeview Castle this evening.”

  The man nodded and I saw the gears turning. I gathered up the drinks and carried them over to the waiting girls. I heard talking from a corner table across the room. The loudest voice had the sound of a bit to much to drink. He was commenting on us and then he got up and walked over to the table. He had a question and asked it unnecessarily loudly.

  “You’re that guy that’s supposed to be Lord now ain’t ya?” He slurred. I smiled, being as friendly as I could. “Yes, I am. We’re just having a drink and will be on our way.”

  He scowled, “I heard that you’re such a wimp that you had to hide behind your little girl wife’s skirt tales to get away from a monster troll!”

  I don’t get angry often because, I don’t do it well. I saw the bartender start around the bar, but he was much too late. As I rose from my seat I focused on the dagger on my hip. By the time I was standing the dagger was floating, on its own it seemed to the drunk, a few inches from his neck. He walked backward, I walked forward and the dagger floated exactly the same distance from him.

  “Fredrick!” yelled the bartender. “I always knew your mouth would get you into trouble but now you’ve made a Lord AND a wizard mad at you!”

  “Actually, good barkeep, it’s worse than that.” I said calmly.

  “Isabel, come here for a moment please.” I asked sickeningly sweetly for the drunks benefit. She was at my side before I finished the sentence. “Would you gently place this mans back against the wall and his head on the ceiling, please?”

  She grinned and her wand flashed to her hand. I thought drunk was going to be sick.

  He groaned, “Oh my stars, there are two of them!”

  Feeling Chloe and Alba standing behind me to my right and left I raised a hand and wiggled four fingers in front of Fredrick. “No, it isn’t the drink making you see double. There are four of us.” I nodded to Isa, heard her whisper and watched as the feet of the man left the floor, his head bounced gently on the ceiling.

  I moved to where he could see me clearly and directed my dagger back into its sheath. I looked up at him and said, “Judging a man without knowing him or his situation and talking impolitely in front of Ladies could get you hung! Today it’s just going to get you bounced on the ceiling by my ‘little girl wife’!” The patrons and bartender laughed loudly. I signaled Isa to let him down. As soon as his feet hit the ground he ran for the door. We could hear him vomiting loudly in the street.

  I nodded at our table and the girls returned to it. I followed shaking my head. The bartender was there in a flash refilling our glasses. We all sat looking at each other trying not to laugh. I asked softly if they burned wizards or other magic users at the stake around here. Chloe told me that the greatest hero of the Kingdom had been a wizard. There just hadn’t been one around for a few hundred years! Then she asked if that’s really what we were.

  “I suppose that we are.” I said matter-of-factly. “A wizard would be someone that uses magic and we do. Unless, of course, you would prefer to be called a witch, and that would be accurate too.”

  She wrinkled her nose, “Witch is to close to being called a bitch! The next thing you know someone would call us a ‘little girl wife!’”

  We all laughed loudly causing some of the patrons to jump. The bartender started around the bar to refill our glasses but I waved him away.

  “No thank you, good sir. We wouldn’t want to drink too much before we fly!” I called.

  He turned slightly pale and returned to his post. We finished our drinks, I tossed the barkeep a couple more silver coins, and we left the shop. I saw Fredrick standing across the street, visibly shaken and telling his story to anyone that would listen. I knew that when we got back to the castle we’d have to let Pariset in on the secret so he doesn’t get it second hand.

  We mounted up and headed south out of town. After we rode a few miles I turned east into a field. We rode east two or three miles and I reined to a stop and dismounted. The girls were off their horses in a flash and Alba was already starting to loosen dress strings to wear her ‘adventure clothes’. Isabel asked if this was where we’re going to try the new spell. I nodded and she removed her wand from her sash and pulled off her dress. While the girls were straightening their capes and fixing wands into their waistbands I stepped away. Breathing deeply to relax because I didn’t want anyone hurt I remembered the spell for levitation. It made me feel better knowing that if something happened I could catch the girls and get them safely to the ground.

  I walked back to them feeling much more confident and relaxed. I had them gather around and told them to cast shield. There were slight pops and sparkles and a bit of outrageous wand waving, followed by giggles. I was informed that if they’re to be wizards they must wave the wands around!

  “Alright, now we’re going to attempt to fly.” I said. Suddenly there was a sober silence. “The word is ‘praevolo’. When you cast it you’ll feel light, and then just think where you want to go. Be sure to focus!”

  Alba was first, of course. She was absolutely fearless. She cast the spell and slowly rose to about ten feet and hovered there giggling. Seeing little sister in the air emboldened the other girls and they cast about the same time. They floated up to join Alba, made a circle and started going around and around. Grinning I tried an experiment of my own. I concentrated on the shield spell and was surprised when it activated around me. Next I tried the flying spell. I concentrated hard but nothing happened until I said the word. I supposed that I’d have to use that one a bit more before I could do it silently. I flew up to the girls, cut into the circle between Isa and Chloe, took their hands and led up. I kept climbing until we were a thousand feet above the ground. You could see the town in miniature and the open fields for miles. I asked what kinds of crops were grown in the province and was told that with the threat of monsters no one would grow anything. There was history that told about oats, wheat, and barley being grown along with a host of veggies. But that was when there was a wizard to keep the creatures at bay. The last part started the giggling again.

  We lay on our backs watching the wispy clouds. It was very relaxing laying on nothing and cloud watching. Finally, after about an hour, I suggested that it was time to go. There was a slight dissent from all the girls but I said that we would be racing sunset as it was. They gave in and we started back down toward the horses. As we got close to the ground we noticed the horses were behaving strangely. They had circled, head to head with their hindquarters facing out. At about three hundred feet up we saw why. Stalking, in the tall grass, was a huge pack of wolves! I quickly counted twenty. They were slinking closer and closer to our horses that were snorting and kicking out wildly. I pulled out my wand and saw the girls do the same. I pointed my wand at a large wolf closest to the horses and yelled, mostly for the girls benefit, ‘fulmen telum’! The energy bolt flashed out, striking and killing the wolf instantly. I heard ‘fulmen telum’ repeated around me and light flashed from the sky hitting and killing wolves left and right. The energy bolt spell was powerful enough to kill them with one shot. I briefly wondered if I should have used the magic arrow spell, but with the horses
in danger, time was of the essence. Soon there was no movement on the ground other than our horses. We landed and I went to the closest wolf to examine it. It was much larger than what I thought a normal wolf would be but I’m no expert on wolves! Even though it was still early spring, the wolves all seemed to have a touch of mange and ticks, making their hides useless. The girls didn’t much care for the carnage we’d caused, but they loved horses much more than wolves, so they used that to make themselves feel better. We all hugged, mounted up and trekked southwest to intersect the road home.

  After about twenty minutes of silence Alba spoke up. “I suppose we learned our first combat spell today as well as flying!”

  I laughed, “That wasn’t exactly in the plan but it made for a good learning experience!”

  Chloe sighed, “I didn’t like killing them but that spell made it very easy. It must be a very powerful spell!”

  I agreed and said, “It is. I’ve used it to kill Orcs. I only had to hit those two or three times to finish them.”

  All the girls gasped and Isabel said, “That’s why you rode out after that one. You knew you could kill it quickly and not risk the guard!”

  I just nodded. About thirty minutes from the castle we dismounted so the girls, who had forgotten in the excitement, could cover their adventure clothes. We then continued to Valeview without any further incidents. We dropped our horses and walked into the keep.

  I asked a guard at the door where Pariset was located. He pointed to the room to our left where he usually worked. I thanked the guard and he bowed slightly. I supposed guard duty was more important than formality.

  We walked to the door and looked in. Pariset was sitting alone at a desk, writing. I knocked lightly on the door frame and he looked up exasperated, until he saw who was knocking. He then beamed and waved us in. I told him that we’d been to Kastan and he nodded knowingly. He told us that he was informed by the guard as soon as we’d left. He asked how our trip was and I said it was interesting and mostly uneventful. He smiled and nodded.

  I then took a breath and said, “While we were in town we did have a bit of a run-in with a drunk.”

  His head snapped up and eyes locked with mine. “We can have the gallows set up by morning, my Lord!”

  I laughed drawing a confused look, “He may have wished that I’d had him hung but the situation was handled.” I sighed, “Something did come out that you should know about. I feel that it’s better that we tell you than you finding out through the local gossip channels.”

  “My Lord,” he began, “If there is just idle gossip…”

  I interrupted. “It’s more than idle gossip, it’s the truth. You see, I lost my temper a bit and some of my, umm… abilities came to light.”

  He looked at me questioningly and understandably confused so I continued. “You see Sir, I’m a wizard and the girls have been training with me for awhile now. They can do some surprising things. At the pub my dagger,” I floated it from its sheath and set it spinning on its point in midair. “Floated around and threatened the drunk, and I then had Isabel pin the man to the ceiling.”

  Poor Pariset held the side of his desk as if he were about to fall over. I heard him mumble. “I KNEW there was something strange about the shot at that fourth target!”

  I had to laugh. I sheathed the dagger and turned to Isa. “My dear, could you get that book from the top shelf for me?”

  She smiled, nodded, and pulled out her wand. I almost laughed again at Pariset’s reaction. She mumbled ‘telekinesis’ and gently floated a large book over to the desk and set it down.

  I informed the Scribe that all the girls could do that and much, much more. He just stood there shaking his head. I believed that he might be in shock so I walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Pariset? Are you alright?” I questioned.

  He jumped slightly when I touched him, then he looked at me and his eyes glistened. “My Lord, you have to understand. We’ve grown up for generations knowing about wizards. Wizards were, for the most part, benevolent forces in the world. I just didn’t think that I’d live to see the day that one would return to Eredwynn, let alone take on apprentices! I’m just very happy to meet you all!” He dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

  I took him under an arm and helped him to his feet. “Friend Pariset, I’m still David! The same frightened woodsmen that you helped introduce to a king, and prodded to choose a wife! I wanted you to be the first to officially know about us because, honestly, without your guidance I wouldn’t be here today.”

  He nodded and smiled then said, “I suppose I should stop being so difficult with you and yours when you inform me of one of your outings! I assume that you can take care of yourselves better than a troop of the guard could. I would prefer that you would inform me anyway, if you’re going to be gone for awhile. If a king’s messenger showed up I’d hate to tell him that I had no idea where you’d gone!”

  I promised to inform either him or the guard if we were going to leave the castle grounds and then bid him goodnight.

  He bowed and said good night to me, turned and bowed to the girls. “Goodnight to you too ladies. Sleep well.”

  We exited his office and all four of us went up to our room. The instant the door was closed behind us Alba floated off the floor with a cute wave of her wand and sat/floated on top of a post on the canopy bed. We all broke down laughing at her antics and with relief that our report had gone so well. She floated down to the floor and announced that her bed was calling. Chloe agreed and they both went off to bed. Happy but exhausted Isabel and I called it a night also and undressed for bed. Sleep came quickly.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next morning early there was such an incredible uproar from the door of the keep that I rolled off the bed, and grabbed my wand as I hit the floor. I pulled on my shirt and pants and ran, barefoot, to the bedroom door. I threw it open and the guard there stopped me. He informed me that there was a crowd looking for me and that I might want to stay inside. Not being one who took advice well, I ran downstairs to the main doorway. Pariset met me there and said there were half dozen men trying to get in to see me and they were quite persistent. I told him to let them in and lead them to the empty office next to his. I would be back in a moment after I put on some shoes and could look a bit more presentable.

  I ran back upstairs and located my shoes, belt and cloak. I quickly strapped on my dagger and tucked my wand into my waistband. Isabel was sitting on the bed looking concerned. I let her know that some people were down there looking for either me or the wizards. If she would like, her and the girls, or just her, could come down but to wear the ‘travel clothes’ with capes and no other disguise. After all, we were wizards now and could wear whatever we wanted!

  I moved quickly back out the door and down the stairs. I walked into the office that Pariset had moved the villagers into and went up to the front behind a large desk there. It was silent as I took my spot.

  “Good morning, gentlemen.” I said. “I heard that you might want to have a word with me.” There was a smattering of laughter because with the noise they had been making half the kingdom knew they wanted a word with me!

  One of the men took the lead and spoke. “My Lord, for about a month, twice a week, a group of five Orcs and an Orc Captain has been raiding our village. They take our food and anything they think is valuable. Any of our men that have taken a stand against them has been killed or badly injured. When we heard that a wizard had returned to Valeview we knew we had to try to get help! We are sorry for the ruckus.” he finished looking at the floor.

  I asked when the next time they thought that the Orcs would attack.

  “That’s the reason for our rush my Lord! They usually attack at dusk and they are expected today!” He exclaimed.

  I told him that I’d be there and he should get back now. He was to get the women, children and injured to a safe place guarded by whatever able bodied men were available. I said that I doubted that they will have to do
any fighting, because a man hasn’t much chance one on one against an Orc but in case they got past me there would be a second line of defense. I dismissed the men and watched them file out.

  Pariset was standing at the back of the room just staring at me. I looked at him quizzically and asked, “What is the matter my friend?”

  “Did you hear what those men said? Six Orcs and one of them a Captain! You think you’re going to handle them alone?” he asked.

  “I think that I’m willing to try however I do believe that my darling apprentices won’t hear of it. I’m sure they will insist on going too.” I answered.

  “You are going to take those girls out with you to fight monsters?!?” The outrage in his tone wasn’t even masked.

  “My dear, dear friend, those girls can fly! That isn’t a feat that I’ve seen an Orc do yet. They’ll be safe enough if they are careful. Do you honestly think that I would put them in harms way if I didn’t think they would be alright?” I asked heatedly

  He bowed his head, “I’m sorry my Lord. I didn’t think about it like that.”

  “I thank you for looking out for the girls Pariset.” I put a hand on his shoulder, “Just never doubt that I love them and will look after them.” I said softly.

  I walked out of the office and back to my room. Isa and both girls were there fastening up capes. Their wands were already in their waistbands and they looked ready to travel. The always modest Chloe didn’t like the idea of going out with out a dress to cover her travel clothes but Alba, who always took my side, was saying that these were perfect clothes for a wizard to be out in. Chloe finally and grudgingly relented.

  I explained what the men had come for and that I’d told them that I would go. I said that it wouldn’t be a safe adventure like we’d been on over the past few days and that they could stay here if they wanted. The reaction was exactly what I had expected and been afraid of. I was told, in no uncertain terms, that if I was going into a dangerous situation that they would be there to help in any way they could. I nodded in acceptance because I knew a losing battle when I saw one. I told the girls to meet me at the top of the stairs when they were ready and I stepped back out the doors.


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