Book Read Free

Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

Page 18

by Daniel Harris

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  When we were all together I flew south to a field just outside the city. We all joined hands and I cast recall. Back in the river valley, away from construction, I told them to meet me in our room. I flew to the courtyard of the castle and entered through the front. I found Pariset in his office and asked if there had been any messages that demanded my attention. He said that a messenger from the Tesil jeweler had shown up. The message was simply; his employer was ready for more. It was a common message and we’d been exchanging gems for platinum on a regular basis. We had well over twenty thousand platinum coins in the vault and had hardly dented the vast number of gems in the box. I gave my thanks to Pariset and went upstairs. I said that I needed the vault key and laughed at the race that commenced. We kept the key in the rafters of the room now and a playful airborne wrestling match ensued. I was finally delivered the key and asked Alba to accompany me to the vault.

  Down in the vault I opened the box of gems. Alba grabbed an empty pouch from the shelf and asked how many we would be taking this time. I said that we should just stick with the normal twenty. Last time I’d been at the jewelers he’d shown me one of the gems that I’d brought that was worth ten thousand gold coins by itself. I’d come back and sifted through the box, finding fifty of them. Those I put into a pouch by themselves to save for a rainy day.

  Alba bagged up twenty random stones and passed the pouch to me. I asked her to find a half dozen of her favorite stones and put them in a pouch too. Her favorite color was blue so it came as no surprise that six fine sapphires went into a second pouch. As we walked back upstairs I asked Alba if she wanted to come with me to Tesil or had other plans. She gave me a look that suggested that I was clueless and said that she would prefer to go to Tesil. When we got to the room I announced that Alba and I were making a gemstone run and would be back shortly. I said that the girls could go back to their usual duties and thanked them for assisting me. They all laughed and said that it was their pleasure. That had been the most fun they had been part of in quite awhile. Isabel and Chloe came over and kissed me goodbye.

  Then, quite unexpectedly, Alba asked if she could show me something. I was a bit confused but nodded. She threw her arms around me in a big hug and there was a ‘pop’! We were standing in the clearing that we used as a recall landing pad.

  “How in the world did that happen?” I gasped.

  “I figured out that teleport didn’t have to be line of sight!” Alba exclaimed.

  “How far can you go?” I asked confused and impressed at the same time.

  “I’ve used it to go a thousand yards or so. I would come out and take a bit of a tumble when I tried to use it like we do recall.” she explained matter-of-factly.

  “You are an amazing young lady. I commend you on your mastery of the spell but ask that you be careful with your experimentation! You are more important to me than a spell!”

  “I love you too, David. Let’s get to Tesil.” she said anxiously.

  We held hands and I cast recall, coming out near the city. We made our way to the jewelers nodding and smiling at the city folk that recognized us. When we arrived the jeweler seemed very happy to see us. He explained that he had some orders that he hoped my gems would be able to fill. I told him that, before we got to that, I had an order. I pulled out the small pouch of sapphires and asked if I could have these set in a gold necklace. He poured out pouch onto his cloth and examined the stones. He said that he would make it his first priority. I was glad because it was to be a birthday present. I then gave him the stones we’d brought to sell. Alba had gotten a good selection this time and he bought them for fifty thousand gold. He went to the back, returned with five thousand platinum and set it on the counter. He then took a step back and watched, fascinated. I sent the bag to the vault using the transport spell and the jeweler stood and shook his head, as always. I bade him farewell, and told him I’d return for my order in three days. He nodded and returned to work.

  I asked Alba if she would like to stop by a pub before we went home. She did and I could tell that something was on her mind. She was putting together thoughts and ideas and needed some time to think. We found a small pub and went inside. We walked to a table in the back and I amused myself watching some of the patrons relocated a bit farther away. I ordered wine and ale and we sat quietly until the drinks arrived. In silence we sipped our drinks with me watching Alba and Alba staring off into space. Finally, to break the silence I asked.

  “So, what do you want for your birthday?” I unwittingly opened the floodgates and the answer came flooding out.

  “You, David! I want you for my birthday! I have been waiting, what seems like forever for you to ask me to become your consort! You married my oldest sister and then took the middle sister as your consort but not a word to me! I am quite old enough but you often treat me like a little girl! Is there something wrong with me? Am I not good enough for you?” she exploded then hid her face in her hands.

  I tried to comfort her by explaining the wife/girlfriend culture thing but she cut me off. “You have been with Isa and Chloe long enough for that ‘culture’ thing to have worn off.” she stated simply.

  I didn’t have another argument. “As soon as we get home we, together, will talk to Isabel. She does have the final say after all.”

  Her head popped up in shocked surprise. “You mean you do want me?” she gasped.

  I replied, “You are a wonderful, beautiful person and I’d be a fool to not want you!”

  She downed her glass of wine and said, with a grin that lit the room, “Let’s go home!”

  I dropped some coins on the table and we left.

  Alba and I walked into my room. Several girls were sitting around on the bed, chairs and couches. Alba called to Isabel and led the way to her room. As soon as the door was closed behind us Alba began.

  “David said that he would be willing to take me as a consort but that the final say was up to you so we came back as quickly as we could to find out what you had to say on the matter.” She rattled out in one breath.

  Isabel looked utterly confused and asked me, “Is she saying that you want to take her as a consort?”

  I nodded, “That is what she said that she wanted for her birthday and I agreed. She is a wonderful young lady and I’d be honored to have her as my consort as long as we had the blessing of my wife.”

  Isabel grinned, “Well, it took you long enough! I thought this would happen weeks ago. Some day, David, you’re going to have to get over your old-fashioned shyness!”

  Alba was ecstatic, “You mean that you agree?”

  Isabel nodded, “You are now an official consort of David, but I want you to wait to consummate the position until your birthday. I want you to wait to make the position and your birthday more special.”

  Alba and I nodded in agreement and I took my leave returning to the noise of my room.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Over the next couple days I had to relocate our training ground farther west down the canyon. The spells we were working on wouldn’t be safe around the construction crews. I’d be very glad when the work was done and we could move in to our new home but that was still in the future. The spells that I’d decided to teach were the ones that the Spaniard, also known as, the wizard of old, had reminded me of. With spell words like, invisibilities, and meteoron turbella, it would take a while for them to get comfortable with them. I was incredibly fortunate that all the girls had such good memories!

  They absolutely loved the invisibility spell because it was ready made for games. There could be nothing better than a game of hide and seek when the hider could become invisible! They didn’t think that it was fair when they first snuck up on me and I cast ‘manufesto’ and taught them the reveal spell!

  After the fun and games of invisibility I gathered them up and had them face west. I told them to aim for a spot fifty yards away and cast meteor swarm. I showed them what was expected so they could focus on intent.
I focused on the spot and cast meteoron turbella! Huge balls of fiery rock plummeted from the clear blue sky, exploding with extreme force upon impact with the ground. Everything within a twenty yard radius was pulverized! After my demonstration I had everyone shield up before we continued with practice. I didn’t want anyone making a simple mistake and killing us all! All the girls, even the most experienced ones were awe-stricken with the power of the spell. I liked that because I wouldn’t want them to take the power of magic for granted. That is when accidents would happen. I left them to practice with the admonition to be very careful and walked toward the construction site.

  I checked with a crew leader to find out how things were going. He informed me that, because of the girls help, things were way ahead of schedule. He also told me that he didn’t know how he would ever do another rock job. With the rock brought to them and the pre-shaping done by Alice all they had to do was touch up and placement. He asked playfully if they would be looking for a career in the mason business anytime soon. I said that I didn’t think so but he was free to ask. I informed the crew leader that there was going to be a birthday party for Alba in a few days and that he and all the construction crews were invited. He thanked me and then commented on how strange life was. A construction crew invited to a Princesses birthday part by a Master Wizard while burning stone fell from the sky in the background. He walked away shaking his head.

  I flew up to the balcony and then walked to the kitchen. The staff was happy to see me, as always. I told them that they might be happy now but it might change shortly. Everyone became quite and somber, waiting for the axe to drop. I told them that in three days time Princess Alba was having a birthday and I wanted a birthday feast. If there was anything they needed, from anywhere, at any cost they were to let me know. They instantly returned to excited and giddy. Cooking was what the loved to do and a feast… for how many? I estimated between one hundred and a hundred fifty, because I was inviting all the staff too. Yes, that included them. They could go to the local town or farmhouses and recruit wait staff if they needed to. If Pariset asked, the money was coming from the wizard’s personal fund. They were to bill me personally. As an afterthought as I was leaving I called back, “don’t forget a very large cake!”

  I stuck my head into Pariset’s office and let him know about the party and that he was invited. I told him that any expense would be handled by the wizard fund. If he was accidentally slipped a bill that was from the party he should let me know. He nodded and thanked me. As I walked away I wondered if our relationship would ever be the same. I doubted it and that saddened me.

  I walked into the tailors shop and she said that she was way to busy to deal with me. I turned to go and she laughed and said that she was kidding! She asked if there were new recruits or if I needed new patches or replacement uniforms. I told her none of the above at the moment. Alba was having a birthday party in three days and all the shop keepers, staff, guard and anyone else that we dealt with on a daily basis was invited. It would be around dinner time and we’d love to see her there. She accepted and said that she would spread the word around the courtyard shops for me. I thanked her and left.

  I went to the guardhouse and located the Captain who asked if I needed an escort, and then laughed. I told him that I’d pass on the escort but I would like to invite him and all the guard to the party three days hence. The guard on duty could be rotated so that everyone would get a good dinner. I told him that if anyone attacked while there was a skeleton crew the girls and I could hide until they made it back to their posts. He almost fell over laughing and accepted the invitation.

  I walked to the woodshop and the door was closed. I knocked and waited for a few moments. The door finally was opened by a very attractive young lady.

  “Mary?” I asked.

  “Yes, My Lord. How can I be of service?” she asked.

  “Is Cador home?” I queried.

  “He is My Lord but he is ill. He is in bed.” she said sadly.

  I stepped into the room. “May I see him?

  “Follow me.” she stated simply.

  I walked into the small apartment and back to the sleeping area. Cador was lying on the bed burning with fever. I looked at Mary and said that I’d return shortly. I walked quickly out of the shop, and took to the air. I landed behind Chloe and asked her to follow me. Together we flew over the keep and landed in front of the woodshop. We walked in, with me leading, to the bedroom. As soon a Chloe saw Cador’s condition she whipped out her wand. Cador cringed and I knew that something like ‘a woman scorned’ was going through his head, but I knew Chloe better than he did. She walked over to him, focused for a moment and passed her wand over him from head to toe. The effect gave me chills. Color returned to his face, he quit shaking and sat up instantly. He threw his arms around Chloe’s neck and thanked her. He also asked her to forgive him for his treatment of her and she just smiled. She told him that things had worked out for the best and she hoped that he and Mary would come to Alba’s birthday party in three days. He accepted and we found our way out.

  “We are going to have to change your name to ‘Chloe of the White Wand’ my love.” I teased.

  She looked at her wand and said, “It seems that no matter what spells I cast now, the only color change is to white when I heal.”

  “Would you prefer another one? I have plenty of blank ones in the room.” I offered.

  She said, “No, everyone knows that I’m the healer of our group, even my wand. I’m perfectly happy with it the way it is.”

  I put my arms around her, “A beautiful wand for a beautiful spirit.” I kissed her and let her go.

  I told her that I was going back to the room and would have dinner brought up. She could come with me or go out with the other girls and remind them to wrap it up before it got too dark. She chose the latter and I headed for the kitchen. I looked around the corner and the cook held up ten fingers. I grinned and nodded, she grinned back. I went to my room and lay on the bed. It had been a good day.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The big day arrived and I woke early with a million things to do. I stopped by the tailor and asked if she had time to make at least one patch of two, three, and four lightning bolts. She smiled and told me that she knew I would need them some day and embroidering lightning bolts had become a hobby. I took three of each to present at the party.

  I went to the smiths where, with the help of Cador and the tinker, there were three daggers with four silver lightning bolts inlaid on both sides of the handle. Cador had provided the handles and the tinker made clips for the sheaths. They were beautiful and functional. Promoting the students I’d had the longest was a big deal to me.

  I popped in on the jeweler and collected the sapphire necklace that I had him make. He did exceptional work and I was quite pleased. I told him that we would settle up what I owed him when I brought the usual gem delivery. He said that would be absolutely fine and that he trusted me completely. He also said that I should tell the lucky young lady ‘happy birthday’ for him and that he’d give her ten thousand if she wanted to sell that necklace. I grinned and agreed to pass that on.

  Back at Valeview I had the ball room candles prepared and hunted everywhere for musicians. Finally from among the construction workers and the guard I found enough people to make a decent band. I hoped that I didn’t have anymore of these afterthoughts because they made things more stressful than they already were. Just as that thought occurred another problem arose. As her magic instructor and role model, a scary thought in itself, I might be expected to have the first dance with the guest of honor. Have I mentioned that I was a gamer? I didn’t know how do dance.

  I rushed upstairs, opening the door so quickly I made Isa and Chloe jump, and said I needed their help. They both grabbed their wands and started for the door. I laughed and said that they don’t have to kill anyone although they may want to before long; I needed to learn to dance. They broke out into fits of giggles. Silly man that didn’t kno
w how to dance, that was why we needed women to take care of us.

  They didn’t kill me and I did learn some basic steps. I was no medieval John Travolta, but at least I didn’t think that I would embarrass myself too badly. I had the bonus of having two lovely ladies with their arms around me for a couple hours too! Sadly, as the day was moving on, I had to finish making my rounds and checking on progress. I asked Chloe and Isabel to have all the girls meet me in the room in an hour and I’d have lunch sent up.

  I stopped by the kitchen and didn’t want to go in! It looked like a madhouse in there. I worked up the nerve and asked if I would be assaulted for asking to have lunch delivered in an hour. I got a curt nod from the usually friendly cook and a wave. I checked the great hall and it was full of tables and chairs. I don’t know if they came from storage or if Cador had worked overtime to prepare them. I knew that I was going to get one heck of a bill from many sources, but Alba was worth it. Turning thirteen in this culture was comparable to turning fifteen in a Hispanic culture or eighteen for an American. It was something that only happened once, thank goodness!

  I returned upstairs for lunch and all the girls were waiting. I announced that since this evening was special, the girls should dress up and not wear their wizard uniforms. The princesses were thrilled, the other girls were not. Elaine was especially depressed because she only owned her wizard uniform. I said that I remembered a piled wagon following my carriage to Valeview and I was sure that there were more beautiful clothes than anyone would ever need. The princesses giggled at that and agreed. They offered to dress the other girls and they instantly set to work. Each princess grabbed girls that were the closest to their size and dragged them away to closets. I finished eating alone.


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